In fact, designers' assistants, like them, can learn to draw design drawings, and there are many things to learn.

For example, to understand the designer's ideas, and then, to understand Kanban, secondly, to know how to look at all kinds of surface accessories, as well as understand the market and price of surface accessories. Finally, fashion designer assistant should know how to operate various drawing software.

Because, that design drawing, not only in the manuscript is good, some also need to be produced in the computer.

However, whether an assistant can draw a design drawing is also related to the designer.

For example, some designers don't like their assistants to draw design drawings, for fear that they will steal their own skills. Therefore, this is still connected with designers.

Qingshan has never been in contact with these, so when he sees the design drawing of Mu Qianyue, he can't help fighting like this.

Zhang Yin looked at mu Qianyue, who shook her head toward Zhang Yin, "I don't have one."

Qingshan took out the design drawing that mu Qianyue drew, "you still said no, this is not what you drew. Who drew it?"

Mu Qianyue said, "it's true that I drew this. But when an assistant, I should know some drawing skills and drawing work? Otherwise, how can you say it's an assistant? How can you share some things with your sister? "

Qingshan was flushed by the words of Mu Qianyue, because when she came in, she never touched these things, and never thought about them.

After all, people who can come in as assistants know more or less about design, drawing and drawing.

At the beginning, Qingshan certainly knew something about it, but since she was here, Shuangjie didn't let them help or draw pictures. Sometimes, she would ask them to help, but it was very rare, and she did some unimportant things.

Zhang Yin looks at mu Qianyue and doesn't speak.

She didn't deal with this kind of thing, and she didn't know how to deal with it, so she left it to Shuangjie.

Zhang Yin, "OK, don't make any more noise here. Shuangjie is working. There is nothing wrong with this matter. As an assistant, you should learn some of these things properly. "

After all, mu Qianyue is not the assistant beside Shuangjie. She just came in, so these things can't be done by mu Qianyue.

But Zhang Yin followed Shuangjie from the beginning, so Shuangjie also trusted her. Zhang Yin helped Shuangjie do a lot of things.

Although Qingshan is unwilling, Zhang Yin has already said so at this time. She has moved both sisters out. She is too embarrassed to say anything more.

Zhang Yin, "OK, you all go out first. If you have something to do, I'll talk about it when my sister is finished."

Qingshan heart unwilling to go out, Mu shallow moon followed behind, did not speak.

After two people came out, Qingshan looked at mu Qianyue, "you don't think you can escape this time. It's not allowed to draw design drawings without the consent of two sisters."

Mu shallow month saw clear good one eye, "Oh, that this matter need not you worry."

Qingshan is choked by muqianyue, stares at muqianyue fiercely, and then leaves.

Mu Qianyue looks at Qingshan's back and frowns. She doesn't know why Qingshan is so against her.

Even when they first met yesterday, there was some unhappiness, but there was nothing.

Sure enough, women's minds are hard to guess.

When the door of the office is closed, Shuang Jie is not interested in painting. She puts down her pen and looks at Zhang Yin, who is coming towards her. "What happened just now?"

Zhang Yin said, "it's Qingshan. She saw the new assistant, mu Qianyue, drawing design drawings. It's a bit of a fuss."

"Draw a design?"

Zhang Yin nodded, and at the same time put the design drawing from Qingshan in front of Shuangjie, "this is the one."

The double elder sister took over, the eye Piao one eye, afterward does not care to put down, "how do you say?"

Zhang Yin repeated what she had just said to Mu Qianyue and Qingshan.

The assistant of fashion designer is really tired, but Qingshan is relatively idle. Although Qingshan is said to be an assistant, he has never really been in touch with design matters. Therefore, when he sees mu Qianyue drawing a design drawing, it is inevitable that he has done some small problems.

"Sister Shuang," well, you go out first. As for mu Qianyue, since she likes painting, let her do it. It happens that she can also help you. "

Zhang Yin, "good."

Mu Qianyue was an assistant for the first time, and he was an assistant of a fashion designer. So he checked the Internet to see if the assistant could draw a design drawing.

When I saw what was said above, I was relieved.

It's OK.

Otherwise, she was really afraid that she would be like Qingshan said.Besides, it's her second day at work, and it's not worth it if she's fired for such a thing.

Mu Shuang was waiting until she got off work, but she didn't want to talk to her.

Mu shallow moon is also a sigh of relief.

As for Qingshan, if she doesn't like her, she doesn't like it. Anyway, the well water doesn't invade the river. As long as Qingshan doesn't come to her trouble, she won't take the initiative to find her trouble.

When she was about to leave work, Zhang Yin suddenly came and found mu Qianyue. She asked mu Qianyue to go to her tomorrow. She taught mu Qianyue what some assistants should do, nothing more than drawing and drawing.

Mu Qianyue looks at Zhang Yin in surprise. She points to herself and asks, "me?"

Zhang Yin, "yes, it's you."

Mu Qianyue doesn't know whether other assistants look like this, but when she sees the expression on Qingshan's face, mu Qianyue knows that it is not like this.

Because, Qingshan at this time, is full of bad looking at Mu shallow moon, eyes are full of jealousy.

When she first came here, she thought that she would be like what she imagined, helping Shuangjie do some things, drawing and drawing.

But it is not what she thought, but some miscellaneous things, and those things have nothing to do with them.

Now the moon just came a few days ago. How can Qingshan not be angry!

After Zhang Yin tells mu Qianyue about all these things, she leaves with Qingshan's eyes that she wants to kill people.

From the next day on, the work content of muqianyue is completely different from before.

In the past, when mu Qianyue worked as an assistant here, she helped to buy some things, or if she had something to do, she would go there, and she would do chores.