When mu Qianyue got off the bus, she asked nanluochen and yunmo to go in and sit down together. After all, they also sent her back, and their relationship with Lu Zeyuan was not shallow.

Who knows her voice just fell, two people happened to shake their own body, shaking their heads.

Let Mu shallow moon some doubts, villa is there a monster? Let two people so afraid, they don't go in, Mu shallow moon also did not force, just said with them and then entered the villa.

In the villa, Zhang Ma is cleaning up. She sees mu Qianyue, puts down her things and calls for Miss mu.

"Zhang Ma, has Lu Zeyuan come back?"

Mother Zhang said, "sir? The gentleman didn't come back. Didn't he go out with you

See Mu shallow moon facial expression some is not right, Zhang Ma some careful ask a way, "Mu miss, is what happened?"

Mu shallow moon returns to God, thinking whether he is too worried about Lu Zeyuan.

"No, I just asked. He should still be in the company now."

Mu shallow month on the floor, holding his mobile phone, think about it, or to call Lu Zeyuan.

But the phone never got through.

Mu Qianyue thinks about it and calls Cheng Ling again. Who knows Cheng Ling's mobile phone and Lu Zeyuan can't get through.

Mu shallow month slightly raises eyebrow, this is how? How can one or two mobile phones fail?

Mu Qianyue asked herself not to think so much. Things should not be as serious as she thought. Besides, Lu Zeyuan is so powerful that everything can be solved.

Feng Ruge and Lu Ruoxin are angry when they learn that yunmo and his party left the villa early in the morning.

Lu Ruoxin's face is very ugly. The wind is as good as song, but he doesn't say anything.

She has a very important thing to do now.

After returning to Kyoto, they spoke for a while and then parted ways.

The one who came to pick up the wind was a bodyguard. He was about twenty-seven. He was very tall and strong. He was dressed in black. He looked serious and looked like a general.

After getting on the bus, Feng Ruge gave him a photo and squinted and said, "check this woman for me. I want to know all her information tonight!"

The bodyguard took the photo, which was the face of Mu Qianyue. Although it was taken secretly, it was still able to see the beautiful face.

The bodyguard nodded slightly, "yes."

This kind of thing has never been done less by the bodyguard. Before Feng Ruge went abroad, he took Lu Zeyuan seriously. As soon as there were women around him, she would check their identity and let them leave.

Therefore, there is no woman around Lu Zeyuan all the year round, and Feng Ruge has done something in it.

But at that time, after all, it was still small, and the wind like song was spoiled by the family and grew up. I thought that what I liked was my own, but now I have grown up, I have become more restrained.

The car was driving slowly towards the wind house. The wind looked out of the window like a song, and his eyes were dim.

It has to be said that she felt a sense of crisis when she saw the moon.

In particular, Lu Zeyuan's attitude, no matter now or before, Lu Zeyuan has never been so kind to a person, so patient, and the other party is still a woman!

A woman's sixth sense is really strong. I have to say that the wind is like a song and I can't help but guess.

But even if she knows, what can she do?

It's a foregone conclusion for both of them.

Although after a night of precipitation, but that slap Su you but with all his strength, how can it be so easy to dissipate.

Although much better, not as red and swollen as yesterday, but the face of the five palm prints are also abnormal obvious.

Lu's father and mother sat on the sofa and tasted tea. Because all the company had been handed over to Lu Zeyuan, they were relatively free.

Although Lu Fu doesn't like Lu Zeyuan, it is undeniable that Lu Zeyuan's ability is really strong. He takes good care of the Lu family in his hands, both in the light and in the dark, and there is a growing trend.

At the same time, Lu Fu felt a little uneasy.

I don't know if it's right to delegate power to Lu Zeyuan so early.

As soon as Lu Ruoxin came in, Lu's mother noticed her. Yesterday, Lu Ruoxin told them that Lu Zeyuan was there. Lu Ruoxin also went with her. Neither of them stopped her.

"Ruoxin, you're back, and Zeyuan? Didn't you come back with you? " See Lu Ruoxin, Lu mother asked, did not find Lu Ruoxin abnormal.

Until Lu Ruoxin raised her head, Lu's mother saw the five bright red palm prints on Lu Ruoxin's face.

"Ruohin, what happened to your face? Who hit you? How can you give such a cruel hand

Lu's mother seemed to want to touch Lu Ruoxin's face, but she was afraid that touching her would hurt her. Her hands stopped several centimeters away from Lu Ruoxin, and her beautiful eyes were full of heartache.Lu's mother was not in good health. After she married into the Lu family, she gave birth to only one daughter, Lu Ruoxin, and she was pregnant once. She accidentally miscarried, so she couldn't get pregnant.

But Lu Fu also had Lu Zeyuan, so they didn't ask for a son, but they looked at Lu Ruoxin very much.

From childhood to adulthood, neither of them had ever beaten her. Even Lu Ruoxin was rarely mentioned.

Lu Ruoxin saw Mother Lu, as if she had seen the backbone. All the grievances suffered yesterday broke out.

Lu Ruoxin's mouth turned away, tears in her eyes said, "Mom, they all bullied me."

Lu Ruoxin hugs the landing mother and cries wrongly.

Lu's mother's eyes are full of heartache. Lu Ruoxin grew up holding them in their hands since childhood. She never bumped into each other. Now she went out and suffered such a heavy injury. How could Lu's mother not worry.

"Good, don't cry, who bullied you? Tell her mother, "Lu Mu said softly, for fear of scaring Lu Ruoxin.

Lu Ruoxin, "it's not the woman who seduced her brother. Her friends are good friends of that woman. They all unite to bully me."

In the mind across Mu shallow moon and Su you you're face, Lu Ruoxin is really eager to kill their hearts.

Lu Fu came to Lu Ruoxin with heartache on his face. When he heard Lu Ruoxin's words, he couldn't get angry and said, "this rebellious son!"

Lu Mu frowned and said, "didn't you go to your brother? How? Who was the woman you just said seduced your brother

Lu Ruoxin curled her lips, "how do I know who she is? Maybe it's because of my brother's money that I get close to him. Moreover, my brother treats her very well."