If anything happens, it's not him who will suffer the most.

It's a pain to stand up and talk!

Angry return to angry, but Li Zong also has nothing to do.

Who made him want to cooperate with the people of the Lu family.

Now it's all grasshoppers on a boat, no big deal.

After the big deal, if he has an accident, he will go to the Lu family. If the Lu family doesn't care about him, then don't blame him for his ruthlessness.

After all, man is not for himself, and heaven kills the earth.

Since Mrs. Lu has said so, he will do as he pleases.

I just hope that if something happens, they can hold on.

Lu's mother would never know how she would be beaten in the face when she swore to Mr. Li in this way today.

Of course, the mother of the land that is still enjoying is naturally unknown.


Tang family.

Aunt Wu got up early in the morning to make breakfast. At this time, Tang Feng came back after running in the morning.

If in the past, Mu shallow moon refers to when it will come down.

But today, how can not see the figure?

Did you oversleep?

Aunt Wu looked at Tang Feng, who was sitting at the table waiting for muqianyue to have dinner together. She didn't want Tang Feng to wait like this all the time. She said to Tang Feng, "young master, why don't you eat it first? I'll go up and see Miss mu."

Tang Feng shook his head, "wait for her to come down to eat together."

See Tang Feng so persistent, Wu aunt also embarrassed to say what.

Go upstairs, came to the room for muqianyue, reached out and knocked on the door, "Miss mu, are you up? The young master is waiting for you to have breakfast together

Aunt Wu waited for a while, but there was no response. Aunt Wu reached out and knocked on the door again. As always, there was no response.

Aunt Wu frowned, reached for the door and went in, "Miss mu, are you up? It's time to go down and have breakfast. "

Aunt Wu walked towards the inside. The more she went in, the more confused the whole person was. Everything was tidy up. Miss Mu should have got up.

How can nobody be there?

The more she went inside, the more she found something wrong. Not only was everything neatly packed, but also the quilts on the bed were well folded and put on the bed.

Aunt Wu called again, but no one responded. Aunt Wu looked in the room and didn't find mu Qianyue's figure.

Aunt Wu reached out and felt the position on the top of the bed. There was no residual temperature on it.

Aunt Wu thought of Mu Qianyue's words last night, but she was surprised. Could miss Mu have left?

That makes sense today.

Aunt Wu left here in a hurry, ready to tell Tang Feng about it. Just as she was preparing to leave in a hurry, she could not help but glance at a conspicuous note on the dresser, which was pressed with something.

It's like, it was put here for them.

Aunt Wu took a note, but did not look at it. She took the note and went downstairs in a hurry. When she saw Tang Feng, who was still sitting at the table waiting to have a meal with him, she felt a little unbalanced.

The young master of his family was so kind to her. For the first time in many years, she saw the young master deliberately waiting for someone to eat.

But she was so, even a greeting did not say, so quietly left.

Aunt Wu handed the note to Tang Feng, "young master, you don't have to wait for Miss Mu to have dinner. Miss Mu has left. This may be the note left by Miss mu for you."

Aunt Wu's tone is not good.

But she has also been an old man in the Tang family for so long. Naturally, she knows what to say and what not to say.

Therefore, even at this time, aunt Wu was dissatisfied with mu Qianyue and didn't say anything.

But Tang Feng, hears Mu shallow month to leave the news, Tang Feng the first time is to feel lost.

At a glance, I read the note left by the moon.

Then she said to some angry Auntie Wu, "Auntie Wu, don't blame Xiaoyue. Maybe she did this because she didn't want to meet us and said to leave. You see, write a letter. "

Tang Feng said and gave the note to Aunt Wu.

Aunt Wu didn't believe it. She took the note and looked at it. She found that it was just like what Tang Feng said, except that there was no way to tell them.

Everything is done in place.

Oh, No.

Mu Qianyue also told them that it was last night, but no one thought Mu would leave in this way.

Aunt Wu is not saying anything.

Tang Feng looked at the delicate breakfast table, suddenly feel no appetite.

Tang Feng, "aunt Wu, you eat first, I'll go out for a walk."Aunt Wu called Tang Feng, "young master, don't you want to eat?"

Tang Feng, "no appetite."

Aunt Wu looks at Tang Feng's back and frowns. She doesn't know if it's a right thing for mu Qianyue to meet Tang Feng. How does she feel? The young master seems to pay attention to Mu Qianyue.

Aunt Wu shook her head and sat down to have breakfast. They didn't understand young people's affairs. Besides, if it was too bad, there was Mrs. Tang.



Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan are all sleepy.

Holding her things in her arms and looking at her mobile phone, she found that she had already used half of her power.

It's already two or three o'clock in the afternoon, but there are still as many people in the airport as before. It may be because of noon, and it's summer, so many people are sleepy.

Mu Qianyue props up her head and looks at which exit. In fact, there are many exits here. Mu Qianyue is not sure where Lu Zeyuan will come from.

So mu shallow month to find a more to see some comprehensive position, anyway can see more people out of the exit.

Mu Qianyue pokes his mobile phone in boredom. Needless to say, it's impossible to call Lu Zeyuan now. He may still be on the plane.

Mu shallow month looks at Lu Zeyuan's telephone number, bored looking at the number above.

In the light of the moon in Mu boring looking at the exit, suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Lu Zeyuan, as always, was dressed in a black suit, meticulous.

Cheng Ling is following Lu Zeyuan, with a bag in his hand. He looks like Lu Zeyuan.

Beside Lu Zeyuan, there are still many people in black, all of them strong and strong. At first glance, they are bodyguards specially trained to protect Lu Zeyuan.

Mu Qianyue suddenly sees Lu Zeyuan. His eyes are straight and straight. He can't move his eyes any more. He seems to be the only one in heaven and earth.