Simple and direct seduction! Effective cure!

Ning Yi is quite confident in her face, body and charm.

If it doesn't work, there must be something wrong with the husband (sure)

Ning Yi's arm hooked Gu Cheng's neck rebelliously, and his half body was in close contact with him, a pair of bright eyes with soft hooks, very moving.

"Old~gong~" the voice only turned a little bit, very sweet.

Gu Cheng has never had this level of contact with anyone.

Because no one dares to do that.

Only Ning Yi.

He felt that his neurons were rapidly perceiving everything about her, and had a tendency to respond quickly. This uncontrollable feeling is very strange, and Gu Cheng's self-protection mechanism immediately developed a sense of resistance.

— cannot be influenced by this woman.

Gu Cheng looked at the person sitting in his arms, his whole body was tense, but his voice was flat, without any waves.

He also deliberately mocked: "What? Ah Yi, are you trying to crush me to death?"

Ning Yi: "?"

Ning Yi: Nima Gucheng, how dare you say that I am sinking!

You are a dog!

Facing such a beautiful and delicious beauty, you actually only feel heavy!

It's like a dog can't spit out ivory!

Her fair and tender face suddenly became more sullenly flushed, but it looked more vivid.

Gu Cheng rubbed his fingertips unconsciously, touching the beads on her clothes.


And his fingertips were hot.

Fortunately, Ning Yi earned too much tonight, so her mentality was easily adjusted.

So she showed a cute and charming expression again, hugging his neck and shaking, "Husband, why do you say that about him!"

Ning Yi's sexiness is not pretentious, she almost wrote "I'm seducing you" on her face.

The air in her breath swept over Gu Cheng's Adam's apple, and the man went numb uncontrollably from the back of his neck.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Cheng's voice was tense like an arrow.

Ning Yi actually didn't know what to do next, she couldn't just take off her clothes, right? So she simply pouted at the boss's handsome face that no one dared to offend: "Husband, why don't you kiss me."

The moist red lips were slightly parted, with a little inexplicable fragrance. At this moment, the two of them were very close, even their breathing was entangled, extremely ambiguous.

Ning Yi's collar was also slightly open, her complexion was as white as a piece of jade, and she had just the right amount of flamboyance, which could be called charming.

She herself felt that she was simply a stunner.

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes, mobilizing his proud self-control.

Then try to make yourself darkly think about the meaning of her actions.

Among the thousands of thoughts, Young Master Gu finally came up with a thread—whether Ning Yi had observed something, so he took this opportunity to test it out.

For example, Kiss can swap bodies.

But Gu Cheng would never do that.

Only when he is in control of the overall situation, Gu Cheng will try to explore the exchange mechanism after physical contact. And this must not let Ning Yi explore.

But she is like a goblin, not restless for a second.


"Husband husband~"

Gu Cheng's breathing became scorching hot, and the color of his pupils deepened little by little, like a deep sea with a stormy sea hidden.

Ning Yi: Very good, almost there! It seems that he can't take it anymore!

Seduced to this point, there are only two possibilities—

One is that Young Master Gu has been seduced severely!

Second, Young Master Gu was severely disgusted!

Ning Yi kept in mind that her goal was to make him stand up, so she began to stimulate him with words.

"How about husband, are you satisfied with everything you see?"

"Do you really want to deal with him severely? Or admit that these little tricks of mine have successfully seduced you!"

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes, and finally smiled slyly.

He raised his arms and slowly wrapped her in his arms like a cage.

"Ayi, you really..."

The line of the man's arm stretched out little by little with a clear muscle texture, like a trace of danger. Just when he sensed that something uncontrollable was happening—

Ning Yi: I'll give him one last hard push!

The **** mermaid got up from him suddenly, and pulled away as neatly as a ruthless scumbag.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi shook her flirtatious and beautiful skirt, and flung at him with a tone like a fairy in a pan silk hole: "Come on, husband~ come and catch me~"

Come on, stand up!

She ran to the door in a few steps, opened the door and still hugged the pipa and half covered her face: "My husband is here to catch me~"

The hallway echoed like silver bells of laughter.

Gu Cheng: "..."

He sat motionless on the spot, and said indifferently, "Catch you? I'm not sick."

