She doesn't have many things, most of them are documents, but they are very heavy. She goes back and forth by herself, but other people in the company look coldly at her. She doesn't want to help at all.

Deng Sisi came to see her busy sweating in moving a box of documents, immediately went up to help. She had heard about it and asked about it. By the way, congratulations. Unexpectedly, she was working hard to move things. It seems to be true.

When she was moving things, she didn't expect anyone to help her. It would be good if no one would make trouble for her. She was moving hard, but the next second she saw a pair of plain white hands stretched out. She immediately felt the pressure relieved. When she looked up, she saw Deng sisi's smiling round face.

In the face of so many people's indifference, she can not change her face, but in the face of Deng Sisi's smile, she has the impulse to cry, not aggrieved, is moved, there is still warmth in this place! "Thank you for thinking," she said

Deng Sisi's mobile phone was not available, but his mouth was not idle. He said, "Oh, sister Shanshan, what do you want to thank me for? Isn't that what it should be? Just invite me to dinner later! "

Looking at her mouth said it doesn't matter, but tired head is sweat, a little remorse and guilt, heard her say please eat, immediately agreed.

"But, sister Shanshan, before you treat me to dinner, can you treat me to a cup of milk tea first? I know a milk tea shop is very popular. I have to wait in line when I'm late! " She took her arm and flattered that she wanted to drink that milk tea for a long time.

Looking at Deng Sisi hanging on her body, Qiao Shanshan was very funny, but her heart was very warm. She said with a smile, "no problem, let's go now!" After a busy morning, it was already noon after moving things. At this time, there were not many people in the big office. They all went to lunch. The two of them planned to buy milk tea and went to dinner by the way.

As a result, when they went to the milk tea shop, they found that there was a long line of people. In her heart, she wanted to back off. How long would it take for so many people to line up? Just want to say, or next time to come, Deng Sisi cut off, she said wrongly: "Shanshan sister, you promised me to buy me milk tea."

After looking at the long line and Deng Sisi's weeping face, he bit his teeth and said, "OK! Buy it Dunsis immediately began to laugh.

However, although the team looked very long, it was surprisingly fast. They chatted while waiting, and it was their turn to eat in about half an hour. They ordered their favorite tastes and walked slowly to the place to eat.

After crossing the sea of people, they finally got out of the milk tea shop. As they walked, they sighed the popularity of the shop. As soon as they came out, they heard a nice voice from the left: "Shanshan?"

Looking back in surprise, Qiao Shanshan saw a tall and straight figure standing there. Her deep facial features and cold temperament made others look at her frequently. She looked at the man she had not seen for a long time and exclaimed in surprise, "Qin Youdao?"

When Deng Sisi saw that she was someone she knew, she stretched out her head and looked at them curiously. Then she saw a person who was smiling gently at them or at her. Her eyes were shining in the sunshine, which made her lose her mind for a moment. When she came back, she was a little uncomfortable.

On one side, Qiao Shanshan and Qin Youdao didn't notice her difference. They were very surprised by the accident.

Qin Youdao went over and tapped her forehead. "You call me that after such a long time?"

Jo Shan covers her head and pouts. How come they all like to knock her on the head. It's stupid!

"Brother Qin, long time no see. Where have you been?"

They haven't seen each other for a long time, and he didn't get in touch after he left, mainly because she was too busy and didn't have time, and forgot when she was free.

Qin Youdao came up to her and stood still. Looking at the more and more mature people in front of him, he was a little lost and a little relieved. What was lost was that she was not changed because of him. What was relieved was that she could find her own happiness. He doesn't want to disturb her, but if she is not happy, he will take her back, even though she is his sister now!

"I went to Africa a while ago, and I just came back recently," he said In fact, he has sent her a message, but every time Bai Senyu replied, he never sent her any more.

Surprised that he had come so far, she said, "so far? Why didn't you tell me? "

Qin Youdao had a bitter smile in his heart. He didn't say anything, but he was stopped by her family. He was helpless to the big vinegar jar. The most helpless thing was that such a naive and jealous man could get her heart.

In his heart, he didn't show it, but simply explained: "it's just a business trip there. I'm a little busy, so I forgot to tell you. Now I'll apologize to you, OK?" There was a gentle light in his eyes, very different from the cold and heartless man named Bai.

Josanne wanted to say that she didn't need to apologize, just a gift. She was just about to open her mouth when she was interrupted.

He seemed to know what she wanted to say next, and took what she wanted to say: "want a gift? Don't worry. How can I forget? You will like it. I went to buy it for you

She was very surprised. She didn't expect that he could bring her a gift when he was on a business trip. She was a little curious about what the gift was, but he knew what she liked?Maybe the curiosity and doubt on her face made Qin Youdao laugh. She wrote everything on her face just like before. It was this simplicity that made them feel warm. No wonder Bai Senyu liked her so much.

Looking at her wide eyes, she was about to say something, but she felt the sight from the people beside her, and the expression on her face was restrained. In fact, he saw the girl next to him when he met her just now. He didn't miss her momentary absence. He just drew back his eyes as if he didn't see anything.

If the staff of the company dared to look at him like this, they would have been afraid to look up because of his cold eyes. However, looking at the two of them, this person should be her friend, so he thought nothing happened.

In the end, we still can't ignore the strong sight beside us. We can only ask the person who only cares about gifts and forgets to introduce them: "Shanshan, is this your friend?"

Hearing Qin Youdao's question, she reflected that she hadn't introduced them yet. She felt embarrassed and said to him, "I'm sorry, I forgot. This is my good friend and assistant, Deng Sisi." After introducing Qin Youdao, she said to Deng Sisi, "Sisi, this is my brother, Qin Youdao."

Dunsis just began to blush and lowered her head. She was caught off guard when she heard that this was her brother. Her face became a little strange. Is this her brother? How come she never knew? And they're so different,