These few days of each month are the best time for my husband to use them!

Like this moment!

Ning Yi was sitting in a wheelchair and her exercise wheels were flying like flying.

And Gu Cheng followed behind, covering his stomach with a dark face.

Things like changing sanitary napkins and dysmenorrhea are familiar once, and Gu Cheng doesn't even think it's outrageous anymore.

He rubbed his stomach, and he was even very clear about the next process—the pain just started now, and the pain will gradually escalate in the next two days.

He already has experience.

Fortunately, the pain can be finished before the business trip.

Ning Yi: Leave the pain to you, leave the love to me (affectionate face)

She said to Gu Cheng very considerately: "My husband doesn't want to go to Wen's house, so don't go, I will eat for you - just attend."

Gu Cheng covered his stomach and sneered: "Ayi is not by my side, I don't worry."

Moreover, couldn't she have imagined what it would mean to visit the Wen family alone with Gu Cheng's body, without Ning Yi? Those idiots in the wealthy circle love to talk about her behind her back.

Gu Cheng clutched his stomach, and gave Ning Yi a faint look.

Usually he knows how to seduce him, but he doesn't use his brain on key issues.

A squeamish fool.

Of course Ning Yi already guessed that he would definitely go now!

After all, it is impossible for a person like Gu Cheng with a dark mind and full of eyes to let his body go too far out of his sight!

"Okay, okay," Ning Yi said with concern, "Then you must listen to me later, don't eat indiscriminately, my husband."

Then she can use his body to eat freely and boldly hahahaha.

—Love my husband very much (limited to three days of dysmenorrhea)

Gu Cheng: "..."

Wen's villa.

Wen Zhili has been welcoming guests at the door, and when he saw Gu Cheng, the depression he had been feeling for the past few days, as well as the yin and yang inner hatred of Ding Ziyue, were all swept away!

-he came!

And the expression is calm, without any reluctance!

Wen Zhili looked at "Gu Cheng" deeply, his eyes full of affection.

At this moment, Ning Yi is holding the overlord's demeanor in Gu Cheng's body—

Don't talk, don't talk to anyone, let others make up for all mental activities√

And this is the way Wen Zhili is most familiar with him - she knows it! It's not that Gu Cheng has no feeling for her at all!

After all, she was already the most special woman in his life.

Wen Zhili quickly sent someone to send the news of Gu Cheng's visit to Wen's house.

Soon, the entire wealthy circle in City A knew that Young Master Gu had actually visited Wen's family!

[Sure enough, the Gu and Wen families are family friends, there is nothing to say about this friendship]

[Laughing to death hahaha, Ning Yiwei]

However, Ding Ziyue's mentality that has just recovered a little bit is uncomfortable again, because this incident will definitely make Wen Zhili very proud! You must know that her work was not bought by Gu Dashao at the jewelry conference, but she was secretly poked and ridiculed by Ding Ziyue several times!

Ding Ziyue was about to turn off her phone and not look at it, but Wen Zhili's message had already been sent at the speed of light.

【Yueyue, you bought my jewelry work last time, you should treat it well】

[I will tell Young Master Gu about it when we eat later]

Ding Ziyue slammed her phone: ... this green tea!

Wen Zhili hit back at Ding Ziyue right away, in a good mood.

When he looked up again, he saw that the door on the other side of Gu Cheng's car was also opened.

Ning Yi slowly got out of the car.

The smile on the corner of Wen Zhili's mouth froze, Gu Cheng brought her here?

This is a family banquet, and the invitation is based on the relationship between the two families, and Ning Yi's identity is not qualified.

Wen Zhili was not very happy.

But when she took a closer look, "Ning Yi" didn't seem to be feeling well, her face was a little pale, and she was clutching her belly while walking.

The corner of Wen Zhili's mouth raised again.

I'm not feeling well, and I can't get Gu Cheng's sympathy, so I still have to push the wheelchair, right?

This is Ning Yi's situation around Gu Cheng, he died laughing.

Gu Cheng clutched his stomach, "..."

Weak and weak, even taking painkillers can't eliminate this feeling.

Women, it's really troublesome.

Wen Zhili didn't even look at Gu Cheng behind him, and walked up to meet Ning Yi: "Aunt Song Lan, Brother Gu Cheng, come in quickly, I've been waiting for you... You have been waiting for a long time."

Ning Yi held the breath of forcing the king: "Yeah."

Anyway, the colder you are, the more you look like Gu Cheng!