Ning Yi was full of encouragement: "Really? Why don't you take two steps if you're not sick?"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi said impassionedly, "Come on! Don't be afraid to fall! I'll follow you!"

Gu Cheng was silent for two seconds, and finally laughed angrily.

He had no expression on his face, restraining his dryness to drop little by little.

This woman turned out to help him recover his legs.

He lowered his eyes and glanced at his lower body, and then raised his head to regain his clarity, "No need, you—"

Ning Yi:? Calm down?

Can't take you down?

She was afraid that she might not be stimulating enough, so she simply pulled the door open, and ran out of the door with a seductive smile, swinging her skirt—

Then he bumped into bodyguard No. 123 and assistant No. 12 with dull eyes.

Ning Yi: "."

Ning Yi slowly lowered the hem of her skirt: "Sex, haha, fun."

It's a little bit of a compliment.

The bodyguards and assistants immediately understood.

Even a little yearning.

— Young Master Gu and his wife, what a beautiful love!

They bowed deeply, then stepped back hastily.

"Ma'am, you go on, go on!"

Gu Cheng's gloomy voice came from the room: "—Come back quickly."

Everyone retreated to a further position immediately!

"Young master, pay attention to your body!"

"Pay attention to your body!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

"It seems that the children have a good relationship."

In the teahouse, Song Lan was drinking tea with Mr. Gu, when he heard the movement from Biedong, a smile appeared on his face.

The effect of this jewelry conference far exceeded expectations, and Ning Yi contributed a lot. Song Lan's busy life came to an end, and she loved Ning Yi even more in her heart.

"Looking at it now, Xiaoyi is really a surprise for our family."

"I don't think we have anything to test. This child is indeed standing firmly by Ah Cheng's side."

"Character, patience, are all good."


Song Lan sighed: "It's a pity, Ah Cheng is too cold-hearted."

Mr. Gu held the teacup and said with a smile, "I don't think it will stay cold forever."

He has met too many people in his life, and Ning Yi is definitely a very special child.

Even Gu Cheng, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

"Let's wait and see."

Song Lan and Mr. Gu looked forward to the bright future of life.

And Biedongli—


"You can't really die!"

Gu Cheng: "Shut up! Sleep."

Gu Cheng went to bed and lay down expressionlessly.

He will never fall in love with this flamboyant woman in his life.

the next day.

The entire Gu Group knew that Young Master Gu was in a bad mood today.

He is usually very cold, but today, amidst the coldness, there is a trace of indescribable depression.

The assistants and bodyguards were careful not to make mistakes.

They exchanged glances in private.

Young and old, it looks like... Could it be that desire is dissatisfied! ?

Gu Cheng already had a strong aura, but today his air pressure was particularly low. Wherever the company passed by, everyone was so suppressed that they dared not look up, and no one dared to look directly at the elder and younger.

When Young Master Gu entered the CEO's office, he looked at his territory through the floor-to-ceiling windows, with a cold smile on his lips.

Some things can be sorted out.

Ever since the betting stone was cut into top-quality materials that day, Gu Zhisong and the others felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, when he returned to the company today, Gu Cheng made a big move.

The whole group set off a shock.

First, Gu Zhisong was transferred to a position that was not important. There were ten other people who were transferred with him, some of them participated in the stone betting, and some of them did not.

Between vigorous and resolute actions, the cards have been reshuffled.

There was a lot of turmoil within the entire group, and everyone felt that Young Master Gu was making arrangements.

So the employees were very excited-as expected of the young master!

He must be paving the way for a more brilliant tomorrow for Koo!

And a small number of floating minds are secretly gritting their teeth.

Gu Zhisong didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction at all, because once he provoked the other party a little bit, he and the people behind him could be found out with a little investigation.

So he could only hold his nose and resign, feeling extremely dissatisfied.

But he couldn't figure it out, how could Ning Yi choose the material, but he could still produce that kind of water?

Could it be that the people around Gu Cheng also share his luck?

Thinking of this, Gu Zhisong felt sore for a long time.

The only good thing is that although he has been transferred, Ning Yi, the time bomb, still stays by Gu Cheng's side.

As long as they can control Ning Yi, they will be able to bring down Gu Cheng sooner or later. After using this woman up, just send all the transfer records between them to Gu Cheng.

Gu Zhisong smiled darkly, he didn't care about Ning Yi's life or death.

