After a few minutes.

Gu Cheng drank the ice water with an expression of indifference.

Ice water helps a bit, but not much. You can only wait for the spiciness to subside by itself.

Ning Yi squatted next to his wheelchair and pointed fingers innocently.

Oh, is it really that spicy?

Fortunately, I only chewed two mouthfuls of O3O~

On the way home, Mr. Gu, who had never eaten spicy food, was depressed and his face was sullen.

Did this woman really think he wouldn't do anything to her?

Ning Yi pulled out her conscience and shook it, thinking that although her husband is a dog, after all, he just helped her with dysmenorrhea (the point is that he will continue to help her with it), so she knew she was wrong.

So she slammed the ball straight up, rushed over and hugged Gu Cheng's arm: "Oh my husband, didn't they do it on purpose, seeing my husband's mouth hurt, my heart hurts too!"

Seeing that he didn't answer, Ning Yi hugged his arm and began to shake: "Husband, you definitely won't blame me, right, husband? Old~~gong~~"

Like a kitten that ate a fish.

If I tickle you, I will act like a baby.

But dare next time.

But Gu Cheng's voice suddenly dropped, "You... don't eat indiscriminately."

"Yeah husband," Ning Yi leaned over obediently, "Does my husband's mouth really hurt? If it really hurts, I'll give you a kiss ^3^"

She pouted.

Hypocrisy as usual.

Gu Cheng's eyes were still a little red, he took a few glances at her, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pinch her pouty lips.

Ning Yi: "OxO"

Rich, soft, deep red.

I don't know how this mouth can say so many false words every day.

Gu Cheng came back to his senses, and immediately withdrew his hand calmly, rubbing his fingertips against his side.

"Ning Yi, want to force me to kiss you?" Gu Cheng said indifferently, "We don't have that kind of relationship."

Even if Qinqin could control the body swap, he wouldn't do it.

Ning Yi: "?"

Nima, I'll just say it casually.

Why are you serious!

Later, various versions of rumors circulated in the Gu family's manor——

The eldest son is actually fine, he and his wife have been working hard all night just to have a baby!

Although it has not been successful yet, it must not be far away!

The relationship between the wife and the eldest is very good! In the room of the other building, singing and dancing every night!

What role-playing, cosplay, fairy in Pansidong!

Everyone: They're playing something very new!

Rumors even spread to Song Lan and Mr. Gu.

Song Lan asked with anticipation and uncertainty: "Their relationship has reached this level?"

Gu Le said: "It's possible, when will my brother shed tears for love."

— "No, when did my brother shed tears?"

Song Lan nodded seriously: "Indeed."

Gu Cheng, who is like an iceberg, melted into tears more than Xiao Yi.

As a result, everyone in the Gu family even began to look forward to a bright future for the successors of the Gu family.

It's just that in the past few days, the other building has been very quiet, but the servants later understood.

My wife is on her menstrual period, so she can't turn upside down.

I understand everything.

Young Master, you love me so much!

Ning Yi was lying on the bed, the current round of dysmenorrhea was basically over.

Her good husband has carried her for three days, and now he is working overtime in the company to deal with a billion-dollar project!

Ning Yi held the phone and looked at the new friend notification on it.

This is wander's private wechat.

After all, the entire CMore platform belongs to her, and it's too easy to get in touch.

But when he opened the dialog box, Ning Yi suddenly had the feeling of "seeing his brother in poverty after getting rich", similar to the feeling of being close to home and timid?

After all, we had a miserable life before, and we are all doing well when we meet again.

Ning Yi sent a voice message to show respect: "Wan Dui, when did you come?"

Survival in the apocalypse is basically a team model, she is engaged in code and communication, wander is in charge of the main combat force, and protects their team with a few other brothers.

Although the mouth is a bit poisonous, but the person is not bad. Anyway, although Ning Yi couldn't eat well or sleep well at that time, she still didn't starve to death, it must be thanks to Wander.

Wander replied in seconds, it seemed that he was also addicted to the Internet, and lived on his mobile phone.

"It's been a long time."

"I see you are doing well, 01."

Ning Yi said very modestly: "Now life is better, life is richer, there is no need to beg for food, and the people are well-off..."

— "Then get married."

The other person answered a voice with a slight smile.

