The next day, Gu Cheng's face was expressionless.

Never mention what happened yesterday.

Ning Yi thought that he didn't like people saying that his feet were long, and said very considerately: "Okay, okay, my husband, I don't say that you are long, but you are actually quite short!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

It's best if you don't talk.

It's been a long time since Gu Cheng is going to the company today.

Song Lan was very happy, knowing that Ning Yi would personally push Gu Cheng to take care of him, she was even happier! Prepare a room full of beautiful and formal clothes for Ning Yi to wear to the company!

Ning Yi: Woohoo. Or mother-in-law.

In the end, Ning Yi chose a simple yet lively dress with a pearl white square collar. Her long hair was loose on her shoulders, and her makeup was simple, but her delicate facial features were confident and calm, which made her very eye-catching in the crowd.

Song Lan matched a mother-of-pearl necklace around Ning Yi's neck. Seeing that her daughter-in-law was very satisfied, she handed over to Ning Yi the matter of matching clothes for Gu Cheng.

The mother-in-law said in a low voice: "It's easy to enhance the relationship between husband and wife by doing this."

Ning Yi nodded shyly: "Yeah."

After a few minutes.

Ning Yi picked out a few sets from the CEO's huge cloakroom, and happily showed them to Gu Cheng who was sitting on the bed.

After Gu Cheng looked at it: "..."

He said blankly, "Ayi, you actually like colorful clothes, don't you?"

Ning Yi put away those red, green, and blue clothes: "Oh man, I just want to remind you how many clothes you haven't opened or worn."

During the three years when Gu Cheng was lying there, the cloakroom had been updated all the time, and the size was all appropriate. All kinds of suit jackets, famous watches, ties, brooches...etc.

Ning Yi matched him with a black silhouette suit and a smoky gray tie according to his imagined ruthless and domineering boss, and the servants helped Gu Cheng change them together.

Originally, Ning Yi thought that after yesterday, she already had an intuitive and comprehensive understanding of Gu Cheng's body.

But when the man put on the suit, she suddenly realized—well, she didn't know enough.

Ning Yi really felt what it means to be a business emperor, a mature man, and the top 100 **** faces in Asia.

The custom-made high-end suit was worn on Gu Cheng's body perfectly, showing the proportions and frame of the man's body perfectly. Broad shoulders, narrow waist, and extremely long legs that can be seen even when sitting, folded into an acute angle, the trousers stretched just right for a sense of wrapping.

There is also a cold white neck above the neckline, a prominent Adam's apple, and handsome facial features like sculptures.


What a man who can carry the camera.

Ning Yi has always been generous with praise, and clapped his hands: "Look! This kingly demeanor! This extraordinary posture!"

"..." Gu Cheng doesn't want to hear any compliment from her now.

But Ning Yi's rainbow fart this time is completely from the heart!

This time when Gu Cheng woke up, their platform really gained popularity, and the cooperation with a well-known camera brand was actually in Gu Cheng's favor. Usually the platform collects membership fees, publicity and promotion fees, and is also constantly generating income, but this cooperation marks their commercialization to a broader field, in other words - more money can be made!

Of course, the brand cooperated with them, although it didn't say it explicitly, but it was also to gain the popularity of Mr. Gu. Because the melon owners will take pictures of Gu Dashao's first appearance in three years. In addition to their CMore, many media reporters will also be moved by the news.

Ning Yi supported the wheelchair, looked at his face, and asked, "Honey, do you mind being photographed?"

Gu Cheng said indifferently: "It doesn't matter."

He is also not afraid of being seen in a wheelchair. Because just the presence of others is enough.

Ning Yi was so moved: Drain the big players! Money tree!

She looked affectionately at Gu Cheng's fully dressed face: "Husband, there will be no man in the world who looks better in a suit than you! You are so handsome and good at making money! How can you be so perfect!"

—Especially this look of earning money for me! So charming!

Gu Cheng glanced at her, and found that Ning Yi's eyes were really shining, with a rare real feeling.


The young CEO let out a cold snort, as if he didn't care about her compliment.

