Lu Zeyuan didn't come back. Mu Qianyue just asked Zhang Ma to make a little bit of food.

Then he began to lie on the desk drawing his own design.



This is a famous five-star hotel in Kyoto. The people who can come here are some people who are rich or expensive, or who are powerful and powerful.

At this time, Lu Zeyuan, who is working overtime, is sitting in the Biyuan Pavilion. Facing him, the wind is like a song.

They seem to be talking to each other.

In fact, it's just that Feng Ruge is talking about it. Lu Zeyuan is sitting on the opposite side of Fengru song, and the whole person is sitting there quietly, as if everything is carelessly cared about.

In fact, Lu Zeyuan also found himself cheated after he arrived here.

Lu and Feng have been working together on a project recently. Today, the president of the wind group, Feng Ruge's father, asked him out to talk about the project. Who knows, this is the case when he came.

Moreover, the Lu family and the wind family have been working together since the older generation. It is impossible that they will not continue because of a change of wind.

Today, Feng Ruge is wearing a green dress of Chanel's latest style, which makes her skin white and delicate. Her hair is pulled into a disordered ball head, and her face is painted with light delicate makeup.

The whole person looks young, lively, dignified, elegant and grand.

What's more, Feng Ruge was trained as an inheritor since childhood. There is a kind of unspeakable nobility between every action.

It seems to be a good match for Lu Zeyuan.

Of course, it's just looking.

Feng Ru Ge knows that Lu Zeyuan has a habit of cleanliness. Moreover, he is very serious. He uses public chopsticks to put vegetables for Lu Zeyuan. "Zeyuan, this dish is very good. Try it."

Wind such as song, appropriate some shy, and appropriate some close, distant, people will not feel very abrupt.

The manner is moderate.

Lu Zeyuan looks at the dishes in the bowl. The food is very delicate, it looks delicious and appetizing.

However, the man sitting opposite him did not have any appetite.

"Miss Feng, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Instead of sitting here and eating with people you don't like, it's better to go back and look at your little wife, and your heart will be much better.

Lu Zeyuan thought in his heart.

Thinking of muqianyue's delicious food, Lu Zeyuan's eyes softened a lot with his bulging cheeks and bright eyes.

Seeing the woman who stopped him from going back, Lu Zeyuan had no patience.

Tuofeng Ruge often comes to Lu's group. Lu Zeyuan only remembers who Feng Ruge is now.

The only daughter of Feng family and the only successor of Feng family.

However, thinking of his good brother and looking at the woman in front of him, Lu Zeyuan has no good impression on Feng Ruge.

Smart as the wind and song, she would not regard Lu Zeyuan's softness at that moment as if she were looking at herself.

Thinking that Lu Zeyuan has been married, Feng Ruge is particularly upset.

What's good about that woman? But is a second rate aristocratic family does not count on the adopted daughter, and still was dumped not to wear shoes! I don't know why brother Lu has to treat her as a treasure!

No matter what I think in my heart, but the wind is like a song, but it doesn't show a cent on her face. Looking at Lu Zeyuan, gentle and elegant words come out of her mouth.

"Zeyuan, are you still blaming my father for not coming? In fact, dad wanted to talk to you about the project for a long time. However, something happened in the company today, and dad couldn't leave, so he had to let me come. "

The wind, like a song, explains.

Lu Zeyuan frowned, "it's OK."

"Since Feng can't come, we'll make an appointment next time. Miss Feng, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Seeing Lu Zeyuan finish this sentence, he wants to leave.

Wind such as song squint eyes, suddenly stand up, smile a face elegant and generous, "well, since Ze yuan you have something, then leave first, I'll send you."

Lu Zeyuan ignored the wind and stood up. I'm ready to leave.

Who knows at this time, when the wind rushes towards Lu Zeyuan, his feet suddenly falter, and the whole person pounces on Lu Zeyuan.


Lu Zeyuan just stood up, and the position here is very cumbersome. There are chairs in the back, so I can't go out at all.

The wind such as the song in the eye flashed a touch of pride, as expected, rushed to Lu Zeyuan's body, the next second, the wind like song flustered up, "I'm sorry, Zeyuan, are you ok?"

As soon as Feng Rugong got up, Lu Zeyuan was three meters away from Feng Ruge. He dragged down his suit and threw it into the garbage can. He left without saying a word.Feng Ruge's expression on his face suddenly froze in his face, holding his hands tightly, looking at Lu Zeyuan's back, his nails were inlaid in his hands, but he didn't know.

After a while, the wind calmed down and told himself that Lu Zeyuan had a habit of cleanliness. He treated every woman like this, not only for her!

But do not know how to return a responsibility to think of Mu shallow moon again.

Last time in the villa, mu Qianyue was so close to Lu Zeyuan that they were in close contact with each other. However, Lu Zeyuan seemed to be an innocent person.

Is that discrimination?

By what?

She is the one who grew up with Lu Zeyuan in childhood. After that, Lu Zeyuan's wife can only be her!

Looking at Lu Zeyuan's back, the wind is like a song, in the heart has a trace of successful smile.

If it was in the past, she would certainly disdain to do these things.

Who is she? When did the daughter of Feng's group, the first lady in Kyoto, actually use the means used by those women outside?

However, she only pays attention to the result now, if because of this matter, Lu Zeyuan and Mu shallow month really quarrel, that is the best.

A man like Lu Zeyuan, who doesn't have a few lovers outside. If he can't even accept these things, how can he be the youngest grandmother of the Shanglu family in the future.

But what Feng Rucong doesn't know is that Lu Zeyuan never let mu Qianyue worry about these problems. He's more unlikely to be out there!

Lu Zeyuan found that even if he lost his clothes, he still had a nauseous smell of perfume.

From biyuanxuan, Lu Zeyuan's whole body was a little agitated, and the smell of his body told him that a woman had just thrown himself on him.

"Drive, go back quickly."

Now Lu Zeyuan just wants to go back quickly, take a bath and hug his little wife.