Ning Yi ended her chanting with a song and tears.

After hearing this, Gu Cheng was completely silent.

Ning Yi leaned against the head of the bed, and asked evilly, "Do you want more, husband."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng: "Forget it."

Ning Yi: "At your service anytime."

Dog's head holding a rose.jpg

Gu Cheng was silent for a long time, and made her laugh angrily again.

In the distance, Song Lan couldn't hear the communication in their heads, but could only see Ning Yi's figure beside the bed.

—What a touching scene!

When I went back and talked to Mr. Gu, both of them were moved.

Mr. Gu made his fortune in real estate in his early years. After Gucheng was promoted to the president of the group, he retired to the second line. Now he occasionally sits in the township. He is a rich old man with dozens of properties under his name.

This child Ning Yi is really good, and now Ah Cheng also has hope of waking up.

If they can withstand the test of the old man in the future, if other people have it, they will definitely let Ning Yi have it too.

For the activities of the equestrian club on the weekend, the entire wealthy circle is eagerly preparing.

Ning Yi was quite happy to play.

Zhao Mochu sent her a lot of equestrian outfits, all of which were very neat and beautiful, and then she remembered to ask her, 【Have you ever ridden a horse? 】

Ning Yi: [No. 】

Ning Yi stroked her chin as if in deep thought—she had only ridden a zombie.

It should be easier to ride than a horse, right?

Zhao Mochu was silent for a while, and then sent her a bunch of tutorial videos to watch, [But don't worry, because this racecourse is super awesome and can host large-scale events at a professional level. The coaches are all gentle, patient and handsome guys, and Ma will not arrange too wild ones for you. 】

Although equestrian clothing is important, beautiful women cannot be beautiful, and safety must be ensured.

Ning Yi was very moved: 【Thank you! 】

Zhao Mochu: [It's okay, I like Yan Ya melon the most! 】

Zhao Mochu: [Look at it tomorrow, it will definitely compete in beauty hahaha [Faxin][Faxin]]

Ning Yi scratched her head: What's so exciting about this.

The matter of buying equestrian clothes can be put aside first.

She first tapped on her computer to fix some problems based on user feedback, and then wandered to the ward to see her dead husband.

Gu's money-making ability has kept all the experts and doctors, and now he is doing consciousness-raising and simple physical rehabilitation.

Of course, only Ning Yi knows that Gu Cheng himself has been very sober all along. Whether he wakes up or not is only a matter of time, it depends on the development of the plot.

While controlling his consciousness, Gu Cheng slowly felt the power of recovery and the five senses that were quietly recovering.

It's not obvious yet.

But for the past three years, Gu Cheng has only been familiar with absolute darkness, so he can detect subtle changes.

It should be...not far away.

The day he returns.

Ning Yi didn't know what Gu Cheng was thinking, so she sat chatting with him, "Honey, I'm going to ride a horse tomorrow~"

Gu Cheng remained calm and said calmly, "Are you going to the western suburbs?"

Ning Yi: "Wow, husband, have you been there?"

"Well," Gu Cheng said, "riding 03. It should be more suitable for you."

"Wow man, is that your horse?"

As expected of a domineering president, a luxury car with a basement is enough, and he can pull out a horse at will! It seems that now a horse is as expensive as a car, the rich are really rich——

"Well," Gu Cheng said without any ups and downs in his voice, "I opened that racecourse."

Ning Yi:?

Damn, it was pretended by him.

Ning Yi used a very adoring tone to yin and yang him: "Husband, how about your equestrian skills~ You haven't been on the ground for three years, can you do it, husband?"

She made up her mind that if riding a horse is fun and she can get started tomorrow, she will play by herself. If there are no zombies to ride, then she will replace Gu Cheng to suffer for her. Hey hey.

Then I heard Gu Cheng say: "Fortunately, I won the provincial championship before."

Ning Yi: I can't take it anymore!

Report that there is a bully here!

Pull him away now!

At noon, the chef of the Gu family cooked a table of Sichuan cuisine. The boiled beef was smooth, spicy and springy, and the bone marrow of mapo beef was spicy and tangy.

It was so delicious that Ning Yi almost fainted.

It's a pity that there are not many people in the Gu family who can enjoy food like her. Like Gu Zhisong, who has been running around outside these days, everyone with a discerning eye knows that he is very afraid of Gu Cheng waking up and getting closer to the Ding family.

He also gave Ding Ziyue a lot of money to go to CMore's hot tweet, and Ning Yi expressed his full gratitude to him.

After Meimei finished her lunch, Ning Yi took the photo of the equestrian suit that Zhao Mochu had sent her, and between taking a nap and shopping for clothes, she decisively chose to lie down.

