Gu Cheng had never had such an experience.

The lower abdomen seemed to be struck with a small hammer, causing bursts of swelling and throbbing pain.

He frowned and asked Ning Yi: "Do you have to be in this pain every month?"

Ning Yi pouted and pointed at her fingers: "Actually, I'm usually fine, but this time it might be because I caught up with the strenuous exercise on horseback, hehe."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Ning Yi said weakly and pitifully, "Husband, you love me the most, you won't be angry, right? I gave you my body when I was most vulnerable, it's a sign of trusting you!"

Gu Cheng closed his eyes, covered his abdomen, and asked, "How long will it hurt?"

"It's intermittent, it won't hurt all the time," Ning Yi said softly, "Just, a day or two!"

"..." Gu Cheng took a breath, "Okay."

It turns out that women have to bear such pain every month.

It's not fair.

Gu Cheng thought for a second while holding the pink package in his hand, kept a few pieces in his pocket, and then threw the package away.

The experience of dysmenorrhea is completely unfamiliar to him every second, just like now, Gu Cheng finds that dysmenorrhea not only causes abdominal pain, but he also has an inexplicable sense of irritability.

When he went back and saw the green hair on Gu Le's head, this feeling of irritability reached its peak.

Young Master Gu was very nervous, and came up to him jokingly: "Are you full, sister-in-law?"

Gu Cheng looked back at the toilet expressionlessly, "..."

Gu Le: OvO

Sorry, I didn't mean that.

He scratched his head heck, the green hair fluttered in the wind, "Are you still playing, sister-in-law!"

Gu Cheng was annoyed watching it, and said with a sullen face, "Don't play!"

Gu Le: If you don’t play QAQ, you don’t play it. What’s wrong with it?

But the tone of sister-in-law scolding him is inexplicably like his brother?

After being scolded a few times, Gu Le was quite touched.


Naturally, Gu Cheng couldn't ride a horse anymore, so he went back with Gu Le.

It wasn't until Ning Yi had rested enough to return to her own body that she learned from Zhao Mochu that Ding Ziyue and the others were still open for a long time, with various professional follow-up teams, and afternoon tea at the celebrity style horse farm.

"However, only the melon owner discovered Hua Dian!"

"Ding Ziyue sprained her ankle somewhere, and Jiang Linyi helped her when she came back!" Zhao Mochu was like a cat running around in a melon field, "There are no fans around, and no one noticed, otherwise, this would not be hot Search?"

Ning Yi rubbed her chin, lost in thought: "It makes sense."

Jiang Linyi has such a large amount of traffic, and he will continue to entangle with the heroine in the future. He must be introduced to her platform as a talent! Gotta find a chance, eh.

"However, it's you, my sister, who are all on Twitter now." Zhao Mochu finally said.

Ning Yi: "?"

There were too many pictures of Ning Yi that day, and some people took photos while riding a horse. After all, apart from Zhao Mochu, all Jiang Linyi's fan sisters were licking their faces crazily. After it was posted on the platform, the popularity was very high, and there were comments everywhere.

[Fucking love ah ah ah ah! I said last time that she is beautiful and handsome]

[Is it the young lady in the green skirt from last time! 】

【Does my sister have an account? I am the first to enter the pit vertically [FaXin][FaXin]】

#马义美人# was featured on CMore and various platforms that day.

Of course, Ning Yi didn't take credit for this. After reading it, she said affectionately to Gu Cheng: "Honey, you look so handsome training horses! I'm so proud of you!"

Gu Cheng had dysmenorrhea for half a day today, and he returned to his body after the intermittent pain stopped.

He didn't feel like talking right now.

In order for Gu Cheng to continue to help her with dysmenorrhea, Ning Yi decided to adopt the encouragement education method!

Ning Yi: "Honey, you are so handsome and still love your wife so much, woohoo!"

Ning Yi: "How can there be such a perfect person as you in the world, husband?"

Gu Cheng: "Hehe."

