Small actions have triggered in-depth research by medical scholars.

Young Master Gu must have a deep meaning in making this gesture!

— After all, that was Young Master Gu!

Maybe it's a sign that he's about to wake up after three years of sleep?

Or maybe he already has a clear consciousness and is declaring his attitude to the world in an unruly way?

Either way, it's a big deal!

That night, these experts and scholars even began to write papers on the expression of consciousness after the recovery of vegetative people.

Ning Yi: Hehe^_^

A middle finger, prying the whole world.

Mr. Gu and Song Lan did not disclose the news of Gu Cheng to the public, but the rumors that "Gu Cheng has moved" could be heard inside the Gu family.

A firm "Gucheng will definitely wake up" party like Gu Le almost burst into tears of joy, while floating members of the group like Gu Zhisong are quite afraid.

He originally thought that Gu Cheng had been lying in bed for three years, and it was impossible to wake up again. As long as he killed Mr. Gu, he would be able to take over. Who knew that Gu Cheng would wake up again? ?

Gu Zhisong can only push forward the cooperation project with Ding's family more eagerly, hoping to have more right to speak before Gu Cheng wakes up!

Seeing the way the Ding family held Ding Ziyue up to the sky to pick up the stars and send the moon to the moon, he could only continue to curry favor with Ding Ziyue.

Ding Ziyue received a tip-off from Gu Zhisong, and when she learned that Gu Cheng had moved, she felt warm and moved in her heart!

— Young Master Gu must be working very hard for me!

And Ning Yi, that vicious woman, must have been trembling for her crime of abuse.

It's okay, Young Master Gu! On the day you wake up, you will be able to see my brightest light!

Ding Ziyue flipped through the new followers of her CMore account and said to Gu Zhisong: "Thank you Uncle Gu, I will definitely tell my brother for you~ If Uncle wants to thank me, just buy a hot post for my social account, right? "

These days, if there is any new trend or outlet, they must seize the opportunity. Now that their social circles are all using this social software, who doesn't want to be sought after by thousands of people? Originally, the famous ladies and daughters were all comparing what kind of car was given by their family, where was the flat floor, and what rare skin was bought, but now there is a new indicator in the competition between them-the number of fans!

Ding Ziyue naturally wants to become the best among them!

Naturally, Gu Zhisong couldn't say no to her request, if spending more than 100,000 yuan can lead to cooperation with Ding's family, it would be a good deal.

The question is - what is this software? ?

He was speechless while throwing money, who knows whose pocket the money will end up in? !

Ning Yi happily lay down at home to make money.

The Internet will always be the outlet, and it is easy to make money by being able to make a bigger platform.

Her partners are also very happy. Although the business has just started, the number of registered users is increasing rapidly! The prospects are very good, and they will definitely be able to attract big shots to invest in them in the future!

Ning Yi is more confident about this, after all, Gu Cheng has endorsed it! Hee hee hee.

The programmers were happy and decided to come out to team building.

They pushed and shoved and finally sent Zhao Weining to invite Ning Yi.

Zhao Weining shyly sent a message: [Sister Yi, brothers would like to treat you to dinner]

Then a store address was sent. Ning Yi saw that it was a member-only private clubhouse, and the menus were all seasonal and fresh. It would be inhuman not to eat.

Immediately, her kindness could not be turned down, Mei Zizi made an appointment with Zhao Weining.

Just after returning to them, I received another message from Ding Ziyue on my phone:

[Sister, do you have nothing to do recently? Do you want to play on CMore~]

【The opal necklace you wore at my welcome banquet last time, you can also show it off】

Ding Ziyue is very happy recently - the last welcome banquet failed to make her out of the circle and become the most sought after celebrity, and now there is such a social platform tailored for her! Sure enough, in her pampered life, even God dotes on her~

Ning Yi: [Uh, no more]

It's embarrassing on my own platform.

Ding Ziyue thought, hmph, Ning Yi must not have access to such new information! Don't dare to come up to the show, maybe the necklace is borrowed!

It seems that she also knows that she has nothing to show off, and when Young Master Gu wakes up, she will definitely be kicked out by the Gu family, and she will not be able to get into this circle anymore.

