Moreover, they also offended Lu Zeyuan and Mo Lishu. Of course, they never stop to get rid of Li Yutong.

So, now Li Yutong is a rat crossing the street and everyone yells at him.

Li Yutong should be glad that not all people in Kyoto know her.

Otherwise, she didn't know where she would be.

Mu shallow moon and Lu Zeyuan get on the bus, "where do you want to go?" Lu Zeyuan asked softly.

"Go back."

Mu shallow moon open the window a little, let the outside wind blow on her body.

In my mind, I remember what Li Yutong said just now.

If she did it again, she would still treat her like this. Moreover, Li Yutong hated her. She thought that all the things happened were because of her.

Mu Qianyue thinks that it is not why Li Yutong hates her.

There are so many people in the world. If she cares about what everyone in the world thinks of her, she doesn't know how tired she will be.

As long as she has a clear conscience, she did not apologize to anyone, nor deliberately to frame who.

Mu shallow moon thinks, Li Yutong seems, do not know is his own reason at all.

Yes, when Gu Chuli recognized Li Yutong from Gu's family, neither Li Yutong nor his family knew it.

However, after knowing that Li Yutong is not a person who cares for his family, he doesn't know what to do with him.

I didn't tell anyone about the things on Li Yutong, and I didn't take them back. It can be said that if Li Yutong had a good sense, those things on Li Yutong could be said.

Li Yutong and his own fight over everything, want to live a good life, completely no problem.

Mu shallow moon rubbed the temple, Li Yutong and she has nothing to do, she wants to do so much.

Mu Qianyue is also hard to think about those things about Li Yutong. He relaxes his mood and looks at the scene flying past outside the window.

Now, her parents have found a happy family.

Mu shallow month thinks, this also is enough.

The car slowly into the emperor's platinum palace, waiting for Lu Zeyuan to stop the car, Mu shallow moon also got off the car.

"Are you going to the company?"

Mu Qianyue asks Lu Zeyuan. After playing outside for such a long time, the company's internal affairs are expected to be handled by Lu Zeyuan.


For mu shallow moon's question, Lu Zeyuan gives three words lightly.

I'm the biggest wife in the world.

If you can, Lu Zeyuan really wants to leave the company's chief executive in this way, and then travel around the world with the moon.

The more Lu Zeyuan thought about it, the more he thought about it. He couldn't help thinking about when Qiaoyu and Lu Beichen could take over the company, and he could delegate power.

"Doesn't it matter?"

"I has the final say."

well, you are the boss. You has the final say.

Mu shallow moon in the heart some funny.

Lu Zeyuan, like this, looks a little cute.

Mu shallow month takes Lu Zeyuan's hand, two people walk in.

Today is also a Saturday. Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu are at home. Lu Beichen has not seen Muqian moon for a month.

What's more, when I called mu Qianyue, I couldn't get through. I can imagine how sad Lu Beichen felt.

Even before, Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu had not been separated from mu Qianyue for such a long time.

Even Mr. Lu suggested that he take them out to play, but they were not interested.

When Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue came in, Mr. Lu and his two children were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Young master, little grandma, are you back?"

It was Ma Lin who came to open the door. When she saw Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue, she had a smile on her face. Especially when she saw mu Qianyue's big belly, the smile on her face would pile up a flower.

After all, when muqianyue didn't appear, what worried the most about Lu Zeyuan was the life and death of Lu Zeyuan.

Now found Mu shallow month, and two people or children both, how can not be happy?

"Well, mom Lin, are Xiaochen and Xiaoyu there?"

"Yes, yes."

Lin Ma said quickly.

Lu Beichen, who is watching TV, hears the sound and looks at the porch. He sees Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue who have just entered the gate.

Without thinking about it, he ran toward the moon and said, "Mommy!" Lu Beichen is surprised to see Mu shallow moon.

He stopped at a distance of one or two meters away from the moon. He did not forget that his mother was still pregnant with a little sister in her stomach.

"Mommy, you're back at last! I miss you so much. " Lu Beichen looks at mu Qianyue and wants to go up for a hug. Mu Qianyue just wants to hold Lu Beichen.But

Lu Zeyuan stood in the middle of the two, looking at Lu Beichen without expression. "Your mother is pregnant with a baby now, so you can't let mummy hold her any more."

"What's more, you're five years old now. You're a man. You should learn to stand on your own. Don't call your mother and stick to her."

