In particular, the 12 design drawings are not the ones designed by the two sisters to participate in the design competition in the United States?

What's going on?


Some people can't help but cover their mouth, and some are surprised and cry, "what? Mu shallow moon actually is plagiarism? What's going on? Didn't you just say that mu Qianyue has design talent? "

"this design as like as two peas painted, is very similar to the design, even the same way."

Zhang Yin changed her face, took back all the design drawings and put them in front of Shuangjie. "Shuangjie, this?"

Shuang Jie took those design drawings, but she could not see anything on her face. She looked at them quietly, and then walked slowly to Mu Qianyue.

Seeing this, Zhang Yin quickly followed.

Hiding in the dark, Qingshan saw the scene and hooked his smile.

Even when I was just bathed in the moon to be a designer, I couldn't help feeling better.

Mu shallow moon, but just plagiarized Shuangjie's.

"What's the matter? Is mu Qianyue really plagiarized? " Some designers and assistants who have a good impression on mu Qianyue can't help it.

"I think it's probably plagiarized. Didn't you see that design just now? It's almost the same as the design that Shuang Jie first drew. "

"That's right. Shuangjie values mu Qianyue so much that she even wants to promote herself to be a designer, but she didn't expect that mu Qianyue would be such a person. What a waste of my sister's kindness


Mu shallow month heard those people beside, from the beginning of envy, praise themselves, into this way, the whole person is muddled, do not know what is going on.

It was clearly her own design of the manuscript, and she also specifically avoided the style of twin sisters, how could it?

Xiaoling, beside the moon, couldn't help touching the moon. "Shallow moon, what's going on here? Talk to me

Now all the people in the company have misunderstood Qianyue. Xiaoling didn't see the design plan. Even if Xiaoling saw it, she would believe mu Qianyue. She knew that Qianyue would not be such a person and she would not copy it.

Mu Qianyue is pushed by Xiaoling, and the whole person can recover, "Xiaoling, I I didn't copy. "

Xiaoling frowned: "of course I believe you, but now people in the company..."

Before Xiaoling's words had been spoken, Shuangjie and Zhang Yin came to the front of muqianyue.

Mu Qianyue saw Shuangjie and explained, "Shuangjie, I don't know what's going on, but I swear, I didn't, I didn't copy your design."

Zhang Yin, "no? You'd better take a good look at what you're painting, and then you can say that again! "

"It's a pity that Shuangjie is so good to you. In the past, I asked you to be the assistant of Shuangjie to help Shuangjie do some things. I didn't expect that you did things like this! Plagiarism, Shuangjie's design drawings, and they are all drawn down. "

Zhang Yin said, took a look at the stack of design drawings on her hand and flung it fiercely on mu Qianyue's face.

Although the weight of the paper is not much, and only a few, but so hard hit in the face of the moon, Mu shallow moon can not help but close his eyes.

That paper hit the pain on the face, completely can not compare with the heart.

Mu shallow month bow head, looking at the scattered design drawings, supporting his waist, some difficult squat down, slowly picked up one by one.

Next to Xiao Ling, she bit her lips, as if she was struggling with something. Finally, she squatted down and helped mu Qianyue to pick up the things on the ground.

Then he stood up slowly with the help of Mu shallow moon.

Mu Qianyue looks at these design drawings. These design drawings are indeed drawn by mu Qianyue. Among them, Shuangjie gave her some good advice, otherwise, she would not have drawn so well.

But now, what do they say?

She plagiarized the works of Shuangjie?

This work is still the one that went to America to participate in the competition.

Zhang Yin, "did you draw this design drawing?"

Mu Qianyue closed her eyes and opened them again. When she opened them again, her eyes were full of firmness. "Yes, I did draw this design drawing, but I didn't copy Shuangjie's, and this design drawing was directed by Shuangjie!"

Zhang Yin seems to have heard some big joke, looking at mu Qianyue, "you said it was Shuangjie who instructed you to draw it? I'd like to ask you, when did Shuangjie instruct you to draw? When I was in the company, I was always with Shuangjie, and Shuangjie preferred to let me deal with anything. Shuangjie could not go beyond me and come to you directly? "

Zhang Yin's words are not wrong. After all, Zhang Yin is the most effective assistant in front of Shuangjie. If there is something, Shuangjie must have told Zhang Yin the first time. How could she go to Mu Qianyue.

Mu Qianyue didn't pay attention to Zhang Yin, but looked at Shuangjie. "Shuangjie, this design drawing was drawn by you at the beginning. Moreover, what you designed were not all those evening dresses with brands?"When mu Qianyue drew the design drawing, she also inquired about the main design of Shuangjie, so she chose the wedding dress.


"Sister Shuang always paints wedding dresses, OK? Shuangjie is involved in everything, but it is Shuangjie's best at drawing wedding dresses

"That's right. Mu Qianyue is lying at first, and she also said that she was instructed by some twin sisters. However, she was so busy that she could not spare time to instruct her to bathe in the moon."

"Even if you want to lie, you have to find a good reason. Don't even tell me the reason

"Double elder sister looks at Mu shallow month," you let me down too much. "

The double elder sister's eyes are full of disappointment, finally looked at Mu shallow month one eye, then turned to leave.

Mu Qianyue didn't expect that things would be like this. What Shuang Jie is good at is designing wedding dresses. When she asked Zhang Yin, Zhang Yin didn't say so.

Mu Qianyue looked at Zhang Yin fiercely, "Sister Zhang, I remember when I asked you, you didn't tell me that. You said that Shuangjie designed other kinds of wedding dresses, and recommended me to draw wedding dresses..."

Mu Qianyue's words have not finished, was interrupted by Zhang Yin.

Zhang Yin looked at mu Qianyue, with disbelief and disappointment, "shallow moon, when did I say such a thing to you? As the assistant of Shuangjie, and I have been with Shuangjie for so long, how could I forget that the best design of Shuangjie is wedding dress, and let you draw wedding dress. But, even so, why did you copy from Shuangjie? "