Who is jealous?

Ning Yi even felt scolded by him!

But when she opened the black box and took a look, she immediately laughed hypocritically.

"Yes, husband! I just don't want you to accept gifts from other women! My heart hurts so much, I can't stand it!"

Just as Gu Cheng was about to curl his lips, Ning Yi said the next sentence heartbreakingly.

"—so I'll keep it for you! Okay?"

She had seen it, and what Wen Zhili gave was a watch, conservatively estimated to be worth a million.

And the gift for her must not be so expensive.

Huh hee hee.

Gu Cheng regained his expressionless face: "..."

This woman only has feelings for money!

Gu Cheng's emotions just now were immediately wiped clean.

Without making any comments on her exaggerated acting skills, she casually said to the gift box, "Take it."

Ning Yi's tone suddenly felt a lot more sincere: "Husband, I love you so much, kiss!"

Gu Cheng paused slightly when he heard the words.

Although their physical contact can bring about an exchange of privileges—

But dear?


He will not have such intimate contact with people.

After a meal, Ning Yi made a net profit of one million, and was in a very good mood.

Ning Yi hugged the two gifts and happily changed her body back.

Gu Cheng took Zongzhu Zhou back to the company to handle the work.

Only Wen Zhili looked a little lonely.

Gu Cheng didn't say a word to her, did he just hate her so much...

But in those years, he was bedridden with no hope, and Wen Zhili couldn't give up his studies and career.

Isn't Ding Ziyue the same? Pushed out the original fiancée status.

It was precisely because of this that Ning Yi picked it up.

They are not reconciled.

After the meal, Song Lan helped Mr. Gu go up to rest, and the Wen family didn't want to stay any longer, saying that they would see you at the jewelry conference.

At the corner outside the living room, Ning Yi was stopped by Wen Zhili in a personable manner.

"Miss Ning."

After all, Ning Yi just received such a valuable thing from someone, and her attitude is very gentle and polite: "Say it."

Wen Zhili's feeling of being a big lady and a daughter of a famous family became stronger. He looked Ning Yi up and down, and then smiled slightly: "Miss Ning can untie the button, which I appreciate very much. It seems that Miss Ning is on my own. You have made a lot of efforts beyond your knowledge. Then you must come to the jewelry conference."

Cultural people really love bibi, just to say the last sentence, so much has to be laid before.

Ning Yi nodded: "Okay."

Not only because she agreed to Song Lan to be her jewelry model, but also because this year's jewelry conference kept pace with the times and actively promoted it on social media, and the media they chose was the successful and Gu CMore, which the group has cooperated with once. At that time, KOLs will broadcast live at the booth, and you can place an order to buy jewelry online.

This shows that her CMore is rapidly maturing, because the purchasing power it can pull is indeed considerable. The most special thing about CM is that it has been certified by countless wealthy daughters from various provinces. These people come to this platform to show off their wealth and life, they are simply a lot of ready-made leeks.

Among other things, this Ms. Wen Zhili's CM account verification was passed by Ning Yi.

Wen Zhili didn't expect Ning Yi to agree happily.

She looked up and down at Ning Yi's simple appearance in home clothes, and smiled in her heart: With her wealth, she probably hasn't even worn a really good dress, right?

Even if you wear it, I'm afraid you can't lift that temperament. It's sure to pale in comparison at a posh occasion like a jewelry dinner.

"Then, see you then."

After sending out the invitation, Wen Zhili turned and left with a touch of disdain in his heart.

Just as Wen Zhili left, Ning Yi received another message from Ding Ziyue.

[Sister, I heard that Wen Zhili went to Gu's house? 】

[It doesn't matter, although Wen Zhili has bad intentions, but when I met Young Master Gu that day, Young Master Gu doesn't know her anymore [laughs] [laughs]]

Ning Yi almost laughed out loud.

This pet culture world is quite amusing after staying for a long time.

She felt Ding Ziyue's real happiness bursting out of the screen, and she could imagine how far she had spread this matter in the past few days, even a professional melon owner like Zhao Mochu would feel ashamed.

Ding Ziyue stomped on Wen Zhili again, and then continued to yin and yang Ning Yi.

【So sister, you must come to the jewelry conference in two days~ I look forward to seeing you~】

At this plot point, the original host and the heroine are also a distinct comparison group. The original owner was tortured by Gu Cheng to the point of desperation, and stole Song Lan's jewels. But the heroine was pampered by Jiang Linyi. After the two quarreled and had conflicts, Jiang Linyi spent a lot of money and bought big diamonds for her in order to make her happy, enviing everyone!

Then the whole people went crazy on sugar, and Ding Ziyue became the envy of everyone.

Ding Ziyue has been looking forward to this plot for a long time!

Ning Yi leisurely turned off the phone.

Look, one or two, both invite her to attend.

This pet article really can't do without her.

Because of Wen Zhili's visit this time, Song Lan was very worried that Ning Yi cared, or felt inferior because of her family background.

So the next day, I specially bought several beautiful high-end dresses for my daughter-in-law to match the jewelry display.

Because the main purpose of this catwalk show is of course to display jewelry, especially some heavy and luxurious necklaces, so the necklines of the dresses will be open and bright.

