By the time the jewelry catwalk show this time was over, Ning Yi was completely on fire.

Photos of her wearing two sets of jewelry are being circulated wildly all over the Internet.

The previous burgundy deep V evening dress with snowflake diamond chain has already amazed everyone, but the mermaid tears that appeared in the finale was even more amazing on the Internet!

What attracts people's attention on Ning Yi is not only his beautiful face, but also his complex and changeable temperament!

Jiang Linyi noticed this kind of temperament when he was at the racecourse.

But today, wearing a wine red dress, she is calm and calm.

Wearing a pure white sequined mermaid skirt, she is the desperate coldness of a mermaid with a broken tail.

The combination of two temperaments in one person is simply crazy—

CMore's live broadcast platform is crazy:

[It’s just a jewelry conference that allowed me to see these ah ah, sister Ning, how many little surprises do you have that we don’t know about? 】

[Sister Ning is so beautiful! 】

【At the moment, I don't know whether to envy Young Master Gu or Sister Ning】

Ning Yi also applauded from the audience: Absolutely.

One person can be used as two people, it is easy to use!

Although she understands her husband's lovelessness, ahahahaha—

At this time, Ning Yi was in Gu Cheng's body, and the admiration in "Gu Cheng's" eyes did not miss the countless shots and eyes of countless people present.

Zhao Mochu was like a wild bird scurrying around in the melon field, and it just snapped wildly at "Master Gu".

Tonight she must produce 10 tons of sugar, becoming the most popular blogger on CM in this event.

What Gu Cheng looked at his wife's deep V-neck with a dark face—

What Gu Cheng applauded and praised his wife's mermaid dress couldn't hide his surprise—

After these raw pictures were sent out, the netizens were really drunk with candy.

Zhao Mochu is deeply convinced—

Young Master Gu, you love her so much!

Gu Cheng stepped off the stage with a blank expression, and there was applause behind him.

And now he just wants to change his shoes.

10cm high heels, every step is on the tip of the knife. Young Master Gu exhausted his life-long concentration to walk back to the locker room without losing his composure in front of others.

After there are too many outrageous things, it seems that the outrageous things have become ordinary.

Gu Cheng: Hehe.

Ding Ziyue originally thought that the main opponent tonight was Wen Zhili, and Ning Yi was just a cannon fodder for them to compete for beauty. Unexpectedly, Ning Yi's two outfits became popular all over the Internet, and even rushed to the top of CM's various hot promotions without buying marketing.

The programmers behind Zhao Weining:

[Fuck, our sister is on the hot push, hurry up and increase the weight! Give heat! 】


[Being so beautiful that the chest-thumping gorilla circles around in circles]

Ding Ziyue looked at the phone more and more angrily—

How could this be? ! Obviously in the dream she is the absolute protagonist!

At this time, Jiang Linyi recovered from the astonishment just now, and finally found that Ding Ziyue's expression was wrong, and asked with concern: "Yueyue, what's wrong with you?"

Ding Ziyue shook her head weakly, and said: "It's nothing, I just think that my sister wears such beautiful jewelry and diamonds, so she shouldn't care about me buying them for her anymore..."

Jiang Linyi looked at the simple loss of the girl in front of him, and his heart softened, "No, Yueyue, you are always so kind."

He came here today to make Ding Ziyue happy, and at the private auction later, he can make Yueyue smile again.

Ding Ziyue looked at the pain in his eyes and felt better again.

Yes, she also has brother Lin Yi! What is a catwalk? Tonight's auction is the real highlight. Jiang Linyi will spend a lot of money for her, and all the ladies and daughters present are very envious!

Ding Ziyue didn't believe that Young Master Gu would spend so much money on Ning Yi!

She made an excuse to Jiang Linyi that she was going to the bathroom, and then quietly followed Ning Yi, who had left the stage, to the backcourt dressing room.

Gu Cheng finally got normal shoes from Song Lan's secretary at this time, and he threw away the 10cm high heels with a dark face.

"Why did my sister throw away the shoes? Aren't these shoes beautiful?"

