In order to welcome Young Master Gu and Ning Yi back from S City in Gu's Manor, Song Lan and Mr. Gu both returned home early and had dinner together.

Song Lan and Mr. Gu were naturally very happy, but the one who was even happier than them was the chef of the Gu family.

Greetings to the Dragon King—ah no, welcome to the return of my wife!

The morale of the Gu family's back kitchen has been relatively low these days, because his wife is away, Mr. Gu doesn't eat much, and Song Lan eats very little for maintenance. Young Master Gu eats outside with his friends every day, so their Talent cannot be displayed!

Seeing that Ning Yi finally came back, the chef waved the spoon to give his wife a homely meal.

Ning Yi: "It's easy to say, easy to say."

Today I am full of highs and lows.

Song Lan watched Ning Yi push Gu Cheng's wheelchair over. Although A Cheng's face was still indifferent and expressionless all year round, he would pass his hand to Ning Yi when he entered the door.

They don't seem to have changed, but they seem to be a little more intimate!

Song Lan secretly covered her mouth and smiled.

Although Acheng's legs have not recovered yet, according to the doctor's inference, his legs, like other organs in the body, will recover by themselves over time. It won't be long before Acheng can get rid of the wheelchair and truly show his charm...their relationship will definitely be better by then, right?

Today's family banquet was extraordinarily rich, and Ning Yi swept the whole table by himself.

The scene was full of joy.

Gu Le was originally very interested in their trip to S City because of Zhao Weining's relationship. Moreover, he is a fan of wander, and he almost cried after watching the live broadcast this time, hating himself for not being there, otherwise he would definitely be able to play VR games together as a lucky viewer.

Gu Le looked longingly: "Sister-in-law, do you know Brother Wan very well! Ahhh, I also want to play games with him! Tell me about it!"

A teenage middle school boy who adores e-sports players to such an extent. And Wander looks handsome, he is the look that Gu Le wants to be the most!

Ning Yi was working **** cooking, and when he heard the words, he took the time to reply, "Well, it's quite familiar."

Gu Cheng glanced at her blankly.

Gu Le didn't notice his brother's expression, and said excitedly: "Ah, can you tweet me a WeChat? I think he played with Jiang Linyi, and I can also spend money to play with him!"

Ning Yi thought to himself, good guy, I just said that I will not buy gifts, and the family is going to send out another big grievance?

The law of conservation of energy.

Ning Yi then waved his hand, "It's okay, I'll talk to him, and he should be able to take you for free."

Buddy, all buddies.

no big deal.

Gu Le was overjoyed: "Thank you sister-in-law!

Song Lan looked at the juniors with a smile, her smile was very tolerant, Gu Le was so addicted to playing games, and she just nagged him a few words. The Ku family looks unattainable in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact the family members are not strict.

Mr. Gu left early. Since Gu Cheng took charge of the Gu family, he has actually been managing the younger generation.

It's just that now Gu Cheng looks at his younger brother and his wife calling them brothers because of wandering.

I don't know if it's Guan Gu Le or Guan Ning Yi.

In the end, Gu Cheng coldly picked a piece of cold cucumber for Ning Yi.

It's cool and green.

Ning Yi picked it up and ate it without any grudges: "Thank you husband!"

Gu Cheng: "Is it delicious?"

Ning Yi: "How come the ones made by my husband are not delicious!"

Gu Cheng sneered: Ha ha.

Others at the table were laughing too.

—They are so affectionate, so nice!

If it goes on like glue like paint, I'm afraid I will even have a child next year!

The elders look forward to it.

After the meal, Gu Le happily wanted to follow Ning Yi to contact Wander.

As soon as Ning Yi walked out, Gu Le was stopped coldly.

"What game are you playing?"

"Huh? Play, play zombie games."

Gu Cheng looked at him indifferently, and tapped his fingertips on the armrest of the wheelchair gently.

Gu Le gradually fought between the two, his voice became quieter, and the fear of being dominated by his brother since childhood came to his heart.

But although he is afraid of his brother, he is still Gu Dashao's number one fanboy!

Mr. Gu turned his mind for a while, thinking of those CP netizens on CM, he was immediately blessed: "Although Brother Wan is very handsome, Brother Wan is still incomparable to you, brother! You will always be the most handsome!"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless, "Really?"

Young Master Gu said sincerely: "Brother, how dare I tell nonsense in front of you!"

