"You don't have to thank my husband, this is what I should do."

Ning Yi's kind deeds really made Gu Cheng smell it, she will not be proud, she is very humble!

The lingering smell at the tip of Gu Cheng's nose really reminded him of the recovery of his olfactory system: "...um."

Ning Yi held her heart affectionately: "Honey, I'm really looking forward to the day you wake up!"

But Gu Cheng asked indifferently: "After I recover, will Ah Yi still love me so much?" Waiting for Ning Yi to see... the real him.

"—Of course! Husband!" Ning Yi's voice did not hesitate at all, "I will accompany you when the sun sets, and who am I to you when you come back?"

Gu Cheng was silent for a second, not wanting to answer.

Ning Yi: "It's your eternal love! Your cup north!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

He had never seen someone who casually talked about love like Ning Yi before.

But it does—

Since she appeared. It's hard for him to feel alone.

Ning Yi deeply felt that he was the right-hand man on the road to King Gucheng's return, so he waved his hand, "Husband, I will help you recover your sense of taste and hearing in the future!"

Use everything to the extreme! Viciously!

Gu Cheng thought of Ning Yi's possible recovery methods in the future.

There was a sudden silence: "..."

the other side.

After Ding Ziyue left Gu's house, she went straight to the hospital. She knew that Young Master Gu was still waiting for her voice in loneliness!

Ding Ziyue came up with a good way to talk to Young Master Gu.

Gu Cheng's inability to hear and see is not congenital neurological, so she can use bone conduction headphones! With this thing, she can record everything she wants to say and play it for Young Master Gu to listen to.

Ding Ziyue was almost moved to tears by herself.

It was hard for her to imagine that Young Master Gu would have the urge to cry when he heard a human voice for the first time after three years of loneliness.

Ding Ziyue returned home with the earphones, cleared her throat, and spoke in an extremely gentle and gentle tone, pouring out all the words she wanted to say to him and to encourage him!

In the evening, Ding Ziyue, who finished the recording, updated a post on CMore:

[Days without light must be the end of the world [picture]]

She made a pun, and on the one hand, she was secretly looking forward to the moment when Young Master Gu would be awakened by the light of her own light. On the other hand, it also shows that she will participate in the apocalyptic-themed field activities in the near future.

This is also a grand event that is held every year in the circle of wealthy families. This year, the random theme is the end of the world—this time, she will never let Ning Yi steal the limelight again!

Oh no - when Young Master Gu wakes up, whether Ning Yi can live well is a question!

Ding Ziyue smiled.

The next day, Gu Cheng had just cooperated with a round of inspections.

The doctors recorded all the data, and then quietly closed the door while discussing.

"Madam's method seems to be working?"

"How about we follow suit?"

"It makes sense, let's go, get ready..."

The doctors walked away while talking, and a figure quietly entered the ward.

With a smile, she took Gu Cheng's hand and wrote a few words.

"..." Gu Cheng remained expressionless for a moment, and said to Ning Yi in his mind: "Ah Yi, come over and have a rest."

Ning Yi had just eaten and wanted to lie down for a while.

However, Gu Cheng took the initiative to tell her to lie down, which was very abnormal.

She vigilantly tapped on the computer, easily hacked into the surveillance system of the Gu family, and then saw her sister's face full of spring breeze, "..."

"No, husband," Ning Yi said affectionately, "You haven't rested too much recently, I'm fine^3^"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Soon, something like an earphone was put on Gu Cheng's ear.

Then the bgm started to play in the earphones. In the sad and gentle winter love song, Ding Ziyue began the monologue of the heroine of the pain of youth literature.

—"Hey, Young Master Gu, how are you?"

— "Your three years, I feel bad. I understand how much you hurt."

— “That year, that you, was always in my heart.”

Gu Cheng: "..."

The blue veins on the back of the hand slowly floated up.

And Ding Ziyue sat by the bed, watching her voice enter the other party's mind through the earphones, her heart was so soft that it was a mess.

— "I know, my sister Ning Yi has brought you a lot of harm."

