Xiaorou is one of the waiters in their shop. She is sent by yunmo. She looks pretty. She speaks softly. She also works very seriously. So mu Qianyue remembers her.

"Sister Moon, you are here at last." It's the first time I see something like this. Mu shallow moon comforted her for a while, then asked her exactly is how to return a responsibility.

"I don't know what happened. I came to work today as usual. As soon as I came to work, I saw a man lying at the door of the shop, and the two people next to me said they fainted after eating our cake."

Xiaorou tells mu Qianyue the whole story of the matter.

"Are you the owner of the cake shop? I heard that the cakes here are delicious and delicious, so I came to you to buy some cakes to eat. When we bought them back, we still had some things to eat, so we didn't have time to eat them.

Just put it at home. Who knows luo'er can't help eating the cake as soon as she sees it back. Then it looks like this! "

That side of the man saw Mu shallow moon, also do not care to lie on the ground of the little girl, stood up, pointing to Mu shallow moon loud voice.

"Who knows that you will be like this when you eat the cake in the cake shop!" Then, the man turned his head and looked at a group of onlookers. He squeezed out a few tears in his eyes, and said angrily.

"In case you don't want to buy a cake, you don't have to pay for it.

My poor daughter, who is still so young, is like this after eating the cake in this shop. "

The woman beside her couldn't help crying and said, "luo'er, wake up quickly. Don't scare your mother."

The onlookers were whispering.

"I've eaten the cake in Qianyi cake shop. It's delicious, sweet and glutinous, and it's not greasy. What's the problem? Is this man wrong? "

"But the look of this man is not deceptive. Who would make such a joke of his daughter?"

Smell speech, just for shallow memory of the cake shop that man also can't help but sigh.

"Is it true that the cake shop is just like what this man said, and will faint after eating it?"

"Well, isn't that man the owner of the stupid bear cake shop? How could he come to buy the cake in the cake shop? " A sharp eyed man recognized who the man was and couldn't help asking.

Just as the man said that sentence, the man squatting next to the little girl was stiff, and then said, "I'm the owner of the shop. Seeing that the business of the cake shop is so good, and it's well received by people, I'm sure I'll buy it and try it. Who knows, such a thing will happen today..."

The man's words were reasonable, and there was a little girl lying beside him. Everyone's sympathy is yearning for the weak, so who can't resist leaning towards that man.


Listen to the voice of the discussion beside, Mu shallow month does not have half minute flustered.

Looking at the faces of the man and the woman, squinting, isn't this the owner of the cake shop next to them?

Every time I see them, I can't help but sneer at them. How can she believe him when she says that the business in their shop is good and she wants to buy a cake to taste it.

Originally, the two stores were antagonistic. She would believe that he came to find fault!

If this matter can't be solved properly, then their memory of the reputation of the cake shop will be destroyed. If they can't open, they will be the only cake shop in this street, and their business will come back.

What muqianyue didn't know was that this was a common skill they used all the time. Every time someone came here to open a cake shop, they would do it like this, and then let the cake shop not open, and then leave.

That's why there is only one cake shop in Li.

However, what the man didn't know was that mu Qianyue was totally different from the men who had driven them away before.

Mu Qianyue walks to the man's side, ready to see the little girl. She doesn't forget to say to Su youyou after her, "you, hurry to call 120, and say someone here faints."

Seeing mu Qianyue coming, the middle-aged man is in a panic for a moment. When he hears that mu Qianyue wants to call 120, he can't help but jump up and drop Su youyou's mobile phone to the ground.

"What are you doing? You go away, who knows if you want to harm my daughter, my daughter is not enough by you? How can you be so cruel After the middle-aged man knocks out Su youyou's mobile phone, he can't help but use his finger to bathe in the shallow moon, in a sharp voice.

When she was knocked off her mobile phone, Su youyou's face suddenly sank. She looked at the man and poked the man's heart one by one, which made the onlookers puzzled.

"Which of your eyes saw that we were trying to harm her? His daughter fainted, you when the father and mother not only do not quickly sent to the hospital.Let her lie in the cold ground like this, we call 120, and you drop our cell phone to prevent us from calling. You say you, is this what your father should do? "

"Yes, they didn't mean anything else. Besides, I saw the little girl lying on the ground with her lips turning purple. Didn't they see it?"

"What's more, the girl just took out her mobile phone and prepared to call 120. He also threw others' mobile phone to the ground indiscriminately."

The onlookers pointed to the man, and the doubts they didn't find just now came out after su youyou said so.

They just saw this scene, some busy dizzy, the girl has been lying on the ground, her parents did not send her to the hospital, but let her lie like this.

"Yes, call 120 quickly, or send the child to the hospital first." The onlookers were in line with the Tao.

Mu shallow month touched out his mobile phone, ready to make a phone call, who knows that man seems to know what Mu shallow moon wants to do, fiercely toward Mu shallow moon rushed over.

Mu shallow moon frown, the body agile to hide behind, just avoid and Su youyou mobile phone the same end.

Cold eyes at the man, cold voice, "what do you want to do?"

"No! You can't call! " The man looks at Mu shallow moon, some irascible way.

Mu shallow month picks eyebrow, "why can't you call? You said your daughter fainted after eating our cake? Now it's more likely that I'll call you if you don't want to call. "