When she woke up early last night, she should have known how to wake up so early.

"Luo'er, are you awake? what's happening? Is there anything wrong with your health? " The woman put away all the expressions on her face and asked solicitously.

"Luo'er, you wake up at last. You scared dad to death. How about that?" The man saw lying on the ground after the little girl wake up, came to the little girl next to, and the woman, caring asked.

The little girl was confused at the beginning, but after seeing everything here, she shrank and hid behind the woman, "Mom, where is this place? I want to go home. Shall we go home?"

"Luo'er, it's OK. Do you know the delicate little cake you ate last night? You fainted after eating that cake yesterday The woman held the little girl in her arms and asked softly.

The little girl nodded. "Mom, that cake is really delicious. It's more delicious than any cake I've ever eaten before. Mom, can I still eat it?" The little girl is only about four or five years old, looking at the woman, some muddled clever asked.

"Luo'er, listen to your mother. The cake can't be eaten any more. Do you know that you fainted after eating that cake last night. It's really frightening to my mother. Fortunately, you have nothing to do. Otherwise, mother doesn't know what to do." The woman heard this and cried with the little girl in her arms.

The man seemed to remember what happened last night. He hugged the woman and the little girl and cried.

"Shallow moon, what to do? That little girl doesn't really eat our cake before she faints? " Su youyou looks at the three people who are holding in a group, walks to Mu shallow's side and asks.

Mu shallow moon comforted patted Su youyou on the shoulder, "it's OK, I believe our cake won't have any problems."

Mu shallow month came to the side of the little girl, warm voice way, "little sister, did you faint last night after eating a very delicate little cake?"

Mu shallow moon originally has a very gentle, easy to get close to the face. At this time, Mu shallow moon face with a soft smile, voice is also special gentle, unspeakable charm.

The little girl lenglengleng looked at Mu shallow moon, this elder sister is very beautiful.

The little girl looks at the moon and is ready to open her mouth. But a woman covered her mouth, "luo'er, don't answer the stranger's words casually. Do you forget what your mother said to you?" Women's voice sounds serious and subtle threat. In it, it's uncomfortable to listen to the light moon.

The little girl moved her eyes from mu Qianyue's body and saw the woman's serious face, some shrunk, pursed her lips, but did not dare to speak.

The young people around who have to go to work have almost gone, because today is Monday after all, and it's time to go to work. Although I really want to see how this thing develops in the end, I don't want the boss to be fired.

Some old people are still here to watch.

Just then, the sound of the ambulance rang, and the man's face was a little flustered.

Mu shallow month looks at the man of facial expression flustered, the eyes twinkle.

The ambulance people came very fast, action is also very fast, soon came to Mu shallow moon, they are here around the people.

The little girl did not have the slightest fear, but looked at them curiously.

Several nurses and a doctor came down from the ambulance, "who's calling?"

Mu shallow month stood up to say the cause and effect of the matter again, and then looked at the little girl next to the woman.

No matter how reluctant the man was to go to the hospital, he did. Because he doesn't have any reason not to go, Mu shallow moon and Su youyou say a word, and then follow to the hospital.

There were a lot of things on the ambulance. The doctors gave the little girl a simple examination and found nothing wrong.

"Is there anything wrong with you, little sister?" After a simple general examination for the little girl, the doctor in white coat asked kindly.

Children are the most aware of any attempt by these people as they approach you.

So the little girl shook her head.

The doctor touched the little girl's head, then put his eyes on mu Qianyue and the man and woman, "who are her relatives?"

"I, I am her father, she is her mother." Almost as soon as the doctor asked, the man immediately opened his mouth.

"We just gave her a simple general examination and found nothing wrong. You said she fainted after eating their cake. Can you be specific about it The doctor looked at the examination that just came out on the hand, looked at the man and the woman way.

The man and the woman looked at each other, and then the man said, "yesterday we bought their cake and came back home to have something to do, so we didn't have time to eat it. Unexpectedly, when we were seen by luo'er, we ate all of them. This morning is like this..." Although the man felt a little uneasy, he was obviously relieved to see that the doctor had not checked out anything, and then repeated what he had just said.When it comes to the little girl who faints, men and women squeeze out a few tears.

"There was no sign of poisoning or discomfort in her body. It may be that the equipment here is limited, so it has not been checked out, but it doesn't matter. It will be fine when we get to the hospital. " The doctor comforted.

That little girl is very clever, so quietly sitting there, also do not speak, very silent.


The car soon arrived at the hospital. The doctor got off the car quickly and took the little girl in. When men and women want to follow in, they are stopped by nurses. The nurse looks embarrassed and says, "Sir, you can't go in. Please wait here first." The nurse finished, did not stop too much, and then followed the doctor into the operating room, closed the door.

The man turned his head and looked at mu Qianyue maliciously, "our family luo'er is eating your cake. If there is anything wrong with luo'er, I will not let you go!"

Although the man's heart is very guilty, but in momentum is not to lose, so there is no half of the guilty to Mu shallow moon Road, straightened his back, look at Mu shallow moon with bad eyes.

Mu Xiaoyue also looked at the man coldly, "I said, our cake shop will not have such a thing, if it is stigmatized, then I bathe shallow moon is not good to bully!"