Gu Cheng slightly twitched the corner of his mouth.


Ning Yi was probably the only one who dared to open his eyes and speak nonsense in front of him.

Young Master Gu felt that he probably guessed a little bit of his brother's thoughts with his courage, so he said cautiously: "Anyway, I think brother and sister-in-law must love you—she told mom before that you are her only one." God, the everlasting light, is her lamp!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

You also believe this kind of nonsense.

No, he doesn't care if Ning Yi loves him or not.

"Okay, let's go."


Gu Le hurriedly rolled away.

Gu Cheng pinched his eyebrows.

For a moment, he didn't understand why he cared.

But—they are a legal couple, is there any reason why they can't care.

Even if you don't talk about personal relationships, it is reasonable.

Gu Dashao straightened out this logic, and made a decisive decision in his heart - he must take care of it with peace of mind in the future.

Ha ha.

Otherwise, wait until it turns into a cool and green cucumber.

Gu Dashao, who had figured it out, turned around and entered the workaholic mode.

During the three-day business trip, there was a backlog of work in City A. Eight assistants were by his side, desperately trying to keep up with Young Master Gu's work speed and intensity.

Gu Zhisong and others have been quiet recently, and they didn't even send money to Ning Yi.

Ning Yi also felt that she lacked a source of income to lie down and make money, and was very much looking forward to their next attack.

After all, it's all futile, and it's just an extra dish for the luck of the emperor in Gucheng!

Gu Cheng also knew that they would not give up so easily.

The planning of the land in the east of the city will affect the direction of the Koo family in the next ten years, especially this time when Gu Cheng went to participate in the Internet Sunac Summit, the transition from the real estate industry to emerging technology is almost a clear trend .

For most employees, following Gu Dashao is the right direction! Because Gu Dashao was the eternal king of decision-making before his accident, many people witnessed the rapid expansion of the group's business territory in the past few years, which made people excited. And Gu Dashao returned after three years, still carrying the momentum of a king, killing decisively.

However, those relatives of the Koo family, the elders of the group who made their fortunes from real estate, have difficulty finding a foothold in the emerging industry. They reject new outlets, are arrogant and self-styled, and only want to continue to be rich in the existing kingdom.

One or two are both problems.

But for Gu Cheng, this is not a difficult task.

After all, he was born to make everything brilliant in business, and 99% of his life will be spent solving and promoting all these problems.

The remaining 1% can be played with Ning Yi.

Gu Cheng pondered for a moment.

2% is also fine.

And Ning Yi himself lay down all day after returning home.

In the evening, I happily got up and had a small meal, and then went back to lie down with my round belly supported.

CMore has a good momentum of development, and she continues to improve on the entire structure she created. As for business matters, professionals from the Zhao family will handle them. She is only responsible for the core technology, and she can just step up to Zhao Weining and the others when they can't stand it.

On the contrary, after Gu Cheng came back from S city, he was as busy as ever. Not only to continue to promote the project, but also to follow up the trend after the Internet Summit, negotiate with the CMore platform, negotiate with game companies, leave early and return late, and be diligent in government affairs.

Seeing her husband's busy appearance, Ning Yi felt very touched!

What's his is mine, and what's mine is mine!

The reason why she didn't want to lose her horse in front of Gu Cheng was mainly because she didn't want the husband-wife relationship to be involved in the business partnership—or what if she was kidnapped by morality! Captured by the business emperor to become his technical arm, he made contributions to the small family free of charge.

That is impossible! She has no morals! Don't think about it!

The two of them have gotten used to sleeping together during their business trip this time, and it's the same after returning to Gu's house.

The servants and bodyguards deeply remembered the rumors in the other building that the wife played the role of a pansidong glamorous goblin to fascinate Gu Dashao and couldn't get out of the room.

Young Master Gu and his wife are playing very new things!

They are not to be bothered!


Young Master Gu was still looking at the stock analysis on the computer after taking a shower. Ning Yi was wearing a suspender nightgown, lying on the bed enchantingly, calling him—

"Old man, rest early!"

"Hmm." Gu Cheng said in a flat, perfunctory tone, gave her a look, then paused, and asked, "Aren't you cold?"

The white and round shoulders were exposed outside, and he didn't know what he wanted to do.

For Ning Yi, it's okay if you don't recruit her, but if you do, she will be very enthusiastic.

Seeing her husband's cold expression, she kicked off all the quilts on her body.

