"I don't know."

Lu Zeyuan's answer is very straightforward, and does not separate from the water.

Mu Qianyue nods and thinks about it. Lu Zeyuan doesn't know the woman, let alone what happened between the woman and her. Maybe this contract appears here, it's just an accident.

Mu shallow month did not pursue this matter, but Lu Zeyuan actually did not do, Lu Zeyuan hugged Mu shallow month, "do you know who this company is?"

Mu Qianyue must know that. At the beginning, the assistant came to find out what he said. He still remembers clearly what he said.

However, mu Qianyue is not sure whether he wants to say it or not, because if Lu Zeyuan looks like this, he will not be jealous?

"Well? Whose company is this? Does the answer take so long? "

"It's the man you saw last night."

In hearing Lu Zeyuan said the last sentence, Mu shallow moon has not yet restrained, said Tang Feng's name.

She didn't want this man to be jealous, otherwise, she felt that her old waist would not be able to bear it.

"What's the name?"

"Tang Feng."

"Tang Feng, it seems that you two are really familiar with each other, even their names."

Mu Qianyue

"It's just a name

"It's just a name now. I don't know what kind of relationship it will develop in the future. Besides, last night, he told you

Lu Zeyuan's words have not finished, was Mu shallow moon was covered mouth, Mu shallow moon's face look a little angry, "OK, you shut up!"

"You're still killing me for other men."

Mu Qianyue

"I'm wrong. I'm wrong."

"No wonder, when you see this contract, you show such an expression. It turns out that you don't want to buy this company because he belongs to Tang Feng. I've worked hard for this company, but you...... Forget it. If you don't want to buy it, forget it. "

Mu shallow month, "no, listen to you, everything listen to you, I am not because he is the company, so I think there is no acquisition, you have to believe me."

"Well, believe you, you want to buy."

By such a disturbance, mu Qianyue, who would think of caring about Lu Zeyuan's recognition of that woman.

Moreover, since Lu Zeyuan has said that it will be beneficial to acquire this company, there must be Lu Zeyuan's idea.

Immediately, mu Qianyue let Xiaoai prepare to go down and meet with the president of Tang's group here.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Jinghua club, in the box.

Mu shallow month looks at this familiar person in front of him, the whole person almost cried, OK?

It's not because of anything else, it's because the person sitting opposite mu Qianyue is Tang Feng. In just two days, several people have seen each other for such a long time.

Well, in fact, with today's, it's just two sides.

But, for jealous people, this is a big taboo, OK? Mu shallow month some helpless, although know this company is Tang Feng, but here is not just a branch company? How could Tang Feng come here in person?

Mu shallow month toward Tang Feng formula nodded, and then was a jealous man back to his arms inside.

Mu shallow month embarrassed cough.

Let Lu Zeyuan put her down first, but how could Lu Zeyuan play it back? It's good not to take the moon away at this time.

Tang Feng looked at the intimate two people, although he had told himself to give up, but do not know why, and then see two people so close, Tang Feng felt as if his heart was dug out a large piece, very painful, very painful.

He knows that Lu Zeyuan is declaring his sovereignty and has deep hostility to himself. However, he has been clearly and definitely rejected by mu Qianyue. Therefore, even if he has any thoughts now, it is impossible to reveal them now, let alone let mu Qianyue know.

I can only hide it in my heart.

Tang Feng, "did not expect, want to buy Tang Shi Group unexpectedly is you."

Mu Qianyue smiles at Tang Feng in some embarrassment. When mu Qianyue is ready to speak, who knows, Lu Zeyuan actually opens his mouth.

"Well, I don't like you."

Mu shallow month glared at Lu Zeyuan next to him, which made him feel a little embarrassed. He said to Tang Feng, "I'm sorry, because it's the need of the market, so I have to do this."

"It's OK. You can never say these three words to me."

Mu Qianyue is a little embarrassed. For a moment, she doesn't know how to answer her questions. Tang Feng has helped her a lot in recent years. Moreover, Tang Feng is very kind to her, but in her heart, Lu Zeyuan is the only one.Tang Feng also realized that he had made a mistake and quickly changed it. "I mean, the thing that you were expelled from the company is our company's fault. I also know the meaning of the company you want to buy now, so I can give it to you directly without purchasing."

Tang Feng to Mu shallow moon road.

Tang Feng thinks that mu Qianyue bought this company because of the company's business five years ago. At that time, after taking over Tang's group, Tang Feng first came to m country to seek justice from mu Qianyue, and wanted to expel her sister from the company. However, many people on the board of directors disagreed.

Although Shuangjie was very arrogant in the company at that time, her ability was also placed there. Therefore, although Tang Feng wanted to expel Shuangjie and confirm it for mu Qianyue, she failed in the end.

Don't want to buy the company, so I don't want to buy this company.

"No, it's better to purchase. The company we buy will be different from the company we send us. Moreover, we don't lack any money."

Mu shallow month has not spoken, Lu Zeyuan on the side of the light mouth.

"Well, whatever you want." Tang Feng laughs, still did not force, he is to know Lu Zeyuan's identity, naturally also know, Lu Zeyuan certainly will not be short of this little money.

Moreover, Lu Zeyuan now giant willing to put down the entire Lu Group, accompany, Mu shallow moon came here, this is also very good.

It can be seen that Lu Zeyuan is very fond of Mu Qianyue. Since the two men came in, Lu Zeyuan has only one look at him, and the rest of his eyes are all on mu Qianyue's body.

Seeing this scene, Tang Feng felt that he had already lost.