Qiao Si Er takes Mu shallow month to go out to stroll a circle, carefully supports Mu shallow month, for fear that Mu shallow moon has where to knock against.

Mu Qianyue looks at the cautious Josie, only feels warm in her heart. She is always careless and seldom has so many careful times.

I didn't expect that she would show herself that way.

In the evening, mu Qianyue asked jos'er to go back, because she could only sleep in the hospital bed, and it was uncomfortable to sleep in the hospital bed.

Mu Qianyue doesn't want to let Josie so aggrieved, so she wants to let Josie leave.

Josie stopped and looked at mu Qianyue: "no, as I said, I will be here with you. Moreover, you are here alone, it is not convenient to do anything. OK, you don't have to say. I'm here not for you, but for my unborn dry son, so you can't say anything more."

Mu shallow month looks at the Josie son to say a big string of words, completely does not have the room to refute.

Finally, I agreed.

It's boring to stay in the hospital. When I'm bored, I can only play with my mobile phone and brush my microblog. Josie holds her head and looks at the moon. She is sad: "shallow moon, don't you feel bored?"

At this time, Mu shallow month lying in the hospital bed, holding a design book in reading, can actually read so attentive.

If it's Joel, she thinks she can't do it.

Mu Qianyue raised his head from the front of the paper: "not boring, why?"

Josel: "I feel so boring. There's no fun playing with mobile phones. Can you talk to me?"

Mu Qianyue doesn't feel bored, because she is pregnant with a child now. She can't watch her mobile phone or computer. Everything is bad for her body. She won't touch anything that radiates a lot. So mu can only read books.

I think it's very good.

Mu Qianyue collected the book and looked at Josie: "OK, what do you want to say."

Josel: "let's continue to talk about our business."

Speaking of this, Qiao Si Er suddenly came to interest, she always wanted to start her own business, want to surpass Cheng Yinan, so as not to be bullied by Cheng Yinan all day long!

Mu Qianyue thought, "well, yes, what do you think?"

If you think about it, Josie doesn't want to do that. Since mu Qianyue said those words this morning, she didn't want to do that.

Josel is the third heat.

Josie looked at mu Qianyue: "shallow moon, or you go with me, I will arrange a position for you as the general manager. You don't have to be angry with anyone. You can do what you want. What do you think?"

Josie's eyes are shining at the moon.

Mu shallow month is to shake head, "I don't want to enter the company now, this matter still can talk about later."

Josel: OK


Mu was observed in the hospital for a few days before he was finally discharged.

Until Mu shallow month discharged from hospital, Xiaoling did not appear.

Qiao Si Er looks at Mu shallow moon to look around everywhere, can't help but say: "OK, don't look, that person called Xiaoling didn't come."

Mu Qianyue is not disappointed. After all, in the company, mu Qianyue and Xiaoling are the best.

Qiao Si Er returns Mu shallow month to that community, and then is caught by Cheng Yi Nan.

Qiao Si Er has been here for a long time. Cheng Yinan has been dissatisfied with him. Now he is finally discharged from hospital. How can Cheng Yinan not arrest people.

Mu shallow month looks at two people's back, can't help but smile.

Hope, two people can really good together.

After this is called a matter, mu Qianyue deeply finds that he still has to have power and power and money, so that he can't be bullied by others. Even if he is vilified and misunderstood by others, he has the courage to speak.

Otherwise, no one will believe your words and no one will stand on your side.

Mu Qianyue thinks that when she is in the company, she is good for her twin sister and Zhang Yin. But who would have thought that such a thing would happen? It's just a surprise.

She was so nice to her on the surface, but secretly, it was this way to treat her.

Mu Qianyue lies on the bed, her head is a little empty for a while. Although she thinks that she wants to start her own business, and still needs to come to the kind of money quickly, she still doesn't think about what she wants to do.

What's more, this matter needs to be done as soon as possible.

"Hit him! Hit him! Throw a stone at him! This monster, he and we are not the same kind of people, he is a monster

"That is, he said that he could see other things, and we didn't see them. He was lying, beating him and not letting him play with us."

"Ha ha ha, look, he won't retort, he will just hold his head, it's just silly. How can there be such a stupid person?""That's it, this fool!"


In front of the noise, noisy children's voice intermittent, Mu shallow moon frowned.

I want to get around here, but this is the only way back to the community. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't go around.

Mu shallow moon toward the front, the next second, into the eyes of a scene let Mu shallow moon pupil can not help but slightly contract.

Not far from the front, a few children of five, six, or seven or eight years old gathered around a child, with stones, vegetable leaves, or other things in their hands. They kept saying something in their mouths, and the things in their hands hit the boy.

Seeing that stone was about to hit the little boy's head, the moon could not help but say, "stop it!"

Mu shallow month's voice suddenly remembered, with three points of cold, two points momentum, but it is really to suppress the group of children.

Mu shallow moon slowly walked past.

The child lying on the ground couldn't see exactly what he looked like. He was wearing a thin coat and trousers.

Now it is gradually winter, who is not wearing himself warm and warm, want to cover himself into a ball, that little boy's dress, Mu shallow moon saw, can't help but feel cold.

"What are you doing?"

Standing next to the children did not speak, looked at each other, may be because for the first time someone ran into them bullying this scene.

There is still an older child said: "hit people, what's the matter. What do you want? "

Mu shallow month Oh, from their side by the way, not very want to tube.

After living here for some time, mu Qianyue has basically understood the society.