It's totally different from Kyoto. In Kyoto, people on the roadside, or the police, will take care of these things.

And here, no matter who it is, it doesn't matter.

Unless you're lucky enough to meet the police, otherwise, you'll look like you did last time.

It's just something mu Qianyue doesn't want to recall.

If it wasn't for that matter, the card of muqianyue would not be missing.

Mu shallow moon will not be reduced to the present situation.

However, let Mu shallow moon is glad that she has a child.

At the time when mu Qianyue is about to leave here, she turns around and looks at the group of children: "why do you want to hit him?"

That group of children were asked by Mu shallow month some lenglengleng, did not respond for a time.

The oldest of the children here is only eight years old. Bullying is nothing more than a fresh shot. Where can you answer anything.

Mu shallow month: "now time is not early, you go back quickly, also don't bully him."

Mu Qianyue looked at the group of children with a pair of eyes. The group of children couldn't help being afraid. Finally, they left three by two.

See that group of people leave, Mu shallow moon sighed, clearly said good, regardless of these idle thoughts? I can't help it.

Mu shallow month went back a few steps, came to the little boy's side, some difficult squat down his body, "are you ok?"

Mu shallow month admits that he is seeing this child, being bullied, and understands compassion in his heart.

As if to see, when he was a child, he was bullied by mu Xuerou, so mu Qianyue still didn't hold back.

The little boy did not speak. He lay on the ground quietly, silent.

Mu shallow moon some doubts, difficult is because of what happened?

Mu Qianyue reaches out and wants to touch the little boy.

But the next second, the little boy suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of dark, like the stars in the night sky, straight looking at the moon.

Mu shallow month was suddenly staring at by such a pair of eyes, the things on the whole hand were stiff for a moment.

This child's eyes, how does it look to make people afraid?

See the little boy like this, also should have nothing to do.

Mu Qianyue took back his hand: "OK, it's ok now. Go back quickly. Remember, you can't let them fight again. Even if they want to beat you, you should learn how to resist. Don't stand there and wait for them to beat you. Do you know? "

Mu shallow month finish saying, support oneself body, slowly rise.

The distance of this section of road is not far away from the community. It takes more than ten minutes to walk in muqianyue.

The community is to access control card to enter, Mu shallow month just want to swipe card in, the back of the clothes were suddenly pulled.

Mu shallow month heart under a startle, quickly turn round: "who?"

He didn't see his figure. Mu Qianyue lowered his head. He saw a man who was less than his waist and pulled his clothes. His hands could hardly be called hands. They were very dark. There were some scars of new and old wounds on them. They looked terrible.

See Mu shallow month to look at oneself, the little boy also uses own vision same straight looking at Mu shallow moon.

Be that pair of dark eyes to see, bathe shallow month always feel oneself can be sucked in the same.

Mu shallow month fiercely moves own vision.

The surprise in the heart is bigger than doubt, what is this little boy to follow up with? Why didn't she notice?

Or does the boy look, not like what he looks like?

Mu Qianyue looks around, and now there are no more people outside. Moreover, standing with the boy, I don't know why. Mu Qianyue always feels some terror.

Mu shallow month's courage is originally small, and can't stand fear.

Mu Qianyue looked at the little boy and looked at him with calm eyes, "what's the matter? It's very late now, you should go home, go home quickly, or your parents will worry about you if they don't find you. Good

Mu shallow month said, want to use the hand to move that child's hand, but in the Mu shallow month hand on that little boy's hand, Mu shallow month is a shiver.

What kind of hand is this? Why is it so cold? It's like a piece of ice.

What's more, mu Qianyue took a look at the boy's look, he seemed to be completely unable to feel the same, so tightly Mu shallow moon's clothes ran in his hands.

Mu Qianyue wants to move the little boy's hand, but the little boy's grasp is very tight, so mu Qianyue can't move it.

Mu shallow month also has some to be angry, oneself just also was saved him, how can he depend on oneself like this?

Let go of you! Go to whoever you should go to now. Don't pull my clothes here. ""Let go

Mu Qianyue wants to take his clothes out of the hands of the little boy, but he can't pull them out.

Mu Xiaoyue was a little frustrated: "what's your name? Where does your family live? Shall I take you back? You talk! Why don't you talk? Is it dumb? "

Mu shallow month asked the little boy several questions in succession, but the little boy in addition to so silly to Mu shallow moon to look at, there is no other action.

Mu Qianyue looks around. Whose child is this? Can you come and get the man back and put it here like this?

"What are you doing standing here, little girl? Why don't you go in? " The uncle in the security room pokes out a head and looks at mu Qianyue.

Mu shallow month to still want to go in, but she can't go in now.

This security guard has been here for such a long time. He should know the boy. Maybe he can know who the boy is.

Mu Qianyue looked at the security uncle: "uncle, do you know who's child this is? I just saw someone hit him on the road, so I saved him, but who knows, he just pulled me

The tone of Mu shallow moon sounds helpless.

I should have known that she should have stopped meddling.

Now it's all right. I'm stuck with a little kid.

"Who? Let me see. "

The security uncle said, came out of the security room and came to the side of the moon. The light of the flashlight shone on the little boy's face. The little boy's face was very dirty and looked very dark. The flashlight shone on the boy's face, which seemed a little scary.

Perhaps it was the light, the little boy narrowed his eyes, but the hand is not let go, Mu shallow month's clothes dead in his hands.