But at the last jewelry conference, Ning Yi received too many positive comments, which is not conducive to mental suppression and control.

She had to know that she was just a useless vase.

"Zhi Li? Oh no, Gu Cheng also opened the stone for investment, how could it be for Ning Yi?..."

"Wen's family banquet? Yes, I will tell your Auntie Song Lan that Gu Cheng will also go."

Gu Cheng finished dealing with those little guys, and didn't really touch the tiger on the opposite side.

At that time, Gu Zhisong wanted to promote the Chengdong project with Ding's family, but Gu Cheng, who had returned from awakening, pressed it in time, and now it is developing along the route he planned.

Such a large piece of cake has already attracted other strategic business partners.

The industry unanimously believed that Gu Dashao who returned from recovery was indeed still Gu Dashao, almost unstoppable.

It can be seen from the matter of betting on stones-the business emperor is worthy of being a business emperor, and the king is born with luck.

Why don't you hug his thigh tightly?

In the meeting room.

A business negotiation led by Gu Dashao had just ended, and the smoke of gunpowder slowly dissipated.

After the project was finished, the atmosphere of everyone at the scene relaxed a little.

Mr. Wang, who came to talk about cooperation, looked at Gu Cheng's cold and handsome face, and couldn't help revealing a gossiping expression—

"I heard that at this jewelry conference, Young Master Gu offered a priceless treasure, which is a very good jadeite rough."

It was on the hot search last night!

Although there is still some big actor on the hot search who throws 8 million to make Bomei people laugh, but the popularity is no match for the man in front of him.

There are even experts who appreciate the original stone through pictures and videos, and it is impossible to estimate the value at all. The whole internet was trembling for Young Master Gu who gave away such a precious thing casually!

Gu Cheng put away the pen, and said flatly, "It was written by my wife."

Zongzhu Zhou behind him immediately took the pen, took a step back, closed his eyes and smiled.

It's time to drink again.

He loves her so much, he always mentions her!

Gu Cheng didn't know what the assistant behind him was thinking.

Of course, he didn't really want to mention Ning Yi, but he just deliberately showed his love for Ning Yi within the Gu Group. It's just a task.

Because being an impeccable person is easy to break. This is the experience that Gu Cheng summed up after three years of painstaking efforts. So now he prefers to be a person with a "weakness", because this weakness is man-made by himself.

In fact, he doesn't let anyone be his weakness.

Mr. Wang immediately showed a clear expression, and subconsciously complimented: "Oh Young Master Gu's wife—really, indeed! The wife is really beautiful, and I also saw the photo of that day, her figure is simply..."

Before Mr. Wang finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that Young Master Gu's expression had turned cold. The blue arcs in the dark pupils are like ice blades, and a strong sense of oppression hits his face.

So much so that President Wang withdrew all the words that followed.

"Thanks for the compliment, I'll pass it on." Of course not.

"Okay, okay." Mr. Wang also knew he wouldn't.

Although the words were very polite, it didn't sound like thank you at all!

After Mr. Gu left, Mr. Wang raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

Mr. Zhou was a few steps behind, and politely bowed slightly to Mr. Wang from behind: "Mr. Wang, forgive me, we young and old are more serious about this aspect."

Mr. Wang immediately laughed and said no, no.

This is just a modest excuse, who dares to forgive Young Master Gu? It's too late to hug your thighs now!

It's just that he didn't expect-

It turns out that a man like Gu Cheng would also be jealous? ? ?

— Gu Cheng sat in the car coldly.

Of course he wasn't jealous.

He knew that he was just deliberately misleading others.

After leaving the company, Young Master Gu returned to the Gu Family Manor.

After entering the other building and walking back to the door of the room, Gu Cheng suddenly remembered the various behaviors of the woman sitting on his lap last night, and his face turned cold.

However, Ning Yi was not seen in the room, so Gu Cheng casually asked a passing servant.

"Where's the wife?"

Servant: Young Master Gu's first thing when he comes home is to find his wife, oh my god.

Another expression that was deeply moved by their love.

Gu Cheng:?

What's wrong with these people.

The servant thought for a while and replied, "Master, it seems that the wife is watching the live broadcast on the sofa in the lobby."

Gu Cheng frowned: Watching the live broadcast?

Who's live?

