Chapter 24: Make my husband hurt!

After an emergency consultation with many experts, it was finally found that Gu Dashao's body did not have any abnormalities, nor did it deteriorate.

Young Master Gu's state is more similar to...drunk?

But this is the most surprising thing—because it is well known that Young Master Gu has no drinking habit.

For a man like him, alcohol is just a kind of dross evolved by human civilization. Moreover, Gu Cheng didn't drink alcohol last night, so why did he suddenly appear drunk?

The doctors were puzzled, but there were too many doubts about Gu Dashao that could not be explained medically. They could only confirm that Gu Cheng's body was fine and he would wake up soon.

And the assistants and bodyguards looked at each other, and seemed to understand a truth that the doctors couldn't figure out!

The young master obviously did this after watching the lady in a dress, what does this mean?

—Alcohol does not intoxicate people, people intoxicate themselves!

— Young Master, you love her so much!

It was at the moment when the entire wealthy circle was preparing to participate in the jewelry conference. Hearing that Gu Dashao had another health problem, the circle was tense again for a while.

Many rich and famous ladies were very worried about whether Gu Cheng could participate.

Especially Wen Zhili, this jewelry conference is her first show after returning to China, the most important thing is that her design works contain a deep meaning for Gu Cheng.

If there is another problem with Gu Cheng's health, will her affection be in vain?

Fortunately, "Young Master Gu" quickly regained his sobriety.

As soon as Ning Yi woke up slowly from Gu Cheng's body, she met everyone's worried eyes.

"Ah Cheng, don't scare us like this!"

With great difficulty, Gu Cheng got out of the three-year vegetative state, his relatives were reunited, and the entire Gu Group was revitalized under his helm. Their Gu family can't bear the pain of losing Gu Cheng again!

Throughout the whole process, Gu Cheng remained silent in Ning Yi's body.


He's really fine.

Ning Yi sobered up for a while, she didn't expect to get drunk after drinking a little red wine yesterday. He quickly comforted Ms. Song Lan, who was still frightened during the busy preparations, and Mr. Gu, who almost had a heart attack.

Then Ning Yi switched bodies back.

Gu Cheng sat up from the hospital bed and said quietly: "I'm really fine."

"It's fine, it's fine!"

And Ning Yi also remembered now - why did they switch three times in a row last night? It stands to reason that she only thought about it once?

After everyone left with peace of mind, Ning Yi stared at Gu Cheng more and more suspiciously.

"." Gu Cheng's expression was unpredictable, without explanation.

"Husband," Ning Yi stared at him with a pair of eyes, "Did you think something was wrong with our sudden situation yesterday?"

She is not a fool after all, but she has noticed something strange.

But controlling the exchange through physical contact is Gu Cheng's only advantage, and he doesn't intend to let Ning Yi find out.

So Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes and guided Ning Yi calmly, "I think... it's because Ah Yi drank alcohol and affected his body, so your exchange authority has gone wrong."

It's not impossible for Ning Yi to pick his hands, after all, controlling with thoughts is also very metaphysical.

But she kind of forgot the details of last night, and the only thing she can be sure of is that Gu Cheng is an old idiot, he will definitely hold back his stomach. So Ning Yi felt that there must be something she didn't know about the mechanism of body swapping.

Ning Yi suddenly moved closer and stared carefully at Gu Cheng's dark eyes.


At this time, Gu Cheng's five senses have all recovered, so - the faint fragrance on her body, the wind blowing when she approaches, some details are very vivid.

Gu Cheng's breathing was stagnant, but his face remained unchanged.

Ning Yi: He's tense, he's guilty.

No matter what the actual situation is, take advantage of the fire and rob first.√

"Then husband, was it wrong for you to behave like that yesterday?" Ning Yi asked coquettishly.

In order to stabilize her, Gu Cheng had no choice but to nod, "Indeed."

"Although I know that my husband loves me very much and wants to treasure me as a dear baby, doesn't your baby also have the freedom to dress?" Ning Yi said to her fingers, "And I wear dresses to show off Damn jewelry—no insults meant."

Gu Cheng's heart was indifferent, who cares?

Gu Cheng: "It doesn't matter."

Ning Yi's starry eyes: "Not only does my husband not care what I wear, but he also buys me big diamonds, right?"

Gu Cheng: "...Yes."

Ning Yi was instantly satisfied.

She decided to choose the most beautiful and figure-defining one among the dresses Song Lan gave him!

