Mu shallow month listen to Mo baby said, some can not help laughing.

"But if the baby in Mommy's stomach is a sister, will the baby like it?"

Mo baby wrinkled a small face of her own, no matter it is sister or younger brother, she likes it.

However, she prefers to have a younger brother because she has two brothers.

"Like it! As long as it's born by mommy, baby loves it

"Good." Mu Qianyue took Mo baby's little hand and said softly, "if it's a younger sister, baby can protect her sister. Moreover, baby can dress up for her sister, dress up beautifully, and then take it out. You and your sister will be the same beautiful, isn't there a sense of achievement?"

Mo baby listen to Mu shallow month said, in the mind of a small mind, can't help but think of.

If Mommy really has a little sister, then she can make her sister look beautiful. Moreover, she will tell her sister that she is her sister and loves her sister most.

"Good! Mummy, you have a sister! I want a sister! "

Mo baby is very decisive to change his mind, thinking about his sister's appearance, can not help but special happy.

Mu shallow month looks at happy can't own ink baby, lip side also can't help but with gentle smile.

"Well, my sister still has six months to come out. Then baby can take her well."

Mu shallow month and Mo baby talk, two people also came to Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu's room.

Looking at my children for several months, I feel that

She was born a little too much.

Cover your face.

Mu shallow month decided to give birth to this child, do not have.

If you take a bath in the moon, you will feel like a little bit.

Now it's time to have dinner. Mu Qianyue goes down to eat with some children. Lu Zeyuan sits on the sofa in the living room, and he doesn't know what he is talking about.

See Mu shallow month come down, Lu Zeyuan gets up, hurriedly met go up, "wake up?"

At the same time, there is no trace of the squeeze to stand beside Lu Beichen.

Lu Beichen: I'm so angry, but I still want to keep my perfect smile.


When he grows up!

When the time comes, dad will be old and won't rob Mommy with himself.

"Well, thank you, Ayun."

Mu shallow month said, is the matter of Mo baby.

Did not expect, Lu Zeyuan's efficiency is so high, after she wakes up, she took back Mo baby.

A large family of people are sitting on the sofa in the living room happily. From time to time, the sound of laughter comes from time to time. Compared with before, only Lu Zeyuan and mu Qianyue are more lively.

"Master, young master, little granny, have dinner." Mrs. Lin came to ask Mr. Lu to eat.

"Well, eat first, and talk after eating."

Mr. Lu said, taking the lead to get up, the people present also followed slowly.

Just as muqianyue and others are sitting on the dining table, they are preparing to eat, but the door bell of the villa is rang.

"Who can it be

"I don't know."

"I'll go and have a look." She walked over and opened the door.

When Su Mo looks at Su Mo, she is surprised that she doesn't leave here.

Because of Mo Baodan's reason, Mo Lisu often comes here recently, so the servants here also know Mo Lisu.

"Mr. Mo?" Lin Ma called out with some doubts.

"Well, is the baby at home?" Mo Li Su looks at Lin Ma coldly and asks.

"There she is."

"Oh, Mr. Mo, come in."

Lin Ma just remembered, and quickly let Mo Li Su come in.

Mo Lisu entered the door, and smelled a fragrance from a long distance. Well, it came from the kitchen. Because muqianyue was pregnant, Lin's mother changed her appearance at home to make some delicious food for muqianyue.

Recently, I feel that she has gained a lot of weight.

"Who is it?"

Mr. Lu looked aside.

"Master, it's Mr. Mo coming."

With the sound of Lin Ma's voice, Mo Lisu's figure has gradually become clear.

Mu Qianyue doesn't feel much about his long history of ink, which is neither good nor bad.

Because it was mo Lishu who took Mo baby away and separated her from her daughter for five years.

Moreover, it is not easy to find his own daughter, but Mo Li Su does not admit it, and does not give her back Mo baby.

However, later, Mo Lisu personally brought Mo Baobao to him and said that he would stay in the Mo family for a week and the Lu family for a week.Although Mu is a little unhappy, Mo baby is their daughter and should have lived with them.

But she also knows that this is mo Lishu's biggest concession. If there is something in it, or if it is forced too hard, mu Qianyue is afraid of provoking Mo Lishu and hiding his baby.

Anyway, now the baby has been found, and also in front of their own, Mu shallow moon feel, now this has been very good.

For others, don't ask for so much.