"Honey, you've been lying down and exercising for the past few days. You must be very tired, right? Why don't you go shopping and buy this clothes for me by the way," Ning Yi began to make a voice, "Jiu Mi, Jiu Mi, love you love you .”

Anyway, there are pictures, no matter how straight a man can’t keep up with the trend, it’s not difficult to find similar styles, right?

Gu Cheng said coolly, "Is it Ayi's card?"

Ning Yi almost forgot that he was a big cutie!

"Hehe. It's good for my husband to spend reasonably. Keep it within 300 yuan. I love you."

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi switched bodies with him, and then began to catch up on sleep.

After all, Gu Cheng doesn't know when she will recover, her free silent zero-pressure five-star hotel double room! Sleep and cherish!

Gu Cheng: Heh.

But he does have work to do.

Ning Yi is very free in the Gu family, but the internal business information she has access to is very limited.

Recently, Gu Zhisong is actively promoting the project with Ding's family in the east of the city, and that land was not favored by him three years ago. Now that three years have passed, Gu Cheng needs to go and have a look.

After all, not everyone can steer the big ship of the Gu family.

When it's done... go shopping for her clothes.

Inside the largest outdoor sports brand store in City A.

A few ladies and daughters were choosing from a bunch of equestrian clothes, chatting and laughing at the same time.

"Yueyue, will your younger sister go to the racecourse tomorrow?" Wen Xiaoman asked.

Speaking of Ning Yi, the entire wealthy circle is now in a complicated mood.

At the last welcome banquet, no one expected that Ning Yi could suddenly speak three foreign languages. Afterwards, they all felt that she had prepared it in advance, and they were very contemptuous of her scheming behavior.

However, now she is the only person who can get close to Gu Cheng, and the outside world is very angry at Gu Dashao's current situation.

Ding Ziyue was flipping through the comments and likes on her social account, with a faint smile on her lips: "My sister has never been exposed to equestrianism, but I invite her too~ I can teach her~"

After all, how does Ning Yi's life compare with hers?

She posted a post an hour ago, and now it has hundreds of comments.

She posted a selfie and a photo of a white horse, with a very warm text: [Although I have learned equestrianism since I was a child, my brother was afraid that I would get hurt, so he specially gave me a docile horse. Today is also a day to be loved [heart] [grateful]]

The comments below are:

【God, how can there be such a little princess who loves life】

【Wuwuwu Yueyue's brother is too kind to her】

【It's really a winner in life! I'm so sour! 】

Wen Xiaoman said, "Yueyue, you are so kind. That Ning Yi might fall off her horse if no one taught her, hahaha."

"Hahaha, maybe someone can teach you!"

"Sit and wait to be ashamed, laugh to death"

Li Yanle suddenly pointed to the outside of the glass of the store, "Hey, look—say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here."

Ning Yi——Gu Cheng at this time just walked into this store.

He glanced at these people and didn't bother to answer them.


Gu Cheng went straight to the display area, scanning various styles.

He has never had the experience of buying clothes for women, so he hesitated for a while.

At this moment, Wen Xiaoman came over with Ding Ziyue on his arm.

"You haven't seen this brand, have you?" Wen Xiaoman said with a smile, "I suggest you look at the price tag first~ Don't afford it."

Gu Cheng looked at her as if he were a patient.

In this world, there is basically nothing he can't afford.

Seeing his supercilious look, everyone felt a little resentment—could it be that young master Gu was really about to wake up, and Ning Yi was so dragging? But when Young Master Gu wakes up, she will definitely be kicked out of the house. Why is she dragging her?

Someone couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with Young Master Gu?"

"Is he really able to move? Talk, don't be so stingy."

Ding Ziyue also looked at Ning Yi, but she was always smiling.

She didn't need to beg Ning Yi for news about Gu Dashao—because the seeds she planted had already taken root~

Gu Cheng really felt that it was too noisy.

He simply took seven sets of equestrian clothes and went to the counter to pay.

The clerk asked habitually: "Hi, do you have any members?"

Wen Xiaoman chuckled beside her, "You may not know, but she only came to city A last month. Where she used to stay—hahaha, there is no such store."

Ding Ziyue covered her mouth with a smile, but pushed her, "Oh, don't say that."

Gu Cheng didn't even bother to look at these people.

He looked at the clerk and calmly reported a series of numbers.

The clerk felt a little familiar when he heard it, and scratched his head in doubt, and then entered it on the machine: "!"

Immediately, the clerk's back straightened: "Please, please enter your membership password!"

Gu Cheng raised his hand and landed on the password input device.

Wen Xiaoman said leisurely: "Okay, it's almost enough to pretend here, and it won't look good if you continue to act."

