Lu Beichen points his head and tells Lu Zeyuan, "Mommy, Dad, he won't let me come in to see you!"

Mu shallow moon to see landing North Star accusation appearance, some cry and laugh.

These two father and son are really carved out of the same shape.

as like as two peas in a temper, the accusation is almost the same.

Mu shallow moon rubbed Lu Beichen's head, "darling, don't argue with dad. He hasn't seen mommy for a long time, so he's got a little bit tight with mommy now. After that, Dad won't be like this."

"You see, Mommy is almost always with you, and dad and Mommy have been separated for five years. Are we going to give this to dad? So Xiaochen, you have to be good, OK? "

Lu Beichen pouts a small mouth and feels that mu Qianyue's words are reasonable.

If you continue to make trouble like this, it will not appear that you are more unreasonable, and then Mommy will like dad more than you like him.

So Lu Beichen is very clever to point his head, clever should say: "good Mommy, I know."

"How nice."

"And my brother? Not with you? "

Lu Beichen shook his head, "no, my brother is reading in his room."

It seems to have thought of something, Lu Beichen looked at Mu shallow moon, "Mommy, does brother not like sister?"

Mu shallow month some surprised looking at Lu Beichen, "why does Xiaochen say so?"

Lu Beichen said: "because last night, great grandfather said that father and mother made little sisters for us in the room. When he asked if we wanted a sister, we all said we wanted one."

"But my brother said no, and it seemed that he hated his sister very much, with a face of resistance. Mommy, do you know why? "

Lu Beichen said, some doubt looking at Mu shallow moon road.

Don't like your sister?

In the impression of Mu Qianyue, Qiao Yu likes his sister very much. When xiaotangyuan was born, Qiao Yuyu couldn't wait to stay by his sister's side, almost all the time.

How can you not like your sister now? Mu Qianyue listens to the words of landing Beichen, thinks of some things, some reasons, and can't help but feel some heartache for Qiao Yu.

The reason why he said this last night is probably because of the incident four years ago.

Mu shallow moon rubbed Lu Beichen's head, "no, my brother also likes his sister very much, but maybe he doesn't know how to express it. Maybe it's a little unexpected to you. It's a little different from what you think. But Xiaochen, you have to trust your mother. Brother also likes her very much."

"Is it?"

Lu Beichen looks at the moon with some doubts.

"Of course, when did Mommy cheat you?"

Mu shallow moon some funny looking at Lu Beichen.

"No, I like mommy best!"

"Mommy, or you are giving birth to a younger sister for me. In that case, I will have a sister, and I will take good care of her!"

Looking at Lu Beichen's vows, mu Qianyue looks at landing in Beichen, as if returning to the hospital four years ago.

When she gave birth to little dumplings and steamed buns, Josie was waiting for Qiao Yu to see her.

At the beginning, it was said that she would take good care of her sister, but who knew that the day after that, the little dumpling was taken away.

Think of small dumplings, bathe shallow moon's eyes some moist.

Lu Beichen looked at mu Qianyue's moist eyes. He couldn't help being flustered, "Mommy, what's the matter with you? Why are you crying? Is Xiaochen saying something wrong that makes mummy sad

Lu Beichen looks at Mu shallow moon to cry, in the heart also very uncomfortable.

Mu shallow moon see landing Beichen some flustered explanation of the appearance, feel the cold liquid on the hand, this just found that he had already cried.

Mu shallow moon embrace landing Beichen, "it's OK, mummy is OK, mummy just heard Xiaochen say some moved just, our Xiaochen grow up, know will protect younger sister, Mommy is just moved."

Lu Beichen wiped away the tears on his face and grinned, "Mommy, don't be sad. Xiaochen will take good care of her sister. You can rest assured. So, Mommy, you have to work hard with your father to give birth to a sister to Xiaochen

Mu shallow moon, "good."

Mother and son in the bedroom, do not know what to say, from time to time came a few voices of laughter.

Having a good time, they didn't find out when Lu Zeyuan had come up. They also stood by the door and looked at their laughter.

Lu Zeyuan felt that the boy, in fact, did not look so eye-catching.

At least, he would make her laugh.

Lu Beichen doesn't know that he is a man who can make the moon smile in Lu Zeyuan's eyes.nothing more.

Lunch is a family at the table to eat together, a happy family look, if you let others see, it will certainly envy others.

Mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan sit on one side, while Lu Laozi sits with Qiao Yu and Lu Beichen.

Lu Zeyuan just wants to take mu Qianyue into his hands all the time, but he almost wants muqianyue to be his leg pendant. In this way, he can take mu Qianyue with him anytime and anywhere.

Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu sat on one side and ate their own food obediently.

Lu Beichen raised his head from time to time to see Mu shallow moon and Lu Zeyuan.

How can mu Qianyue ignore Lu Beichen's eyes.

Some helplessly looked at Lu Beichen, "Xiaochen, say what you have to say, or wait until you finish your meal. Don't look around now when you eat. Do you know?"

Lu Beichen: "I know."

"Mommy, why do you have a little sister when you sleep with dad?"

Mu shallow moon still thought Lu Beichen had heard his words, but he didn't expect that Lu Beichen would give her such a sentence the next second.

Mu shallow month's mouth just ate a mouthful of rice, heard Lu Beichen some naive words, but can't help but think of those things, the whole person was choked.

The meal was stuck in my throat. It was too much to eat, and it was very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Mu shallow moon's face, because of Lu Beichen's words to make his face red.


"Cough, cough..."

Lu Zeyuan, sitting next to muqianyue, handed a glass of water to Mu Qianyue. Meanwhile, his hand was not empty, and he gently patted Mu's back.

Lu Laozi was also choked by Lu Beichen's words.

I thought it was just a whim, but now I still have interest.