Zhang Yin took mu Qianyue outside and gave her a document. "This is the daily life of Shuangjie after she came to the company. Although Shuangjie has a good temper, she pays special attention to some small details. Therefore, you must remember these carefully. You can't make any mistakes! Do you know? "

After a month, I took the document.

Zhang Yin, "now you can look at this document well, what should be done, what should not be done, and you should weigh it."

Zhang Yin said, looked at mu Qianyue, then lowered her head, did not know what to think.

Mu shallow moon turn to a page, the next second, was scared by the things above.

At that time, what Xiaoling said to herself and the notebook she gave herself was nothing compared with this one.

Maybe the share that Xiao Ling gave herself can't even compare with one tenth of this one.

The moon is silent.

Zhang Yin takes mu Qianyue to an office. There are three desks with computers on them. There are two places full of things. There are also some small things. It seems that someone is sitting there.

One of them had nothing on it.

Zhang Yin pointed to the nearest table and said to Mu Qianyue, "this is where you will work in the future, but you don't need much of this, because we may be in front of our twin sisters all day."

"Stuff, you can put it on whatever you like. Oh, yes. Remember, you can put anything, but remember, you can't put flowers. Shuangjie is allergic to flowers

"Our office is just outside Shuangjie. The sound insulation effect here is very good. Only when Shuangjie calls us inside, can we hear it. When we talk outside, Shuangjie can't hear us. Therefore, as long as Shuangjie calls you, you should consciously go in quickly and don't let Shuangjie wait too long."

Mu shallow moon nods.

"And there is..."

Zhang Yin takes mu Qianyue all over the design room, but she doesn't listen to Mu's explanation all the way. Mu Qianyue thinks that she may be a person who serves the two sisters.

It's just a designer. It's like a star.

Mu shallow month in the mind of the double sister that a face of all kinds of amorous feelings.

Zhang Yin, who tells herself these things next to herself, can only be regarded as elegant.

Mu Qianyue doesn't know what to say.

This morning, in Zhang Yin's explanation, mu Qianyue only thinks that Zhang Yin talks about whether there is the effect of figure hypnosis, otherwise, why do you want to sleep so much.

Just when mu Qianyue was lying on his desk and was drowsy, Qingshan didn't know where to run out. Seeing mu Qianyue like this, he patted mu Qianyue hard in front of his desk.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong." The sound of the sound, Mu shallow moon's doze all to scare away.

Mu shallow month hastily raises own head, looks at Qing Shan, "how?"? Is it the twin sisters who told me what to do? "

Qingshan scoffed at mu Qianyue and said, "how could sister Shuang have something to do with you? It's already noon. Shuangjie is going to have dinner, so please go there and bring three meals! Remember, if there is a breeze, the food that Shuang Jie likes best is the food. "

Mu shallow month, "double elder sister eats alone, why is 3 share?"

Qingshan said, "aren't Zhang Yin and I human? Take three. Remember! Shuangjie wants to have curry rice today. As for Zhang Yin and I, we'd like to have beef and salted pork rice. Remember to go and come back quickly. Shuangjie will eat it before 12:30, and there are still 40 minutes left. "

Mu shallow month took his bag, stood up and wanted to go outside.

She means, why did she feel so sleepy just now? It's already noon.

At noon in summer, people always feel drowsy.

Qingshan looks at Mu shallow moon's back, the corner of his mouth picks up a sneer, what's the use of good-looking, now do not still have to listen to her?

She doesn't have to run errands now.

Mu Qianyue takes a few steps in front of her. She suddenly finds that she can't find the way to work here for the first time. Naturally, she doesn't know where the restaurant is and how to get there?

Mu shallow month and back, looking at Qingshan, "I can't find the way."

Qingshan, "can't you use the navigation if you can't find the way? How did you come to the company? "

Mu shallow month pursed pursed lip, "others send me."

Qingshan seems to be choked by mu Qianyue's words, and has not spoken for a long time.

Mu Qianyue looked at the time and said to Qingshan, "now there is still half an hour left for Shuangjie to eat. I don't know what will happen if Shuangjie doesn't have dinner at that time?"

Qingshan heard the speech and looked down at the time. Sure enough, there is still half an hour left.

In the past, she had been doing these things, but who let mu Qianyue come today. Moreover, Qingshan is not used to such a shallow moon.So I want to let mu Qianyue do more things.

Qingshan fiercely glared at mu Qianyue and said, "follow me. I'll only take you this time. I'll remember the way. There's still something you want to run behind!"

Mu Qianyue is following Qingshan. She is speechless. Why can't you just eat in the canteen of the company? He had to send people out to buy food.

Isn't it a waste of time and money?


Shuangjie is sitting in front of the French window with the air conditioner in it. Both of them only wear a thin dress. With her eyes slightly closed, Zhang Yin's hand slowly kneaded on her shoulders.

In their line of work, they often have to lower their heads to draw design drawings, so it is easy to get cervical spondylosis. So Zhang Yin sometimes likes to give Shuangjie a massage if she has nothing to do, so that she can relax and relax.

"Your technique is getting better and better."

Zhang Yin pursed her lips. "It's good if you like it, but I still think my technique is a little rusty. After all, I haven't massaged her shoulders for so long."

"Ha ha ha, you said that, it is not easy to let you rest for a few days, you still want to knead my shoulder."

Zhang Yin said with a smile, "yes, you have been following Shuangjie for such a long time. I know how you came here step by step, so I can only help Shuangjie on these."

Shuangjie smiles and doesn't speak.

Some enjoy lying beside, let Zhang Yin slowly press.

Just when Zhang Yin thought Shuangjie was so tired that she fell asleep, she suddenly said, "what do you think of the new assistant today?"