"Isn't it that Shuang Jie's temper is not easy to get along with? How did that Mu shallow month just go to double elder sister not long, unexpectedly got double elder sister such respect! That's a fashion designer

Next to someone holding his friend's hand, can't help tightening, tone is also very excited.

Looking at mu Qianyue's appearance, imagine that you are valued by your own designers, and then you can promote yourself in this way. However, things are always not so satisfactory.

"Bad temper means bad treatment to people. What's more, I think muqianyue is very good. I also think she works very seriously. Several times, I saw mu Qianyue sitting on the chair, drawing design drawings carefully and modifying them."

"Well, why are you the assistant of the two sisters. What's more, Qingshan and Zhang Yin still want to come first. Why is it that mu Qianyue that Shuang elder sister is interested in? "

"Didn't you listen to them? Shuangjie said that mu Qianyue has a talent for design. She is also optimistic about muqianyue, so she will promote mu Qianyue in this way. As for Sister Zhang yinshuang, she can say a lot in front of me

"As for Qingshan's words, you said that Qingshan was standing by the fact that he was the assistant of two sisters, so he gave us a look. If Qingshan became a designer, he didn't know what to look like to be arrogant."

"That seems to be the same thing. I think it's mainly because it's time for Mu to go to Shuangjie. It must be that Shuangjie looks good on him, or something. Shuangjie will treat mu Qianyue like this. "

"Who knows, we don't have this good luck anyway."

A group of people in the company gathered and discussed.

Mu Qianyue stood aside, and naturally someone came to congratulate him, "Congratulations, Mu assistant, ah, no, I may call you mu designer in the future."

Mu shallow month toward the other side of the smile, "thank you, but now or don't call so, these are double sister taught me, I still want to stay in double sister's side, always in the double sister's assistant."

"As an assistant designer, you should not serve me as a tea delivery assistant

A familiar voice came from behind.

Mu shallow month some helplessly called a: "Xiaoling."

Xiaoling came out from the back and came to Mu Qianyue's side, "how about it? Am I wrong? It is. If you are an assistant, where can you be comfortable as a designer? "

Mu shallow month sorry to smile at that person, this just put eyes on Xiaoling's body, "OK, don't say, that mouth, a day has not stopped."

Xiaoling also wanted to say something, and the two sisters above began to speak. Xiaoling had to shut her mouth and listen to her words quietly.

Shuang Jie, "you can have a look and enjoy it. This is the design drawing of Mu Qianyue's painting. Does it make people feel bright in front of their eyes?"

Shuang Jie said, took the first design drawing and showed it to everyone.

Mu shallow moon painting is a series of wedding dress design drawings.

Because mu Qianyue finds that she has a special preference for the design of wedding dress, so the painting is basically related to the wedding dress.

I know that Shuangjie's paintings are generally fashionable clothes, so mu Qianyue doesn't collide with Shuangjie.

The first wedding dress is shown in front of you. Mu Qianyue's painting is more partial to the forest system, which kind of ancient style is it.

I saw, the waist design of the wedding dress is very clever, and the design drawing also painted a lot of flowers, a trace of a is mu shallow moon slowly painted on, very fine.

Below the skirt, layer upon layer of each other, people can not help but think that with the host's action, the lower skirt is like living in general.

The company's people look at the design of the moon, from time to time praise two, really good!

The company appeared such a talent, the company's top management is naturally happy.

It's sister Zheng. She hasn't thought that mu Qianyue still has this talent.

When Lin Qi came in with mu Qianyue, that is to say, let muqianyue be a designer.

But at that time, there was no shortage of people in the company.

Moreover, although Mu shallow month's resume is very good, but also is not the best, so Zheng elder sister also did not agree to let Mu shallow month stay.

Who knows the back unexpectedly will hit by mistake to become the assistant of double elder sister, and now still mix so much.

Zheng's heart can't help but feel relieved. It seems that Lin Qi didn't read the wrong person at the beginning.

Standing behind Shuangjie is the designer. Seeing that she said Mu Qianyue so well, she couldn't help but have some doubts. She stretched out her head and wanted to see the design drawing of Mu Qianyue.

A designer looked at mu Qianyue's design drawing, frowned, and suddenly said, "isn't this the style of Shuangjie's design drawing? What's more, these 12 pictures at the back are not the design drawings drawn by the two sisters for the US competition? ""Although there are some differences, but the overall look is the same. Moreover, the style is also the style of Shuangjie, but the technique seems a little immature."

The designer took the pictures and came to the front of the two sisters, "this is the designer you mentioned? You can see what she is drawing and talking. You can avoid the time when you promote others, but you don't know what's going on! "

The designer was a man, and he didn't speak very well, but what he said was very reasonable. It was all for his sister.

Seeing this, Shuangjie still couldn't believe it, "how can it be? I've seen all the design drawings she drew. She designed them independently, and they are all very good. How can they be? "

The man's designer put the design map directly into his sister's hand. "You'd better take a look at this before you talk."

The male designer's voice was not loud and not small, but all the people present could hear it.

When hearing that male designer say these words, those designers can't help but look down again.

Just a cursory look at it, I only think that the design drawing is very good, giving people a very amazing feeling, but there is always a sense of familiarity in it.

Now take a closer look at it and find out that it's not the usual method when Shuangjie draws design drawings?

Although mu Qianyue's painting is good and attractive, it can still be seen that mu Qianyue copied the works of Shuangjie!