The porcelain-white skin was smooth and delicate, and the nightdress outlined a graceful and sinuous curve on her body.

Whoever saw it didn't say a word about the stunner.

She learned the essence of Wan Dui's flirty talk that day, and then said winkingly: "How can I be cold when I see my husband? You are my fire."

Gu Cheng looked at her and was silent for a few seconds, "Say what you want."

There is no need to seduce.

Ning Yi shyly said: "Honey, I knew you would satisfy me whatever I wanted! Why are you so nice! On my birthday, I will definitely be the happiest little baby in the world!"

Gu Cheng focused his attention on the last point of work, and said in a perfunctory tone: "Yes. Yes."

Ning Yi was not afraid of his perfunctory, so she just stared at him passionately: "My husband won't sleep, I won't sleep, I'm your little baby!"

Gu Cheng closed his eyes and speeded up his work, "I'll sleep, you cover the quilt."

So Ning Yi hummed and pulled back the quilt again.

When Gu Cheng went to bed, she listened carefully, she was still humming the birthday song, and her hints to him were pervasive.

Gu Cheng: "..."

What a patriarch.

If you don't celebrate her birthday well, he might not be at peace in the future.

Gu Cheng shook his head helplessly.

"Understood," Gu Cheng stretched out his hand and pinched her wrist as a warning, "—lie down."

Not to be outdone, Ning Yi turned over and hugged him with his arms and the quilt, using the noble Mr. Gu as a pillow, "Hee hee^3^"

Gu Cheng turned his face slightly, looked at her bright eyes in the dark, and sighed after a while.

Be a pillow be a pillow.

Things like the bottom line, one step back, one step back.

It's over, Ning Yi thinks that the sword dealer will be here tonight! It's time to fall into a beautiful sleep!

So she slowly closed those eyes that were always leaking water.

"Good night, man! Good night, big—"

Gu Cheng stopped it in the dark: "Don't say hello to it."

Ning Yi quacked happily.

All right!

That's in the heart!

Good night, big positive!

Lying down until the next morning, her husband had been out of bed for a long time, Ning Yi yawned and Meimei sat up and stretched.

Now the quality of sleep is really getting better and better, and the effect of hearing has become less.

Of course, it may also be because there is no one on their bedroom floor at night.

Servants and bodyguards stand far away.

I don't know why?

When eating breakfast, Song Lan deliberately waited for her for a while, while smiling to see that Ning Yi ate two drawers of steamed buns with a very good appetite in the morning, and said kindly:

"The sets of jewelry displayed at the last jewelry conference were nominated for awards, and this time I will take pictures of the display. I have thought about it, and now these jewelry belong to Xiaoyi, so I need to tell you. And I think, other models None of them are as suitable as Xiaoyi herself." Song Lan looked at her gently, "After the filming, Mom will choose another set for you to wear this autumn, and give it to you as a birthday present, okay?"

Ning Yi: Woohoo, mother-in-law is so kind.

The dead husband has to induce him! It may not be there after the induction is over!

Or mother-in-law!

Ning Yi swallowed the steamed bun: "No problem, mom, where are you going to shoot?"

Song Lan was very happy, "We contacted the most professional indoor studio in the city, and we can directly ask Ah Cheng's assistants and bodyguards to take you there. You don't have to feel pressured, just shoot easily, just like the runway show that day. Great."

Young Master Gu, who was already dressed neatly, happened to pass by at this time, and sneered when he heard this.

Runway show? Who is the best.

Ning Yi thought to herself: Hehe.

Can continue to be great today.

In the end, Gu Cheng gave Ning Yi four bodyguards and an assistant to accompany her out for filming.

Sitting in the car on the way to the studio, Ning Yi turned on his phone and looked through it as usual.

Then I saw a message from Ding Ziyue in the background of the 01 account.

【Hey, would you like to chat with me】

【I know your heart is also wandering】

Ning Yi: Laugh to death.

It still smells like this!

Why is the heroine coming to be her light now?

After Ding Ziyue finished posting, the corners of her mouth rose wildly, because she knew that the opposite party must be a silly straight man. Seeing this kind of ambiguous but not exaggerated greeting from the goddess she was silently paying attention to, she must be at a loss, right?

After a long time, there was no reply from the other side.

Ding Ziyue figured it out when she thought about it, tech geeks must be socially phobic. How dare you reply to a beautiful woman like her?