When Gu Cheng raised his head, he saw Ding Ziyue standing in front of him with a complacent and jealous expression.

Gu Cheng: ...

This idiot did it again?

Ding Ziyue looked at the precious and beautiful jewelry on his neck, and the more she looked at it, the more she felt sour. She had to find something to get back.

"Sister, Auntie Song Lan lent you these, it's so kind to you!" Ding Ziyue covered her mouth and said with a smile, "Will you come to the auction later? Oh, I actually don't want to go either. But Brother Lin Yi insisted on letting me take a look, there should be a lot of interesting things~"

"You performed so well just now, maybe Mr. Gu will spend some money for you? Are you looking forward to it~"

But Ding Ziyue knew that she wouldn't!

In that dream, Young Master Gu did make a move, but—it was for her, Ding Ziyue.

After speaking, Ding Ziyue turned and left with a sense of superiority.

She can't wait for the scene!

And Gu Cheng didn't even bother to give her eyes.

Ding Ziyue is mentally handicapped.

This is a fact that has been proven many times.

When Gu Cheng returned to the exhibition hall, Ning Yi had already drank a bottle of champagne and was eager to try the exquisite desserts.

But at least she has a conscience. Just now, her husband gave her face. It would be a little bit against her for her to eat a small cake with Mr. Gu's body under the watchful eyes of everyone.

So seeing that Gu Cheng had already put on normal shoes when he came, Ning Yi immediately changed his body back.

Gu Cheng sat back in the wheelchair again, thinking that there was nothing wrong with the wheelchair.

...It's better than Hai's daughter cutting every step of the way.

Young Master Gu's eyes and brows were cold and frosty.

Ning Yi chose some small cakes that she liked, and while eating them with a fork in her mouth, she sweetly said to Gu Cheng: "Husband! Your performance just now really surprised me! I knew I would leave these matters to you. You won't be disappointed~"

Gu Cheng didn't want to talk.

Ning Yi said while picking a cake, "Next is the private auction, husband, you must really want to see it^3^"

She just recalled that in the original plot, there was Gu Cheng's role tonight—of course, the plot arrangement was as mentally handicapped as ever, because the boss was just sent by the author to be a tool for the love between the hero and heroine.

At tonight's auction, Jiang Linyi will bid Ding Ziyue a rare love pink diamond, but how can it reflect the love of the heroine of the pampered man if he buys it at the original price?

So the strongest king in this book, the richest man, Gu Dashao—will raise the price at the auction!

No matter what the male lead yells, Gu Cheng can raise the price lightly, because the capital behind that man is unfathomable!

In the end, the male protagonist won the pink diamond at a price several times higher, which immediately detonated the entire Internet, making Ding Ziyue directly on the hot searches on all major platforms, becoming the princess envied by all girls, and starting her pet life!

Ning Yi almost wanted to applaud: What a silly plot! I love to watch!

She ate the small cake in a few bites, looked at Gu Cheng: "Shall we go, husband~"

There was a sneer on the corner of Gu Cheng's lips.

Ning Yi made him wear 10cm high heels, and wanted him to spend money on her?

It's fantastic.

Gu Cheng crossed his arms and smiled maliciously, "Okay, Ah Yi."

Ning Yi didn't care what he was thinking.

He happily pushed into his wheelchair, "Sit tight, my husband!"

The two of them had their own ulterior motives, and they both entered the auction venue with a full stomach.

After today's jewelry show was successfully concluded, the rest of the private auctions were basically people from the wealthy circle, and they all had considerable spending power.

Ding Ziyue followed Jiang Linyi and sat in the best seat in the auction, but the expression on her face remained depressed and unhappy.

Jiang Linyi was very distressed when he saw it, and regretted that he had neglected Ding Ziyue when he was watching the show, so he coaxed her softly: "Yueyue, I am here for you today, of course to make you happy. Tonight you like I will definitely take pictures for you, okay?"

This is what Ding Ziyue was waiting for!