Ning Yi hissed with red eyes: "You! Yes! My God!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

On CMore, Zhao Weining and his gang of programmers also saw Ning Yi's stunningly beautiful picture, and wept: Their 01 masters are skilled and good looking, and they are so handsome when they ride horses!

—Why did you marry so young! Damn it!

Then he backhandedly gave Ning Yi more weight.

In the end, the pictures of Ning Yi riding a horse became popular on the Internet, but Ding Ziyue's meticulously edited photos of the horse farm still received hundreds of comments and hundreds of likes.

Ding Ziyue hated her teeth at home: Obviously she should be the one who attracts attention and love!

She smashed the phone: What kind of broken software is this, I don't want to play anymore! —

However, it didn't take long for Ding Ziyue's photos to surge in traffic.

—[01, liked it 5 minutes ago]

A bunch of netizens just finished licking the face of Miss Equestrian, and immediately discovered this dynamic:

【Ahhh, boss 01 is here! That mysterious founder! 】

[I love this calm and breezy feeling! 】

CMore is a newly emerging platform, and developers are willing to interact with users. For example, Zhao Weining registered an account himself, and the certification is written by Zhao Jiasan Shao + software developers. He often responds to users' feelings about using the app in the comments and gives them timely feedback. Follow up optimization in the team.

And those who follow his account know that he highly admires 01, the core technology leader of their team, so even though 01's CM account has nothing in it, it is still gaining followers.

Naturally, Ding Ziyue had also heard about the founder.

Judging by Zhao Weining's age, it is estimated that 01 is also a very young person, and he is still so talented. Take the initiative to give yourself a thumbs up, is it implying something? Hey, in her pampered life, sometimes she is too charming and troublesome!

Ding Ziyue's mood improved again.

— That's right, what's the deal between her and Ning Yi? People are different!

And Ning Yi was finally proud of this for a while!

Jiang Linyi's appearance and development are all the same as predicted in the dream, which shows that the plot she dreamed about is correct!

It is an unchangeable fact that Ning Yi abused Gu Dashao, and he would be tortured by Gu Dashao who woke up soon.

Ding Ziyue decided to inject Gu Dashao with the warmest and most important power to wake him up!

Now that Ding Yusen has heard Ding Ziyue's good words for Gu Zhisong, the cooperation projects between the two sides are moving forward, and it is basically time to sign the contract. In fact, if Gu Cheng was there, Gu Zhisong would not be in charge of these projects at all. Of course, Ding Yusen also hoped to have a dialogue with Gu Dashao, but Gu Dashao's situation is still unknown after all.

Ding Ziyue leaned beside her brother, and said sweetly: "Uncle Gu, do you have to thank me~"

"Yes, Yueyue! You are really the lucky star of our two families!" Gu Zhisong smiled flatteringly.

Ding Ziyue was very proud.

Even if Young Master Gu's ward is heavily guarded now, Gu Zhisong has to find a way to send her in~

the next day. Gu family.

Gu Cheng was in Ning Yi's body, standing in front of the toilet, his face sinking like water—

Looking at the raw towel that was unwrapped in his hand.

"Yes, after you tear it open, you can see it's a white one?"

"It has two little wings that you attach to the back of your underwear to hold it in place."

"It's very simple~ Husband, you are so smart, you can definitely learn to stick aunt's scarf! I believe in you!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

In this life, there has never been such an outrageous moment.

After a while, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Are you sure you want me to come?"

Ning Yi lay flat, "Yeah, yes my husband, I can't change it now."

Today is my aunt's second day. She has switched three times to avoid dysmenorrhea and eat, and is now in the cooling-off period of the swap, but she hasn't changed her aunt's towel for almost two hours! I can only let Gu Cheng come.

Gu Cheng looked indifferent, and reminded coldly: "Ning Yi, I need to take off your pants."

However, Ning Yi has no sense of shame: "Oh, what does it matter if you are my husband! If you don't change it, it will leak later!"

Ning Yi has lived in the last days for three years, not to mention looking at other people's bodies, she has seen too many arms, legs and limbs flying out alone, and she has already abandoned all shame about the flesh!