Ding Ziyue said softly: "Sister, it's okay for me to help you pay, don't be brave."

However, the password was entered correctly, and the consumption amount was directly deducted from the balance of the membership card.

"Hello, spend 31,300 yuan."

Everyone was taken aback, they didn't expect that Ning Yi really had a member? But it's not a big consumption, why pretend?

As a result, in the next second, the clerk said respectfully and respectfully: "Your membership card has a balance of 3,239,000 yuan, welcome to visit next time!"

Wen Xiaoman: "..."

Ding Ziyue: "..."

There was silence.

Gu Cheng glanced at them, turned and left.

[Hahahahahahahahahahaha, sister Yi, you are my sister]

【Who is so cool hahahaha】

Zhao Mochu is a friend of the owner of the outdoor brand shop. As the number one melon owner in the circle, this funny melon that was slapped in the face was quickly shared, and she immediately sent a message to Ning Yi.

[My friend said that Ding Ziyue's face is green, but they don't have such a large amount of cash in their hands]

[But you can actually use Mr. Gu's card? I admire it]

Ning Yi had just woken up, and only then learned about the glorious deeds of "herself" from the owner of the melon, and she was also happy after hearing it.

Very good, her dead husband is fine!

Ning Yi quacked, worried that the heroine would still be the light of Young Master Gu!


After the clerk delivered the equestrian clothes that Gu Cheng bought home, Ning Yi couldn't laugh anymore.

"Husband." Her name is Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng was calm and composed, "Huh?"

Ning Yi: "Did you buy a rainbow and come back?"

Seven sets of equestrian uniforms, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, each has its own uniqueness!

Gu Cheng: "."

Gu Cheng: "Is it different from the picture?"

Ning Yi: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Why did you forget that he was blind—! !

Ning Yi stood in Gucheng's ward and beat the air with her fangs and claws.

"Can't you see the difference?? Can't your eyes see?!"

There was an inexplicable smile in Gu Cheng's low voice.

"I can see it," he said.

Ning Yi thought to herself: You can see a fart!

You can see a papa!

After Ning Yi hammered the air, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The room is quiet, only the beeping sound of medical equipment, and subtle noises in the distance.

However, she suddenly felt blessed, and bowed her head—

They met a pair of eyes.

Gu Cheng was lying flat on the bed, watching her quietly.

Ning Yi: "!!"

— Fuck! He opened his eyes!

It was difficult for Ning Yi to describe the feeling of these eyes, but her first reaction was—there is such a big difference between people who open their eyes and those who don't.

The moment Gu Cheng opened his eyes, the dark pupils were as deep as the vast sky, and like the deep sea hiding whales, with a deep glimmer of light, only the outer circle of the iris was extremely deep blue.

When looking at people quietly, it seems that there is an inescapable gravitational force, which makes the whole face so handsome that it is almost dazzling.

Ning Yi has been listening to people from all walks of life boasting that Gu Cheng is one of the top 100 **** men in Asia, but from her perspective, she always thinks that Gu Cheng is handsome, and lying there with her eyes closed looks like a statue. It was only at this moment that I had to admit that this man did have something.

Ning Yi felt that her aesthetics had been washed away, so much so that the anger in the colorful equestrian clothes was temporarily calmed down.

She flicked her hair, leaned on the side of the bed with one hand, and said cutely and charmingly:

"It's the first time we meet, my husband, please compare your heart."

It was also the first time for Gu Cheng to see Ning Yi from his own perspective.

His limbs and five senses have not recovered, and his hearing, smell, and taste are still in a closed state, and only his eyes have regained the ability to see.

But this is the most significant improvement in the past three years.

"Hello." Gu Cheng said.

Ning Yi thought to herself, the boss is about to wake up, and he will come back strong to crush everyone, so the relationship between her and the boss must be built up as soon as possible, so as not to be killed one day.

"Husband~ Today is the first time we met," Ning Yi flirted with her hair and blinked, "What is your deepest first impression of me?"

Gu Cheng looked at her and said uncertainly, "Your nose?"

Gu Cheng is lying down, Ning Yi is standing, this is a very testing angle of death.

Of course, she is still beautiful.

Ning Yi:?

Ning Yi:? Are you dead or not, Gu Cheng! !

What's the use of being handsome? Dogs bark!

Ning Yi decided to be immune to his face from this moment.

Facing Gu Cheng's deep and charming eyes, she confessed her true feelings: "You idiot!"

Gu Cheng's ears still can't hear, but now he can see Ning Yi's mouth shape.

Gu Cheng asked: "What did you say?"

With a bright smile on his face, Ning Yi told him in his heart: "I'm talking about art with you, man! I'm talking about Shakespeare!"

You're his brother, Janes Sabie!