This is the first time that Zhang Yin has heard Shuangjie ask about an assistant.

In the heart inevitably some murmurs, also does not know how to say.

Zhang Yin, "it seems that she is very honest. She should also be able to bear hardships and stand hard work."

Hearing Zhang Yin's comment, Shuangjie couldn't help laughing. She sat up straight and opened her eyes slowly.

Zhang Yin also took the handle from her sister's shoulders.

"What's the matter?"

"This woman, it's not easy."

Zhang Yin is a little puzzled, but she is just an assistant. Where did she come from?

However, this is what Shuangjie said, and Zhang Yin didn't know how to answer.

Maybe the reason why Qingshan Zhang Yin can stay is like this.

Can't talk, can't talk, so listen to the double sister said.

Shuangjie looked at Zhang Yin and said, "what? Don't believe it? "

Zhang Yin shook her head, "No. It's just that she's just an assistant. I think it's the twin sisters who think so highly of her

Shuangjie, "Qingshan went out to buy food?"

Zhang Yin, "should be to go, now did not see the figure of Qingshan."

Shuang elder sister said, then she closed her eyes.

Zhang Yin didn't know what Shuang Jie was thinking, so she retired.


The breeze.

Mu Qianyue and Qingshan come to the restaurant together. Qingshan orders three dishes as soon as he enters the restaurant. Then one of them is not to use scallion and garlic, pepper, celery and dried bean curd.

All of a sudden, I said so.

After ordering, Qingshan looked at the moon and said, "see? When you come here to order tomorrow, remember what you don't want to eat. You have to make it clear to them, otherwise Shuangjie won't eat. "

This is not a typical picky food.

Mu shallow moon, "good."

"But didn't you just say that sister Shuang wants curry?"

Why do you want to eat these again?

Qingshan choked on the moon and said, "my twin sister suddenly changed her mind, can't you?"

Mu shallow month smiles to answer a way, "OK!"

In the book Xiaoling gave herself, in which Shuangjie wanted to eat, it was written that the thing Shuangjie hated most was curry. Therefore, when Qingshan came to tell herself that Shuangjie wanted to eat curry rice, mu Qianyue already had doubts.

Fortunately, it is the same as what I imagined.

But at the time of checking out, there was another problem.

Qingshan wants to leave with two meals, but the money hasn't been given.

Mu shallow month calls Qing Shan, "you wait a minute, the money has not ended."

Qing Shan head also does not return to Mu shallow moon way, "is not dozens of yuan money, you knot not on the line."

The moon is silent.

In the end, you have to pay for it yourself.

Seeing Qingshan go further and further, mu Qianyue is afraid that he can't remember the way when he goes back, so he quickly closes the money and keeps up with Qingshan's pace.

What? Tens of dollars, clearly hundreds of dollars, OK? I don't know what the food is. It will be so expensive.

Originally on the body does not have much money of Mu shallow month heart more painful.

Anyway, mu Qianyue is just a little assistant who just came here. His daily job is to help with the chores, or to do something else.

Today's work is fine, and it's like this.

Mu shallow month also does not have many opportunities again in front of the double elder sister, when oneself is free, sits on own desk, makes own matter, this pour is still happy at ease.

When I get off work, mu Qianyue stretches and prepares to leave.

I didn't expect to see an acquaintance when I left the company.

"Shallow moon, shallow moon."

Mu shallow month only heard someone calling his name, turned around to look, and did not find, in front of all is a strange face.

Mu shallow month turns to want to leave, who knows his hand but be pulled by person suddenly.

Mu shallow month to be scared a big jump, subconsciously want to shake off each other's hands.

The other party seems to know the intention of Mu shallow moon, and quickly called a shallow moon.

Mu Qianyue turns her head and looks at the person next to her. She is a girl. She only feels that this person is familiar, but she can't remember when she met her.

Qiao Si Er sees Mu shallow month one face confused looking at oneself, the whole person is not good, thanks to she has been thinking about her all the time, after finishing her own business here, she began to look for her, who knows that she will forget herself.

Josel, "it's me. I'm josel. That's the time we met on the plane. Don't you remember that?"After Josie such a reminder, Mu shallow moon this just remembered, this person is not Josie son?

Mu shallow moon's face showed an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you just now."

"It's OK. It's OK. But how did you come out of this? "

Mu Qianyue, "I work in it now."

Josel, "in the down group?"

Mu shallow moon, "yes, what's the matter?"

Mu Qianyue is also very happy to see jos'er, after all, like herself, she comes from Kyoto.

Come to this strange place, even in strangers, I'm afraid it will become familiar.

Josel, "it's OK."

Josie took mu Qianyue's hand and wanted to go outside. "Let's go. It's hard to see you today. I'll invite you to dinner

Mu Qianyue just wanted to refuse, when she saw Josie holding her hand, she turned her head and looked at mu Qianyue. "Oh, no, I remember you said to me on the plane that you are here to travel. How can you work here now?"

Mu shallow moon now is to realize what kind of feeling it is to lift a stone to hit his own feet.

At the beginning, mu Qianyue felt that she would not meet with josie'er again. In addition, she had just left Lu Zeyuan at that time. She was in a bad mood, so she casually told a lie. Who knows that she will meet jos'er again, and in this way, it is difficult to avoid some embarrassment.

Mu Qianyue pauses and looks at Josie. "I'm sorry, I cheated you at the beginning. In fact, I'm here..."

Mu shallow month has not finished, was interrupted by Josie son, "nothing, nothing, I forgive you, everyone's heart after all have something, in fact, I cheated you at the beginning, so come down, we are even, but after this time, we are friends, and we can't cheat in the past again."

There was a smile on josel's face, as if he were happy all the time.