And Wen Zhili was so lukewarm in her reply, he really showed a very happy look.

Ning Yi: Being the overlord, secretly refreshing.

A group of people walked into the exquisite restaurant in Wen's villa.

Because the Gu family was invited, the Wen family attached great importance to it, and the chef they invited to cook the dinner was very good, to show their sincerity to them.

Ning Yi: OK, OK, OK.

Anyway, this meal standard is better than the Ding's before!

Ning Yi unilaterally announced that this round, the battle between Ding Ziyue and Wen Zhili, Wen Zhili will win!

Father Wen and mother Wen exchanged pleasantries with Song Lan, while Wen Zhili looked at "Gu Cheng" affectionately.

Ning Yi directly blocked the other party's gaze.

While looking at the dishes on the table, she told Gu Cheng in her heart: "Husband, don't eat spicy food or drink cold food later."

Gu Cheng said lightly: "Yes."

He didn't even eat it.

Ning Yi's voice was full of concern: "You must pay attention to your body! Otherwise, you will be in more pain."

Gu Cheng was silent for two seconds, "Yes."

Although objectively speaking, she is concerned about her own body, but it sounds... quite pleasing to the ear.

"Understood." Gu Cheng said indifferently.

When the restaurant opened, he got up quietly and went to find a servant to fetch hot water.

Anyway, his interest in food is very low, and her current body has so many taboos.

Then Gu Cheng can only drink hot water.

Based on Mr. Gu's thin understanding of women in the past 30 years-drinking more hot water during menstruation is always right.

The people at the table were all focused on "Eldest Young Master Gu", and no one cared what "Ning Yi" was going to do.

However, when Gu Cheng left the dining table and walked to the corridor of Wen's villa, he was stopped by Wen Zhili who was waiting there first.

Wen Zhili looked at "Ning Yi" in front of him.

Without the fine attire he wore on the day of the jewelry conference, the person in front of him was even a little pale, but Wen Zhili had to admit that this face was still beautiful.

Even though she tried her best to tell herself that Ning Yi was not worthy to be her opponent, she still felt sour in her heart!

Why is Gu Cheng so special to this person?

But no matter what the reason is, Wen Zhili hopes that Ning Yi will not have any misunderstandings or unrealistic fantasies.

After all, the little attention gained by face will eventually dissipate.

Among the wealthy families, the most important thing is the alliance of interests, the matching of family backgrounds, and the evenness of abilities between the two parties.

And what does Ning Yi have?

Gu Cheng will eventually separate from her.

The most suitable woman for him had already been determined many years ago.

Wen Zhili said in a voice with a sense of superiority: "Miss Ning doesn't know, I know Brother Gu Cheng better than any of you. During those years abroad, I even knew him better than his parents."

Gu Cheng remained expressionless: "Where is the hot water?"

Wen Zhili laughed, you don't want to hear it, do you? Then she wants to say, let her recognize the reality!

"Ning Yi—" Wen Zhili called out his name, "I want you to be clear about one thing. Among the wealthy families, only interests and marriage are the most stable. You don't really know Gu Cheng. Only indifference, no love, he won't give you the love you want, and you don't have too much expectation."

Gu Cheng agrees with this point.

It seems that his image in the eyes of others is still correct.

That's right, he doesn't really give Ning Yi much favor - Gu Cheng thought coldly while clutching his dysmenorrhea stomach.

"So," Gu Cheng asked lightly, "Where is the hot water?"

Wen Zhili thought that she refused to communicate and just wanted to escape from all of this, and she would not let go of this opportunity to suppress Ning Yi.

She said in a confident tone: "Can't you listen anymore? But if you stay by Gu Cheng's side, you will only face more and more difficulties in the future—do you know what Gu Cheng likes? Do you know his dining habits? Do you know how long he has to juggle work each day? Do you know what he needs—what is it—after he's tired from work?"

Gu Cheng:? what is it.

"It's a person like me who silently accompanies him, advises him, and eases his work pressure."

When Wen Zhili said this, there was warmth in his eyes, "And I know, Brother Gu Cheng has always had a place for me in his heart."

He came to Wen's house today and showed his attitude to everyone in the wealthy family - this is the best proof.

Gu Cheng was too lazy to listen.

Although Wen Zhili was stronger than Ding Ziyue, he was not far from being mentally handicapped.

You can get there if you work hard.

Gu Cheng turned around to find hot water by himself.

— "Ning Yi, do you want to make a bet?"

