Cloud Mo murmured, "what do they do?" Anyway, yunmo doesn't like Lu Ruoxin and Feng ruogong. One of them relies on his own identity and is too arrogant for a day. The other likes to do it.

Cloud Mo, "Mu elder sister, you don't need to care about them. Maybe it was too shameful last night to appear in front of us, so I left long ago."

Mu shallow moon nods, also did not go to ask again.

She left early last night and didn't know what happened next.

But listening to you, it seems that since Lu Ruoxin and Feng Ruge came, several people who were still eating had put down their dishes and left.

It's a shame.

"Morning, don't you stay here for two more days?" He was talking about a middle-aged man in his forties. He was a little bit fat. At this time, he was behind nanluochen. His face was so fat that he could hardly see his eyes.

Nan Jin replied in the back, "Chen Shao still has some things to deal with. Come back next time when you have time. You can have a good treat

The middle-aged man quickly nodded, "this is for sure, as long as you are free in the morning, when you want to come over, just tell me."

The middle-aged man had been sending nanluochen outside. After a few words of greetings, he went in.

Mu shallow moon Beside cloud ink, some curiously asked, "who is that person just now? Why is this to nanluochen

Yunmo said, "this villa is owned by him. As for why he is so attentive to nanluochen, it is because of his identity."

Mu Xiaoyue was slightly surprised, "is that man? Is this the master of the villa

Nod to Yun mo Found Mu shallow moon face expression is not quite right, cloud Mo, "what's the matter? Sister mu. "

Mu shallow month, "it's OK."

But his heart seemed to be struck by something.

Originally, she thought that in such a beautiful environment, beautiful mountains and rivers, and ancient decoration, the operators should be a person who knows how to enjoy life and taste elegant.

I didn't expect that it would be such a person.


Gu Chuli and Li Yutong came alone, so they said hello to them and left.

Gu Chuli's identity is there. One day, he is very busy. He came here yesterday with Li Yutong to meet them.

I want to relax the atmosphere between them, but I have to be busy when I should be busy.

Who knows when they go back, nanluochen and yunmo quarrel again.

Cloud Mo glared at nanluochen, "I don't care. Anyway, sister Mu and sister youYou are going to take my car. I'll take them back."

Nanluochen sneered, "Lu Zeyuan told me to send them home. If you have the ability, go and talk to him."

Yun Mo was so angry that he couldn't help it. Lu Zeyuan ordered him to do it in advance.

Yunmo, "then I'll take your car, too."

Nan Jin put in a silent sentence on one side, "who am I sitting on?"

What's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, what's more, they're going to take a ride with nanjinluo?

Yunmo looked at Nanjin, but he still hated the big adventure Nanjin wanted him to do. Naturally, he was dissatisfied, "you go back on your own."

Nan Jin: Isn't it just a big adventure for him to kiss brother Chen. Do you need to keep a grudge like this? Morning brother has not said anything.

Mu shallow month in one side helplessly help forehead, pull Su you you on the side of a red Ferrari.

This car is very conspicuous, and it is also in line with the temperament of nanluochen. I didn't forget that when nanluochen sent Su youyou to the store last time, it seemed that he also drove this car.

The red color of Sao Bao matches his temperament.

Cloud Mo asks mu Qianyue and Su youyou to sit up. He also opens the front door and sits in.

He didn't believe nanluochen would blow him out.

Nanluo morning looked at yunmo, did not speak, went to the cab position, ready to drive.

Nanjin saw them going like this, which is really ready to ignore his rhythm?

Nanjin, "Hey, morning brother, you really left me like this?"

Cloud Mo disliked to see in the outside of the South Jin one eye, throw out a key.

Nanjin catches it in a hurry.

This is a car key.

Nanjin, "what do you mean?"

Yunmo, "either drive my car back, or walk back, choose one of your own."

Nan Jin: OK, I'd better drive your car.

Nanluochen, "little sister-in-law, are you going back to Lu Zeyuan, or are you with you?"

Mu shallow month, "send me back to Lu Zeyuan there, wait for you to send you back first."

Mu Qianyue is worried about Lu Zeyuan now, and he is afraid that calling him will disturb him. Or go back and have a look.Cloud Mo, "Mu elder sister, or you go to our house to play, you have not been to our home." Cloud ink looked over, a pair of eyes bright.

Mu shallow month is now full of Lu Zeyuan's things, there is still the mood to go where to play, shook his head, "next time, I now go back to something."

Nanluochen sent mu Qianyue to the palace of emperor platinum brocade. Seeing mu Qianyue enter the villa, he couldn't help but tut tut.

I didn't expect that Lu Zeyuan, the super clean freak, was still loved by some people. Moreover, they were all married and even let people live in his separate villa.

Lu Zeyuan has many apartments and villas under the name of Kyoto, but the imperial palace is where he often lives.

Even when they came, Lu Zeyuan was disgusted. It was as if he would throw them out in the next second. But now I didn't expect that there was a woman living in this.

Cloud Mo looks at Mu shallow moon's back, "Lu elder brother is serious?"

Nanluochen said, "otherwise, people will live here. Can it be fake? Do you think he was so kind and patient with that woman? "

Nanluo morning squints, looking at cloud Mo, "you boy is not interested in the little sister-in-law, right?"

Open mouth and shut mouth are Mu elder sister, Mu elder sister's call, and Mu shallow month is so good.

Yun Mo was said to be a face red by South Luochen. "How can it be! She is my sister-in-law. "

Seeing the teasing smile on nanluochen's face, yunmo is angry, "nanluochen, you are intentional, right?"

Nanluo morning looked at the air of the cloud ink, "yes, I was intentional, how?"

Yunmo, "what? I'll hit you. "

As mu Qianyue enters the villa, the red Ferrari outside is constantly shaking, and some discordant voices come out.

Well, I don't know what's going on inside.