Then he raised his bony hands and casually straightened the tie.


When he stood up, she wasn't crazy yet.

Limited edition Maybach with special number of characters on the license plate.

As soon as it drove out, everyone in the city knew it was Young Master Gu.

The luxury car drove towards the headquarters of the Koo Group in a cool manner.

On the way, Gu Cheng's chief assistant had already suppressed his excitement, and finished the report to the upcoming shareholders' meeting in the car. The other colleagues in the president's office were also very excited, but as the general assistant, he was the only one who was sent to pick up Young Master Gu.

After the report, Mr. Zhou reminded him by the way, "Young Master, everyone may be more enthusiastic later, please inform the Young Master and his wife in advance."

Gu Cheng looked indifferent.

Ning Yi: "It's easy to talk about."

Ning Yi was quite excited, after all, she was going to a new map. In the plot of the original book, there is no chance for characters like the heroine to enter the Koo Group.

About half an hour later, the car stopped at the gate of the headquarters.

The building of the headquarters of the Koo Group is very grand, with an all-glass and steel-reinforced exterior design, which has a very modern sense of technology.

However, after Ning Yi got out of the car, he didn't have time to appreciate it. He was first surprised by the two rows of welcome people at the door and the velvet red carpet in the middle. There were also countless camera lenses pointing at the Maybach's door.

The moment Gu Cheng's figure appeared, everyone uttered a deafening voice in order:

"Young Master Gu!"

"Young Master Gu!"

Ning Yi was shocked.

Good guy, is this the king's noodle? It felt like someone was crying in the middle, and Ning Yi could even hear the choked up voice. If it weren't for the city center not allowing it, they would have unleashed two rows of salutes to welcome Gu Cheng.

But Gu Cheng's expression was always calm, with a cold light hidden in his eyes.

He has been waiting for this moment of return since he fell into darkness three years ago.

But now, he is still calm, not showing any emotion.

Li Tezhu, Secretary Wang, Assistant Sun... It turned out that there were more than a dozen people in Gucheng's president's office, all of whom were young master Gu's right-hand men, and now they have resumed work with the return of the king.

The chief security officer, Song Yan, also came back from the racecourse, and directly brought a group of bodyguards into uniform black suits. Looking at Gu Cheng who was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes were red: "Young Master, you..."

Facing the passionate eyes of everyone, Gu Cheng just raised his jaw slightly.

"Go in and talk."



Encouraged by this atmosphere, Ning Yi was also very excited!

- Such a big movement! She can already imagine how popular her platform will be now, and the realization of traffic is not a dream!

Ning Yi pushed Gu Cheng's wheelchair full of motivation.

"Husband! Let's go!"

The wheels slid and rushed out.


Gu Cheng: "..."

Holding on to the armrest, he paused for a few seconds before slowly saying, "Ayi."

Ning Yi: "What's wrong, husband!"

Gu Cheng: "Slow down."

Ning Yi: "Oh."

Koo Group, shareholders meeting.

The huge conference hall was enveloped in a cold atmosphere that made people hold their breath.

Gu Cheng hasn't shown up for three years, no matter how excited the outside world and Gu Cheng's old department are, the interior of Gu's family is more like a deep pool, with dark waves under the calm water.

Among them, Gu Zhisong was obviously disheveled.

This color has been lingering on his face ever since he knew that Gu Cheng had woken up.

Why did Gu Cheng wake up at the moment when he was about to cooperate with the Ding family? !

Even though he hadn't participated in Gu's decision-making for three years, no one dared to ignore the man sitting at the end of the long table in the conference hall.

Because even after three years, Mr. Gu is still guarding the business territory he laid down back then.

Gu Cheng's equity is his eternal right to speak.

The man slowly scanned everyone in the banquet hall.

Then put on the earphones, the earphones were next to the thin lips, and she spoke lightly.

"Come on. Tell me."

Mr. Ba is going to restart his business battlefield, and Ning Yi is waiting outside to play.