The world is so beautiful!


Zhao Mochu likes to watch the gorgeous melons in these grand events in the wealthy circle the most. She has long been looking forward to Ning Yi's appearance.

"Let me tell you the truth, Wen Zhili, in order to make her debut in China this time, she specially brought the next season's heavy industrial dress from a super luxury high-end brand from abroad. It's really to make Mr. Gu think of her, It cost money."

Zhao Mochu shared the melons she collected with Ning Yi, "Ding Ziyue has been fighting her very hard, and she must have heard about Wen Zhili's clothes, so the Ding family spent a lot of money to change him into more expensive dresses. "

Ning Yi: "Good fellow."

"But since it's a jewelry conference, everyone's accessories are actually the most important thing!" Zhao Mochu asked expectantly, "Sister Ning, what jewelry do you want to wear? These will definitely be dug out by netizens. CMore's most talked about topic recently."

Ning Yi waved her hand, "Oh, don't worry about it, don't worry."

Just look for Song Lan at the scene, the exhibits are all there, and she will wear whatever her mother-in-law gives her.

In the midst of everyone's attention, this grand gathering of wealthy families in City A was held in the city's largest convention and exhibition center.

From the afternoon onwards, luxury cars gathered outside the entire exhibition hall, and the clothes were fragrant. There are high-ranking people everywhere, as well as many celebrities and media people, and the scene is indeed extremely grand.

As the organizer of this jewelry conference, Song Lan was naturally very busy, and she couldn't take care of Ning Yi. Fortunately, Gu Cheng will bring Xiaoyi along today, so she can rest assured.

At this time, CMore's live broadcast platform has also been activated, broadcasting this grand event of wealthy families in City A to the whole country.

【Young Master Gu will definitely come, right? It is said that the event was hosted by the mother of the eldest son]

【Ah, I'm really looking forward to Gu Dashao's look today】

[Fuck, I saw Jiang Linyi again? That is Jiang Linyi, it seems that he and Ding Ziyue are real]

[The actor is so handsome and Yueyue is so beautiful, should I say that the two of them are really a good match, so spoiled]

Zhao Mochu has already opened up her own live broadcast room with a keen sense of smell - after all, she can be on the spot, it is very convenient to take a mobile phone holder, and she can interact with her melon fans in real time.

"What, who do you want to see? Young Master Gu?" Zhao Mochu held up the phone holder and looked around.

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly felt that the comments on the live broadcast platform skyrocketed.

[Fucking sister Ning! Miss Ning is here! 】

[Sister Ning, we have been waiting so hard for you! 】

Since the doomsday survival-themed event, Ning Yi has not appeared in the public eye again, and netizens can't see it at all if they want to see the beauty business. Fortunately, she appeared again in this event!

【—The wait is worth it! 】

【So beautiful! I'm mad! 】

As soon as Zhao Mochu turned her head, she fainted for a second.

Fuck? ?

What a peerless beauty!

Zhao Mochu felt her head was stunned by the beauty for a second, and then saw Young Master Gu getting off the car in the next second.

Beauty and masculinity complement each other, directly detonating Zhao Mochu's live broadcast room.

Ning Yi was wearing a wine red velvet deep V evening dress with a graceful wave at the neckline and a design belt around her waist. Her long chestnut hair was curled loosely behind her head. The makeup on the face was also wine red, but it wasn't heavy, it only fell on the corners of the eyes and on the lips, perfectly setting off the bright and gorgeous facial features.

On the other hand, Gu Cheng and Ning Yi's dresses were in the same color tone. The man's complexion was cold and white, his eyebrows were drawn down, and the hem of the dark black custom-made suit was embroidered with wine red patterns, and the color of the tie also coincided with Ning Yi's. A low-key platinum lion head brooch was pinned to his chest, pressing down the coldness of a superior person.

Zhao Mochu almost wanted to applaud his mother.

One is cold and indifferent, the other is calm and glamorous, all of them are superior to each other.

You don't need to look at it to know how explosive netizens are now.

Zhao Mochu thought: Tonight I can produce another 10 tons of sugar (shock sound)

Gu Cheng looked sideways at Ning Yi.

It was too dangerous for her to walk among the crowd in such a deep V dress.

"Stay by my side, don't run around." Young Master Gu said expressionlessly.

Ning Yi was looking forward to the next jewels with all her heart, and didn't care what Gu Cheng said at all.

