This sentence is earth-shattering.

Gu Cheng... Gu Cheng wants to give Ning Yi his life? !

What's wrong with this world! ?

Those people in the wealthy circle who were still crazily laughing at Ning Yi just now dared not speak out—after all, it was Gu Cheng who said those words!

The real Young Master Gu, with Young Master Gu's face and mouth!

It's not what others said for him!

And Gu Cheng said coldly and gloomyly in his heart: "Ning Yi."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the two were communicating in their heads.

Ning Yi started to play tricks when she was finished: "Husband, is there something wrong with me? Do you think I played a vital role in your awakening? Do you love me so much that you help me with dysmenorrhea, and often considerately Tell me to lie down and rest, and you are so generous to me to buy me colorful clothes!"

"..." Gu Cheng said word by word, "Indeed, Ah Yi, well said."

Ning Yi made a backhanded attack and began to show weakness and act coquettishly again: "My husband, I said that because you don't even know what those people outside are saying about me! Woooooo!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Why doesn't he know? He listened to her for her.

But Gu Cheng was completely disturbed by her and lost his temper.

Ning Yi's performance was done in one go!

The boss woke up, which meant that the original plot started to run directly. The heroine's pampered life has buffs, and Ning Yi has to put on a protective umbrella in order to protect her future life!

Now in front of everyone, with Gu Dashao's golden words, he stamped himself as a benefactor.

Ning Yi: I am a genius when riding a horse!

But it took Ding Ziyue a long time to come back to his senses - how could this happen? ! How could Young Master Gu recognize Ning Yi as a benefactor! ?

She suddenly thought that it must be because Gu Cheng had only heard her voice before and could not match her face, that's why there was such a misunderstanding!

Ding Ziyue was so anxious that she forgot that Gu Cheng's hearing hadn't recovered yet, so she immediately stood up, trying to wake up Gu Cheng's memory like an oriole in Konggu: "Master Gu, did you recognize the wrong person?"

It's me! Your light is me!

The person on the bed was silent, but Ning Yi was actually holding back a laugh.

It was "Ning Yi" next to him who spoke.

Gu Cheng asked lightly: "Admit the wrong person? Does he have another wife?"

In one sentence, Ding Ziyue asked where it was, and her face turned red and white.

At this time, Song Lan and Mr. Gu had calmed down their overly excited mood, and showed subtle expressions to Ding Ziyue, wondering why this young lady of the Ding family was so excited. Although they still don't quite know how Ah Cheng got to know Ning Yi, but his daughter-in-law owes a lot to him being able to wake up, so there is no problem in waking up and thanking Ning Yi!

Song Lan also realized at this time that Gu Cheng shouldn't have seen so many outsiders when he just woke up. So he quickly called the housekeeper, asked the security team to add people, and invited all these outsiders away.

In the past, Gu Cheng lay in bed for three years, and the bodyguard team he formed alone recognized Gu Cheng alone. Now that A Cheng wakes up, they can return to their positions.

When Ding Ziyue was invited to leave, her face was distorted because she was not reconciled - because Ning Yi is not an outsider, she can continue to stand in Gucheng's ward!

After Ning Yi avenged the canned herring, she changed her body back.

In the end, he was able to stand firmly in his body, and was grabbed by Ding Ziyue, and quickly whispered in his ear: "Don't think I don't know about your abuse of the young and old! Ning Yi, just wait!"

Ning Yi: "?"

Good guy. She suddenly understood why the heroine said she was the light of Gucheng!

It turned out that Ding Ziyue didn't know where to know the original plot, so every time she thought that she came to Gucheng after being cured after being abused by the original owner.

"Yeah," Ning Yi nearly died laughing, trying to be polite, "Okay!"

Ding Ziyue saw her look of confidence due to the backing of Young Master Gu, and vomited blood again: This confidence should belong to her!

Other members of the wealthy circle were also invited out of the Gu family, feeling sour and angry.

——Gu Cheng, the yearning of everyone in the whole circle!

Now that he woke up, he was still as handsome and arrogant as he remembered, how could they not be sour? !

"Ning Yi just missed it while Eldest Young Master Gu was lying down! She's quite clever!"

"Young Master Gu said something so abnormal and unlike him today, it's just because he just woke up, I don't believe that he will be taken away like this in the future!"

"The Ning family can't do it. Ning Yi has nothing but a face. Sooner or later, he will be disgusted by Young Master Gu."