Wen Zhili suddenly stopped him.

"We bet, if I can tell all his preferences later, you will withdraw voluntarily, dare?"

Gu Cheng:? Stupid.

Don't mess with a man with dysmenorrhea.

The irritability made him want to dump the person in front of him.

Gu Cheng stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at her coldly: "Will you kowtow to me if you lose?"

Wen Zhili's eyes widened immediately: "You?!"

She just wanted to get angry, but then she thought about it, she really grew up in a small place, but she has no quality! How does it compare with a famous daughter like her?

So the corners of Wen Zhili's lips raised again, with a condescending attitude: "Bet me, I'll give you hot water."

Gu Cheng touched Ning Yi's aching belly, "All right."

A few minutes later, Gu Cheng held a cup of hot water and sipped lightly.

The warm current rushed to the lower abdomen, and he finally calmed down her rambunctious stomach.

And Wen Zhili walked back with him, and the two stood outside the restaurant, fulfilling the bet.

At this time, Ning Yi at the dining table was about to shake off his arms to show off his meal, and his expression was very focused.

Gu Cheng's lips twitched.

Looking at the perfectly lined profile of "Gu Cheng" beside the dining table, Wen Zhili confidently stated his first preference.

— "Brother Gu Cheng never eats spicy or greasy food."

Holding the knife and fork, Ning Yi cut up a piece of fat and oily char siew, and slowly put it in his mouth.

The expression on Wen Zhili's face paused slightly, and then continued.

— "Brother Gu Cheng doesn't drink cold drinks after meals."

Ning Yi drank a glass of iced wine with cheers, his Adam's apple rolled with tons of tons.

The smile on Wen Zhili's face cracked a little.

— "Brother Gu Cheng...doesn't talk to others during meals."

Ning Yi forked a piece of lotus root: "Mom, try this."

Song Lan took it flattered: "Thank you, Acheng."

Wen Zhili's face turned completely pale, and he didn't dare to look at the expression of "Ning Yi" next to him, and continued: "Brother Gu Cheng...Brother Gu Cheng will stand for a while after meals, and won't sit for a long time."

Now Gu Cheng next to him couldn't bear it anymore.

He glanced at Wen Zhili with a look that seemed really retarded.

How is he standing now?

Ning Yi hasn't recovered his leg yet.

At this time, Wen Zhili was in chaos—

Why, why did it all change?

All her proud understanding of Gu Cheng disappeared? Then is she still the most special woman to Young Master Gu? Could she still evoke his feelings for her?

"I... Brother Gu Cheng, after lying down for a few years, my body has changed, it must be like this!"

Gu Cheng glanced at her indifferently, "Your mind has changed."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and went back with Wen Zhili's pale face.

Ning Yi didn't pay attention to their movements.

She is still taking the overlord's attitude seriously—

Cut a piece of pork knuckle from the plate, and serve it in your mouth with beautiful table manners.

It perfectly dispelled the disobedience of "Gu Da eat less pork knuckle".

Ning Yi shook his head and sighed softly.

Classy, ​​I'm so classy.

Elegance never goes out of style√

After Wen Zhili went out halfway, his face was pale and his eyes were absent-minded when he came back.

Wen's father and Wen's mother were very distressed. They originally wanted to re-hint at the family banquet that the two families might marry each other, but now seeing Wen Zhili's appearance, they are not sure anymore!

Ding Ziyue, who was paying close attention to the family dinner, got a bit of rumors - Mr. Gu's visit tonight was really just for dinner, anyway, he didn't say anything to Wen Zhili from the beginning to the end!

Ding Ziyue quickly picked up the phone from the ground, and sent a message to Wen Zhili:

[Zhi Li, how is Young Master Gu eating at your house? 】

[Why did he leave after dinner, and you didn't keep him? 】

This time it was Wen Zhili who dropped his phone.

Ding Ziyue's mood fluctuated - it's funny, what is Wen Zhili, dare to fight her. She didn't know that the whole world was for her, and Ding Ziyue would be favored all the way in the following plot.

Young Master Gu will go to S City to attend a summit next, and Jiang Linyi will take her there! Because Jiang Linyi likes a game anchor named Wander very much. He is also an e-sports player and is very popular. Jiang Linyi also promised to bring Ding Ziyue to play games with wander, and then he will be favored to the extent that he will be popular again~

And the most important thing is that brother Lin Yi will buy her a love nest in S City that belongs to the two of them! What I bought was the Jiangjing Daping floor developed by Koo in S City!