There was a pure emotion in her eyes, and she was satisfied to hear the envious exclamations of the famous ladies and daughters around her, it was a total body comfort!

"Hey! Young Master Gu is here too—"

"Eldest Young Master Gu brought Ning Yi, he didn't mean to..."

Gu Cheng and Ning Yi also entered through the main entrance of the auction hall. Their expressions were very calm, but they attracted everyone's attention.

As soon as the auctioneer saw Gu Cheng, he immediately trotted over according to the hem of his clothes, bowed and asked respectfully: "Young Master Gu, you are here too! Where do you think you want to sit?"

Gu Cheng lightly raised his hand.

He didn't sit in the front row of the seats, nor did he sit in a convenient position to observe the lot, but sat in the back row casually, and he didn't seem to want to participate in this battle.

Everyone in the wealthy circle suddenly understood, Young Master Gu just came to see it! Even if he brought Ning Yi with him, he didn't mean to bid for anything for Ning Yi!

Although Ning Yi was indeed amazing in the catwalk show just now, but how can a woman with such an ordinary family background who has no successful career deserve Young Master Gu to spend more money for her? Young Master Gu will never be a man who loses his head for the sake of beauty!

Ding Ziyue's heart finally calmed down. That's right, she is the protagonist of today's auction!

On such an occasion, the prices of these lots are not important, even if they exceed their own value - the more Jiang Linyi spends for her, the more important she is!

Jiang Linyi shook her hand and said, "Tell me what you like."

Ding Ziyue's face was pure and ignorant.

"Yueyue is still the most enviable!"

"The Great Movie Emperor is so spoiled!"

Their voices are not low, and the entire auction hall is not loud, and they can be heard clearly from behind.

Gu Cheng looked on coldly, feeling ridiculous.

Ning Yi: "Wow, I'm so envious and spoiled."

Gu Cheng: "?"

The auction has officially started.

The previous products are all small trinkets that are not particularly valuable, and some are rather rare, such as lifelike dragonflies and little tigers carved out of jewelry, and they are taken out for the fun of these young masters and daughters.

These exhibits, even if they are not photographed on site, can still be auctioned through CMore's online platform.

For example, among the exhibits, a large fly carved out of jadeite was photographed online.

The order information on the platform will also be visible in the middle of the code.

—W****r, bought it a minute ago.

Look at the initial and last letters, and then count the total number of digits. At first glance, it is wander.

[Fucking hahaha, Brother Wan bought that big fly]

【Does Wan Ge really want to show his presence in front of Sister Ning hhh】

[I'm sour, I'm sour, but when I think of Sister Ning's beautiful face, I feel reasonable again. The only thing I'm worried about now is that Wan Ge's big gall is blocked by Mr. Gu (doge)]

During the entire auction process, Gu Cheng did not express interest in any lot.

But Ning Yi has always maintained a happy mood!

Although her husband is stingy, she can earn money by herself! Because the jewelry conference and auction are backed by the online mall built by CMore, the platform will have a commission for every item ordered online hahahaha!

Sitting, there will be money.

Who is the winner of this pet text world? She doesn't say.

The exhibits were put up one by one, and they were constantly photographed by people online or offline, but Gu Cheng never raised a sign once.

The pride in Ding Ziyue's heart became stronger and stronger - she knew that Young Master Gu would not spend money on Ning Yi!

Finally, the staff pushed up the auction item that Ding Ziyue had been looking forward to!

It was on a velvet red cloth, and there was a pink diamond carved into a heart shape, with extremely high clarity and dazzling brilliance.

You must know that among the tens of thousands of pink diamonds tested by the CIA standard, the proportion of such clarity is very low, and this pink diamond is a fancy pink with a purple color, and the carat is also very high. Because of this extraordinarily dreamy color, it is very suitable for giving to little princesses or jewels in the palm of your hand.

And this is Jiang Linyi's meeting with Ding Ziyue tonight!

Of course Ding Ziyue would not say "I like this", but she took a trembling breath, and then stared at the booth without blinking, as if she was dazzled by its beauty.