She didn't feel much about the shopping mall situation in Gucheng, because she knew it from the original plot - there was no suspense! All the way is crushing, hanging, and dimensionality reduction strikes.

Gucheng = success = correct.

The other assistant secretaries in the president's office were also very busy. While typing on the computer, they secretly raised their eyes to look at Young Master Gu's wife.

Three years ago, there were too many people who wanted to marry Young Master Gu, and they all followed suit. Three years later, this lady took the position of Mrs. Gu Cheng. Now that Young Master Gu is back as king, she must be very proud and complacent, right?

As a result, they looked around for a long time, and found that Ning Yi was sitting there quite quietly, eating the small snacks prepared by the president's office for the guests.

There is no sense of hostess at all.

During the lengthy meeting time, she looked at her mobile phone and found that the data on the platform was indeed skyrocketing, and a large number of handsome Yuanshi were screaming.

So she happily ate three plates of dim sum and drank a pot of roselle tea.

Look very satisfied.

When the heavy door of the conference hall was pushed open and Gu Cheng came out first, the cold air between his brows was still there.

Then I saw Ning Yi talking and laughing with his assistants.

"Madam is so amazing!"

"It's okay."

Ning Yi helped them solve a small bug on the computer, and the atmosphere is very harmonious now.

Gu Cheng's gaze swept over the male assistants calmly, and everyone shivered unconsciously.

However, Ning Yi didn't seem to feel anything, and said with a gentle and self-reliant face: "Being with my husband is so stressful, how can I not learn a lot, improve myself a lot, and keep up with his footsteps!"

When Gu Cheng came over, he heard this sentence, "?"

Improve yourself?

Do you mean lying down?

Ning Yi had heard his footsteps a long time ago, and now she looked back brightly: "Ah, husband, you are back!"

Gu Cheng watched her act calmly, "You two chatted well?"

Ning Yi shyly said: "Because everyone adores you so much, my rainbow fart on you has reached their hearts!"

Gu Cheng's brows and eyes were indifferent: "Oh."

Ning Yi helped him into his wheelchair: "My husband is done with his work, should we go have dinner?"

The corner of Gu Cheng's lips curled up, "No."

Assistant Zhou said respectfully, "The next meeting will be held in 5 minutes, and the information has been sorted out for you."

Ning Yi: "?"

The assistants looked accustomed, and even looked nostalgic and moved. That's right, this work intensity, this work efficiency, is indeed their young master Gu!

Ning Yi:? ? Don't you all need to eat?

"By the way, Young Master, Wang Wu and the others are expected to arrive at the group at one o'clock this afternoon. They haven't seen you in three years, and they are very anxious."

Gu Cheng: "Yes."

When Gu Cheng first came to power in the early years, there were many dangers around him, and he didn't trust anyone, so all the bodyguards were promoted by himself, and they were all loyal to Gu Cheng.

In the three years since his accident, the bodyguard team has been divided into two groups, one group like Song Yan sticks to City A to help Gu Cheng guard the racecourse, and the other group like Wang Wu sadly returns to his hometown.

Now after a shareholder meeting, Gu Cheng has completely recovered the feeling he had back then.

It also made everyone recall the feeling of being dominated by him.

Seeing that he was about to turn around and continue working, Ning Yi quickly grabbed Gu Cheng's sleeve, "Husband, go and do it, let me help you reminisce about the company cafeteria?"

The corner of Gu Cheng's lips twitched viciously: "No hurry, I'll be with Ayi."

Ning Yi: Pinching the horse, although I'm not hungry, I've already eaten.

Gu Cheng turned around and walked into the conference room, Ning Yi stretched out his hand unwillingly: "Husband!"

The door of the conference hall was closed heavily.

next second.

The two switched bodies suddenly and without warning.

Gu Cheng was in Ning Yi's body, looking at the conference hall in the distance, "?"

And Ning Yi sat in the huge meeting room, looking at the dark heads on both sides and their nervous and fearful expressions.

Ning Yi: Ah this?

"Honey, I didn't change it on purpose."

Ning Yi rested her hands on the table, and looked at the marketing executive who was reporting with a deep expression, sweating profusely.