【Oh, Xiaoyi, you should also show yourself more】

[We have activities at the racecourse club on weekends, you must come~]

Ning Yi thought to himself, the racecourse is not bad—the playground for ladies and gentlemen, it must be shown off on social platforms, Mo Duo Mo Duo.

So Ning Yi expressed encouragement: [Wow]

Ding Ziyue turned off her phone, a smugness flashed in her eyes. Are you envious?

The last three languages ​​can be said to be Ning Yi's surprise training and preparation in advance, so equestrianism is not something that can be learned by surprise! Not to mention that Ning Yi doesn't have the qualifications to study, she will definitely be ashamed when she comes.

And there is another very important reason for this event at the racecourse—

Ding Ziyue has already planted warm seedlings in Young Master Gu's heart waiting to germinate, and in this racecourse event, she will meet the popular actor! And become his palm girl in the future!

Thinking of that domineering and handsome man... Ding Ziyue's heart surged.

Ning Yi was also excitedly preparing to go out for dinner.

Think about it, since I wore it, I haven't eaten outside yet! Although the chef of the Gu family is already very good, there are not too many delicious dishes.

Recently, Gu Cheng has been cooperating with doctors to conduct various physical examinations and exercise the ability to control his limbs.

But today, he discovered that Ning Yi hadn't swapped bodies with him to lie down for a long time after the usual meal time.

Kind of weird.

"Ayi, haven't you eaten?" He asked lightly.

Ning Yi rushed out excitedly and paused. She was embarrassed to say that she was going to have dinner with a group of older brothers, so she answered briefly: "Husband~ they are going to eat now~"

"Oh?" Gu Cheng's voice was still indifferent, "Did Ah Yi forget that she still has to chant scriptures for me today?"

"?" Ning Yi smiled affectionately: "Haha!"


Song Lan learned that she was going out, and said that Xiaoyi had been working hard to take care of Acheng recently, so she should go out to have fun, and thoughtfully asked the driver of the Gu family to take her to the gate of the clubhouse.

Ning Yi was very moved.

Mother-in-law is much better than husband!

Young Master Zhao San booked a box in advance, and when Ning Yi arrived, he was greeted by the waiter at the door.

As soon as the door of the box was opened, the sound of apes on both sides of the strait could not be heard inside—

"Aww, big sister is here!"

"Boss, accept my worship!"

"Why is sister more beautiful than the photo?!"

Ning Yi waved kindly, look, what a man who is not blind can talk!

A group of programmers present here are still working together to start a business recently. There are many topics, and the whole box is very lively.

Besides Ning Yi, there was another girl who had been staring at her since Ning Yi sat down.

When Ning Yi turned her head to look at her, she half-covered her mouth and whispered to her, "With your face, you basically beat 99.9% of the Internet celebrities on the market. Really, no one I've seen offline can beat you." .”

Ning Yi: Huh?

After her self-introduction, this person is Zhao Weining's second sister, Zhao Mochu, an Internet expert, who has already sensed the trend and moved to CMore, becoming the number one owner of CM.

Ning Yi immediately shook hands in a friendly manner: I'm sorry, it turns out they are allies!

Zhao Mochu was originally a melon gossip expert, and she has been obsessed with all kinds of private affairs of wealthy families since she was a child. CM is aimed at the circle of rich and famous ladies. As soon as the product is launched, she knows that her spring is coming.

She puts out all kinds of real melons and fake melons a day, and in just a few days, she has gained 100,000 followers, which is much faster than Ding Ziyue spending money to increase her followers.

Ning Yi didn't expect that there would be such an interesting young lady in this pet article, who listened to melons with great interest while eating vegetables.

Then, from the perspective of analyzing user tendencies, I humbly ask: "Who do users generally like to watch the most?"

"Young Master Gu! You don't need to ask!" Zhao Mochu said.

Ning Yi understood: "Yes, yes."

Zhao Mochu said, "Young Master Gu has a relationship with everyone in the circle. He was already out of the circle before his accident! When he was rated as the top 100 **** men in Asia, the whole people carnivaled. No one thought that there would be such a thing in real life." A ten billion president who is not greasy, not bald, but also so tall and handsome!"

Ning Yi: "Hey!" All right, young man.