"Yeah, okay, my husband."

When their backs walked slowly into the exhibition hall, into the Vanity Fair where everyone was vying for beauty, Zhao Mochu just remembered—Ning Yi didn't seem to be wearing any jewelry just now?

But Zhao Mochu suddenly understood one thing—

Everyone is comparing dresses and accessories, but Ning Yi has already won!

Isn't there a super universe invincible and precious pendant next to her! ?

Who can make Gu Cheng follow with such an indifferent face, who else? ?

Zhao Mochu felt that she was overwhelmed.

Look at the live page again.

very good.

Pulled a slice.

Everything in the exhibition hall is very advanced.

This kind of jewelry conference is different from the folk conferences held for marketing purposes. It is aimed at higher-end consumer groups, and the jewelry on display is also at the collection level, so the entire venue exudes a sense of luxury in the upper class.

There are not only all kinds of jewels and brilliance, but also champagne towers and dessert tables.

At this time, Wen Zhili and Ding Ziyue were waiting for Gucheng while Ding Ziyue and Wei Snake.

She knew that Ding Ziyue in front of her was also waiting, but Ding Ziyue didn't show it, instead she was showing off another thing.

"Zhi Li, you have been abroad for the past few years, don't you know about domestic film and television works?" Ding Ziyue touched the luxury ring on her finger and smiled slightly, "Do you know Jiang Linyi?"

Of course Wen Zhili knew each other, but she remained calm, "I'm sorry, I'm not very familiar."

Ding Ziyue covered her mouth and smiled: "Then I recommend you to see brother Lin Yi's work, maybe it will inspire your design inspiration~ Oh, the main reason is that he is very busy at work, I didn't want him to come to see me today Yes, but he was coming..."

Wen Zhili: "..." Speechless.

She has always been speechless to Ding Ziyue, a brainless daughter, but for some reason she is lucky. Not only was she recognized by the richer Ding family after being picked up as a fake daughter, but she was also favored by an actor like Jiang Linyi.

Why does the world treat this idiot so favorably? Wen Zhili simply didn't understand.

While the two were fighting openly and secretly, they suddenly heard a commotion in the crowd.

"Master Gu is here!"

"Young Master Gu!"

Wen Zhili and Ding Ziyue immediately turned their heads to look at the same time.

They were all surprised by Ning Yi who was wearing a red dress beside Gu Cheng.

When the other participants looked at Gu Cheng, they were also first attracted by the woman beside him.

"Damn it, that's Ning Yi..."

"It's too..."

Among the crowd, Ning Yi just stood there calmly, making it impossible to look away.

But Gu Cheng faced these men, looked into their eyes, and only saw four words.

Like a wolf like a tiger.

Gu Cheng slightly clenched his fingertips on the armrest.

Displeasure goes hand in hand.

The smile on Wen Zhili's face also froze. On such a grand occasion, Gu Cheng actually allowed Ning Yi to stand by?

Wen Zhili knew Gu Cheng well, she knew how withdrawn and indifferent Gu Cheng was. He was born a lonely emperor, and should sit on any dazzling throne alone.

So Ning Yi, why?

Fortunately, when she saw that Ning Yi's neck was empty, the corners of Wen Zhili's mouth slowly lifted again.

On such a grand occasion, she doesn't even have a necklace, isn't it too pitiful?

Obviously Ding Ziyue also noticed this detail, and she felt much happier.

When Gu Cheng and his assistant were surrounded by a group of people, she floated over coquettishly, and said to Ning Yi in a fuss, "Oh sister, why don't you even have any accessories? Tell me earlier, and I will I lent it to you."

Ning Yi said disappointedly: "Huh? Borrow it."

Ding Ziyue stunned her for a moment, "What, what's wrong."

Ning Yi shook her head in disappointment, wondering if your layout is a bit small? Wen Zhili even gave away a million-dollar watch, do you still need to borrow it here?

There was a bit of hatred in the disappointed eyes.

Ding Ziyue was ashamed by the look in her eyes, and it took her a long time to react.

No, why is Ning Yi so thick-skinned! ?

But after thinking about it, Ning Yi must be very eager to own a piece of jewelry!

And according to the prediction of the plot in the dream, Jiang Linyi will spend a lot of money to coax her tonight. After seeing it, Ning Yi must be jealous to death?

Ding Ziyue is really looking forward to this scene~

Today, she is everyone's focus!