She didn't use her mind this time.

— After all, she just likes to lie down, and doesn't like to be a boss!

At this moment, Gu Cheng was outside, holding his arms with a gloomy face.

He could indeed feel that this was a random swap. It's not that he didn't consider this possibility before coming to the company, but he didn't expect this random time to be so unfortunate.

"And I can't change it now." Ning Yi tried several times.

Gu Cheng's face was sullen.

Fortunately, they are not some important project proposals.

With dark eyes, Gu Cheng raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, "Ayi, it's fine if you don't talk."

Ning Yi did not speak.

Throughout the meeting, "Master Gu" sat firmly on the upper seat, resting his chin with both hands, his eyes were calm and unwavering—

It has already scared everyone who reported it like a sieve!

Their cold sweat fell from their foreheads like a waterfall.

"This, this outdoor survival event is held next to the Bishuiyun Villa developed by Mr. Gu, which can have a very good publicity effect. And, although it is an event in the city's wealthy circle, this year's famous actor Jiang Linyi also will attend..."

The reporter suddenly remembered that Mr. Gu should have had no contact with the outside world in the past three years, and he might not know Jiang Linyi, so he immediately explained with trembling, "Dang, of course he is not a star with a very deep foundation, but the popularity is not bad now."

Ning Yi also remembered.

This is a node in the original plot where the hero and heroine have a relationship. In the wilderness, they met on a narrow road, and the relationship between the two quickly warmed up. Of course, we don't know why the actor wants to participate in this kind of activity, the question is just for petting, "Overbearing actor: Where does Yuebao run"

Seeing that Gu Cheng did not make a sound, the reporter continued to introduce tremblingly: "The theme of this year's event is also very special, it is survival in the last days. It will simulate the end-time environment in the wild, and real NPCs will play zombies, lurking in the mountains and forests. More in line with the interests of young people…”

After finishing speaking, there was a chuckle at the end of the long table.

Ning Yi: "Interesting."

Anyone else take the initiative to experience the end of the world?

I really haven't lived in the last days, I don't know how good the peaceful age is!

However, with her sneer, everyone in the conference hall became excited—

Gu Dashao said it was interesting!

Then this project must be followed up!

Those proposals just now were indeed rubbish, and it is really not worth Gu Dashao to say a word now!

Gu Dashao's comeback after three years is still far beyond their level! When the big waves receded, it turned out that they were swimming naked!

Everyone looked forward to it.

The crowd started to applaud.

Looking at their expressions, Ning Yi could only pretend to be deep.

How should I put it, this feeling of being the overlord is a little refreshing.

Next, the executives continued to report, and when it came to the Internet field, CMore suddenly appeared on the screen.

"This platform targets a very special group, the upper class of wealthy families. Recently, it has sprung up suddenly and has a good momentum of development. There are already investors in the industry who are waiting to see. We have contacted the opposite party, but their founders are very mysterious and do not show up. . . . "

Ning Yi continued to look grave.

This time it was really deep.

When the executive on the opposite side finished speaking and waited tremblingly for an answer, he suddenly saw "Master Gu" smile faintly.

Ning Yi: "Not bad."

Use your husband's mouth to praise yourself! What's wrong!

Praise his great benefactor! no problem!

Everyone: "!"

Young Master Gu would actually use a compliment like "not bad"!

What a weight!

The strategic vision of the young and old is absolutely correct! The future of CMore is bound to be limitless!

So as soon as she finished speaking, there was crackling keyboard sound in the room, and everyone showed excited expressions.

As for Ning Yi, she just supported her chin with both hands and said a total of four words throughout the whole process.

Ning Yi: "."

Should I say it or not.

This is the feeling of being the boss...

It's so cool and on top, isn't it? ?

By the time the meeting was over, Ning Yi had fully adapted to being the CEO!

She kept pretending to pass through the crowd full of awe, and at the same time called Gu Cheng kindly in her mind: "Husband~ where are you~ come and push someone's wheelchair~"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng read the documents in the archives room, pretending not to hear.