Just, what is mo Lishu doing here today?

"Daddy!" Mo baby saw Mo Li Su, got down from the desk and chair, ran to Mo Li Su's side, and hugged Mo Li Su's thigh.

"Daddy, why are you here?"

All the people present did not speak, only Mo baby's voice rang out.

Mu Qianyue looks at Mo baby. When she sees Mo Li Su, she happily runs towards Mo Li Su. She has some taste in her heart.

At the moment when mu Qianyue has some taste in his heart, Mo Baobao doesn't know whether he has a heart to heart with mu Qianyue. He looks at mu Qianyue and has a sweet smile on his face.

Mu shallow month in the heart is relieved, baby heart still has her.

Mo Li Su held Mo baby in his arms and looked at all the people staring at him. His voice was cold and said, "today it's just nothing. Come and see the baby."

If Ze Yi, who is still working overtime in the company, hears this sentence from Mo Lishu, he may not know what will happen.

I don't know who it was. When Miss Lu was taken away by Mr. Lu, she was absent-minded at work. From time to time, the whole person looked at his mobile phone and the sky outside.

Just after work, Mo left Su can't wait to leave, leaving all the rest to him.

What does Mo Lisu say now???

Nothing happened today??


President, it's all for me to cry, is it good?

However, now Ze does not know where Mo Li Su is and what he has said will be fine.

"Have you eaten yet? Now that you're here, if you don't have a meal, sit down and eat together

None of the people present spoke.

It was Mr. Lu who broke the deadlock.

Lu Zeyuan, is completely ignored Mo Li Su, his eyes only mu shallow moon.

As for Mu's words, I don't know what to say.

Although it is a week for one family, there is no rule that you can't go to another to see the baby.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

There is no grudge between Mo Lisu and Mr. Lu, only between Mr. Lu and Mr. mo. Mo Lisu doesn't care about these things.

According to the seniority, Mo Lishu should also call Mr. Lu a grandfather.

Therefore, there was no sense of disobedience when he called out.

"Daddy, you come." Mobo Bella walked to the next table.

"Mrs. Lin is going to add a pair of chopsticks." Lord Lu ordered.

"Yes, sir."

In response, Mrs. Lin turned into the kitchen and came out with a new set of dishes.

Mo baby looked at the seat just now, her face wrinkled into a ball, where does daddy sit?

Mo baby was originally sitting next to the moon, next to Lu Beichen and Qiao Yu.

Mo baby doesn't want Mo Lisu to sit alone, but she doesn't want to be separated from her mother.

Mo baby pursed his small mouth, looked at Lu Beichen, pulled Lu Beichen's sleeve, "brother, can you move a position towards the side?"

In this way, Mo Lisu will be able to sit in the same position as Lu Beichen.

Mo baby can also sit with Mo Lishu and mu Qianyue.

Qiao Yu is not very friendly to Mo Lishu because it was mo Lishu who took Mo baby away.

It's been hurting mommy for so long.

Lu Beichen is not very clear about these, but he is not very happy about Mo baby's father.

Lu Beichen has a long face. He doesn't like Mo Li Su!

Don't want to let Mo Li Su sit beside Mo baby.

Mo Li has no trouble at all. He pulls Mo baby and sits in the position where Mo baby just sat, holding Mo baby on his leg.

"That's fine."

In the past, when I was at home, Mo Lishu always treated Mo baby like this.

Mo baby is directly sitting on Mo Lishu's legs to eat.

Now, it's no exception.

Because, Mo Li Su's love for Mo baby has been deeply experienced by Mohist people.

Really is to hold the Mo baby in the palm of the hand, in the mouth, afraid of melting, holding in the hand afraid of bad.

It's really flattering than your girlfriend!

Lu Zeyuan has never had a big expression since he came to the present from Mo Li Su Jin.Because, all these have nothing to do with him.

Until, Mo Li Su sat beside the moon.

Lu Zeyuan picked up mu Qianyue without a trace and moved towards his side. His eyebrows and eyes were cold, and his voice was cold, "move away."

This sentence is said to Lu Beichen.

Because, Lu Zeyuan anyway, can't let any man close Mu shallow moon.

Although it was unintentional.

Moreover, I also know that Mo Li Su has no meaning to Mu shallow moon.

However, Lu Zeyuan just doesn't want to let any man get close to Mu shallow moon, so close to Mu shallow moon.

It can only be him!