After Gucheng arrived, the atmosphere of the whole exhibition was different.

Many people came to the meeting today just to have a chat with Gu Dashao, and maybe get some business opportunities. After all, imperial luck is not just talk.

At this time, Wen Zhili walked onto the stage with a confident smile.

She did not show off in front of Ning Yi like Ding Ziyue, but chose to exhibit her design works directly at the exhibition.

Today is the jewelry conference, and of course the exhibits are the focus. Many people at the scene looked at the showcases and the big screen—

"Hi everyone, I'm Wen Zhili. I'm very happy to bring my design works back to China for everyone to appreciate..."

Wen Zhili stood in front of the stage with an elegant and generous demeanor, and the works she showed—

It was a platinum city with one person sitting alone in the middle. Combined with white diamonds and jade as the base, the overall style is simple and grand, and it is indeed of great ornamental and aesthetic value.

And the implication of "Gucheng" is self-evident.

"This work, I... conceived it for three years." Wen Zhili's voice was gently conveyed to everyone through the microphone, "After three years of continuous polishing, it can be presented to everyone."

Ding Ziyue's eyes widened at the bottom: I deliberately mentioned it for three years, and said it to Young Master Gu? ! Wen Zhili was really scheming, trying to make Mr. Gu think that she had missed him for three years abroad!

Ding Ziyue hated herself for not thinking of this trick.

Seeing Ding Ziyue's panic, Wen Zhili smiled smugly.

Ning Yi was having fun watching.

Of course Wen Zhili is very effective in fighting, and Ding Ziyue is the center of this brainless pet culture world. Ning Yi felt that the tricks of both of them were actually very creative hahaha.

"Then husband, do you prefer the work of three years, or your light?" Ning Yi asked enthusiastically.

Gu Cheng glanced at her coldly, "Shouldn't I like Ah Yi?"

When Ning Yi was playing p, her face was full of hypocritical surprise: "Honey, you love me so much, woo woo!"

Gu Cheng didn't bother to respond to her insincere performance.

Wen Zhili had already finished introducing his works within a few sentences of the conversation in their heads. She was not only looking forward to Gu Cheng's reaction, but also observing Ning Yi.

As long as you are not stupid, you should be able to see the meaning of this work, right?

Ning Yi must already know the gap between her and herself by now~ She is a high-ranking designer, but she is just lucky enough to stand beside Gu Cheng and help him push the wheelchair~

The gap is too large to be bridged at all.

What about Gucheng? Seeing her meticulously designed works about him, can the resentment towards her dissipate in my heart...

Gu Cheng leaned back in his chair, his brows and eyes remained indifferent.

It's not just indifference, since he entered the arena, he seems to have been unhappy.

On the other hand, Ning Yi, who was next to him, beamed with joy, and asked him, "Husband, is this work good?"

Gu Cheng looked at her indifferently: "Do you like it?"

Ning Yi blinked, usually when a bully says something like this, the next thing he says is to buy anything with my card.

And Gu Cheng has already agreed to give her diamonds!

So Ning Yi blinked her slender eyelashes quickly: "I like it! I like it! Is my husband going to buy it for you?"

And not to mention anything else, Wen Zhili should really hope that Gu Cheng can buy this work of hers! She almost named this work "Gucheng"!

Gu Cheng looked back, crossed his arms and sneered: "If you like it, buy it yourself."

Ning Yi:?

Then what are you asking me for!

Big cut ratio!

In the end, it was Ding Ziyue who bought Wen Zhili's work.

On the stage, Wen Zhili couldn't wait for Gu Cheng to speak, her expression changed from anticipation to disappointment, and finally turned pale and a little embarrassed. Ding Ziyue had a panoramic view of everything!

Ding Ziyue almost couldn't hold back the smile on her face again—Wen Zhili was still trying to get Young Master Gu's attention, isn't it embarrassing?

And Ding Yusen opened a supplementary card for her, and it was still affordable to buy a piece of Wen Zhili's jewelry. Besides, the value of the jewelry itself is not important, what is important is to see Wen Zhili's resentful expression hahaha.

This battle, before Jiang Linyi came forward, she had already won the battle.

Sure enough~ she is the only winner in this world~

Even Wen Zhili was crushed by her, let alone Ning Yi who didn't even have a necklace!

The little sisters next to me are all echoing.

"Wow, Yueyue is so generous!"