Ning Yi waved his hands more modestly: "It's okay, okay."

They are all characters in the book!

She is indebted to love!

It's a little cannon fodder who loves to abuse her husband~

Wander smiled for a while behind the phone.

He also learned a little about her husband during this time. Probably the most amazing character in the whole book, tsk.

Wander thought, a new message popped up on the phone.

[Brother Wan, are you here to fight? I bring a person]

It was Jiang Linyi. After we met before, he asked him to play games with him.

That zombie fighting game is very popular now because of his daily live broadcast, but because it is too immersive, not ordinary people can play it. Being able to be beaten by Wan Ge is the dream of many people.

【Hold on】

Wander texted back.

Then he backed out and reopened Ning Yi's voice dialog box, "I want to play live with you, would you like to join me?"

Ning Yi couldn't help saying shyly, "I'm a married man now—what time is it?"

Wander smiled.

It seems that after returning to normal society, everyone's moral standards have improved a lot, and even he feels that it is not good to double row with other people's wives. But wander's morality is still very thin.

For example—he doesn’t feel that a marriage is necessarily stable.

What's more, 01 is still his wife through Laixi, and the time he has known her extremely awesome husband is not as long as the time they have carried zombies together.

"It's okay, two men and two women." Wander said.

Ning Yi: "Let's play then."

Live broadcast on CMore, but they are all giving her money. And anyway, she has watched the live broadcast of the game twice, and she is already familiar with the gameplay, not to mention that the game is not difficult for her.

Wander said while turning on the game console microphone, "Accompany the high-level player, accompany the big star."

Ning Yi was also playing the game, and asked, "Who is it?"

Wander: "Jiang what Yi."

Ning Yi: "?"

The other woman must be Ding Ziyue.

Ning Yi recalled the plot while waiting for the game to load, and then burst out laughing—the character worn by Wan Dui seems to be one of the heroine's infatuated male partners?

If you die from laughing, the eldest brother will stop laughing at the second brother.

—It’s two of the garbage characters in the brainless pet article~

Ning Yi didn't turn on the microphone at all, and planned to work with Wander and finish.

Wander started the live broadcast, thousands of fans had been waiting for a long time, and they rushed in immediately. I just found out that someone played with wander today.

Wander casually asked the two opposite people: "Live broadcast, don't you mind?"

Jiang Linyi replied with a smile: "I can play with Brother Wan, what do you care about?"

As a popular actor, many viewers recognized this sentence!

[Fuck, Jiang Linyi, right? 】

[Fuck, fuck, the wall of the dimension is broken! Brother Wan actually knew the great film king, I am a big fan]

【Hey, who is Jiang Linyi's sister? 】

At this time, Ding Ziyue's soft voice came out: "Hi, Brother Wan, I'm not very good at playing, please take care of me..."

[Fuck! Is it really Ding Ziyue? 】

[Ah, ah, Jiang Linyi always takes her with him when playing games, she is too spoiled]

【It's so sour, who wouldn't want to be Ding Ziyue...】

Ding Ziyue looked at the frantically brushed comments on the screen, suppressing her elation.

That's right, that's it! Brother Lin Yi not only took her to play games with Wander, but also took her to S City to watch the All-Star Game and buy a flat floor!

Aren't you sour to death, ordinary people?

Even more sour Ning Yi!

Wander replied casually, "It's okay, just play whatever you want."

Separately sent a message to Ning Yi: [Open? 】

Ning Yi: [ok]

She took the opportunity to observe whether Brother Wan has the potential to become Ding Ziyue's infatuated male partner. die laughing.

The game is on.

Ding Ziyue didn't pay attention to who Wander was leading, after all, she was the only protagonist and the center of the world in her world. After the game started, she followed Jiang Linyi wholeheartedly, treating the game as a relationship.

"Ah~ Brother Lin Yi, come and save me, save me~"

"Woooooooooooooooooooo scary!"

Jiang Linyi said softly: "Yueyue, don't be afraid, I'm here!"

[Jiang Linyi is really a favorite, fans break the defense, passers-by envy]

[Although it's very sweet, but I get tired of watching too much, maybe I'm just sour]

[hhh am I the only one looking at the other side]

[Is Wan Ge bringing a young lady too? So handsome, what the hell]

Ning Yi: One shot, one child.


