"Xuerou did come to me and asked me to plead for her. However, this matter is still Yueyue. You can do whatever you want. I will not plead for Xue Rou either. "

Mu Luo Chen to Mu shallow moon road.

Mu shallow moon looks at Mu Luo Chen, Mu Luo Chen also looks at Mu shallow moon.

Mu Xuerou is brother Luochen's sister after all. How can she do to her?

Mu shallow month, "Luo Chen elder brother, I can not sue Mu snow soft, but I have a request."

Mu Luo Chen, "you say."

Mu Qianyue said, "I want mu Xuerou to go abroad, and I can't come back in three years. Moreover, she can't appear in front of me in the future. What do you think, brother Luochen? "

Mu Luochen looks at mu Qianyue. How can he not know that mu Qianyue is actually looking at his face


Mu Luo Chen some hesitant ask a way, "month, after that, I still your elder brother?"

Mu Luochen is a little nervous.

His own sister on the moon to do such things, he felt that he had no face to see Mu shallow moon.

Mu Qianyue smiles and holds mu Luochen's hand in both hands. "Of course, brother Luochen has been my brother all his life. Brother Luochen, don't think so much. Mu family is mu family, mu Xuerou is mu Xuerou. I never blame you for what they have done to me. I've always thought of you as my brother. "

Mu Luo Chen looks at the smile on Mu shallow moon's face.

"I don't want to be your brother if I can. What I want to be is never your brother, OK

However, he did not dare to say this, he was afraid. He said that after the export, they were not even friends. No one knows better than him about his temperament.

Mu Luo Chen holds Mu shallow month's hand back, "Er, elder brother of a lifetime." If you are a brother, just be a brother. He will guard her all the time.

If, if that person is not good to her, he will use all means to snatch her back.

His girl, he didn't allow her to get hurt.

That's how she should have been happy.

They haven't seen each other for so long, so there are many topics to talk about. Half of the time has passed.

Mu Qianyue is chatting happily here.

And in the car waiting to bathe in the light of the moon Cheng Ling the whole person is forced.

After looking at her mobile phone, Miss Mu has been in for an hour. What have they been talking about? They haven't finished chatting yet?

Should he go in to remind Miss mu?

What's more, it's not easy for him to take the next morning shift today. Can you let him go out and have a wave?

Every day to see his president and miss Mu spread dog food, he is about to eat vomiting, OK?

Bullying him to be single?

Mu Luo Chen looked at the sky and said to the moon, "it's not early now. I'll send you back."

After Mu Luo Chen said this, Mu shallow moon just remembered, and waiting for her outside Cheng Ling.

Mu Qianyue Finished, she and Luo Chen elder brother a say up endless, completely forgot Cheng Ling's existence.

Cheng Ling, who was forgotten:

Mu shallow month, "no, brother Luochen, there is someone waiting for me outside, he will send me back later."

Mu Luo Chen, "who is he? Is it safe? Shall I take you back? "

If it is someone else who said this sentence, mu Qianyue will certainly turn his face.

But, the other party is mu Luo Chen, Mu shallow month knows, he is in pure worry oneself just.

Mu shallow month, "it's OK, he is a yuan's assistant, all know the person, Luo Chen elder brother, you don't have to worry."

Mu Luo Chen some doubts, "a yuan?"

Mu shallow month some embarrassed way, "is my husband."

Mu Luo Chen suddenly regretted, why should he ask that question, after knowing who it is, Mu Luo Chen's heart is more uncomfortable.

See Mu Luo Chen facial expression some wrong, Mu shallow month called a, "Luo Chen elder brother, what's wrong with you?"

Mu Luo Chen recalled, "no, it's OK. Let's go out together."

Mu shallow moon, "good."

Mu Qianyue and mu Luochen go out together, and Cheng Ling, looking at the door, is already ready to wear. Miss mu, when can you come out.

After seeing the figure of Mu Qianyue, Cheng Ling is full of spirit.

Eh? No, who is the man next to miss mu?

Miss Mu's brother?

Miss Mu's brother has a strong desire for Miss mu.

Cheng Ling immediately got out of the car and came to Mu Qianyue's side, "Miss mu, do you talk about things and have a good talk?"

Mu shallow month see Cheng Ling, feel a little guilty, let him alone in the car for so long, "um."

Cheng Ling, "Miss mu, I'll send you back now. Just now, the president was still calling to ask me about you..."As soon as mu Qianyue heard Lu Zeyuan's name, he forgot everything. "Brother Luochen, I'll go back first. Next time we have time, we'll talk. Bye."

Mu shallow month mood is very good to Mu Luo Chen wave hand.

Then he took Cheng Ling's car.

And Cheng Ling in Mu shallow month just sat up, can't wait to drive away.

Nonsense, if you don't leave now, wait for your rival to look good?

It has to be said that Cheng Ling is still a bit of a black belly.

And mu Luochen, standing in place, looking at the car, gradually away, the gentle expression on his face almost can not hold.


Mu shallow month a car can not help but ask Cheng Ling, "just Ze yuan really called? What do you say? Isn't there anything to show? "

Mu shallow moon has a bit uneasy, a little guilty.

Cheng Ling is, especially guilty, because. The president didn't call at all just now, OK? It is the reason why he wants to cheat Miss Mu back.

But now he can't say that.

Cheng Ling, "well, the president just called to ask me, did I send you home safely? I said it was delivered safely. "

Mu shallow month Yi a, "how he didn't call me?"

However, now some of the guilty Mu shallow moon, did not find, Cheng Ling said, full of holes.

Lu Zeyuan wants to call mu Qianyue. How can he call Cheng Ling.

Lu Zeyuan is so indifferent that he will call Cheng Ling in person?

However, now Mu shallow month did not find the problem is good.

Cheng Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Cheng Ling, "it may be that Miss Mu should be resting now, so I don't disturb Miss mu."

Mu shallow month murmured, "now just when, how can I have a rest so soon?"

But mu shallow month also did not suspect Cheng Ling, in her opinion, Cheng Ling should not cheat her.

Cheng Ling sent mu Qianyue to the palace and left.