This time Ning Yi will definitely go to City S with Gu Dashao, after all, she has no one to invite, but Ding Ziyue really hopes that Ning Yi will come with her! In this way, I can watch her live in the love nest of myself and Lin Yi's brother - Jiangjing Daping, which can be worth the price of Ning Yi's rough jadeite~

She must get back on the matter of being spoiled!

Ning Yi herself was full of food and drink, she didn't know that Ding Ziyue and the others had already fought for a round, and Wen Zhili had already broken the defense for a round.

Today's chef cooks Sichuan cuisine, which suits her taste perfectly. Although it is spicy, it is delicious!

She walked out with Gu Cheng.

"Husband, I'll help you taste all the delicious and bad ones on the table, and focus on eating more of the especially delicious ones. I will protect my husband's body nutrition! Comprehensive multi-dimensional supplements are required!"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless and helped her push the wheelchair.

"Is Ah Yi full?"

"Yeah, my husband is full."

Ning Yi said that she was full, and quietly put something into her mouth.

Chewed a few times, then took another tissue and spit it out gracefully.

I can't eat, so I say goodbye.

"Husband, let's change back~"

Gu Cheng lowered his eyes and looked at her, "Aren't you afraid of pain?"

Ning Yi said humbly: "I will always help you for a while, we are a loving couple, and it is true that we are in the same boat through thick and thin!"

Gu Cheng: "Oh."

Gu Cheng drank two cups of hot water just now, and the painkillers he took also had a slight effect, and the dull pain in the abdomen that followed everywhere subsided temporarily.

This round of dysmenorrhea is over, and the next round is brewing.

Gu Cheng let her change, and sat in the wheelchair by himself.

"Wow husband, my belly doesn't hurt anymore! You take good care of my baby, you are the best husband in the world!"

Gu Cheng let her talk nonsense, and leaned back casually.

Then his phone screen suddenly lit up.

At the same time, Ning Yi's cell phone rang behind her.

Gu Cheng glanced at her, not paying attention.

His call was from President Zhou, and the message on Ning Yi's phone behind him was from Zhao Weining.

[Ning Jie, the organizer really hopes that you can come! There are many investors who want to meet you, and so do your fans! 】

[Really not coming? They said they would save the room for you! 】

Ning Yi chuckled.

Come, why not come.

Just put on a vest to show up ^_^

On the other side of Gu Cheng's phone, Mr. Zhou was asking, "Master, do you and your wife live in the same room?"

The industrious and capable Mr. Zhou has already booked all the first-class tickets to S City, ensuring that no one else will disturb Mr. Gu and his wife in the entire first-class cabin. Now he is asking about the Gucheng Hotel.

"The five-star hotel arranged by the summit has a sweet couple's presidential suit! Do you need me to help you upgrade your room..."

"..." Gu Cheng was quiet, "No need."

Zongzhu Zhou immediately thought with certainty: If the young master really doesn't want to live, he will definitely scold him, instead of being so calm and concise.

A good assistant must be flexible, trying to figure out the Sacred Heart!


Gu Cheng hung up the phone indifferently, looked back at Ning Yi, and sneered.

A couple's presidential suit?

Think too much.

"I don't have time to stay with you all the time when I'm on a business trip. You can play by yourself, but don't switch bodies with me easily," Gu Cheng said very coldly, "—I'm very busy."

Ning Yi thought to herself:? What do you pretend, I'm busy too!

Don't look down on people!

After Gu Cheng finished speaking, he pushed the wheelchair forward, but suddenly felt that something was wrong.

My stomach doesn't hurt anymore.

But why does his mouth hurt?

Ning Yi obediently stood aside.

"Ning Yi," Gu Cheng called out to her with low pressure, "what did you eat?"

Ning Yi stuck out her tongue embarrassingly: "I couldn't help it, I tasted the side dishes."

Gu Cheng had a bad feeling: "What side dishes?"

Ning Yi shyly said, "Indian devil pepper."


The red one looks too fragrant, hehe, I didn't expect it to be really spicy.


"Husband, don't be afraid, it seems to take a few minutes to get up!"

Ning Yi flew out with a whoosh—

"Babe, go find water for you now!"

Let the bullets fly first!

A few seconds later, Gu Cheng's eyes were scarlet, and a tear fell.

"Ning Yi!"

Bodyguards behind:

—The president is going to give his life to his wife with red eyes again!

- Shedding tears for love, young and old are so embarrassed!