Now 01 must be dancing for her news, while carefully thinking about how to reply, right?

Ding Ziyue shook her head and smiled, what a great strategy!

In comparison, Wander is the male partner who is currently the most difficult to clear. He still hasn't shown any signs of being infatuated with her. This can be a bit tricky.

But with her charm, at her grand birthday party this time, Wander will definitely fall in love with her, and envy Jiang Linyi for having a girlfriend like her.

Ding Ziyue is very confident in herself!

As for Jiang Linyi's childhood sweetheart—

Ding Ziyue looked at the studio where her brother prepared to take photos of posters for her birthday party.

I heard that the woman was taking pictures.

Anyway, it is absolutely incomparable with her celebrity daughter's pampered life~

According to the plot, there will be a major development in the relationship between her and Jiang Linyi at this birthday party.

And this plot is inseparable from the promotion of Gu Dashao and other characters.

This time, Ding Ziyue must achieve the desired effect!

After reading Ding Ziyue's message, Ning Yi locked her phone.

Oh, and by the way, a ladder was changed to hang it up. Before, she made some random moves and adjusted her ip territory to another city, but now she just went abroad directly.

— Kyrgyzstan. Has her heart wandered far enough?

With Ding Ziyue's IQ, it may take a while to think about it, I hope she can be defeated by the distance, and just focus on the plot of her pet story!

The car quickly drove to the studio.

The photographer in charge of taking photos of Ning Yi's jewelry display this time is called Song Qingmei.

The first time Ning Yi saw her, she felt that this person had a very special temperament. Like a far away, very light ink painting.

Different from Ning Yi's thick and colorful facial features, which are delicate and a bit aggressive, Song Qingmei is probably the typical light complexion mentioned on the Internet. Her hair color, eyebrow color, and lip color are very light, but she has an artist-like beauty.

Ning Yi felt that the name sounded familiar, so she picked up the plot—

Song Qingmei, Qingmei? ?

It turned out that it made Ding Ziyue jealous, and the hero Jiang Linyi's childhood sweetheart—that is to say, can you be more serious in choosing the name of the brainless favorite? Hey!

"Hello, it's the model from the show last time, right?" Song Qingmei walked over holding the camera, her tone was very soft.

Ning Yi nodded, "Hi, I'm Ning Yi."

Song Qingmei smiled slightly, "I know, you are very famous."

Ning Yi didn't hold back, just smiled generously.

On the contrary, it was Song Qingmei, there was always a feeling of melancholy between her eyebrows.

Song Qingmei grew up with Jiang Linyi, and the family conditions are good, but for some reason, she has always been living in a kind of pain that cannot be relieved. This melancholy became more profound after Jiang Linyi met Ding Ziyue.

It's not because she likes Jiang Linyi, but Ding Ziyue snatched him away. In fact, although Song Qingmei knew Jiang Linyi since she was a child, she didn't really like him.

Song Qingmei's pain came from her incomprehension of her situation, as if she was being pushed by something behind her all the time, why did she want to contact Jiang Linyi, care about Jiang Linyi, and keep appearing between him and his rich girlfriend?

She obviously didn't want to do this, but she would still do it in the end. This made Song Qingmei live in a kind of pain, and she couldn't find anyone who could break it all.

And that's why she took the "Tears of the Mermaid" set of jewelry - because this set of jewelry also shows an aura of pain and despair, which fits well with the style of Song Qingmei's works.

After Ning Yi roughly understood her style, she hesitated for a moment.

Mermaid's Tears is really painful, that's because her husband put on ten centimeter high heels for her!

How about finding another pair today?

Ning Yi touched her chin.

Gu Dashao, who was far away from the group meeting, suddenly had a slight itching on the tip of his nose.

? who cursed him.

Ning Yi first went to the dressing room to change into the clothes for this shoot. Different from the gorgeous ones on the day of the catwalk, the design of today's studio shoot is very Song Qingmei's personal style, light and broken, which requires a very artistic grasp.

Ning Yi first stood in front of the camera and took two groups.

At first, she was a little uncomfortable standing in front of the camera alone, but Song Qingmei spoke softly and gave clear instructions to the model, gradually Ning Yi relaxed.

The "Snowflake" jewelry set worked really well.

But when it came time to film Mermaid's Tears, she was in a state of entanglement and discomfort, her thin eyebrows were wrinkled, and she felt that the taste was wrong no matter how she was filming, and she kept comforting Ning Yi, saying that it was her state that was wrong, not the model's. question.