"It's okay, we hang Ning Yi in other activities, won't it be over? Now that Young Master Gu is awake, he can see the high and low better~"

Ding Ziyue finally felt a little better after listening.

That's right, she will be the most dazzling one among all the famous ladies, and Gu Cheng will understand sooner or later!

There is still some time before the grand doomsday-themed event, and she needs to start preparing now!

At that time, Ning Yi will be beaten in every way! Let Ning Yi feel ashamed!

The mother-in-law, grandpa, and younger brother were finally able to communicate with Gu Cheng after three years. Ning Yi very sensiblely left the communication space to them and left the ward.

Now Gu Cheng is awake but not fully awake. As a cannon fodder in the book, she has two possibilities for development!

One is that she uses her body-swapping ability to become the boss's pampered fish! Embrace the most awesome thigh in the book.

The second is to actively promote her career development. If she doesn't hold her thigh, she will become the investment target of the big boss in the Internet field!


No matter what the situation is, she has sufficient conditions to continue to eat, drink, sleep and be happy.

When Ning Yi picked up her mobile phone, she realized that she was bombarded with news.

Zhao Mochu: [Fuck, Young Master Gu is indeed Young Master Gu! My account exploded! 】

Zhao Weining: [Fucking sister Yi, hurry up and carry the backstage, our platform is about to collapse! ! 】

Programmer 2: [Boss and sister, come quickly! 】

Programmer 3: [Help! 】

Ning Yi: Huh?

Because Zhao Mochu posted a group of photos on his first melon account on CMore, @莫莉味的猹, [Big guy in the circle returns, earthquake warning], and it immediately exploded on the Internet.

Of course, she didn't dare to take pictures of Gu Cheng directly, but she took a photo of the wealthy circle gathered outside someone's ward, and the blurry feeling most attracted the melon-eaters.

Ning Yi didn't even know where Zhao Mochu was just now. But where there are melons, there she is.

Just like what Zhao Mochu told her before, "Gu Cheng" has his own traffic, and he has a wall with other people in the wealthy circle.

CM was originally a platform to showcase the life of the wealthy circle, and the man who attracted the most attention in the entire circle was guessed by the melon-eating netizens who heard the news.

[Holy shit, is it Young Master Gu! ? 】

【My cell phone wallpaper up to now is still the photo he rated as the top 100 **** men in Asia! 】

[Worth tens of billions, is the CEO male **** finally coming back? ! 】

[Fuck, does anyone pay attention to Koo's stock price? Fuck]

[Wait a minute I found Hua Dian—the beautiful equestrian lady in the green dress! I see her! Does she have anything to do with Young Master Gu? Ah ah ah help, this face is so good, I will drink it for a second]

Then the news of Gu Cheng spread from the platform to the wealthy family.

With this heat, he beat the heroine dozens of times.

Ning Yi monitored the real-time data in the background, because of Gu Cheng, her CMore daily traffic and daily activity data reached the peak in history, no wonder their server can't handle it.

Although it needs to work overtime for maintenance, Ning Yi is so moved!

——As soon as her husband woke up, he became her rising cash cow!

How touching!

With 01 in charge, the entire technical department of CMore has stabilized. Soon following the technical guidance of the boss, the server was stabilized, giving netizens the smoothest experience of eating melons!

Not only that, but their marketing department also received business cooperation and started to attract money!

While working, Ning Yi confessed affectionately: "My husband, I will give you my life."

"..." Gu Cheng didn't want to recall this sentence, "Shut up."

To celebrate Gu Cheng's waking up, Song Lan asked his servants to reorganize the entire Gu's manor.

It seems to be thriving, welcoming Gucheng who will return after three years.

However, Gucheng's communication with the outside world is still somewhat hindered.

Because although the functions of Gu Cheng's eyes, nose and mouth have been restored now, his hearing is still out of order. Song Lan and the others can only communicate through pen and paper first, and even consider hiring a sign language teacher to learn.

Ning Yi is still the only one who can talk to Gu Cheng unimpeded.

Gu Cheng thought for a moment, then suddenly remembered something, "..."

Although Ding Ziyue is mentally handicapped, she provided a solution.

He asked the housekeeper to re-customize a set of bone conduction earphones that fit him, which fit his auricle better and have better listening performance. After all, he is not sure when his hearing will be fully restored.

Butler: "Yes! Young Master!"