— "But don't be afraid, I'm always here."

Ding Ziyue was afraid that Gu Cheng would not know the name of the person who had been hurting and abusing him, so he specifically told Gu Cheng. In this way, the moment he wakes up is the moment when Ning Yi is tortured by blood and she is picked up!

Gu Cheng: "..."

He endured and endured, and finally asked Ning Yi: "Ayi, do you really not rest?"

Ning Yi said softly, "Shh, treasure."

It was already ten minutes after Gu Cheng finished the torture.

Ding Ziyue put away the earphones with a lot of enthusiasm—she recorded three bgm songs with love, because she knew that Gu Cheng hadn't heard a human voice for a long time, and every word of her was precious, and could heal the wounds in his heart!

If time permits, she can play it three more times, but someone knocked on the door to remind that the doctors in Gucheng will be back soon. Ding Ziyue could only take one last look at Young Master Gu's handsome features, and left reluctantly and full of expectations.

Gu Cheng persisted entirely relying on years of tenacious willpower.

But if he loses a point of stamina, he may kill someone.

After the doctors came back, they were tinkering with what they had just prepared.


Gu Cheng suddenly called Ning Yi in his mind, "You can come here."

"?" Ning Yi glanced at the surveillance camera worriedly, and found that her sister had really left in a spring breeze.

She immediately switched to the considerate mode freely, "husband wants to work? Oh, then I have to lie down for you for a while. Husband is busy, don't worry about me~"

The corners of Gu Cheng's lips curved playfully, but the tone of his voice was clueless: "Ayi is so kind to me."

Ning Yi: "Should be my husband! I love you~"

After Gu Cheng switched over, he went straight to the study, he had some things to finish as soon as possible.

However, Ning Yi lay on the bed, but felt something was wrong.

What's the smell?

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was standing by the bed, she opened her eyes secretly, and saw the doctors were messing with something. Moreover, the smell is getting bigger and bigger.

—Tuo Ningyi's successful experience with the bag of sour bamboo shoots, the doctor also decided to use other irritating things to observe Gu Dashao's body reaction data.

After all, although my wife’s method is crude, it is effective! Moreover, compared with the previous electrotherapy, it was much milder and harmless, and it would not harm Young Master Gu's body.

As Mrs. Song Lan said, Mrs. Ning Yi is really a lucky star!

Ning Yi felt that something was wrong, and just wanted to change her body back, but found that she couldn't - bad! This is the third swap, and another CD!

And the doctor has kindly taken out stinky tofu and put it on her nose.

Ning Yi: "..."

The next one is blue cheese, and the doctors can't help but reveal their pain masks.

Ning Yi: "..."

Finally, the canned herring, Director Qian said uncertainly, "Are you really going to open it?"

Doctor Wang next to him said, "Just open one corner?"

They held up painfully close.

Ning Yi: ...

Ning Yi: Don't come here!

She couldn't bear it anymore and made a voice: "Ouch."

— Gucheng! You will avenge your kindness! You wait!

However, the next second, the doctors beside the bed were all excited.

— "Did you hear that! Young Master Gu's mouth moved!"

- "Young Master Gu can speak!"

——"Quickly, go and invite the lady and the old gentleman!"

Gu Cheng logged into the intranet of the Gu Group on the computer, collected and browsed the information, and then walked out of the building.

His face was gloomy, and there was a dark light in his eyes.

Ding Ziyue is an idiot, and her brother is obviously not much better, to be able to be instigated and Gu Zhisong to promote the project in the east of the city. Gu Cheng's plan for that piece of land is only to be an Internet industrial park, but Gu Zhisong's mind seems to have been kicked by a donkey for wanting to build a high-end main house.

Soon Gu Zhisong was going to bring the Chengdong project plan to the shareholders' meeting. Without Gu Cheng's presence, once the voting results passed, that idiot would really bring Gu into the deep pit.

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes, he could no longer lie down. The control of his body is still gradually being restored, but since his hands and eyes can move, he can convey the most basic information and convey his will.