"Wuuu, the person who is favored by my brother is different~"

Ding Ziyue smiled and said, "No, actually I want to buy some jewelry for my sister."

"Evidently there is no blood relationship, yet Yueyue treats Ning Yi so well!"

"Hahaha, I feel that Ning Yi is so pitiful? What's the use of following Young Master Gu?"

"If it were me, I would be embarrassed to attend this kind of event without accessories."

Ding Ziyue felt refreshed listening to everyone's speech.

However, when she proudly looked at Ning Yi, she found that Ning Yi was no longer in the position just now.

Only Young Master Gu sat there with a displeased face, surrounded by a bunch of assistants and bodyguards.

Where did Ning Yi go?

Too shameless to hide?

at this time.

The lights in the exhibition hall gradually dimmed.

Ms. Song Lan walked out slowly in an elegant black knit dress, and made a speech with a smile on her microphone, welcoming everyone.

And tonight's most important jewelry catwalk show is about to begin!

Song Lan himself is also looking forward to the effect.

People sat down on the square platform arranged in advance, and surrounded the T stage displayed in the middle.

With a high-definition camera facing it, the live broadcast platform on CMore officially launched the main event of this city A jewelry conference!

A large number of netizens rushed in, admiring the extravagance of the upper class, while looking for the figure they were waiting for.

[Sister Ning glanced in shock just now, please let me see again]

[Looking at Sister Ning's beautiful but simple appearance, I guess I'll leave after taking a look? 】

[Sihasha really wants to see Sister Ning's catwalk! 】

The audience was discussing intensely, and they could watch local tyrants place orders to buy jewelry online on CM. The scene was very lively.

Suddenly, a dynamic popped up.

—[Wander, entered the live broadcast room]

[Fuck? Brother Wan is here! 】

[Wan Ge seems to really love CMore hahaha]

【Brother Wan also came to see the beauty? 】

It was originally Wander's usual live broadcast time, but he didn't go on the air today. He came to watch the jewelry conference's catwalk show, which immediately brought quite a lot of enthusiasm to this jewelry conference.

"It's nothing." Wander chuckled back to the fans, "I just came to see a friend—it should be the prettiest one."

There were hundreds of comments below.

They are all guessing who Wan Ge's friends are and who is the most beautiful.

Someone's comment was quickly brushed up.

[The most beautiful one must be Sister Ning, Brother Wan is really brave, aren't you afraid that Young Master Gu will buy the platform hahahaha]

Gu Cheng sat in a wheelchair, propped up with one hand, and tapped his temple with his fingertips.

Everyone is waiting for the catwalk, but he is not looking forward to it.

This kind of activity is flashy and boring, but—some people's small movements in it are a bit interesting.

Gu Cheng glanced over the subtle movements in the field, and turned his head slightly.

Zongzhu Zhou immediately bent down and heard Gu Dashao give some instructions. Then Mr. Zhou immediately went to the private auction house behind the exhibition hall to check, and there were indeed a few rough emerald stones transported over.

The corners of Gu Cheng's lips curled up without warmth.

If someone wanted to watch him bet on stones, he had to weigh whether he was qualified enough.

As for the kind of people who get angry at the auction and become a beauty, and spend a lot of money to win favors, they are all mentally handicapped.

Gu Cheng looked at the runway indifferently, so what is there to do?

Gu Dashao's face was gloomy, and he felt that there was nothing to look at—

At this moment, someone from the catwalk came out.

It's a familiar wine red dress.

But the difference from before was that Ning Yi wore a brilliant diamond chain between his necks.

It is Snowflake composed of round-cut diamonds, inspired by snowflakes, with platinum as the base and rhodium-plated 18K white gold, surrounded by sparkling diamonds with flawless clarity. There are a total of 600 diamonds, which are heavy and dazzling.

And the face illuminated by this light was not suppressed by Bao Qi at all, but reflected a strong Gu Pan Shenghui.

Gu Cheng took a look, and his breathing suddenly stopped.


If it's just the face, it's not enough to silence the audience—

Ning Yi walked over from the end of the runway.

One move, full of grace.

Because the most distinctive design of this piece of jewelry is that the snowflakes in the sky are showing a tendency to melt, and a drop-shaped diamond extends out—just falling on the ups and downs of Ning Yi's chest, stopping just right, gorgeous and not vulgar.

So when she stepped out, the waves inside the deep V-neck rippled slightly. And her waves are suppressed by that brilliant diamond, like a pearl held up by waves, so beautiful that it makes people dizzy.