However, Ning Yi is very suitable for this style. Her shoulders, neck and collarbone are very beautiful, slender and full of lines. The dress that narrows down reveals a small piece of scenery, which looks very moving.

The servants all blushed and bowed their heads when she came out in her most graceful gown.

However, Ning Yi is completely embarrassed!

Her appearance is calm and calm, and there is a sense of aloofness that is fearless even when the end of the world is coming.

However, when passing by the European-style floor-to-ceiling mirror on the wall in the corridor, Ning Yi looked at herself and praised loudly in her heart——

What a nice view!

What a stunner!

Back in the room, she found that her kitchen stove had also delivered a high-end supper.

It is home-made smoked salami, handmade almond cheese, paired with a glass of mellow red wine very carefully.

Beauty with wine, don't make her sexy!

Ning Yi is in a great mood.

She felt even better when she thought that she could blackmail her husband into buying big diamonds at the jewelry conference.

Have a drink!

Office of President Koo.

Gu Cheng read the financial report compiled by his assistant.

The Internet field has always been a part of Gu Cheng's close attention, and the CMore platform has developed quite rapidly in a short period of time because of the stable support of core technology. It has also derived a multi-dimensional ecology with vast commercial value, which has become so prominent that it has attracted the attention of several capitals.

As the most powerful piece of capital, Gu Cheng is still judging this platform.

This live broadcast cooperation with the Jewelry Conference is another inspection of its carrying capacity.

Gu Cheng put his hands on the table and tapped lightly with his fingertips.

Perhaps the day when it is worthwhile for him to meet the mysterious founder is not far away.

After finishing all the work, Gu Cheng got in the car and went home.

The general assistant asked for instructions: "Boss, for this jewelry conference, do you choose a high-end suit from the H family or the C family?"

Gu Cheng didn't care about these, he waved his hands casually, "You decide."

Zongzhu Zhou: "Yes."

Then match it according to the color of your wife's clothes, there must be nothing wrong!

After returning to the manor, a large group of bodyguard assistants surrounded Gu Cheng and entered the other building.

Gu Cheng told them about tomorrow's arrangements, and pushed open the door.

Ning Yi sat by the window.

Holding a wine glass in his hand, he was dressed in a luxurious dress.

Under the neck, there is a piece of snow white. Between the skirt and skirt, the calf is looming.

Gu Cheng paused for three seconds.

Everyone behind him was silent.

Then with a "bang", Gu Cheng closed the door.

"What are you doing?" He frowned.

Ning Yi: "I'm happy!"

Gu Cheng asked: "I asked you why you are dressed like this."

"This is the dress I'm going to wear on the catwalk."

"What catwalk?"

"Damn's jewelry conference, isn't it—" Ning Yi covered her mouth and waved her hands with a scent of alcohol, "I didn't scold anyone."

Gu Cheng: "..."

His dark eyes scanned her from top to bottom, stopped restrainedly just as they passed the collarbone, and moved back again to her flushed face from drinking some wine, and her pair of eyes that were too bright.

"Stop the show."


Gu Cheng thought of the scene he was seen just now, and his voice was flat: "Change quickly, aren't you cold?"

Ning Yi was drinking alone under the moonlight, and wanted to kick this spoiler out at this moment.

"It's not cold, don't change!" She pouted.

When Gu Cheng thought of the four male assistants and seven male bodyguards standing outside, the smile on his lips became colder, "Should I change?"

Ning Yi stepped forward: "I won't change!"

Gu Cheng sneered, reaching out to hold her hand.

Before Ning Yi could react, the bodies of the two suddenly switched.

She looked at herself from Gu Cheng's perspective, although her expression was gloomy and cold, she couldn't help sighing—

What a stunner!

But Gu Cheng had already put on an apron on himself with a cold face, completely covering all the scenery.

The peerless beauty was instantly ruined the sense of atmosphere.

Let me change clothes again! I have to change my body!

Ning Yi is upset! He immediately used his mind to exchange it back, but Gu Cheng still held her hand.

Unexpectedly, the two permissions were confused!

For a while, no one overwhelmed anyone, and in the end, they switched back and forth three times in just a few seconds!

Ning Yi was in her body one second, and in Gu Cheng's body the next, and the scene in front of her quickly switched.

It's as if the world is spinning!

She was not drunk at first, but now the alcohol she drank has completely shaken out!

Ning Yi: "Why are there so many dead husbands?!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Finally, Ning Yi stopped in Gu Cheng's body, closed her eyes, and fell into the wheelchair with a bang.


There was a "bang!" in the room, and everyone outside heard it.

Young Master Gu is still inside, he can't make any mistakes!

The bodyguards rushed in immediately: "Master!"

I saw the young master lying on his back in the wheelchair, with a perfect line on his side face, and his eyes closed tightly.

this this this? !

Gu Cheng: "He's fine..."

But no one believed it.

Everyone's eyes turned back and forth three times between the wife and Young Master Gu.

Young Master Gu was stunned by his wife's beauty?

Or did Young Master Gu get dizzy from jealousy? !

Anyway -

"Young Master Gu fainted!"

"Come on, come on!"

Gu Cheng standing aside: "..."

He watched helplessly as he was carried out.

That night, another expert consultation was alarmed.

— Young Master Gu almost became a vegetable again!

Gu Cheng: "..."

He was wrong.