Ning Yi felt very sorry—

Ah, what, it seems to be the problem of the model!

Didn't expect Gu Cheng's artistic expression to be so good! Ning Yi can't beat it!

Song Qingmei sat on the side, flipping through the film just now, exuding a faint sadness and self-blame.

In fact, Ning Yi can probably guess where Song Qingmei's melancholy comes from. She is indeed different from other characters in this world, probably because—in this brainless pet novel, her consciousness is a little more awakened than other characters. She knew something was unreasonable, but she couldn't figure out what it was that was pushing her away invisible.

But she is also a girl full of artistic atmosphere and sensitive mind, so of course she will fall into depression.

Thinking about it this way, Ding Ziyue is the one who is most serious about the plot in the whole book now. Ding Ziyue does not resist all the plots in this brainless world. It's almost—Ning Yi wants to order "The Lonely Brave" for her. Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes?

Finally, Ning Yi thought about it, took out her phone, and asked Song Qingmei, "Can you play games?"

Song Qingmei probably didn't expect it, and was stunned for a moment, "Huh?"

After more than half an hour.

"Ah, can you save me!"

"I'm coming."

With a lollipop in his mouth, Ning Yi crackled and flicked his mobile phone, killing all the zombies around Song Qingmei like cutting melons and vegetables, which made Song Qingmei's heart skip a beat.

They had very little chance of winning this game. Ning Yi led her to kill more than 20 zombies all the way, but they still lost in the end.

After retreating steadily, the two humans fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

However, this miserable scene did not make Song Qingmei feel sad.

Instead, there is a rare feeling of release.

"Did you see it? When you are sad, sad, or in pain, you cut others down." Ning Yi said very **** words, but smiled calmly, "Anyway, we are all idiots in this world, so we are not bad."

In the last days, Ning Yi relied on this spiritual victory method to maintain a healthy mental state, and to live a positive and sunny life even when he couldn't eat well or sleep well every day.

It may also be because she has no heart, but Ning Yi thinks this is better than constant pain.

Song Qingmei has never been in contact with such a person, but the exciting scene of earning money in the game just now is still in her mind, and she really feels that she has relaxed a little bit.

"Thank you."

Ning Yi is a rare person who can make her feel not tense, but can detach from this twisted world.

She felt so comfortable.

Song Qingmei couldn't help thinking that no matter how indifferent and ice-like people would be melted by Ning Yi.

She held up the camera, "Let's try again."


And after the two of them finished playing the game, Wander happened to be on the air, and they also picked this game.

He leisurely opened his friends list, wanting to randomly pick a unlucky guy to accompany him to kill zombies.

It turns out that Ning Yi was online 1 minute ago.

Wander paused, then pulled her.

This little heartless person, don't say goodbye after returning to city A, he hasn't sent a single message.

Ding Ziyue, on the other hand, often sends messages that he doesn't understand.

Wander waited for Ning Yi for a while.

The fans already sensed that something was wrong, and they ridiculed one after another.

[Who is Wan Ge waiting for? 】

[Let me guess, it feels like there is only one answer]

【Sister Ning, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come】

Wander tapped on the keyboard, but didn't respond to the fans' teasing, just checked his phone every two seconds.

As a result, Ning Yi's profile picture turned black.

Wander: "..."

He clicked his tongue, turned his head and went to randomly match passers-by, "Open."

Fans will not miss this opportunity to laugh at him.

【Ahahaha, Sister Ning is playing with other people, and when Brother Wan goes online, she will log off】

[Gu's touch Ning party ecstasy]

【Everything is going well, BE hard】

【The one above rhymes with you, hahaha】

Wander's teeth itch from being ridiculed.

I just don't want to play it anymore!

Here Ning Yi went to work hard.

After all, all of Song Lan's works have been nominated, so it would be great if he could win an award.

I hope her drawing will not be a disservice.

However, people like Song Qingmei are too sensitive, she can clearly realize the difference between Ning Yi wearing "Snow Flower" and "Mermaid Tears" at the jewelry conference. That is the difference in details such as temperament, eyes, expression, etc., and even - a difference in soul. It was as if two people were in Ning Yi's body.

Ning Yi hissed, people who are too sensitive are indeed prone to pain, which even Song Lan didn't realize.

However, Song Qingmei definitely wouldn't guess from such an anti-scientific perspective as soul swapping. Ning Yi just wanted to cooperate with her artistic standards and pursuits.