Ning Yi entered Wander's live broadcast room half an hour ago, and today it's time for him to live broadcast and play games every day.

Today's live broadcast room is extremely lively, mainly for two reasons.

wander can be regarded as a very free player in the e-sports circle, because he does not play in professional leagues, and only plays various games that suit him, but his popularity has always been very high. This time, his club will also participate in the Internet Financing Summit in S City next week, performing in the live star game.

Fans originally thought that Wander would not participate in this kind of offline event, but they didn't expect him to announce that he would come to the event in person this time! All the fans are already excited!

Because, there have always been rumors in the world that Wander is just a handsome guy with a mask. This time I can see his real face, and I can imagine how hot the scene will be!

Another reason that makes the live broadcast room very lively is that Wander's act of swiping gifts and buying jewelry at this jewelry conference is really eye-catching. Fans and people who eat melons are all guessing who the friend he is talking about is.

Ning Yi still has a good impression of this game anchor.

After all, he was really generous with his money. Not only did he buy a lot of gifts at yesterday's jewelry conference, but he also decisively placed an order for the big emerald fly that was easy to sell, and these were all Ning Yi's income.

Not to mention, the popularity he brought can be regarded as a key step to directly launch the CMore live broadcast platform.

Anyone who can help him make money is a good brother!

The grace of a drop of water is reciprocated by a drop of water! Swipe some gifts first√

So the fans and audience watching in the live broadcast room immediately found her trace.

【Brother Wan! 01 The boss is here to give you gifts again hahahaha]

[Good afternoon, boss! Did the boss eat it? 】

[Then I dream of a sister Ning coming to brush gifts, will it be okay?]

【Thinking too much upstairs, hahahaha】

Ning Yi: Hehe.

Unexpectedly, here I am.

Behind the screen, the faint blue backlight of the mechanical keyboard was reflected on the man's face. When he looked at the name that jumped to the top three on the gift list, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

You came.

Today Wander chose to play zombie games again.

I have to say that the first-person perspective experience of this game is still good, and the picture quality is quite realistic. Zombies would often jump out of nowhere, scaring the audience in the live broadcast room.

But Wander has never changed in any way, as if these things are not frightening to him at all, and he is used to it.

He can even take a precise headshot while dedicating energy to watch the comments made by the audience on the screen and take time to reply.

"Huh? That friend of mine—"

Originally, Ning Yi wanted to quit the live broadcast room after brushing up the gifts and reporting the kindness of dripping water, but when he heard his voice, he suddenly paused.

The man's voice was transmitted through the microphone and then through the network cable, with some slight distortion.

But she somehow felt that it sounded familiar.

Fans are asking below:

【Who is the most beautiful friend in the jewelry conference】

[The front row reminds Brother Wan to pay attention to his words and be careful to be blocked by a real boss (doge)]

Ning Yi didn't know why, so she decided to stay and listen for a while.

While hammering the zombies, Wander said in a relaxed tone: "My friend... We have known each other for many years. The living conditions were not good before, and there was no food or drink. It is not as good as it is now."

【I didn't expect Wan Ge to have such a sad past】

【Did that beautiful friend also experience such misery like Brother Wan?】

[What was the environment before? 】

The man behind the screen laughs badly.

"Our environment at that time—" Wander smiled, "It's almost the same as in this game."

Ning Yi: "?"

real or fake?

The comment was a laugh:

【Hahahaha that's somewhat exaggerated】

[As expected of the legendary man who came back from the end of the world, it’s okay to play your own jokes]

【So what about that friend, could it be that he was the one Wan Ge liked in such a difficult environment at the time? 】

Wander did not respond positively.

"Although she was beautiful back then, she was not as beautiful as she is now."

In fact, at that time, people did not notice such things as whether they were beautiful or not. After all, everyone was so hungry that they were pale and emaciated, so it would be good to be able to dress themselves roughly decently.

When we met again, she was already standing on the runway dazzling.

Seems to be doing pretty well in this weird world of idiots.



Ning Yi rubbed her chin, the more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong.

She didn't want to pay too much money to the male anchor, after all, she had the illusion of raising another man behind her husband's back. But she is such a big invisible boss, she has to be forced to come in and out! She was embarrassed to just stay in the live broadcast room without doing anything, so she accidentally swiped a lot of gifts, and she swiped directly to the No. 1 list of Wander.