Jiang Linyi immediately knew that Ding Ziyue liked this, he smiled dotingly and shook his head, and raised his cards after the auction started.

The starting price is five million, and every increase in the price is a test of the financial strength of the bidder.

"Wow—Jiang Linyi really wants to buy it for Yueyue!"

"Oh my god, such a beautiful diamond, I'm so envious!"

Ding Ziyue said emotionally, "Brother Lin Yi..."

Now that Jiang Linyi has raised his card, another expectation in Ding Ziyue's heart has risen—

Young Master Gu will come to bid soon!

In that dream, Gu Cheng made a strong appearance, and with an unstoppable aura, raised the price of this pink diamond by ten million!

And this is one of the reasons why Ding Ziyue always has expectations for Gu Chengxin—if Gu Cheng didn't pay attention to her, if Gu Cheng didn't care about Jiang Linyi spending a lot of money for her, why would he want to buy this completely useless jewelry for him?

Regardless of whether she is still his light in Young Master Gu's heart, Ding Ziyue believes that Young Master Gu cares about her!

Ding Ziyue felt her heart surge when she thought that Gu Dashao was about to compete with Jiang Linyi for this gem in front of everyone!

The auctioneer is mobilizing the atmosphere of the audience:

"Mr. Jiang Linyi gave a price of 5.5 million—"

"Oh! Mr. Gu Zeyu raised the price by 300,000!"

These are Ding Ziyue's guardian knights!

Ding Ziyue accepted envious eyes from all directions, and looked at Ning Yi proudly from the corner of her eye.

Ning Yi is sour now, right? She will be more sour later~

As the final result of this bidding, Jiang Linyi will spend 18 million to buy this pink diamond for her, and it will be popular on the same day! Jiang Linyi's girlfriend fans collectively broke their defenses, but passers-by would be extremely envious of her. This is a major event in Ding Ziyue's pet life for the public.

The bidding of Gu Cheng and Jiang Linyi will also become a hot spot for the people who eat melons. After all, except for Gu Cheng, no one present can be full of confidence and raise placards infinitely without changing their faces.

Three or four rounds of price increases took place in the blink of an eye.

Gu Zeyu raised his sign, and Jiang Linyi followed.

There is also a wealthy daughter from other provinces who likes this pink diamond very much, and also increased the price once.

Jiang Linyi continued to follow.

He is determined to win.

Seeing that Ding Ziyue next to her was gradually fidgeting, Jiang Linyi comforted her gently: "Yueyue, it's okay, I will definitely take pictures for you."

However, Ding Ziyue's uneasiness is not this at all!

Why didn't Young Master Gu make a move? !

After these four or five rounds of price increases, no one raised their cards anymore, and the price of pink diamonds trembled to only 8.8 million, and it was about to drop the hammer! ?

Ding Ziyue's heart is extremely anxious - there are more than 8 million in the area, how can it be on the hot search?

The price of 8.8 million is not as expensive as the Mermaid Tears that Ning Yi brought tonight! !

Ning Yi saw Ding Ziyue's anxiety, and kindly asked her in her mind: "Honey, why don't you bid?"

Gu Cheng's voice did not fluctuate: "Why should I bid?"

Will you buy it for Ning Yi? Ha ha.

If he bought this kind of pink heart-shaped diamond, she might think too much.

Of course, Ning Yi doesn't know why Gu Cheng bought it in the original plot, after all, there is no explanation in the novel, it seems that the boss is just a tool for pure money and leisure.

But Ning Yi decided to help him find a reason!

She looked at Gu Cheng affectionately, and said shyly: "Husband, look at the shape of this pink diamond, does it look like my heart that loves you? Sincerity and radiance!"

Gu Cheng stared at her for a few seconds.

Ning Yi blinked sweetly.

Then I saw Gu Cheng's slender fingers lift up, and tap the side, "That's more similar."

Ning Yi followed the sound and saw a large lump of black stones.

Ning Yi: "..."

Say nothing.

Big cut ratio!