"Honey, I pushed you to come here. If you don't push now, people will say that I don't love you!"

"Husband! Husband? Why are you ignoring your life?"

"Husband, don't you love me?"

Gu Cheng quietly turned over a page of the file.

In the exchange between two people, it is his only authority not to receive the other party's signal.

When Gu Cheng walked out of the archives room, he saw a few relatives of the Gu family chatting in the corner from a distance.

Today's Gu Zhisong is just a **** sent out, and there are still many floating hearts hidden in the dark. Because Koo's cake is too big. After waking up from Gucheng, the stock price of the Gu Group immediately began to skyrocket. In the face of huge interests, no one can really sit still.

Gu Cheng was in Ning Yi's body, no one noticed him.

And he suddenly realized that even Ning Yi himself might not have imagined that body swapping could be a hidden weapon in his business war.

Ning Yi used him, and he could use Ning Yi too.

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was cold-blooded and ruthless, and there was no emotion between them.

It's best to use each other.

This fact made Gu Cheng's mood a little better due to the haze of being restricted by the exchange of authority, and his steps were leisurely and unhurried.

"Where are you?" Gu Cheng asked Ning Yi calmly.

It took several seconds for Ning Yi to return to him, "It's in your office."

"There are eight assistants around me," Ning Yi said cheerfully with a hint of reluctance, "Hi!"

Gu Cheng: "..." His assistants are all men.

Young Master Gu's calm pace suddenly quickened.

At this time, Ning Yi was sitting on Gu Cheng's boss chair, feeling so refreshed.

Gucheng's president's office is a large flat floor with the best view in the city, and it is also equipped with a five-star hotel-level lounge with a large bed, washroom, and cloakroom.

When you are working, eight elite handsome guys surround you, which means you have eight brains for making judgments!

And they all adore you! I'm obedient to you!

And Ning Yi only needs to sit on the boss chair and maintain an inscrutable expression, and it will be understood as "he must be thinking about some important strategic policy!"

There are countless people outside to protect her safety and stand by her at any time.

Ning Yi: It's cool.

When Gu Cheng strode out of his office, he was about to push the door expressionlessly, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

Wang Wu only arrived in the afternoon, but he has already entered the advanced security mode to prevent any suspicious people from approaching Young Master Gu in the office.

Moreover, because he has been staying in his hometown for the past three years, he has no idea that Gu Dashao has a wife, nor does he know what Ning Yi looks like.

He straightened his face and asked, "Who are you!?"

Gu Cheng looked at him coldly: Wang Wu.

Wang Wu stopped the "woman" in front of him, and saw that she was very beautiful, so he directly regarded him as the same women who went on to follow Mrs. Gu as before.

After all, in the past, rich and famous ladies would find various reasons to get close to Young Master Gu every day, and Young Master Gu would not let them approach each time.

Now, it's been three years since the young master finally woke up. This time, they will never let young master Gu have any accidents again!

Wang Wu: "Do you have an appointment? If not, stay away! Our young and old just woke up, don't get too close!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng endured and endured: "I..."

Young Master Gu has lived for nearly thirty years, and this is the first time he has to make an appointment to see him.

It was so outrageous for a moment that I didn't know what to say.

Seeing that he was at a loss for words, Wang Wu and all the younger brothers came up: "What are you, hurry up—"

At this moment, a kind voice came from the office.

He was so kind that he didn't look like Young Master Gu.

— "It's okay, Wang Wu, let him in!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Ning Yi sat on Gu Cheng's boss chair, shaking her head and smiling.

Simply pretending to be a big one.

And no one around thought she was pretending!

Assistant: "Master, you are so kind!"

Secretary: "Eldest Young Master is worthy of being an Eldest Young Master!"

Ning Yi smiled lightly and waved his hands, his smile was three parts cold and three parts mocking and three parts careless.

Hearing her words outside, Wang Wu reluctantly stepped aside, "Okay, Young Master Gu let you in, then go in!"

Gu Cheng stood outside his office: "..."

very good.

You all quit.