Shuang Jie looks at mu Qianyue. Compared with five years ago, muqianyue is living more moistening. She doesn't look like a person in her 289's, but looks like a woman in her early twenties.

Such a woman, no doubt is God's preferential treatment, even double elder sister looked at some jealousy Mu shallow moon.

Hear Mu shallow month to ask so, double elder sister smile, lift to touch own hair, "do not know what you are saying? What was my plan? Clothes? I'm really sorry. I'm the one who planned the company's clothes

Double elder sister looks at Mu shallow month, smile one face gentleness.

It's as if she wasn't the one before.

In their profession, they should always be on guard. If there is something recorded on mu Qianyue's body, then what she said is that she made her own future difficult?

"Ha ha."

Mu shallow month looks at double elder sister, also did not think double elder sister will want to admit.

But she just knows who did it.

"Why did you do this at the beginning?"

Shuangjie's face was ugly for a moment, but it was quickly hidden by Shuangjie.

"I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You can't understand it. You can't understand it

Mu shallow month looks at the assistant that follows double elder sister behind, is completely unfamiliar face, "changed a new assistant again? What about your former assistant? Because I know some of your secrets, so you can't help being expelled? "

"It's not up to you to take care of my affairs. It's you, bathe in the moon, and now you can only be reduced to what you are now?" Shuang elder sister looks at mu Qianyue with some disdain.

"Well? I like it, and then again. I'm afraid you can't take charge of my affairs now. Two sisters


"Sharp teeth and sharp lips!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

"sister Shuang, we are leaving now, and the party is about to start." The assistant next to Shuangjie whispered to her.

Double elder sister coldly looked at Mu shallow month one eye, turned to leave.

"Plagiarism is plagiarism. No matter what, it can't change this fact!" If Shuangjie wants to leave from here, she has to go through muqianyue. When she passes by, she says a word to Mu Qianyue, and then she wants to bump into muqianyue.

But there is a pair of big hands beside, the waist that bathes shallow month gives in time to embrace past, double elder sister one did not stop, oneself so bumped into the wall.

"Touch." It's a little loud.

Mu shallow month all heard the voice, can imagine, that person hit is how painful.

"Sister Shuang, are you ok?" Shuangjie's assistant couldn't help but exclaimed. She came to the side of Shuangjie and supported her. She asked anxiously.

Double elder sister looks toward Mu shallow moon, but has not seen Mu shallow month when, by a pair of indifferent eyes to tightly watch.

In that eye, there is no half of emotion, only endless indifference, endless cold, and Rayleigh.

Shuangjie was looked at by this pair of eyes, subconsciously what was directly forgotten, leaving only deep fear in his mind.

It was not until Lu Zeyuan took mu Qianyue's waist and walked out of a long distance. When she heard her assistant's voice, she could not help but come back.

But in the mind, can't help but think of that pair of eyes, like a poisonous snake, looking at you, let you simply can't breathe.

Who is that man?

Why can be in Mu shallow moon's side, moreover, return to Mu shallow month so protect?

Because she was afraid, she didn't see what Lu Zeyuan looked like. She just remembered a pair of cold eyes.

Let double elder sister think of each time can not help but cold sweat, some shiver.

Lu Zeyuan takes mu Qianyue out and holds mu Qianyue's hand. He knows that mu Qianyue is not in a good mood now.

He didn't speak for a while. However, in the place where mu Qianyue didn't see it, Lu Zeyuan's eyes were full of violence. Is that the woman who slandered Yueyue's plagiarism when she was working here, and then Yueyue was expelled?

Mu shallow moon hugs Lu Zeyuan, and his voice is a little stuffy, "you say, why are some people like this? What others have not done is to slander others and treat her like this. "

Although mu Qianyue now has her own company, and after so many years, her heart has changed a little. However, in front of Lu Zeyuan, mu Qianyue has never changed. It is the same as before, or the same as before.

Lu Zeyuan embraces Mu shallow moon, "anyway, they are all unimportant people, don't pay attention to them."


Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan return to the company together. Now the focus of the company is moving towards Kyoto. Lu Zeyuan knows a lot better than himself. So sometimes, on some matters, mu Qianyue still asks Lu Zeyuan for his opinions.After all, Lu Zeyuan has stayed in Kyoto for such a long time, so he should be familiar with any market suitable for him.

So in many cases, Xiaoai even felt that his position had been robbed by Lu Zeyuan.

Let little love is helpless.

What's more, sister Mu and the boss's wife are glued together every day.

Mu Qianyue looks at the purchase contract in front of him, squints and picks up the contract to have a look.

The company acquired is the company where Shuangjie is. If Mu Qianyue has no mistakes in memory. Is this company owned by Tang Feng, too?

Why buy this company?

Mu shallow moon turned over, just at this time Lu Zeyuan also walked in from outside, came to Mu shallow moon side, "what are you doing?"

Mu Qianyue put the purchase contract in front of Lu Zeyuan, "is this acquisition contract you put here?"

In addition to Lu Zeyuan, Mu shallow moon also can't think of who will put this here, small love is impossible.

Lu Zeyuan also did not deny, looking at Mu shallow moon nodded, "well, like it?"

"Why buy their company?" This company, no matter how compared, is much better than the company of Mu shallow month.

After all, muqianyue's company is only a few years old.

"This is a good springboard. Don't you want to go to Kyoto? We can buy this company, and the latter things will be much simpler. "

In spite of that, this acquisition document was put in front of him this afternoon after what happened this morning.

Mu Qianyue always thinks that this matter is somewhat mysterious.

Mu shallow month looks at Lu Zeyuan, "do you know who this company is?"