See that man so excited, Mu shallow moon squint, more sure of the idea in her heart.

The cake in their shop has never gone wrong for so many days. How could anyone faint after eating their cake?

At the same time, Mu shallow month also dialled 120 phone, "Hello, 120? Hello, this is 389 Chaoyang Road, Yuling street. Yes, a little girl ate a cake... "

Mu shallow month to address what happened, told 120 one by one.

But before finishing, he was bumped by the man, and Mu's mobile phone was also hit by the man.

Repeatedly blocked by men, bath shallow month again and again good patience has been worn away.

Looking at the man, what he said made the man more and more afraid. "You said that your daughter had eaten our cake. We did not evade our responsibility. We are going to let 120 come here to see what happened to your daughter.

But what do you mean you keep us from calling again and again? Do you want your daughter to lie here all the time?

We also broke our two mobile phones. Let's not say whether your daughter really ate our cake and had an accident. If so, why don't you let us call, and we haven't said we're not responsible, and we haven't denied it. Why are you so excited?

If not, I'd like to know what you mean by it? "

Hearing mu Qianyue's words, which onlookers have heard some problems from these years.

Yes, if the little girl really ate the food from the "shallow memory" cake shop, and the two were so precious to their children, how could they not call the hospital at the first time.

Moreover, people want to be responsible, he also indiscriminately dropped their mobile phone to the ground.

Even if it's like eating their cake, that man doesn't need to be like this.

The crowd whispered.

"Yes, they just want to call 120 and ask the doctor to see the little girl. Why is this man so excited when he hears the call to 120? "

"I seem to hear something wrong in it."

"What's the smell?" The people asked curiously.

Heard someone ask, that passer-by a can't help but analyze up, but also analysis is very clear.

"Didn't the man say they bought the cake yesterday? Buy back did not eat, and then their daughter to eat, if something happened, the first time will send the little girl to the hospital.

Why did you come to the gate of "Qian Yi cake shop" early this morning

"That's true. Why do you think this man did this

"Didn't you just say that? The man is the cake shop next to the Qianyi cake shop. When the shop had not opened here, the business in this street was the best. Now someone has robbed the business of their shop. How can they do that.

It's just an excuse for them to buy something from Qianyi cake shop

Because it is the peak of working hours, so when this happened, they were driven by curiosity, and then they gathered around. There were people of any occupation, among whom there was the element of incitement by the man.

However, the man may have never dreamed that there would be such a smart person in the crowd who gathered around to see clearly what his schemes were. It was all about lifting a stone and hitting himself in the foot.

Sure enough, when the man heard these words, his face became very ugly, and his face was a little livid.

He used to drive away the people who set up shop here. When they saw that their cake had made people eat something wrong, they were immediately flustered. There was no mood to sort out these ideas.

Before he left here, the man made a lot of good.

He thought that this time it would be the same as before. There was no accident.

However, it is a pity that the man he met was mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue and Su youyou have been living in the society since they graduated. Moreover, because of the relationship between the two families, they have already known the society well. How can they not understand the twists and turns of this society.

Naturally, the woman who knelt down beside the little girl also heard these people's words. Her face stiffened for a moment, and then she cried more loudly, "luo'er, my poor child, why do you want to eat so much? It is because you have eaten this cake and now it has become this way."

When the man heard the woman's cry, he had a flash in his mind and said, "I'm sorry about what happened just now. I was so excited because luo'er didn't like the hospital since childhood, so when I saw you call 120, I subconsciously refused."

The man's words seemed reasonable, and the onlookers did not know whether they believed it or not, and did not help the man speak again.Mu shallow month in the side of the hands ring chest looking at the man, "the hospital you do not want to go, I want to see how the little girl, you do not let, then what do you want?"

"I want you to move out of here, of course! Then they are the only cake shop in this street, and the business is bound to come back. " The man almost blurted out this sentence. But fortunately, he was restrained.

The man said, "our family friend fainted after eating your cake. Shouldn't you be responsible for her?"

"I didn't say that I was not responsible for her. I believe that the ambulance should be here soon. I'll go to the hospital and have a look at the reason. If it is really because of eating our cake, I will be responsible for it. If not. " Mu shallow month says here pause.

"I'm not a bully. If there's something fishy about it, I won't let him go!"

Don't know why, the man looked at Mu shallow moon that calm face, have a moment of blank, fear, fear in his heart. But the next moment, he couldn't help laughing. He was just a little girl. What's to be afraid of!

But soon, the man was beaten in the face!

"Mom, Dad, where is this? I'm so cold. " Lying on the ground, the little girl did not know when to open her eyes, looking at everything in front of her, some confused way.

Although the little girl's voice is relatively small, but who is close to hear.

Looking at the little girl obviously did not know what confused expression, and then looked at the man and woman face some panic expression, suddenly clear.