Well, what's the direct reason for calling Mommy???

Don't know why, Mu shallow month now in the mind but think, "you have been a mature homework book, to learn to do homework well."

Mu shallow month hastily threw out those ideas in the mind.

"The child is still young."

"No, I was already independent when I was five years old."

Lu Zeyuan smell speech, a pair of eyes seriously looking at Mu shallow moon.

Mu Qianyue

Mr. Lu said:

What else can you say?

"Mommy." Lu Beichen some aggrieved looking at Mu shallow moon.

It's not easy to wait for mommy to come back. I can't think of it. I can't be close to Mommy.

"No crying."

"I'm not crying!" Lu Beichen stares at Lu Zeyuan.

Stare at the person's appearance and Mu shallow moon looks, similar.

Lu Zeyuan looks at Lu Beichen, his eyes can't help but feel tender. It's all because of the moon.

"What about baby? Why didn't you see the baby? "

"Uncle Mo was picked up." Lu Beichen replied, a little unhappy.

"The baby has been picked up by Uncle Mo for a month!"

Lu Beichen complained.

Only mu Qianyue and Lu Zeyuan know that when Mo Li Su spoke to them, Mo Baobao lived in the Mo family for a week and in the Lu family for a week.

Only, how long has this been maintained? Is this the wish to repent?

Mu Zeyuan looked at us and said, "take our baby back." Since I have been there for so long, I must stay here for a month!

"You play back the rest, I'll deal with it."

Mu Qianyue now has a big stomach. Lu Zeyuan is not at ease.


"Don't disturb Mommy." Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue go upstairs. Lu Zeyuan still tells Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu not to disturb mu Qianyue.

"I see." Lu Beichen stuffy reply way.

"Good." Joey is a little cute.

In fact, she didn't think so.

Besides, she wants to play with the children for a while.

It's just

Mu shallow month looked at standing beside her, there is no doubt that Lu Zeyuan, or did not speak out.

Lu Zeyuan with Mu shallow month came to the bedroom, "you take a nap first, wake up baby will come back."


Lu Zeyuan said this, Mu shallow moon pour feel a bit sleepy.

Lu Zeyuan looked at lying on the bed, with his eyes closed. The whole outline of his face was softened a lot, "sleep well."

To Mu shallow moon cover the quilt, Lu Zeyuan then left the bedroom.

Mu shallow month sleep some not very good, she feels, has been a pair of eyes staring at oneself, how also can't sleep well.

Mu shallow month opened his eyes, in front of a person in front of their own.

Mu shallow month was scared, subconsciously opened a mouth, see clearly in front of her this person is who.



Mo baby see Mu shallow moon wake up, obediently lying on one side, looking at Mu shallow moon.

Mu Qianyue felt that her heart disease was almost scared out.

However, also can't bear to blame Mo baby, knead Mo baby's head, "when did baby come?"

Mo baby obediently replied, "come for a while, see mommy in sleep, did not disturb Mommy."


Mu shallow month took one side of the mobile phone, looked at the time, has been four or five o'clock in the afternoon, did not expect that she has been sleeping so long.

Outside the sky is also a bit dark, looks as if it is going to rain in general.

Since Mu shallow month is pregnant, Mu shallow month all things do not need her to do.

Naturally, all fell on Lu Zeyuan. Lu Zeyuan spoiled the moon like a porcelain doll.

What things do not give up Mu shallow moon to do, also do not let Mu shallow month worry about what things.

Mu shallow month stretched a waist, "baby, let's get up and have a look at elder brother and them."


Mu Xiaoyue gets up and puts on her clothes. All the clothes on Mo baby are well dressed. It's a set of pink suits. It looks cute and cute, especially cute.Mu shallow moon can't help holding Mo baby and kissing her on her face.

"Honey, that's good."

Mo baby's face red, some shy, but still back to kiss a bath shallow moon.

Mu shallow month did not hold for long, put the Mo baby down.

Mo baby is staring at Mu light moon slightly raised stomach, big eyes blinked, "Mommy, is the brother inside the stomach?"

"Well, it may be the younger brother or the younger sister. I don't know yet."

"Why don't you give me a brother Mo baby looks up at her head and looks at the moon.

"Why do you want a brother?"

"Because I have two brothers. If I want to have a younger brother, I can protect him in the future." The reply was as like as two peas in Beichen.