Ning Yi, you have been thinking hard for a while, how can you show the breath of sadness, despair and brokenness.

In the end, she found that she was not desperate at all!

There is good food and drink in this world, there is a steadily developing career, there is a rich husband who can be blackmailed, and there are big fun to pick up every day, it is simply too happy, there is nothing to despair about.

That can only ^3^—

A minute later, Gu Cheng stood in the studio expressionlessly.

"Oh man, why don't you just take two photos for me! It's also for mom!"

"I'll switch back after the shoot, okay? My baby will massage your legs at night."

Gu Cheng: "..."

For a second, the CEO was in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, watching the city flow and thinking about his vast business territory.

In the next second, she was caught in the studio, posing for the camera.

Ning Yi said hilariously, "All three legs can be massaged!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng: "Shut up."

Do you know what it means? How dare you say such nonsense.

Song Qingmei readjusted her state, and set up the camera seriously, "Let's try again."

Gu Cheng was speechless for several seconds, and had no choice but to take pictures for her.

He can't even hold Ning Yi's hand for remote exchange, and this authority has always been so unfavorable to him.

Ah. He is used to it.

Gu Cheng lowered his head to look at the clothes Ning Yi is wearing now. It is a very thin yarn skirt, the design is not cumbersome, and the hanging ribbons have an ethereal and broken feeling.

It is much more restrained than the deep V dress at the last jewelry conference.


Song Qingmei came over and asked, "Are you sure you can lower your waist?"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Wait a minute, what's next?

Song Qingmei just heard that Ning Yi said that the model can be lowered, and the photographer took pictures from top to bottom, and immediately felt that it was a very brilliant position—

It seems to be struggling and suffering, but no tears can be seen, because all the tears of the mermaid flow back into the deep sea.

Such a beautiful meaning!

I didn't expect Ning Yi to be so good at it!

"Let's take a few sets to see first, and you should also take care of your physical strength. Let me know if you feel uncomfortable."

Gu Cheng: "..."

In the end, Mr. Gu could only clean up the mess left by his wife.

Leaning on the wall a little bit.

His face was expressionless, but the corners of his eyes and brows were completely speechless.

low back pain.

"Yes! Very good!"

"Keep still, close your eyes slightly, it's fine—"

Song Qingmei's mood finally eased up a bit, "Yes—the feeling from the jewelry conference that day."

A little bit of despair, a little bit of struggle, and a little bit of forbearance.

Composing a crumbling broken feeling, blooming a unique texture on that beautiful face.

Song Qingmei finally showed a little smile.

Gu Cheng leaned on the wall expressionlessly and stood up.

Young Master Gu doesn't understand art.

He just wanted to know, can a normal person stand with his knees down, can he not be crumbling?

"Thank you, Ning Yi."

After the filming was over, Song Qingmei looked at Gu Cheng gratefully.

Ning Yi is a rare person who can make her feel peaceful.

She pinched her clothes nervously and asked, "I can't refuse Ding Ziyue's birthday party, will you come?

She felt that if Ning Yi was there, it would indeed not be so painful.

Gu Cheng didn't make any decisions for Ning Yi, he asked directly in his mind: "She asked you if you would go to Ding Ziyue's birthday party."

Gu Cheng really wanted to know this question too.

After all, Ning Yi's birthday is also that day, doesn't she want to have a good time.

"Go, yes." Ning Yi replied happily from the other end.

She remembered that in the original plot, Princess Ding's birthday cake was made by foreign pastry masters. It was like a work of art, with eight layers, and each layer had different fillings!

Who doesn't want to have a taste of this! !

Gu Cheng: "Okay."

Wait until she comes back from eating and then continue with her.

He glanced at Song Qingmei, "Yes."

A genuine smile appeared on Song Qingmei's face.

Soon, this group of photos of Ning Yi was released after the parameters were adjusted, and there was almost no retouching.

【Ahhh green eyebrows! My favorite photographer! Shot my sister Ning! Dream linkage! 】

[These groups of photos, shit, I'm gone]

[I really love my sister's face so much... Shall me, I'm dead]

[No wonder Young Master Gu is always jealous, my wife looks like this, I can't wait to hang on her every day]

[It's okay hahaha, everything is going well, just now BE, don't worry, young and old]

Netizens fell into heated discussions again.