And Gu Cheng is such a big president, he hasn't seen a woman before, right?

No way?

Gu Dashao, who had never been in a relationship before the accident, and had never spent any time with a woman: "..."

Finally he closed his eyes and reached down to his pants.

"Come on man! Take it easy!"

"Wipe the blood! Just stick a towel and it will be fine! Come on, you are the best b—"

Gu Cheng: "Shut up."

Ning Yi: "^3^"

Ning Yi had a happy and successful menstrual period.

She usually only had a headache for two days, but these two days she lay in Gu Cheng's body without any feeling, she was so happy!

In order to increase the sense of participation, Ning Yi only encourages him with strong rainbow farts.

"Okay, stop talking."

Gu Cheng returned to his body and closed his eyes.

After two days of cramping, he really needed some rest.

Ning Yi: "Okay, okay."

She lay in Gu Cheng's body for the past two days, and felt his recovery. The limbs were no longer completely numb, but they were still uncontrollable. The eyes are completely normal, but the remaining senses are still disabled.

In the previous review, Gu Cheng's vision was restored by stimulation, so what about the rest?

Ning Yi was thinking while chattering.

The chef looked at her in deep thought, and asked with a smile, "What is Madam thinking?"

As he spoke, he added another spoonful of ingredients to her bowl.

This is a small stove for Ning Yi alone. Mrs. Song Lan said that it is a blessing to be able to eat, so the back kitchen often makes a plate of desserts for Ning Yi alone, or a pot of soup—after all, there is no one in the entire Gu family. The young lady's meals are more delicious, and their cooks have a sense of accomplishment.

Ning Yi took a sip of her powder and said, "I'm thinking about how to help my husband recover."

The chef said emotionally, "My wife is really kind to Young Master Gu."

Ning Yi said in shame: "It's not enough, it's not enough."

It seems that she must help her husband!

Ning Yi's powder smelled so fragrant, thinking of Gu Cheng's hard work in the past two days, she asked him gently as if desperately:

"Husband, do you want to regain your sense of smell?"

The husband was sleeping and did not answer.

Ning Yi: That’s what I want √


Another building in Gucheng.

Ding Ziyue was finally led by Gu Zhisong to bypass the security on the first floor and walk to the second floor. She may not be able to see Young Master Gu today, because there are too many doctors in the ward, but Gu Zhisong explained that there will be a shift change tomorrow, and Ding Ziyue can stay alone in the ward for a short time.

However, as soon as she quietly walked outside Gucheng's ward, she heard a commotion over there!

Ding Ziyue hurriedly hid in the corner, peeping out secretly.

I saw Ning Yi was persuaded by other doctors, "Ma'am! Don't do this!"

Ning Yi waved her hands and struggled, "I'll do it again! Just one more time!"

The doctors looked like they were facing a formidable enemy, some stood at the door of the ward with embarrassed faces, and some stopped Ning Yi with sweat profusely.

— "Ma'am, you, you can't do this!"

— "Calm down, ma'am!"

Ding Ziyue hid in the corner, her heart was suddenly ecstatic!

—Ning Yi's abuse of Gu Cheng has finally been revealed! ?

Now that the doctors found out, they would definitely tell Song Lan immediately, and then Song Lan would not deal with Ning Yi immediately, but would definitely wait until Young Master Gu woke up to deal with her personally!

Ding Ziyue's dissatisfaction for a period of time has been released, and at this moment her heart is surging.

— Young Master Gu, wait a second, your light will come soon!

Ding Ziyue turned around excitedly and left to prepare her ultimate warming item.

And outside the ward.

Ning Yi finally stopped, with an aggrieved expression on her face.

The doctor wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Madam! We understand your kindness!"

"But even if you want to stimulate Gu Dashao, you can't use snail noodles and sour bamboo shoots!"

in the ward.

Gu Cheng lying on his back: "..."

The sense of smell did return.

But also, almost suffocating.