"I asked my great grandfather just now. He said that if Mom and dad sleep together, there will be babies in mummy's stomach. When the time is right, the baby will come out of the mother's stomach, and then it will be a sister."

Lu Beichen happily faces Qiao Yu Road.

Then some doubt way, "why does father and mother sleep with children?"

Qiao Yu, who knew something about it, didn't know how to explain it. He just said to Lu Beichen, "when you grow up, you will know."


Lu Beichen thought in his heart, just when he asked his great grandfather, great grandfather also said so, now his brother also said so, then they must know in their heart, so they have grown up? If he grows up, he should know, too?

Lu Beichen thought of it next to him. Then he thought that when his father and mother were sleeping together, they would have children. Would he and his brother also have children?

Lu Beichen's brain hole is quite big sometimes.

Lu Beichen vaguely thought of it, and finally couldn't resist the attack of sleepiness and fell asleep.

After Lu Beichen fell asleep, Qiao Yu turned around and looked at Lu Beichen. Lu Beichen was no longer the crumpled baby, but had grown so big and cute.

Sometimes Qiao Yu wondered whether he would be as cute as Lu Beichen if he hadn't disappeared.


The next day, muqianyue still couldn't get up. It was more than ten o'clock in the morning when she got up.

Although the body is still a little sore, but also very clean. Obviously, Lu Zeyuan cleaned it up while she was sleeping.

Mu shallow Moon up when still some muddle, the head is still some dizzy, do not know this evening is He Xi's appearance, the side has no residual temperature.

It seems that Lu Zeyuan has been up for a long time. Mu Qianyue has been doing it for a while, and then he lies back with a face full of lovelessness.

That's what happens to overindulgence.

But fortunately, Lu Zeyuan agreed to yesterday's incident.

It's just that the price of last night was a little big, Mu shallow moon thought of it.

Now she has time to think about the mysterious smile on Josie's face when she gave her the box and said she would enjoy it.

Now Mu shallow month just want to say, enjoy a fart, she just wants to die feeling good?

Still enjoying, I don't know if josel is always like this, so I come to such a conclusion.

However, mu Qianyue thought of Lu Zeyuan and Liu Zheyuan's excitement last night. She seemed to feel that what Josie said was true. At least she seemed to enjoy it.

Aware of what she is thinking, Mu's face is burning. What is she thinking now?

Is this what she should think about now?

Mu shallow moon looked around for a while, found that the thing that wore on her body last night already did not know where to go.

Mu shallow moon now also hard to think about where that thing is, don't let her see that thing in.

Just as muqianyue was getting ready to get out of bed, the door of the bedroom was suddenly opened. Lu Zeyuan came in from the outside with something still in his hand. The heat was so dense inside that it looked very hot.

See Mu shallow month of time, originally facial expressionless face on a few minutes more soft, came to Mu shallow moon's side, "got up?"

Mu shallow month does not have good spirit rolled a white eye way: "you did not see? What else? It's unnecessary. "

I don't know if it is because of last night's reason, Mu shallow month's mood is very irascible now, it is the appearance that burns at one point.

Naturally, Lu Zeyuan didn't have a good face. He thought that how he begged for mercy and how he cried last night didn't work. The man was still as domineering and aggressive as ever. Mu Qianyue simply didn't know what to say.

Mu Qianyue moved her eyes away, and soon put her eyes on Lu Zeyuan's body: "you didn't go to work?"

Lu Zeyuan said.

"Take care of you at home."

"I don't owe my appearance to someone. It's good to say that I'm here to take care of me."

Mu shallow month some indecent rolled a white eye, to Lu Zeyuan not good gas way.

Lu Zeyuan sat next to Mu Qianyue and reached out to hold her waist. She said softly, "I'm sorry last night. I was too reckless."

It's not the hairy boy at the beginning, but Lu Zeyuan still didn't hold back when he saw the moon.

Although in the back, Mu shallow moon already fainted, and also constantly beg for mercy, Lu Zeyuan did not let Mu shallow moon.

Mu shallow moon pushed Lu Zeyuan away, "I'm hungry."

Lu Zeyuan took his porridge and blew it in front of him. It was only when the temperature was just moderate that it began to be put into Mu's mouth.Mu Qianyue accepted Lu Zeyuan's service with peace of mind.

Wait for mu shallow month to finish breakfast, simple wash gargle for a while, already want to have lunch now.

Mu shallow month simply can't imagine, he just returned to Kyoto, the company just went one day, today he was late.

Mu shallow moon some helpless help forehead.

In the Mu shallow month dressed neatly, sitting in bed, Lu Beichen Deng Deng Deng Deng ran in, toward Mu shallow month's arms in the past, "Mommy."

Great. He finally saw mommy.


Mu Qianyue hugs Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen was still watching Lu Zeyuan go downstairs before he came in.


He got up so early this morning, just to see Mommy early. But he didn't expect that when he got up, the bedroom door had not been opened. He waited outside for a while, and Lu Zeyuan came out of the bedroom.

Lu Beichen saw Lu Zeyuan come out, and he wanted to run into the bedroom and see his mother. But who knows Lu Zeyuan said a word that made Lu Beichen stop.

Lu Zeyuan said his mother was still sleeping and was very tired last night, so he asked him not to disturb her rest.

How could Lu Beichen be willing to let his mother not have a good rest, so Lu Beichen stayed in his bedroom for several hours, until he saw Lu Zeyuan enter the bedroom and come out again, Lu Beichen ran in.

Mu shallow month sees landing, North Chen shrugs and pulls a small face, can't help but pinch Lu Beichen's small face and asks, "baby, what's the matter? Did anyone bully you? "