Ding Ziyue paid close attention to all the news about Ning Yi. After reading it, she immediately sent out her refined birthday poster Jiugongge not to be outdone.

[@宁子玲: I will soon be spoiled one year older [picture][picture]]

After posting, I looked at the number of comments and likes, and refreshed over and over again to see if there was more than the post that posted Ning Yi's photo.

In the end, I found that I couldn't exceed it, so I asked my brother to send money to her and send her a hot tweet.

"Brother~ Don't you want me to be the most beautiful little princess~"

How could Ning Yi overshadow the limelight?

Ding Yusen has been very busy recently, whether he can give Ding a little initiative in the situation where Gu Dashao is overshadowing the sky all depends on the recent ones.

But Yueyue's birthday is of course still a top priority.

"Okay, okay, brother will make you look good."

Ning Yi has been in Gu Cheng's office, helped him listen to the assistants' report, and then conveyed it to Gu Cheng clearly and concisely.

Dutiful as if his little secretary.

Gu Cheng finished Ning Yi's filming and told her, "It's over."

Ning Yi's rainbow fart followed immediately.

"Honey, you've worked hard! You can do such a difficult thing as lowering your waist, what else in this world can't you do? If it doesn't exist, you are a god!"

Gu Cheng: I don't want to talk.

Ning Yi looked at the time, and it was already time for dinner, so he patted his stomach and said to Gu Cheng: "Then husband~ you come back and continue working~ I won't bother you anymore, you need to earn more money^3^~"

Gu Cheng: "Hehe."

Ning Yi rubbed her hands and exchanged thoughts.

After thinking about it a few times, he was still sitting on Gu Cheng's boss chair.

Ning Yi: "?"

—Okay, here we go again.

The swap is broken again, and the mechanism is always unstable.

but luckily-

"Husband, I can't change my mind, but we have a new method now!"

You can change the body back by frightening the other person's body, threatening to hurt the other person, so that the body's self-protection mechanism will work.

Gu Cheng asked vigilantly, "What are you going to do?"

"Oh man, don't worry, people won't do that and that in broad daylight."

Which one?

Gu Cheng didn't trust her at all.

Ning Yi quickly thought of a way. She rowed her wheelchair and walked forward to the stairs. The bodyguards behind her didn't know what was going on.

Then I saw "Master Gu" stretching his legs out towards the stairs below, as if he was about to fall down.

In an instant, ten bodyguards rushed out.

"Boss! It's dangerous!"

"Be careful!!"

Someone held down the armrest of her wheelchair, and someone stood in front of her wheelchair. In short, ten bodyguards surrounded her.

Ning Yi: OvO

In Gu Cheng's body, it is still a bit difficult to get hurt.

And obviously the brain didn't believe that she really wanted to hurt Gu Cheng's body, and the swap didn't change anything.

Ning Yi chuckled, and said to Gu Cheng: "Honey, why don't you try threatening my body."

Gu Cheng over there raised his hand and saw Ning Yi's slender wrist.

The inner side of the wrist is thin and soft, with light blue blood vessels visible. It looks vulnerable, but it is actually an ancestor who can torture people to death.

never mind.

He couldn't do it, and he couldn't pretend to hurt her.

Gu Cheng squeezed the space between his eyebrows, "Don't worry about those tasks, wait for me to go home and continue to deal with it."

Ning Yi thought to herself that I didn't care about your work, my dear!

The main reason is that I want to cook well with my body regardless of my image!

"Husband, I will definitely think of a way! Just wait!"

Since the brain doesn't believe that she will really do harm, it has to find a way to make the brain believe it.

In other words, how could she believe that she would really kill herself?

half an hour later.

Seeing that Ning Yi remained silent, Gu Cheng called her.


"Here comes my husband!"

Gu Cheng just wanted to ask her what happened.

The next second, the person was suddenly in a restaurant.

Facing it, a mountain of beef donburi.

Gu Cheng: "?"

"Haha! Husband!"

"Can't think of it? I can support myself to death!"

And the brain obviously believed that she could really do it, so it was replaced with a snap!

The clerk is kindly promoting—

"It's shameful to waste~ You must finish your order at this restaurant~"

Gu Cheng looked up at the top of the mountain and was silent for a few seconds.

"Look, hubby, I can obviously play your initiative, but I don't!"

"Baby is smart or not, and is he considerate?"

Gu Cheng thought expressionlessly.

Or you still play it.