No way, she is not afraid of zombies.

And her hands typing codes are steady.

[Fuck, show]

【Completely able to keep up with Wan Ge's operation】

[And they have a tacit understanding? ? This can’t be the friend Wan Ge mentioned last time, right?]

【I'm about to start drinking】

Wander and Ning Yi don't even need to communicate with each other like Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi, they can directly get the other party's moving lines.

It was as if they had cooperated countless times.

Ning Yi regained some pleasure: Go, go, go!

Kill all the zombies!

When Gu Cheng found Ning Yi in the study, he first heard the sound of cannon fire.

Then Ning Yi was talking to himself while holding the computer.


"Come on!"

"Quick, quick, left, left!"

Gu Cheng glanced at her twice, and his technique was quite powerful.

Isn't her previous record in playing games very good?

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes.

Asked the assistant to check her bank account information, but nothing unusual was found. Ning Yi's only recent transactional information that can be regarded as a large amount is actually a WeChat transfer from Gu Zhisong to her.

But the keen intuition in Gu Cheng's mind told him that it was not that simple.

Ning Yi must be hiding something.

Just at the end of this round, Ning Yi almost carried the whole game, and his record was biting Wander.

The live broadcast room has been filled with 666.

[Ah, ah, ah, a blood book by one person, brother Wan's friends, let's open an account too]

[This operation is too 6 ah ah]

Ding Ziyue made almost no contributions throughout the whole process, and the cooperation on the opposite side was too good, making it seem that she and Jiang Linyi were stupid.

As a result, many viewers did not come to enjoy the sweet interaction between the two of them, and all ran to pay attention to the opposite side.

Ding Ziyue was a little annoyed, and smiled and said something in Mic, "Wow, the little brother on the other side is also very good, as expected of Brother Wan's friend."

Ning Yi didn't make a sound.

However, Wander laughed, "It's Miss Sister."

Ding Ziyue: What! ?

[Fuck! 】

[It's a girl! 】

【Tie is the friend Wan Ge mentioned, right? ! 】

【Ah, who the **** is it?】

Ding Ziyue's face suddenly became a little uncomfortable, and there was also a man and a woman on the opposite side. Didn't she sincerely pull her to be the control group?

She didn't want to play anymore, and she didn't want to know who the girl with strong manipulation was on the opposite side. She just wanted the marketing team to put her and Jiang Linyi's interactive candy on the hot search.

So Ding Ziyue pulled Jiang Linyi out of the game.

However, as soon as they left, the team wheat became whole wheat.

There was a rustling sound coming from Ning Yi's headset, and the netizens were about to listen attentively.

Suddenly, a cold and magnetic bass came out.

— "Ning Yi, have you finished fighting yet?"

Wander sat up straight suddenly.

And the live broadcast room simply exploded.

[? ! ? ! ? ! ? 】

[Fuck! ? 】

[This young lady who operates Thief 6? It's Sister Ning! ? ! ? 】

While everyone felt incredible, they suddenly remembered her various gangster behaviors in the previous survival activities in the last days.

[Fuck, it's really you! 】

[A woman who can squeeze zombies and teach them to walk! 】

[Ah ah ah my goddess! Ning Yi, how many surprises do you have that we don't know! what! 】

In addition to howling Ning Yi in the live broadcast room, some netizens quickly noticed another hot spot!

[So it was Young Master Gu who spoke? ! 】

[Fuck, it's Young Master Gu, he's jealous! 】

【Brother Wan, you are finished, take care hahahaha】

【Damn it kills me】

Only then did Ning Yi realize that the voice had been let out, and quickly backed it off. Fortunately, there was no strange sound that caused the death scene.

"It's over, my husband~hehe~"

Gu Cheng's eyebrows and eyes were indifferent, "Ayi, are you having fun?"

Ning Yi shyly said: "It's okay, I had a friendly discussion with netizens."

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly.


Gu Cheng asked calmly: "Male and female."

Ning Yi answered honestly, "There are men and there are women."

You still know ^3^

Gu Cheng hummed.

Netizens, nothing to fear.

It's not someone you can meet in real life anyway.

"Pay attention to your eyes."

"Yeah, I know, my husband."

Neither of them paid attention to the Internet, but netizens have already discussed it a lot.

