Maybe Mu's eyes are too obvious and blazing, or maybe there is a soul between them. Lu Zeyuan seems to have a feeling. Lu Zeyuan's eyes are so straight.

Suddenly, two people four eyes opposite.

Mu shallow month also feels oneself to wait here all morning's exhaustion to disappear like this.

Ever since I saw Lu Zeyuan.

It is less than half a month since the two talents left, but mu Qianyue feels that Lu Zeyuan has left for a long time.

Maybe this is what they said, one day no see, like three autumn.

Mu Qianyue's face slowly showed a smile and made an action that she didn't even think about.

Mu Qianyue ran to Lu Zeyuan immediately.

There is still some distance between them. Moreover, there are many people coming out of the airport. Lu Zeyuan seems to be the only one in Mu's eyes.

When mu Qianyue runs in, the bodyguard standing beside Lu Zeyuan has an action. He wants to block mu Qianyue outside, but he is stopped by Cheng Ling's eyes.

That's Miss mu. The president dotes on the top of his heart. Don't you see the sweet and greasy smile on the president's face? Lips of the smile are almost irresistible, you dare to stop.

When the bodyguard sees Cheng Ling's eyes, he is stunned for a second. It is this second that makes mu Qianyue successfully dive into Lu Zeyuan's arms.

Smelling the familiar smell of tobacco on Lu Zeyuan, mu Qianyue only felt that all his unhappiness and worries in Kyoto were nothing.

The bodyguard sees mu Qianyue come over and pounce on Lu Zeyuan, and Lu Zeyuan doesn't say anything, so he quietly retreats to one side.

They are still very interesting.

Lu Zeyuan also stretched out his hand and held muqianyue tightly. When he saw muqianyue, Lu Zeyuan felt that he was alive.

When he was over there, Lu Zeyuan only wanted to solve the problem as soon as possible, and then come back quickly.

Now, at last.

Mu Qianyue is also, she has never thought of Lu Zeyuan so much.

Mu shallow month holds Lu Zeyuan, some of the urn gas said, "you finally come back."

Lu Zeyuan looked at the top of Mu's hair and rubbed Mu's hair. He said.

Next to Cheng Ling looked at two people's uncovering action of hot eyes, a false cough. Make complaints about

, but it's an airport, and it's still a public occasion. You can hold it for a while, but you still hold it there.

Fortunately, mu Qianyue still knows what occasion it is now. Although she wants to hold it like this, her reason still lets mu Qianyue let go of Lu Zeyuan.

Instead, he took Lu Zeyuan's hand.

Lu Zeyuan, who is released by mu Qianyue, is very discontented to see Cheng Ling. Cheng Ling is flustered.

In the heart is also wronged not to be able to, he this when special help, is to be a father and a mother, but also be despised.

In public, he reminded them that they were wrong.

Mu Qianyue has been paying close attention to Lu Zeyuan. When Lu Zeyuan looks at Cheng Ling, mu Qianyue naturally sees it. She purses her lips, smiles a little, and doesn't say anything.

"Let's go back first."

Lu Zeyuan, "good."

There is a car in front of Lu Zeyuan. When Lu Zeyuan arrived, the car was already here. Cheng Ling consciously got on the cab.

The bodyguards who had just followed Lu Zeyuan were sitting in a car behind him.

Mu shallow moon and Lu Zeyuan two people get on the car together, Lu Zeyuan just saw Mu shallow moon hand carrying a bag of things.

Lu Zeyuan looked at mu Qianyue, "what's in your hand?"

Mu shallow moon put things on his knees and replied, "ah, this, nothing, just some small things." Mu Qianyue didn't expect Lu Zeyuan to see it, so he said casually.

Who knows Lu Zeyuan is pursed lips, reach out to Mu shallow moon to see.

"Well?" Mu shallow moon some puzzled looking at Lu Zeyuan.

Lu Zeyuan, "show me."

Mu shallow moon, "ah?"

Mu shallow moon is really stupid.

Lu Zeyuan is also interested in these things?

What mu Qianyue doesn't know is that Lu Zeyuan has never been interested in these things. He is only interested in these things.

Mu Qianyue gives Lu Zeyuan something. There she has two bags, one of which is really filled with some trinkets.

Last time Tang Feng took her to the seaside, she picked up some shells, and there are some small things she bought outside when she was bored.

Lu Zeyuan also did not say what, looked back to Mu shallow moon.

The two are very close, and Lu Zeyuan's tobacco smell reaches mu Qianyue's nose, which makes mu Qianyue feel like he wants to sleep.Lu Zeyuan holds mu Qianyue's hand. Mu's hand is a little cold. Lu Zeyuan covers Mu's hand with heat and holds it tightly on his knee. Then he asks mu Qianyue, "how did you come?"

When they called the day before yesterday, Lu Zeyuan also told mu Qianyue when he would come back, but he didn't let mu Qianyue pick him up.

Although it was a reproachful tone, the face was soft.

Mu shallow moon leans in Lu Zeyuan's arms, "miss you."

So here we are.

I can't wait to see you.

After a word Mu shallow month did not say.

She feels very embarrassed, moreover, Cheng Ling is still ahead.

Lu Zeyuan's lips slightly upturned, anyone can see, now he is in a good mood.


Mu Qianyue didn't sleep much last night, but got up so early this morning. After waiting for Lu Zeyuan all morning, he can't help but smell the familiar smell and feel a little bit bit bit by bit.

Sleeping in Lu Zeyuan's arms.

Lu Zeyuan, "slow down."

Cheng Ling quietly reduced the speed.

I just don't want to see the two dog food men behind me.

Lu Zeyuan looks at mu Qianyue with heartache and covers her with a suit coat.

A light month's sleep.

Cheng Ling, "president, shall we go to the company or go back to the villa now?"

Cheng Ling had to ask.

Before Lu Zeyuan came back from a business trip, he always went to the company first, but now there is still a month in the car, so Cheng Ling thinks it's better for him to ask.

Lu Zeyuan looked at the sleeping Mu shallow moon, Ning Mei, "back to the villa."

Cheng Ling, "OK."

Cheng Ling now does nothing strange to Lu Zeyuan. Nothing can compare with Miss mu.

After the car drove into the villa, Mu shallow moon still did not wake up, Lu Zeyuan carefully picked up Mu shallow moon and entered the villa.

Without Lu Zeyuan's command, Cheng Ling had to wait outside.