It's time to restore his right to speak.

Then Gu Cheng saw the servant running in the manor and shouting:

- "Young Master Gu has spoken!"

Gu Cheng: "?" What did you say?

At this time, there were still many visitors from the wealthy circle in the Gu family manor, but Song Lan and Mr. Gu could no longer care about accommodating these outsiders, and rushed to Gu Cheng's ward in a hurry.

The news couldn't be concealed at all, and it immediately blew up the entire wealthy circle like a thunderstorm—

Gu Cheng, are you waking up? !

So other people also took the opportunity to rush into the other building, **** it, this is the big news of the year!

Ding Ziyue was among the famous ladies and daughters, pretending that she just came, no one knew that she had just quietly visited Young Master Gu.

However, she could hardly control the smug look on her face.

——She just had a conversation with Young Master Gu through bone transmission, and Young Master Gu is about to wake up and talk!

What does this mean? Need to say more!

Her beam of light finally dispelled his darkness!

With her warmth and encouragement, that man is about to return as king!

Wen Xiaoman followed her, saw "Ning Yi" who was also walking this way with sharp eyes, and immediately laughed.

"I said Ning Yi, why don't you run faster? Young Master Gu is about to wake up! If you don't behave, you will be kicked out by the Gu family soon!"

"In the future, don't talk about using Young Master Gu's card, riding Young Young Master Gu's horse, whether you can stay in Gu's house is a question, right?"

"If you want to participate in the activities in our circle, it will be difficult—"

"Don't you know that Young Master Gu will kick you when he wakes up?

Gu Cheng: "..."

Why doesn't he know.

Ding Ziyue held him cordially, "Sister, let's go see Young Master Gu together!"

Gu Cheng was tormented by her voice for a long time, and now he felt like vomiting when he heard it, so he withdrew his arm coldly.

However, with his appearance, Ding Ziyue thought he was panicking!

She has been looking forward to such a wonderful moment of lore for so long, she will never allow Ning Yi to escape! Moreover, she wants everyone to witness the moment when Young Master Gu crowns her!

Finally, Gu Cheng was surrounded by the crowd and went back to his ward.

In the middle of the big bed, Ning Yi was supported and sat on the head of the bed, with an unfathomable expression.

This is the first time that Ning Yi really felt Gu Cheng's body.

I can see things, I can sit, although I still can't move, but if I look at anyone with this face, the other party will immediately show a shocked expression, and then bow their heads in trepidation: "Young Master Gu!"

Ning Yi: Damn, it turns out that being the boss is so cool!

Ding Ziyue and the others were not allowed to enter the ward, they could only watch from outside the door—the man was leaning against the bedside in a piece of pure white, his black hair was loose, and the eyes in the deep eye sockets were as dark as ever.

Still so handsome! That man who is like a god!

- It's him, Gu Cheng! He really woke up!

Ding Ziyue was standing outside the door, where "Gu Cheng" could be seen at a glance. Her heart was pounding, her eyes were full of stars, waiting for him to say that it was Ding Ziyue who made him come out of the darkness, that Ding Ziyue was the light of his ancient city!

And Gu Cheng and Ning Yi are in each other's bodies, looking at each other.

Ning Yi's success as a villain: Let me smell the canned herring, right?

Gu Cheng's eyes warned: Ah Yi, don't talk nonsense.

Ning Yi: Hehe.

Under Ding Ziyue's expectant eyes, "Master Gu" spoke.

— "Ning Yi."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but then Ding Ziyue showed a clear smile on his face, sure enough, Young Master Gu would expose Ning Yi's crime of abuse when he woke up!

The rest of the wealthy family are also thinking, is she going to be kicked out so soon?

— "My great benefactor," he said.

Everyone's expressions suddenly went blank.

Then they watched Young Master Gu staring at Ning Yi.

His eyes were scarlet and his voice was hoarse: "I'll give you my life, believe it or not."

Ding Ziyue was dumbfounded.

The wealthy circle exploded.

Gu Cheng was silent: "..."

Oh shit.