Even the audience held their breath.

Ding Ziyue's eyes were bloodshot, but Wen Zhili was completely speechless.

Zhao Mochu, who was holding the live broadcast on his mobile phone, muttered, "I'm so stupid..."

Looking down at the live broadcast platform again, it was already blown up.

【Fuck my nosebleed】

【Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck】

【Is Brother Wan here to see Sister Ning? ! Iron, right? ? 】

[Sister's breasts, ah no, the gems are so beautiful, ah, sister's breasts... I'm gone]

Gu Cheng's eyes darkened little by little.

Spread out into a cloud.

Song Lan himself was so shocked by this effect that he was speechless!

She didn't expect that Ning Yi was not a professional model, but she was more suitable for cold jewelry than the popular world-weary face or supermodel face! Because her aura is very strong, even Song Lan doesn't know where Ning Yi's aura comes from.

Song Lan is an appreciative artist, she has a sharper perception. She felt that Ning Yi's calmness seemed to be polished in countless swords, mountains of flames, seas of fire, and purgatory. It transcended life and death, but he did not despise life, but polished the most authentic and calm life.

Song Lan's heart became slightly excited—

Originally, there was a set of jewelry that was not intended to be displayed by a model, because it was too gorgeous and beautiful to the point of despair, so she was worried that no model could show her beauty, and instead, she was overwhelmed by the jewelry.

But Song Lan now felt that Ning Yi was fine, her aura would not be suppressed! Song Lan couldn't describe this feeling, but she decided to let Ning Yi show off that set of jewelry as well!

Ning Yi was very satisfied with the reaction of everyone present.

She knew she was a stunner!

Only those who are sick, blind and picky like Gu Cheng can't feel it!

After getting off the catwalk, Ning Yi was stopped by an excited Song Lan.

At this moment, Song Lan looked at Ning Yi like a treasure, and carefully told her about the last jewel.

"I don't need to go down the runway later, I just need to wear this exhibit for everyone to see, Xiaoyi... would you like to wear it?"

Ning Yi smiled and nodded: "Yes."

Nobody doesn't like to see themselves beautiful~

So cool, so cool.

And almost everyone under the runway is still amazed.

Ding Ziyue looked at Jiang Linyi who was sitting next to her, and slowly clenched her fists.

Ever since Jiang Linyi watched Ning Yi's catwalk, he has been distracted, and he didn't even coax her to get angry.

How could Ding Ziyue bear the limelight being taken away by Ning Yi again today! ?

Even Wen Zhili's hasty departure couldn't make up for this resentment!

So when she saw Song Lan grab Ning Yi and say something, and then Ning Yi was taken to the locker room by the secretary, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

Then, she laughed wickedly.

—Ning Yi doesn't like to show off, so let her do it!

While being led by Secretary Song Lan to look at the final piece of jewelry, Ning Yi proudly called Gu Cheng in her heart.

"Husband husband~"

Called twice, there is no answer.

Ning Yi continued: "Old~gong~"

Gu Cheng still didn't respond.

Ning Yi: "Dead?

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng breathed evenly: "No."

Ning Yi immediately recovered her sweetness: "Did my husband see her? Is he suitable for wearing diamonds?"

Gu Cheng: Indeed.

Gu Cheng replied lightly: "It's okay."

Ning Yi was speechless for two seconds, told herself that he was sick, he was sick, and endured it again.

"Your baby is going to have another show later~ Husband, take a good look, and then buy diamonds for others, chirp, chirp, chirp."

Gu Cheng frowned: "Still leaving?"

Ning Yi replied shyly, "Husband doesn't want to watch it?"

Gu Cheng: "General."

Ning Yi showed her true colors: "I'm leaving!"

Dead people don't care about beautiful women!

When she saw the set of jewelry Song Lan mentioned in the showcase.

At the first glance, Ning Yi was moved.

It does have an atmosphere that is different from other collections. Not only are the materials used precious, but its shape is a mermaid with a broken tail. The whole body is paved with bright and pure diamonds, and the broken tail is made of precious and rare sapphires. The carving is extremely vivid.

Just looking at it seems to have a sense of beauty that makes people cry.

Ning Yi was already looking forward to what she would look like after wearing it, so she carried the new dress that matched it and went into the dressing room to change.

However, just after she entered, the door of the room was opened quietly.