Finally, under Ding Ziyue's disbelieving eyes—

That pink diamond was actually at a price of 8.8 million, and the hammer fell!

Ding Ziyue is going crazy!

Gu Cheng had no intention of raising a placard at all, she could only watch helplessly as Jiang Linyi paid a price that was 10 million cheaper than in her dream!

Jiang Linyi didn't know anything about her psychological activities, and only felt that it was worthwhile to get Ding Ziyue's happiness with more than 8 million yuan.

"Yueyue, do you like it?"

"Dang, of course I like it! Thank you brother Lin Yi."

Ding Ziyue wanted to express her touch again, but she couldn't laugh at all in her heart, and her face was a little distorted for a while.

Although the famous ladies and daughters next to me were envious, the price of more than 8 million yuan was not particularly shocking, so they only offered a few token compliments.

"I'm so envious of Yueyue."

"The big movie kings really care about you."

Ding Ziyue could only comfort herself with a smirk: It's okay, Ning Yi still has nothing!

Although Young Master Gu didn't raise the price for her, he didn't buy anything for Ning Yi either!

This is the rear seat.

Gu Cheng glanced at Ning Yi from the corner of his eye.

She didn't buy diamonds for her, but she was in a good mood the whole time?

Does this woman want it, or doesn't she want it?

Ning Yi is in a good mood because she took a look at the online ordering situation and the popularity of the platform for this event, and felt that she was about to post. But she noticed Gu Cheng's gaze, and immediately began to repeat other people's compliments to Ding Ziyue, trying to stimulate her stingy husband.

Ning Yi: "Wow, I'm so envious."

Ning Yi: "He spoils her so much, I'll cry to death."

Gu Cheng: "..."

What is there to brag about? A mere eight million.

Ning Yi continued to reread: "Oh my God, is Jiang Linyi going to hold up placards for Ding Ziyue again? Having such a generous boyfriend is really an enviable thing, so outstanding, so heartwarming, wow."

Gu Cheng's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Praise other men, the words are quite rich, right?

Being coerced by bidding at an auction, making people happy like a mentally handicapped person, is something a successful businessman would never do.

Gu Cheng folded his arms with a gloomy expression on his face.

Ning Yi: "I'm so pampered before I'm married, and I can't be pampered after I get married? When will Ding Ziyue go home with a husband like him? I don't know, anyway, I'm a family all over the world—"

Before he finished speaking, he was finally interrupted by the impatient Young Master Gu.

Gu Cheng: "Shut up."

Gu Cheng: "Come and drive stones with me."

Ning Yi: "?"

Gu Cheng moved forward with a cold face.

Eight million diamonds is nothing.

On the way to the gambling stone trading place, the assistants and bodyguards behind Gu Cheng had the same expressions.

All of them had expressions of "Oh my god, it's Mr. Gu" and "He's really, I'm crying to death".

You must know that the degree of excitement of betting on stones is definitely not comparable to tonight's auction! With a value of tens of millions, heaven and **** are only separated by a thought!

Ning Yi followed behind Gu Cheng, and just saw the WeChat message from the code-named old bitter gourd.

[Let Gu Cheng come to gamble on stones]

[No matter what method is used]

The conspiracy and tricks on the other side almost burst out of the screen.

During the few minutes when she didn't reply to the news, Gu Zhisong had paid a hush money with a lot of money.

[Transfer, 500,000 yuan]

Take a look, Gu Zhisong is happier than his dead husband giving money.

Ning Yi quickly found her place in this -

Gu Cheng, this old Yinbi, just now acted like he didn't have any money to pamper her, and now he suddenly takes her to gamble with stones, he must be using her.

The people inside the Gu family made small moves. On the surface, he pretended to spoil her so much because of her that he would not hesitate to take the risk of opening stones. In fact, it was just an internal game——

Gu Zhisong and the people behind him want Gu Cheng to fall from the altar and break the myth of invincibility.

And Gu Cheng will not lose at all, he just wants to follow the clues to know who is behind Gu Zhisong.