Zhao Mochu: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !

But she is worthy of being the number one owner of CM. After finishing the lessons quickly, she keenly smelled something unusual——

Why did Ning Yi play games with Wander and still have such a tacit understanding?

It seems that there is not only sugar!

And melons!

Hehehe, vinegar in sugar is the deadliest.

And that day.

Ding Ziyue has been waiting for her hot search to appear on major forums, and she has even prepared the copywriting to be posted on CMore!

However, when she saw the number one hot search in the airborne, did she realize that the female player who cooperated with Brother Wan was Ning Yi? !

Ding Ziyue was so mad—

Why is she everywhere? Did Ning Yi deliberately steal her limelight again? !

Ding Ziyue thought angrily: Isn't it just playing games?

Doesn't this just mean that Ning Yi is useless and has nothing to do every day!

Does she understand the Internet industry? Does she understand the future development trend?

Hehe, see you in S City!

At that time, she must make Ning Yi look ugly!


The Internet Sunac Summit was held as scheduled amid heated discussions among netizens.

Ning Yi boarded the first class cabin of the plane with Gu Cheng.

Although tens of thousands of netizens begged her to open an account to post daily, Ning Yi still didn't open it.

After all, she already has an account—No. 01.

This is her most important vest.

And this time she is attending the conference in S City, and her identity will switch back and forth.

— Just like her and her husband's body ^_^

Ning Yimeimei lay down on the first-class seat, waiting for the flight attendant to bring the meal.

Because the first-class passengers this time are VIPs like Gu Dashao, the airline has meticulously upgraded their in-flight meals, trying to give Gu Dashao a Michelin-like experience to take their flight.

Of course, Gu Cheng is a cultivator and doesn't like to eat.

So basically all of them went into Ning Yi's stomach.

The cheese that goes with the meal is very mellow, the ham tastes just right, and the accompanying fruits are all tropical fruits brought in by air. Nigiri sushi. Not only that, but the stewardess would stand by and pour champagne for her with a smile.

Ning Yi: The life of a rich man is so cool.

Ning Yi went straight to show off, and took Gu Cheng's to show off.

In the end, the stomach was full and full, and the flowers bloomed and became rich.

Then Ning Yi collapsed on the back of the chair.

He switched bodies with Gu Dashao who was reading the financial report next to him.

"..." Gu Cheng looked down at himself expressionlessly, and asked, "Ayi, is this pregnant?"

From before, Gu Cheng wanted to know where her energy to be starved came from.

It was like experiencing a famine.

Ning Yi lay back very satisfied, "Don't worry, my husband, the child is not yours—I'll sleep for a while zzZZ"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless: "You'd better get up and repeat."

Ning Yi lay flat: "Of course it's you! It's only you! I only love you in this life, and the flowers and plants outside don't enter my eyes at all. You are the only one for me forever. Without you, I will live forever." Don't go down! How can others compare with you?..."

"..." Gu Cheng had already stood up and left.

He went to change Ning Yi's sanitary pad.

In the last few days of my period, there is no blood, but I still need a pad.

Young Master Gu is already very proficient.

He used Ning Yi's body to walk to the bathroom, but there happened to be a crew member inside.

So Gu Cheng walked a little outside, but bumped into a man head-on.

The other party didn't evade, and his eyes fell directly on him.

Gu Cheng frowned and looked over.

The four eyes met, and the man opposite raised his eyebrows slightly—why, Ning Yi doesn't recognize him?

We played games together the day before yesterday.

Although he is indeed much more handsome than in the last days, he is not so handsome that he cannot be recognized.

Gu Cheng preliminarily judged that this was a passerby who had become interested in Ning Yi.

186 visually.

Two centimeters shorter than him, nothing to fear.

Gu Cheng sneered and was about to turn around and leave.

However, in the next second, the other party suddenly got closer.

"It's me, 01."

01 is read quickly, it sounds almost the same as "Ning Yi".

Gu Cheng's eyes narrowed dangerously. Does he know Ning Yi? Or is there an appointment between them?

Then he heard the other party take a step closer, lowered his voice, and asked in a tone that seemed to be cheating.

- "Where's your husband?"

— "?"

Gu Cheng was expressionless.

Her husband is looking at you.