After hanging up the phone, mu Qianyue was relieved. Fortunately, it is not very difficult to ask for leave here.

After asking for leave, mu Qianyue took a taxi to the hospital.

Mu shallow month in this side of the time, intentionally or unintentionally are asking which hospital is good.

Now I finally have time to go.

Mu shallow month to the hospital, first to hang the number, and then waiting for preparation to slowly check.

Undoubtedly, the waiting time is long. In particular, mu Qianyue is now aware that he may be because of something, so he feels uneasy in his heart.

"Next, the 65th, the moon."

Hearing his name, mu Qianyue tightened his bag and stood up. He didn't know if it was the reason for his fear. When he got up, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Or next to a person helped Mu shallow month, "are you ok? I think you're in a bad state

Mu shallow month to smile at the other side, "I'm ok."

Then he walked in.

Inside was a male doctor, about 30 or 40 years old, with a pair of glasses. He looked very gentle. He saw mu Qianyue come in and asked him several questions as usual.

Mu shallow moon all answered one by one.

The doctor looked at the case above, and said to Mu Qianyue, "you are too tired recently, so you just have some mental distress. You can go back and have a good rest for a period of time."


Mu shallow month is surprised to look at that doctor, can't help but ask, "doctor, I haven't what's wrong with me, that is, for example, what is leukemia?"


The doctor looked at Mu shallow month in surprise, "you are just a little too tired recently. How can you associate with leukemia? Are you not talking nonsense?"

Mu shallow month heard the doctor's answer, the whole person's heart, as if to stop beating in general.

The whole person still some can't believe, "I, I, really have no other disease?"

Now the doctor can't use surprise to describe, looking at mu Qianyue strangely, "Miss mu, you really don't have any other diseases. Your body is very good. How can you ask that?"

Mu Qianyue came back to her senses and said, "no, it's OK. I'm just Maybe I've been under a lot of pressure recently, so... "

Mu shallow month has not finished, the doctor interrupted Mu shallow month's words, "Mu miss, I take the liberty to ask a, your menstrual period, has not come for two months?"

Mu shallow month was asked by the doctor this words to be stunned, for a long time did not return to God.

Or did the doctor call for a long time to bathe in the shallow moon, and then he came back to his senses, "ah? What's the matter? "

Doctor, "Miss mu, have you not had your period for two months?"

Mu shallow month heart a jump, looking at the doctor, "you mean?"

Doctor, "this I am not sure, we are not here Gynecology, you should go to gynecology where to see, but, you should be pregnant."

When mu Qianyue came out of that department, the whole person was still in a muddle, holding the list, I didn't know what I was thinking.

Until in the hospital, a person ran past from mu Qianyue's side, accidentally bumped into mu Qianyue and nearly knocked him to the ground.

The man quickly came back to Mu shallow month to help up, "Miss, are you ok?"

Mu Qianyue was originally wearing short sleeves and a seven minute pants. She was knocked down on the floor. The coolness of the tiles on the floor spread to Mu Qianyue's body, and let mu Qianyue come back to her mind. Her mind was full of the words the doctor had just said to her.

"Although I am not sure whether you are pregnant, but according to my years of experience, you should be pregnant, I suggest you had better go to gynecological examination."

Mu shallow month quickly got up from the ground, she may be pregnant now, so she can't be as careless as before.

There might be a little life in her stomach.

Mu Xiaoyue shook his head at the man, and then went to the other side.

Different from just now, if we say that when we wait for the moon just now, the whole person is a little flustered, nervous and afraid.

So now, Mu shallow moon is with a little surprise, uneasy, waiting outside.

Until finally it was Mu's turn that she went in. After a series of examinations, she looked at the doctor nervously and waited for the results.

The doctor raised his head from the list of muqianyue's examinations, with a smile on his face, "Congratulations, Miss mu, you are pregnant. It has been nearly three months."

Mu shallow moon's expression on the face is frozen where, even do not know what kind of expression to make.

This was the second time she had heard it today, but she still couldn't believe it.

Didn't she have leukemia? How can it be pregnant again?After all, that's the real thing?

The doctor called Mu shallow month. The whole person was stunned where he was. He called Mu shallow moon several times and said to Mu shallow moon, "are you worried about pregnancy?"

Mu Qianyue came back to her senses, nodded and shook her head, "no, it's me I... "

Mu shallow month also did not know how to say, finally can only stare at the doctor, silly asked a, "I, I really pregnant?"

The doctor was smiling and nodding toward the moon, "yes, you are pregnant. Is this the first time you have come to the hospital for examination? "

Mu shallow moon nods.

"Doctor," you are too careless, your menstrual period has been nearly three months, you have no doubt?

Then I'll tell you about the precautions. After that, you should come to the hospital regularly every month. Besides, now you have a little life in your stomach, so you can't be as impetuous as before, and you'd better not bump into each other. The first three months are the most important. Now, although you have spent the first three months, but the latter one We should pay attention to it in seven months.


Mu Qianyue quietly listened to the doctor, nodded from time to time, or interrupted the doctor, asked some things, and even took out his mobile phone to write down the doctor's words in the memo.

Some were happy when they were mothers, and some were afraid and surprised when they were new mothers.

But there was more joy.

If we say that mu Qianyue is a time to check with fear and uneasiness, then now, when we leave, mu Qianyue leaves with a smile on his face.

When I enter the hospital, I look sad, but when I leave the hospital, I am very happy. Moreover, who is smiling in the hospital.