After Xiao Qing knew the truth, she called Song Ling Xiao, but his phone was always off. She inquired about the address of Song’s house and found Song Ling Xiao’s house.

She knocked on the door, and the door was opened by a middle-aged man: “Excuse me, you are?”

“Oh, my name is Xiao Qing, I’m Song Ling Xiao’s friend.”

“You are Xiao Qing?” The man asked in surprise, and when he saw Xiao Qing nodding, he continued, “Friend? You did so much harm to the young master, and you still have the cheek to say you’re his friend? You must leave! The young master will not see you,” he said, closing the door as he spoke.

“Please let me see him once; I will only say one word and then go; only one word…” Xiao Qing gripped the door with her arm. In the end, she was weak and could not hold on to the door that was being forced shut.

Xiao Qing slapped against the door, her body pressed against the door, collapsed helplessly and sat on the floor, whispering, “Please, let me see him once, just once, just once…”

The door was opened again, and standing in front of her was a man in a suit, supposedly…

“You are Xiao Qing?” The man asked coldly.

“Yes.” This sentence completely lost Xiao Qing’s usual arrogance, and there was only an apology.

“You want to see Ling Xiao?” Hearing these words, Xiao Qing suddenly looked at him with glowing eyes, as if she had caught a life-saving straw.

“Let me see him.” Xiao Qing pleaded.

“You’d better go, I won’t let him see you.” flinging away her hand, leaving behind nothing more than the sound of the door closing.

Song Ling Xiao’s wound was infected, with a high fever, lying unconscious in bed, the doctor said that the fever would go down soon. Song Father was relieved. In the evening, Song Ling Xiao’s fever really went down and he felt much better, so he got out of bed and walked around. Suddenly the storm clouds outside, as if it was going to rain. A cold wind came, and he went to close the window, but he saw a person standing in the courtyard, was it Xiao Qing? How was it possible? How was it impossible, it really was Xiao Qing. At that moment, bean-sized rain was falling densely, hitting Xiao Qing’s body.

Song Ling Xiao rushed straight downstairs and flew to the door. He was about to open the door, but the housekeeper blocked it. Turning his head, he saw an unhappy father. He walked up and locked eyes with his father, and his eyes were so full of pain that he couldn’t help but make Song Father’s heart tremble.

“Dad, please let me go to her, she’ll get sick like this, she’s a girl.” He looked unusually worried, far more concerned about himself.

“Then has she thought for you?” Song Father asked in a stern voice. “Take the young master to the bedroom.”

The four bodyguards were about to step forward when Song Ling Xiao looked at Song Father and said fiercely, “If you’re not afraid that this arm of mine will be ruined, then you can bring them on.”

Song Father was frightened by his son, and since he was young, Song Ling Xiao had never spoken to him like this before. Today, did he really push him to the edge? Song Father raised his hand, signalling for them to back off.

Song Ling Xiao had just taken a step when Song Father snapped, “If you have to go, it’s better to let them go for you.” The tone of his words softened a lot because he knew that he couldn’t argue with his son. With a sideways glance at the bodyguard, the man understood and took a big step forward.

When the door was opened, Xiao Qing had already collapsed on the floor, soaking wet. As she was carried in, Song Ling Xiao grabbed her hand and said to the bodyguard, “Quickly take her to the bedroom …….”

Xiao Qing opened her eyes slightly, “Song Ling Xiao, I like you, I’ve always liked you!” She smiled, and she finally spoke about the love in her heart out loud.

“I know, I know.”

The moment he saw Xiao Qing just now, he knew that Xiao Qing had himself in her heart, and his dedication was rewarded. Everything was worth it.

But meeting again in such a way was really not a good time. His fever had just subsided. His wound had not healed, and she was drenched and was running a high fever.

Song Ling Xiao watched the aunt help feed Xiao Qing medication while he sat next to her for a long time. The rain outside has also stopped. He held Xiao Qing’s hand in his left hand and couldn’t help smiling.

He remembered that day at the lake, Xiao Qing panicked, he remembered later seeing that notepad with all his name on it, and he laughed at how silly the person in front of him was. Then he frowned again, that day’s competition, that song, how he could not get out of the tight spot. He imaged that Xiao Qing was being sarcastic to him. He shook his head again and laughed, this time at himself, how could he be this silly?

Touching Xiao Qing’s forehead, the fever had subsided, Song Ling Xiao pulled the curtains, turned off the lights, left a small night light at the door, closed the door and went out. He left his bedroom to Xiao Qing, and then asked his aunt to air a guestroom and he went over to sleep. A woman should not be alone in a room with a man. If words spread about it, it would not be good.

Song Ling Xiao smiled in her sleep. She was no longer like the previous two days, frowning and sullen.