Someone quietly walked to the door, took away the shoes she left outside the dressing room, and changed a pair.

Ning Yi thought it was the secretary who came to bring her shoes, but she didn't care, and carefully changed her clothes and jewelry.

Ding Ziyue outside kept waiting until the servant quietly gave her a gesture to indicate that it was done, then Ding Ziyue slowly raised the corners of her lips and sat down calmly.

Of course she wasn't that stupid, stealing Ning Yi's shoes or something.

But she can, raise Ning Yi's heel a few centimeters up~

Ten centimeters of high heels, let's see if she can still come out to show?

It'd be better to fall down and make a big embarrassment in front of Young Master Gu!

Over there, Ning Yi changed into a new dress. It was a sparkling mermaid dress. The pure white skirt was matched with fine glittering beads and sequins. It matched this jewelry perfectly!


However, when Ning Yi came out and saw the pair of shoes on the ground, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Simple stiletto heels with sparkling diamonds on them.

The only problem is, it has to be ten centimeters, right?

Then it is not a shoe, but an instrument of torture!

Although Ning Yi doesn't know how to wear clothes, but she is so beautiful, how can she be willing to hurt herself!

Ning Yi only thought for two seconds.

"My husband is here ^3^"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng looked at the high heels on his feet and fell into a long silence.

He was originally sitting in the exhibition hall, silently waiting for Ning Yi to show it for the second time.

In a flash, he was replaced by Ning Yi.

Gu Cheng looked around and confirmed that this was the only shoe within a radius of 20 meters.

"... Ning Yi." Gu Cheng called her gloomily in his heart.

Ning Yi was in Gu Cheng's body at this time, happily took a glass of champagne to drink, and acted like a baby in his mind: "Husband, his feet hurt, why don't you help him stand for a while~"

She is looking forward to wearing "mermaid tears"~ So, isn't it more beautiful to see it from a third perspective~

Just to test it out, does Gu Cheng have the authority to exchange?

After a while, Ning Yi Meimei took a sip when Gu Cheng didn't come back.

That's still her highest authority!

Gu Cheng was silent towards the pair of high heels.

At this time, Song Lan had already warmed up the people in the field—

"Next, is today's finale jewelry exhibit, "Mermaid's Tears", which shows the beauty of brokenness and despair!"

"Ning Yi will show you~"


[Sister Ning, Sister Ning, Sister Ning]

[I'm ready, I'm ready! 】

Ding Ziyue sat upright, showing a smug smile.

Song Lan's secretary went to the dressing room and knocked politely, "Madam, Ms. Song, are you ready?"

Gu Cheng just wanted to sneer and refuse.

Suddenly, I heard Ning Yi say leisurely: "Husband, you must show this jewel to Mom~"

"Otherwise I'll be sad and prpr tears!" Use your face.

Gu Cheng: "..."

After half a minute.

Young Master Gu stood up slowly wearing high heels.

The dreamy and shattered fishtail gemstone on the neck swayed slightly, shining brightly.

In the fairy tale, the Little Mermaid trades her fishtail for her legs, and every step she takes is like stepping on a blade.

At this moment, Young Master Gu felt that.

She is the daughter of the sea.

The moment when "Ning Yi" stood in the center of the exhibition hall again.

All eyes focused on "her"—

Unlike the woman with the wine red deep V just now, she is in a completely different atmosphere at this moment.

The slender figure stood there quietly, with a slight sense of coldness, behind him seemed to be the heartbreaking singing of a mermaid on a moonlit night—

Ding Ziyue's secretly excited eyes froze, and then she suddenly shut her mouth.

And Jiang Linyi, as well as everyone present, showed expressions of being terribly amazed.

The online platform exploded with the strongest effect.

Go straight to the hot searches on various platforms.

Wander sent Ning Yi a hundred gifts in a row.

The audience can't even bark anymore!

Ding Ziyue looked at Ning Yi, her expression gradually collapsed—

Why? !

Why did the effect get better when she stepped on the instrument of torture? !

Only Song Lan covered her mouth excitedly: This is, this is the effect in her dream!

Really beautiful to the point of despair!

That broken feeling!

That breath of despair!

Song Lan covered her mouth, and all the flashing lights on the scene lit up—

This is destined to be the most perfect work of this year!

Gu Cheng stepped on the ten centimeter high heels expressionlessly.

trembling slightly.

I'm really desperate, Mom.