All the members of Gu's family were very efficient in doing things for Mr. Gu, and the earphones were prepared and delivered within an hour. Knowing that they could talk to Gu Cheng, the Gu family waited excitedly with a headset.

Ms. Song Lan held the headset and asked cautiously after a while, "Hello? Ah Cheng? Did you hear Mom's voice?"

Gu Cheng: "I heard you, Mom."

In fact, Gu Cheng had talked to Song Lan many times in Ning Yi's body, but for Song Lan, this was the first time in three years that she had truly restored communication with her son, and she almost cried on the spot come out.

Gu Le couldn't control it even more, and cried loudly on Gu Cheng's bedside: "Brother! Brother, you finally woke up! I knew you would wake up! I've been waiting every day! Do you know How hard I waited for you—”

Gu Cheng couldn't bear it anymore, and raised his eyelids: "Don't make noise."

Gu Le: "OxO"

Young Master Gu fell silent for a moment.

After three years, his brother's blood suppression remained unchanged!

This sense of oppression as if crushing all living beings is indeed worthy of his brother!

Now the news of Gu Cheng's waking up has spread completely. Mr. Gu's assistants, secretaries, and bodyguards in the past, those former departments of his, have all received the news and started to return—the return of the king is about to begin!

Seeing everyone talking to Gu Cheng so excitedly, Ning Yi stood very quietly in the corner of the ward, not having the nerve to talk to Gu Cheng in his head.

How to say. It feels like cheating. (playful.jpg

However, after Gu Le finished crying, when she remembered, she took the initiative to turn around and cue her, and said to Gu Cheng: "Brother, you don't know your sister-in-law yet! Let me introduce you?"

After all, they are all people that Gu Cheng is familiar with, and Ning Yi should be the first one that Gu Cheng needs to be introduced after waking up.

Ning Yi is shy: It's not that I don't know each other.

It can only be said that they are very familiar.

And Gu Cheng's dark gaze fell on Ning Yi following Gu Le's words.

Paused for two seconds: "—Oh."

Song Lan also smiled softly and said, "Xiaoyi, come here."

Ning Yi took two steps forward shyly, "My husband said in front of everyone that I was his fate, and he should know me."

Gu Cheng: "..."

"Ah, yes, yes!" Gu Le suddenly realized.

Song Lan smiled softly on the side: "But you haven't really talked yet, have you?"

Ning Yi: "Hey."

Gu Cheng: "Hehe."

Song Lan took Ning Yi's hand and walked to Gu Cheng's bedside, and smiled kindly: "Come on, Ah Cheng, Xiao Yi, let's get to know each other formally. You are a husband and wife, and you will share the most difficult moments together. Can be with the wind and rain."

Gu Cheng looked at Ning Yi.

Ning Yi looked at Gu Cheng.

Ning Yi had a bright and innocent face: "Hello, husband, just call me Ayi."

Gu Cheng: "Oh."

Don't be arrogant at this time, don't give up your life?

Song Lan was very satisfied with Ning Yi's performance, and urged Gu Cheng: "Ah Cheng, introduce yourself too."

Gu Cheng's voice was indifferent, and his eyes were evil: "I think... Ah Yi should know me very well."

Ning Yi said innocently, "No, no."

Gu Cheng's voice was playful, and he pressed on step by step: "Really?"

Song Lan didn't understand why Gu Cheng said that his daughter-in-law was his great benefactor when he just woke up, with a very humane look, why now he has returned to his previous indifferent look?

"Acheng, why do you have this attitude?" Song Lan's tone was still gentle, and she patted Gu Cheng's bed lightly, "Do you know how much Xiaoyi did for you while you were unconscious? "

"Really," Gu Cheng said blankly, "I'm really not sure."

Ning Yi pouted and looked up at the sky.

Song Lan said, "Xiaoyi scrubbed your body for you!"

Gu Cheng: ...I wiped it.

Song Lan said again: "Xiaoyi chanted for you and prayed for your recovery!"

Gu Cheng: Do you mean the name of the dish?

Song Lan also said, "Xiaoyi also helped you recover your sense of smell!"

Gu Cheng: Well, use stinky bamboo shoots.

Song Lan finished counting all these details, and said earnestly, "Look, how kind this child is to you!"

Ning Yi blushed, and hid behind Song Lan: "Okay Mom, don't talk about it, I'm even embarrassed."

She is nothing! Ha ha ^ 3 ^

Gu Cheng: "..."

Song Lan: "You still haven't said thank you to Xiaoyi?"

