But now, although she is still doing chores, her job is to make a computer draft of Shuangjie's hand drawn manuscript, or modify the drawing and other things according to Shuangjie's instructions.

Like those in the past, when Qingshan asked her to help buy something or sort out something, it was seldom her turn to take a bath in the moon.

After all, that's what an assistant does.

However, as soon as mu Qianyue became an assistant, he got such great respect and spread in the company.

Some people have some doubts, and some people are happy to bathe in the moon.

During the lunch break, Xiaoling took mu Qianyue's hand and said, "you are really lucky. I'll tell you. You will do well here, and you will do well. Now I'm not wrong?"

Mu Qianyue met Xiaoling when she first came, and Xiaoling helped mu Qianyue so much, so she had a good impression on Xiaoling. Seeing Xiaoling saying this, she could not help smiling and nodding, "mm-hmm, I think it's very good. Besides, I think Shuangjie is a very good person. Why do you think she is difficult to get along with? "

Xiaoling, "I don't know. I also listen to them, because the assistants around Shuangjie are changing all the time, and each assistant stays with her for less than a month. Moreover, every time I see Shuangjie, Shuangjie is a cold expression. Therefore, people in the company speculate whether Shuangjie's temper is not very good..."

"However, these are all handed down from her assistant. Maybe it's spread from one to another. It's like this."

Xiao Ling said, but she didn't care.

Mu shallow moon, "well, it may be so."

"Well, let's not talk about it. I haven't congratulated you. Now I really become the assistant of Shuangjie?"

Mu shallow month, "this has what good congratulation, is not the same?"

Xiao Ling shook her head. "It's really different."

Mu shallow month some curiosity, "how different?"

Xiaoling pulled mu Qianyue aside and whispered, "you don't know. It's very tiring to be a fashion designer. Besides, if you want to choose a good assistant, you need to see people."

"For example, some people are too stupid, and they can't do it. But for example, if some people are very smart and will play smart, this is also not allowed. Moreover, you assistants should be prevented from stealing the skills of designers."

"Therefore, the general fashion designer, will not tell the assistant very important thing, will not let the assistant do it."

Xiaoling said something, looked at mu Qianyue, "you should know this?"

Mu shallow month nods, this she also looked on the net some, therefore also knew some, but knew also not much.

Xiao Ling said, "I'm secretly telling you something."

Xiaoling said, looked at the side, see no one, this just rest assured in Mu shallow month's ear, said softly.

"The assistant with you, named Qingshan, do you know?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"She has been with her twin sisters for a long time. Although she is not as long as Zhang Yin, she has been for several months, but she has never been exposed to these things. She just does some miscellaneous things."

Mu shallow month surprised looking at Xiaoling, "ah?"

Mu Qianyue suddenly remembered that when Qingshan saw herself, especially when she knew that she could work with Zhang Yin, her eyes were different.

So, is that the reason?

"Mu shallow to see now? So, not all assistants can help. It depends on what the designer thinks and how the assistant does it. "

"However, since now Shuangjie asked you to do these things for her, although it's just some simple things, you should also study hard."

Mu shallow moon nodded, "mm-hmm, will."

Xiaoling took a look at the time and was about to go to work. She said to Mu Qianyue, "OK, I'll go first. You should pay attention to yourself."

Mu shallow moon, "good."

Mu shallow month in the company's canteen after dinner, back to the office.

She wants to draw all the manuscripts that Shuang Jie gave her to the computer and make it into a computer draft.

Also go to the Internet to look up, look at the general popular elements in recent years, new style, and so on.

Now with the consent of Shuangjie, Qingshan can't say anything even if he wants to say something when he sees Mu's painting again.

Just ruthlessly glared at Mu shallow month one eye, and then walked away.

For Qingshan this appearance, Mu shallow moon also did not do too much attention.

No matter what Qingshan is like, as long as she doesn't do anything to her, she won't do anything to Qingshan.

After all, mu Qianyue overestimates what assistants should do. It takes some time to draw manuscripts to the computer. Moreover, there are so many manuscripts to be drawn on the computer every day.Mu Qianyue has been working overtime these days. Every time, she works overtime until seven or eight o'clock before going home. When she comes home, she doesn't want to do anything.

This lasted for about a week. Mu Qianyue didn't know what the reason was. He felt that the whole person was a little uncomfortable. When he was ready to go to work, he suddenly felt dizzy. He propped up his head on the wall and pressed his head. The whole person didn't know whether he didn't have a good rest, and he was also weak.

All of a sudden, Mu shallow month in the heart a burst of flustered, is not, is that the precursor of the disease come out?

The heartbeat of bath shallow month is faster unconsciously.

Mu Qianyue originally wanted to go abroad, and wanted to go for treatment. Who knew that such a thing would happen, all the money was robbed, and mu Qianyue didn't feel any discomfort in his body during that period, so he thought about postponing the time of going to the hospital for examination.

Who knows, delaying, delaying, has become what it is now?

Mu Qianyue felt a little flustered and took out her mobile phone. She called Zhang Yin and asked for a day's leave. Now, mu Qianyue has to go to the hospital to have a good examination. She really can't afford to gamble.

Mu shallow month doesn't know if it's the reason that some people are flustered, and the whole person's speech is somewhat impotent.

Zhang Yin could not help saying, "what's the matter? Are you all right? "

Mu shallow month some weak smile, "I'm ok, I just feel a little uncomfortable, so I want to go to the hospital for a check-up. I may not be able to come to the company today. Can Sister Zhang take a day off for me