The man saw that 01's avatar jumped to the first position on the live broadcast page, and he smiled.

Small 01.

He turned to Mai, suddenly opened his mouth softly, and said jokingly: "At that time, everyone drank the same thing, but I would prepare grape flavor for her, and others could only drink the original flavor."

Netizens are very fried:

[Fuck, is it so sweet! 】

【Admit it, you just love that friend, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I'm sour】

And Ning Yi: Damn it.

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck.

Ning Yi already understood everything after hearing this—

Never thought!

Captain Wan, why are you here? !

In this big world of brainless pets, there are actually people who transmigrated like him? And Ning Yi heard his voice, and felt that Wander had already recognized her, but she didn't find out until today.

Fellow countrymen meet fellow countrymen! Ning Yi thought.

Then—is it possible to meet him at the summit in City S?

Just when Ning Yi was thinking about how to establish contact with Wander, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"Ayi, who are you looking at?"

Oops! Too fascinated by shock, he didn't notice the sound of the wheelchair rolling.

Gu Cheng has been watching behind her for an unknown how long.

"Are you tipping the male anchor?" He smiled coldly.

Suddenly being caught by her husband as a passionate reward for the male anchor, Ning Yi felt guilty for no reason.

"I'm just looking at it casually, husband!"

Ning Yi retreated from the live broadcast room, turned her head to look at him with her feet up, with a look of "I didn't do anything, I'm not guilty" to hide it.

The hem of the nightdress she was wearing just slipped down to her knees, and the part of her calf that brushed against him last night dangled restlessly in front of Gu Cheng's eyes.

Gu Cheng unconsciously recalled those vivid touches last night, as well as the weight of her sitting on him.

A shadow appeared in his eyes, and he asked expressionlessly, "What trick are you playing?"

Want to use seduction to get away with it?

It's useless.

Ning Yi:? I'm just lying down bro.

But Gu Cheng suddenly realized that there was no one around, so he didn't need to pretend to care about Ning Yi.

So Gu Cheng turned the wheelchair away coldly: "Whatever you want, I don't mind."

Ning Yi's rainbow fart immediately followed: "Honey, you are so kind! I knew that with your majestic spirit, you would not care about these details! And don't worry, my baby only cares about you!"

Before Gu Cheng had gone far, he suddenly remembered a very realistic question.

So the wheelchair was turned back.


"Ayi, where did you get the money?" He asked.

Although Ning Yi has a priceless emerald rough, a villa worth tens of millions, and a black card given by Song Lan, these movable or immovable properties cannot be easily liquidated, and she cannot use them to buy Reward male anchor.

Where did Ning Yi get the reward money from?

Apart from lying down and sleeping, she plays games on the computer every day. Does she have a way to make money that he doesn't know about?

Ning Yi: ^_^

Although there are many ways to make money, she must not let Gu Cheng know!

After all, this person is old, treacherous and cunning, and he is the worst business genius in the book. Ning Yi just wants to enjoy the cool, and doesn't want to be used as a **** by him.

So this time on a business trip to S City, she didn't want Gu Cheng to know her real identity.

A real boss always has a vest for pretending to be aggressive.

^_^ Hee hee.

Fortunately, as a computer expert, her management of money is also very advanced and hidden. Even if Gu Cheng sent someone to investigate, unless it was an expert like her, they would not be able to find out anything.

Ning Yi pointed her fingers together: "I still have it after a few hundred dollars."

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, obviously not believing it at all.

Fortunately, Gu Cheng didn't see what account she was using and who she tipped for.

Ning Yi pushed his wheelchair with a smile, and on the way to dinner, he let out a series of rainbow farts at Gu Cheng, finally making him lose himself in the compliments.

"Shut up, will you?"

He doesn't ask anymore, but he can check it out.

"Okay, dear husband."

Anyway, he couldn't find it.

— Each has a ghost.

At the entrance of the restaurant, I met Song Lan.

"Xiaoyi, it's just in time for you to come. Let's go to Wen's house with Mom for a family banquet."

Ning Yi tilted her head: "The Wen family?"

Wen Zhili was very depressed for a few days after the jewelry conference.

Later, when I saw the priceless rough emerald stone given to my wife by Shang Gucheng, my mentality almost collapsed like Ding Ziyue's.