"..." Gu Cheng closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


Thank you world.

In the end, Ning Yi expressed sweetly that she would continue to work hard to help Gu Cheng recover his whole body!

But Song Lan and Mr. Gu were moved enough.

—What a daughter-in-law, what a child!

Ning Yi pretended not to feel Gu Cheng's dark, cold and oppressive eyes, and thought thoughtfully: Now my husband can barely use his other senses, and he can use headphones to make do with his hearing, but his sense of taste is not enough, he can't feel the taste of food. good!

It is so pitiful!

Ning Yi must help him and confirm her status as a great benefactor!

She thought of a great way to kill two birds with one stone!

Ning Yi: Hehe.

After they left, Mr. Gu was left in the ward to talk to Gu Cheng.

It is a pain for the old man to lose his son in middle age. Fortunately, Sun Tzu is extremely good, not only propping up the entire Koo Group, but also expanding the business territory by three times in just a few years. Unexpectedly, Gu Cheng also had an accident, lying down for three years.

In the past few years, Mr. Gu has returned to the township, but he is old, and the Gu family's ship is too big, and it is actually already precarious.

"Grandpa, you can rest assured," Gu Cheng said with cold eyes, but his tone was firm, "I'm back."

Mr. Gu showed relief on his face: "Okay, okay!"

The elderly are not used to speaking with headphones, but they still chatted with Gu Cheng in the ward for a long time.

After Gu Cheng chatted with Mr. Gu, he had a more intuitive and clear understanding of the internal situation of the Gu family. In Ning Yi's body before, the information received was limited, but now it really reaches the high-level interior.

Gu Cheng's face was gloomy.

Now the Gu family's idiot is in power, maintaining a barely balanced balance with the division of shares.

It's time to wake them up.

After Mr. Gu left, Ning Yi poked his head in from the door of the ward.


Gu Cheng was leaning on the bedside thinking alone.

His black hair was loosely pressed above the brow bone, and when he raised his eyes, the arcs of his eyes outlined a sharp cold light. From the bridge of the nose to the curvature of the thin lips, there was no trace of warmth, casting a gloomy color on his handsome features.

Looking at it this way, he really looks like the indifferent, powerful and vicious business emperor described in the book.


Ning Yi didn't have any sense of fear towards him, and walked into the room carelessly, and Rainbow casually said, "Honey, you look so manly and handsome when you think! Seeing you like this now makes you even more attractive!"

Gu Cheng usually listens to Ning Yi's exaggerated love remarks, this is the first time he looks at her from a third perspective and says.

very good.

The eyes are calm, and the love is thin.

Sure enough, it is acting.

Gu Cheng's expression was light, "Really? Then Ah Yi will accompany me to the company tomorrow."

Ning Yi didn't keep up: "Huh?"

There was a bit of evil in Gu Cheng's eyes, and he said slowly: "Didn't Ah Yi say that those people looked down on you outside and said that they would let you leave Gu's house after I woke up? In this way, Ah Yi pushed the wheelchair for me personally, Take care of me every step of the way, and they will all know that I can't live without you."

Ning Yi: "..."

Ning Yi: "My husband needs me so much, I'm so touched."

"After all, Ah Yi is my poor wife." Gu Cheng said.

"Hehe." Ning Yi smirked twice, then clapped her hands for the servant to bring in the things she had prepared.

Ning Yi: "Husband, of course I am willing to push the wheelchair for you! But I hope you can recover as soon as possible, come on, you try this first!"

A cup of strangely colored liquid was presented to Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi also picked up a cup, "Honey, try drinking it."

However, Gu Cheng's sense of taste did not recover, but her sense of smell was stimulated by her. As soon as he picked up the cup, he smelled a strange fishy smell: "...what is this?"

Ning Yi: "Freshly squeezed Houttuynia cordata."

After speaking, she raised the cup in her hand and took a big sip without changing her expression.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Who has lost his sense of taste?

Gu Cheng watched Ning Yi finish the drink one gulp at a time, and encouraged him: "Husband, drink quickly, maybe it can really stimulate the sense of taste!"

Gu Cheng thought it was his own problem, so he had to suppress the smell and drank the squeezed juice one by one.

At the end of the drink, he did have a taste in his mouth.

Worse than it smells.

"..." Gu Cheng held back his vomit with his upbringing, and asked Ning Yi with a frown: "Do you think it's not bad?"