Zhao Mochu said with experience: "Eldest Young Master Gu hasn't appeared in three years, and people still mention him frequently. Now, as long as Young Young Master Gu is mentioned insinuatingly and his name is mentioned, there will be traffic."

Ning Yi blinked her eyes: OK. Live traffic is actually by my side.

She couldn't help calling Gu Cheng in her mind: "Husband, I love you so much."

Gu Cheng was still training his body with his mind, and when he heard this, he calculated the time in his mind, "Have you finished your meal?"

Ning Yi: "Ah, I haven't pinched it yet."

"Oh?" Gu Cheng's voice turned cold, "Ayi, let me go. I'm hungry."

Ning Yi looked up, and saw the young handsome guys in the box full of people, and when they saw her look up, they all looked over shyly.

Ning Yi: ...Abaaaba.

Gu Cheng: "Huh?"


Ning Yi actually felt a little guilty, but then he thought it was just a meal and he didn't care? ? ?

So he began to pretend to be deaf and dumb, showing off his food fiercely.

Gu Cheng: Heh.

In the end, everyone ate this meal as brothers and looked forward to the grand future together.

Before leaving, Ning Yi thought of asking Zhao Mochu, "Oh, by the way, are you going to the racecourse this weekend?"

Zhao Mochu naturally also received the invitation, "Go, that one from the Ding family—oh, it's your fake sister, maybe you've made a fuss. On this occasion, there are the most melons."

Ning Yi thought, it makes sense.

And she suddenly remembered, it seems that in the original plot, the heroine and the heroine knew each other like this!

Actor, big flow.

Money tree has √

On the way home, Ning Yi rubbed her belly and started to feel sleepy.

She yawned and said very considerately: "Husband, come and have a rest, let me exercise your limbs for you!"

Ning Yi switched bodies with him, and then lay down there peacefully.

When you are full, you should lie down!


And Gu Cheng touched his mellow belly, looked at the scene of the car going backwards outside the car window, and said in a cold and firm tone: "You ate it secretly."

Ning Yi woke up for a second, and subconsciously changed her body back.

What steal? What to steal!

Although it is literal, it sounds weird!

Can you speak!

Ning Yi went back to the manor with her stomach supported, and walked into the other building.

As soon as he arrived at the door of Gucheng's ward, he bumped into Song Lan.

Because of Gu Cheng's recent situation, Song Lan didn't sleep well for a while, and didn't care about Ning Yi.

At this moment, she remembered what Ning Yi had said to her to take care of Gu Cheng, and she was moved, "Xiao Yi, are you going to chant sutras for Ah Cheng?"

Ning Yi: "Ah, that, I—"

Song Lan looked at her with eyes full of tears.

Although it may not work, but this is the child's heart, how could she pour cold water on it? Besides, maybe this child Ning Yi is a lucky star?

Ning Yi looked at Song Lan's haggard and red eyes, and her slightly disheveled hair.

After a long silence, he nodded with humiliation, "... yes."

After a while.

Song Lan leaned affectionately at the door, watching Ning Yi sitting on Gu Cheng's bedside, holding a book.

What a sweet picture!

In Ning Yi's ears, Gu Cheng's deep and magnetic voice became a bit playful.

"Ayi really want to chant scriptures for me?"

Ning Yi chuckled twice in her heart.

Gu Cheng smiled viciously: "If Ah Yi treats family affection, four times a day, it will definitely be effective if you persevere."

Ning Yi: Hehehehe, then I can't read it directly for you.

Ning Yi took a deep breath and said affectionately, "Husband, since it's family therapy, in order to have a better effect on your body, I decided to start with something I'm familiar with! It's more emotional!"

Gu Cheng: "Oh?"

Ning Yi said sincerely: "That's why I want to recite the Sutra on Food and Drink for you!"

—commonly known as the name of the dish ^3^

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi began to chant to him.

"Steamed lamb, steamed deer tail, roasted duck..."

Gu Cheng gradually fell silent: "...?"

Ning Yi is full of emotions, and her love is as deep as the sea:

"Black truffle, Huadiao crab, squirrel mandarin fish, big idiot, lotus paste custard bun..."

Gu Cheng: "...I heard it."