But she didn't believe it, she didn't believe that Gu Cheng, whom she knew well, would get dizzy because of her hue, so she decided to try again.

On the contrary, Ning Yi has become Song Lan's source of inspiration since the catwalk at the jewelry conference. So much so that Song Lan now looks at Ning Yi as if she were looking at a baby, no matter where she takes her, she feels very honorable.

Because this was an invitation from the Wen family, Song Lan was extra cautious. After all, they are all people who have lived in the wealthy circle for decades. Song Lan will not fail to feel the Wen family's affection for the marriage of the two families. It is also a hint to the other party.

"Their family hired a chef to cook at home. Xiaoyi can compare it with ours."

"That must be good for our family!" Ning Yi said obediently.

Among other things, the chef of the Gu family has a deep affection for Ning Yi, flipping through the flowers every day to make a small stove for Ning Yi to cook delicious food, which has become a large part of her happiness when she lies down.

But you can taste it everywhere!

Ning Yi: I can do it! I eat everywhere!

Not many people were invited to the Wen family banquet, but everyone in the wealthy circle knew that Wen Zhili would definitely invite Gu Cheng. So, in fact, everyone is watching.

After all, the news that Gu Cheng gave Ning Yi the rough stone was so great that it was listed on the trending search for a day, and even surpassed the trending trend that Jiang Dayingwang bought diamonds for Ding Ziyue!

[However, I think Young Master Gu must have his own purpose for doing this! 】

[Anyway, it can't be because of pampering Ning Yi, after all, we all know that Ning Yi is not worth it at all, Young Master Gu is not someone who would pamper any woman, okay?]

【Yeah, not everyone can have a good life like Yueyue】

[I'm sour, let me say first, anyway, I'll wait for the day when Ning Yi's illusion of being favored will be broken~]

Ding Ziyue looked at the group chat messages, and her mentality, which had collapsed for several days, improved slightly.

That's right, in the next plot, Young Master Gu will appear in her world several times, don't you care? !

And Jiang Linyi will overcome all difficulties and spoil her to the sky, and Ning Yi will only be beautiful this time!

There is only one heroine in this world, and that is Ding Ziyue.

If there is only one person in this world who can be loved by Gu Dashao, it must be her!

However, no matter how people in this pet culture world search their brains for the word "pet", Ning Yi only has a simple and beautiful vision of what to eat next in his heart.

"Husband~ Are you really not going~" Ning Yi asked.

Gu Cheng looked indifferent: "I won't go."

He was thinking whether it was the right decision to pretend to love Ning Yi in front of others.

Gu Cheng rarely denies his decisions, but Ning Yi is really a source of danger. Not only because she can swap two bodies, but also because of other uncontrollable factors.

It was originally a fake favor, and he should accurately grasp that degree.

Don't let her be proud of you.

Ning Yi wondered whether you would like to go or not, anyway, he couldn't eat much every day like he was cultivating an immortal.

So happily, she jumped a few steps forward to find Song Lan.

As a result, he didn't run a few steps, and suddenly stopped.

Ning Yi lowered her head and pinched her fingers to make a calculation.

Then he jumped back shyly and shyly.

"Husband." She looked at Gu Cheng seriously.

Gu Cheng was still in deep thought, and said indifferently: "What are you doing?"

Ning Yi said disappointedly: "Husband, I'm sorry, I'm not pregnant with your child."

Gu Cheng's train of thought was suddenly interrupted: "?"

Almost choked.

Did they do anything to get pregnant.

Ning Yi's tone was full of sincere regret: "That night, we obviously worked so hard!..."

Passing servant: "?!"

The chief assistant who just arrived: "?!!"

- You, you? !

Don't kill me!

They fled the scene at a speed of 800 meters and spread the rumor on a large scale.

"..." Gu Cheng's indifferent expression was unpredictable, and he took a deep breath, "Ning Yi, what exactly do you want to say."

"I mean, people are doing that and that again."


With a shy face, Ning Yi held a sanitary napkin between **** and handed it over.

"Husband, I'm not pregnant, and I'm having menstrual pain again^3^"

Gu Cheng: "..."

The two looked at each other, and Ning Yi blinked her big eyes.

Gu Cheng leaned back expressionlessly, "Hurry up if you want to change."

It hurts so much to talk.