"It's not bad," Ning Yi said with a pure face, "I drink raw coconut milk bobo."

Just the same color!

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: "^3^"

Looking at each other, Gu Cheng smiled angrily.

Ning Yi stared at him: "How about husband, are you very angry!"

"..." Gu Cheng said expressionlessly, "Ayi really loves me."

"I'm trying to kill two birds with one stone!" Ning Yi said, "Husband, do you still remember why I compared my **** with your hand last time? It was because I wanted to hit you—no, it was anger!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

"Are you angry, are you angry?" Ning Yi's eyes were filled with anticipation: "Come on, try it!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Finally, under Ning Yi's encouraging (arching) encouraging (fire) eyes, Gu Cheng tried to raise his legs.

It does move.

But you can only lift up to two centimeters, and you can't go any higher.

The invisible constraints have not completely dissipated.

Gu Cheng's face became gloomy again, and the black tide surged in his eyes.

How long will this body trap him?

Seeing this, Ning Yi quickly gave him a high five: "Crack!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

The black air that had just filled the eyes was suddenly dispelled by her.

"It's okay, hubby, drink some water and rest for a while, I'll lie down for you!" Ning Yi's face was full of sunshine, and she grabbed his hand.

- Gu Cheng can't be blackened! Blackening her is the first GG's!

Gu Cheng suddenly paused.

The moment their hands were held together, their bodies switched instantly. Gu Cheng was keenly aware that even Ning Yi's exchanged words were not finished yet.

That sense of randomness reappeared.

But Gu Cheng is still not sure whether the exchange was controlled by Ning Yi's thoughts, or the special physical contact caused the exchange.

Gu Cheng remained calm and withdrew his hand, his eyes were deep and dark.

"Then, Ah Yi can lie down for me for a while."

"Okay, okay." Ning Yi seemed to lie flat without noticing.

After a while.

Gu Cheng was working in the room, and Ning Yi lay flat on the bed.

Ning Yi's voice came again: "Husband."

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, did she notice it too?

Ning Yi said, "Honey, the nurse is going to change your clothes now."

Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows lightly, and then continued to read the proposals for the company's shareholders' meeting tomorrow on the intranet.

After reading two lines, I stopped again.

Ning Yi is his wife, and now she wants someone else to change her clothes, but she uses his body.

There seems to be no problem, but it seems that something is wrong.

Gu Cheng asked: " exchange?"

Ning Yi lay flat: "Oh, it's fine."

Gu Cheng: Heh.

Sure enough, this woman has almost no sense of shame and sincerity.

Of course, Ning Yi had nothing to be ashamed of, she lay down and let them serve.

—Should I say it or not, being a bully is always really cool! While lying down, someone will take care of everything for her!

I don't know if it will be more enjoyable to go to the Koo Group tomorrow. hey-hey.

However, this is the first time Ning Yi has looked directly at Gu Cheng's body since the body swap.

Because the professional team of 30 people has been meticulously caring for Gu Cheng's whole body for three years, and has also maintained strength traction training all year round. So despite lying in bed for three years, Gu Cheng's body still maintains the normal shape of an adult man, with a pale but not too weak beauty.

Ning Yi began to boast again: "Honey, your body is like a work of art!"

Gu Cheng was too lazy to answer.

Anyway, this woman is mostly boasting with her eyes closed in hypocrisy.

Ning Yi took off her shirt, and then her trousers. He just lowered his head slightly and looked down from above.

"How long?!" She exclaimed.

Gu Cheng's hand stopped suddenly, and then he continued to work as if nothing had happened.

Her compliment this time has a bit of sincerity.

He let out a cool breath between his lips: "Oh."

Ning Yi put on her clothes cooperatively, and said to Gu Cheng, "It really looks like a boat."

The corners of Gu Cheng's lips curled up restrainedly, and his voice was indifferent: "It's okay."


That is his masculine dignity.

Ning Yi was speechless and didn't speak for a few seconds.

There was a mocking smile on Gu Cheng's lips: Was she scared?

Then I heard Ning Yi say: "You must be more than ten centimeters wide, right?"

Gu Cheng suddenly felt that something was wrong, " I grow a rectangle?"

"That's right, husband, your feet," Ning Yi shook, "a rectangular boat."

Gu Cheng: "."

Ning Yi: "?"

After a few seconds.

Ning Yi: "I'm talking about feet, what are you talking about?"

Gu Cheng: "It's nothing."