Ning Yi: And I’m just a little cat who fishes in troubled waters and cuts some leeks^3^

Ning Yi took the five hundred thousand with a snap, then turned her head and said quietly to Gu Cheng, "My husband~ Old Bitter Gourd told me to let you participate in the stone betting no matter what method I use. Standing firmly on your side, this is my unswerving love for you!"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless: "Really, Ah Yi."

She has always been good at eloquence.

Complimenting others just now is just as pleasant.

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, a sense of gloom and coldness permeated his body.

Gu Zhisong's self-righteous small movements, every move is in his sight. Although Ning Yi's surrender has little effect in this. However, it is also useful.

Gu Zhisong watched in the dark that Gu Cheng really brought Ning Yi over to gamble on stones, and his heart was filled with ecstasy.

— Ning Yi, is this woman really useful? Gu Cheng would really be influenced by her! It seems that their move to control Ning Yi was very correct.

What imperial luck, what is absolutely correct, today this myth will be broken!

Because Gu Cheng came over, many people did not leave after the auction.

Ding Ziyue, Jiang Linyi, and everyone from the wealthy circle came to watch.

After all, the mystery of betting on stones is too strong. Even if you have a strong spirit of challenge and rich experience, no one can guarantee that you will never lose the bet.

The reason why Gu Zhisong and the others chose to bet on stones to make a fuss is because no one can be completely sure. As much business opportunity as stone gambling contains, so much murderous opportunity is hidden! And as long as they do something a little ahead of time, they are very sure that they can drag Gucheng into trouble.

Unexpectedly, Gu Cheng would actually jump into this trap!

Under all kinds of gazes, Gu Cheng's expression remained indifferent.

Under the high brow bone, the pupils are even deeper, even sitting on a wheelchair, it is like sitting on a throne.

The only calm person in the audience was Ning Yi.

In fact, she is not worried about Gucheng's imperial luck. Even if the world collapses, Gu Cheng's image of a business emperor will not collapse—because if it collapses, the rest of the plot will be over, how can the author create difficulties for the love between the hero and heroine?

So don't be reasonable, there is no reason in this world.

Obviously Gu Dashao himself is also very confident. His pitch-black pupils landed on a few rough stones, and while looking at them, he still had the time to give Ning Yi some popular science:

"Does Ayi know how to look at it? First judge the state of the jade from the shell, whether it is an old pit or not. After opening the skylight, look at the color, look at the polished surface, listen to the sound of knocking, and then look at it under the light. planting water..."

"Yeah husband, you know a lot." Ning Yi listened to the fun, thinking about how to blackmail Gu Cheng after he opened the window and cut the stone.

Everyone held their breath, looking at the few rough stones placed in the middle of the trading field, waiting for Young Master Gu's choice, and then witnessing the moment when they were cut—

As a result, after waiting for a long time, I suddenly saw the corner of the man's lips twitch slightly.

"Ayi, come and drive." Gu Cheng said in public.

Ning Yi: "?"

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was in an uproar.

Ding Ziyue's face suddenly turned pale—the profit and loss of tens of millions of gambling stones, Young Master Gu actually let Ning Yi come? !

Is he not afraid of dying? He actually dotes on her so much? !

Why? Where is Ning Yi? !

Ding Ziyue looked at Gu Cheng's calm and calm profile, and felt that the pink diamonds on her hands were even more worthless!

Not only her, but everyone's expressions on the scene changed drastically—

Young Master Gu didn't raise a card at the auction just now, so he didn't bother to participate! This is the game that belongs to Young Master Gu!

Fanatical admiration and complex envy were revealed in everyone's eyes.

Only Ning Yi was cursing in his heart: What's wrong with you, Gu Cheng? ?

You have imperial luck, but I don't? ?

If you lose the bet, you still have to rely on me? Did you see that I was too beautiful just now, and wanted to beat me into a troublesome woman?

Gu Cheng didn't understand the cursing in Ning Yi's eyes, but felt that her eyes were particularly bright.

So happy to be loved in public?

Gu Cheng's lips curled up slightly.

Awakened after three years, he was more cautious than anyone imagined. Therefore, since these rough jadeites entered the country, they have been followed all the way. If they want to mine the rough stones for fun, that’s fine. You have to decide whether you deserve it or not.

Gu Zhisong thought he could manipulate the rough stone, but in fact what he did was what Gu Cheng asked him to do. These are rough stones sent from Burma. They are divided into several grades. Wool material is the worst and high-grade material is the best.

However, with this kind of material, everything will collapse.

What collapsed with it was the name "Gucheng".

Of course, Gu Cheng didn't think too much about it, he had already found the top experts to drive it, and he was actually sure about the few pieces of material in the middle. So - even if Ning Yi can't open the glass seed, at least he can open tens of millions of value.

Eight million, what a fart.

Gu Cheng sat there with his arms folded in an inscrutable way, waiting for Ning Yi to be flattered and happy.

next second.

But he himself was replaced into Ning Yi's body.

Ning Yi: To San, sorry.

Gu Cheng:?

Ning Yi is very clever!

Come on, Gu Cheng is the boss in the book, but she is a cannon fodder! Who knows if her opening the stone will have a completely different ending with Gu Chengkai?

And with so many people watching here, if she splits, wouldn't it be all her fault then!

So now it's good that Gu Cheng is in her body!

With the guarantee of the king's luck, and the better materials are all hers ^^

Gu Cheng's deep meaning was not comprehended by the other party at all, and his brows and eyes were cold and cold: "Change back."

But Ning Yi said infatuatedly: "Honey, I know you are worried that you won't be able to make a good decision, so I am willing to use my body to bear it for you! No matter what the result is, I will accept it! You can do it with confidence!"

Gu Cheng was silent for a few seconds, and someone was already urging him.

"Open it, Ning Yi~"

"Young Master Gu has already said, you can drive quickly."

Most of these are people who fish in troubled waters and wait to see their collapse.

Ding Ziyue stared closely at Ning Yi's choice. Where did Ning Yi come into contact with such an advanced activity of betting on stones? She would definitely make Gu Dashao pay for it!

"Sister, drive quickly, you must choose carefully!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Cheng couldn't go back and hold Ning Yi's hand.

In the end, he could only choose the one judged to be the best among several pieces of material.

Ding Ziyue almost yelled in her heart - open waste! Must be trash!

The rough stone selected by "Ning Yi" opened the skylight, passed the light, and finally cut it on the spot—

Gu Zhisong was ecstatic in the corner.

Ding Ziyue was watching closely.

Then, a puddle of green water was cut out.

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

Like a clear spring, a few strands of emerald green cracks are naturally beautiful, as if flowing. This piece of material is so good that even people who don't understand jade can see how transparent the water head is!

It is already a high-quality material to grow water above ice species alone, but the value of water and color performance at this level is incalculable, and it will basically stop in the hands of experienced rough stone buyers and expert collectors. circulation.

Now, it's in front of everyone!

"Congratulations, Young Master Gu!"

"Young Master Gu is really lucky, even the people around him can be moved!"

Ning Yi: Good!

This flourishing age of honor is still one step away!

In Gu Cheng's body, she smiled slantingly, and looked up forcefully, "Do you like it? Ayi."

The king's posture was unstoppable, and all the ladies and daughters at the scene felt dizzy.

Gu Cheng's face was expressionless, and there was no joy on his face.

However, Ning Yi can support a play by herself.

With indifference and infinite doting, she uttered the last line: "—If you like it, I will give it to you."

What? !

This is obviously a priceless rough stone, yet Young Master Gu actually gave it to Ning Yi! ?

Everyone on the scene exploded.

Ding Ziyue tightly clasped the pink diamond in her hand, feeling that her mentality had finally collapsed.


All this must have been played out for her! She won't believe it!

Ding Ziyue held back her tears and ran out, Jiang Linyi chased after her distressedly.

And Ning Yi likes to mention the big baby, so he tweeted fiercely at Gu Cheng.

"Honey, you spoil me so much! I'm so happy!"

Gu Cheng was expressionless.

Why did things not develop as he expected.

"Am I your favorite big baby! Huh husband? Huh?"

Gu Cheng rubbed his temples, "Shut up."

Did he pet it? This woman can pamper herself to heaven.

Danger. She's a little dangerous.

The end of this jewelry conference.

Ning Yi returned with two sets of expensive jewelry and a piece of high-grade raw material!

The limited-edition Maybach drove back to the manor, and Ning Yi slumped on the back seat to enjoy the joy of wealth.

"Happy?" Gu Cheng gave her a cool sideways glance.

"I can't wait to give you my heart! Husband!" Ning Yi tugged at his collar and asked with all his strength, "Do you want to see it!"

The driver & chief assistant in the front row: "!"

The wife is really enthusiastic, no wonder the young and old are hard to resist!

Gu Cheng had already pressed the back of her hand with a cold face, "Don't move around."

Ning Yi: Hehe. OK

She has no heart.

Only chest ^3^

Gu Cheng withdrew his hand and looked down. It seems that pressing the back of the hand will not be interchangeable, only the palms of the hands should be pressed together.

The swap mechanism is still a bit cumbersome.

Zongzhu Zhou waited for a while, looked at Gu Cheng with a calm expression, and then carefully reported the next itinerary to Gu Cheng.

"Boss, the Internet Financing Summit will be held in City S next week. This summit will also be held jointly with the e-sports circle. Recently, there have been many star e-sports players with great investment potential..."

Ning Yi knew about this summit because, as the founder of CMore, she also received the invitation.

It's just that she hasn't decided whether to attend or not.

After listening to it, Gu Cheng calmly said to Ning Yi, "Ah Yi doesn't have to worry about it, just accompany me on a business trip."

Ning Yi was very obedient at this time: "Okay, my husband."

Don't say who to accompany anyone! Anyway, go to one place ^_^

Ning Yi hugged her spoils of the day, shook her conscience, and pondered for a while.

Since he was about to go on a business trip soon, although Gu Dashao and his elders had a special person to **** him all the way, a team of dozens of people arranged the itinerary for him, and there would be no inconvenience in a wheelchair, but his legs were not good, and it was almost meaningless after all.

Ning Yi earned too much today, so I can reciprocate and try to help him recover his legs!

After all, if her husband develops well, she will be able to continue cheating on him!

Ning Yi looked down at herself, just in time the fishtail skirt on her body was still on√

Piu is very bright.

So wait until you get home.

When Gu Cheng came out of the shower, he saw Ning Yi leaning gracefully on the head of the bed.

Gu Cheng paused cautiously.

"Old~~Grand~~" Ning Yi called him sweetly.

Gu Cheng paused for wiping his hair, and said calmly, "What are you doing?"

Her jewels had been taken off, and she herself was now more of a treasure.

The mermaid skirt outlined a very beautiful arc on her legs, her porcelain white calves dangled, and the beads on the skirt reflected the light above their bedroom.

The mermaid who was stunning in front of everyone tonight is now only in front of Gu Cheng.

It's a pity that it's a little unrestrained.

Ning Yi walked to Gu Cheng's wheelchair in a few steps.

Once a person has no sense of shame, it is easy to become a ruthless person!

Ning Yi chose to sit directly on his lap—

Gu Cheng: "!"

He didn't even react to the moment when the limbs touched a large area.

His leg has not recovered and he should be unconscious.

But at this moment, Gu Cheng unexpectedly felt that he felt the weight.

Even... the slight friction of the trouser legs being rubbed against her calves between the hem of the skirt can be felt.

"What are you doing?" Gu Cheng's voice tensed unconsciously.

At the first attempt, Ning Yi's strategy was also very simple.

Similar to the way he recovered his hearing last time, it aroused Gu Cheng's desire to stand up very much.

Ning Yi blinked her eyelashes and pursed her **** red lips: "It's human nature to have desires for me, huh-husband."

After all, three legs.

Whichever one stands up is a victory.

Gu Cheng: ...?