In the end, the mountain-like beef bowl was finished, and there was no waste.

Because Gu Dashao asked the manager to bring ten bowls before starting, and asked the bodyguards to divide the ten bowls among themselves.

They were all very moved—after all, they were eating a bowl of rice with Mr. Gu!

What kind of friendship is this!

The bodyguards ate with gusto!

In the end, there was only normal human food left in the big bowl, and Gu Cheng also ate it up slowly.

I have to admit that the food Ning Yi ordered tasted very good. Although the meal looked scary, it tasted pretty good.

Young Master Gu seldom had a serious meal.

After eating, when leaving the restaurant, the waiter smiled and bowed:

“Welcome to visit next time!~”

Gu Cheng: Still can’t do it.

Ning Yi will come by himself next time.

It was already night when Gu Cheng finished all the work and returned home.

Ning Yi had already eaten and drunk enough to lie down flat.

Seeing him enter the room, she immediately assumed the posture of a good wife waiting for her husband at home for a long time:

"Husband! You worked hard today! Baby loves you so much!"

Gu Cheng's expression remained calm, and his voice was calm: "Thank you baby."

Ning Yi has already watched Song Qingmei's film this time. It is indeed very beautiful. The two Ning Yi wearing Xuehua and Mermaid's Tears are both very beautiful and well received. Song Lan is also very satisfied!

But in comparison, Ning Yi said with a touch of conscience - the filming of Mermaid's Tears was more difficult.

Looking at the photos of Gu Cheng's expressionless lowered waist, she almost died laughing.

What a useful husband!

"Husband, wash up, lie down and rest, the baby promised to massage my husband's legs."

Gu Cheng let out a "huh" and didn't take it seriously.

Let's take a shower first.

After changing into her pajamas and coming out, she saw Ning Yi lying on the bed with her chin in her hands, looking forward to it.

"Come on~ old man~"

Hearing her sweet and greasy voice with twists and turns, Gu Cheng suddenly knew why the servants and bodyguards in the other building were so far away.

Fear of bumping into something that shouldn't be seen.

In reality, however, their husband-wife relationship is very respectful.

Gu Cheng lay down very conservatively.

A pair of soft little hands stretched out from under the quilt to his lap.

It was really giving him a massage.

Pinch left, pinch right.

So Gu Cheng ignored it at first.

Ning Yi massaged him blindly, but found that Gu Cheng's leg muscles were in a completely normal state, just like other parts of him that had been completely recovered, the texture lines on his legs were also perfectly defined, as if there was a hidden vitality strength.

Presumably, the seal will soon be lifted!

After all, he still has a lot of destructive roles in the following plots!

Ning Yi is completely happy about this, anyway, even if Gu Cheng is completely awakened now, he should not kill her. After all, she only stabbed him once, and now—

They had a positive relationship!

Ning Yi rubbed his legs, anyway, Gu Cheng didn't have that worldly desire for her. Maybe because of the body swap between the two, Ning Yi often uses Gu Cheng's body, so he doesn't have the slightest awe of his precious body!

A pair of small hands are pressing everywhere.

Anyway, the technique is not important, as long as the intention is in place!

Gu Cheng just stared at her.

It can be seen that she is really innocent.

Until Ning Yi's hand reached a very dangerous position, there was still no sign of stopping, and Gu Cheng finally reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"...That's enough." Gu Cheng said.

Ning Yi smiled charmingly and asked him, "How is it? Are you comfortable?"

"..." Gu Cheng was silent for two seconds.

Can you stop talking nonsense.

You are a girl.

Gu Cheng: "Thank you. Go to sleep."

Ning Yi supported her head with one hand, still charming: "Are you satisfied with all this? Do you want more?"

What she meant was that she could still squeeze his shoulders and waist for him, after all, he was really tired because he lowered his waist today.

But Gu Cheng only remembered that she said that she would massage her three legs. Now two legs are massaged, more?

Xiao Xiang has already made people feel a little bit overwhelmed.

Gu Cheng looked at her for a while, and finally smiled.

The man's dark eyes were surrounded by dark blue arcs, which were a little playful and a little vile.

He asked, "Ayi, will you know it?"

Gu Cheng's voice was a little dark, and the tense arm lines also revealed some kind of danger.

So Ning Yi finally shrank back under his gaze.

"I clicked blindly, and you found out?"

Ning Yi is too lazy to learn massage techniques, but her husband is quite picky, haha!

So Ning Yi withdrew her hand and lay down obediently: "Then massage next time, I'll learn from it."

Next time - just celebrate your birthday first!

Look at the birthday present from my husband before deciding√

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes, chirped twice, and fell asleep by himself.

Gu Cheng: "?"

After a while, it was confirmed that the woman had really fallen asleep.

Gu Cheng watched his silent reaction.

In the end I was so angry that I laughed.

The fool.

As her birthday approached, Ding Ziyue had already sent invitations to her birthday party all over the wealthy circle.

The level of luxury and scenery suddenly became a big event in the circle!

Everyone received invitations, and if they decided to participate, they had to prepare birthday gifts for Ding Ziyue, so Ding Ziyue would receive celebrations from the entire wealthy circle in city A, and there would be no one in this row.

And Ning Yi, who was born on the same day as Ding Ziyue, became the object of comparison without any surprise—after all, the two of them have a relationship of real and fake daughters.

But everyone in the wealthy circle knows that this is actually not comparable.

Although Ning Yi is somewhat popular on the Internet now, her status in the wealthy circle has not changed at all. Although Wen Zhili did not succeed in attacking a while ago, it was because Gu Dashao himself was difficult to conquer, and definitely not because Gu Dashao had any feelings for Ning Yi.

Compared to Ding Ziyue's love, Ning Yi didn't show any signs of having a birthday party. But Ding Ziyue has a popular actor to celebrate her birthday, and the entire Ding Group to fulfill her birthday wishes. Compared with the two, Ning Yi has lost miserably.

Ding Ziyue knew that she had firmly defeated Ning Yi~

After all, Ning's father and Ning's mother even misremembered the day when they sent her birthday wishes, and of course they also misremembered the birthday of their biological daughter Ning Yi.

So who will celebrate Ning Yi's birthday? Are the netizens who say they love her crazy online? die laughing.

Look at her Ding Ziyue again, not only Lin Yi's brother's overwhelming love, but also her family's unconditional and bottom-line satisfaction for her - what can Ning Yi compare to her?

Ding Ziyue is really looking forward to the birthday party!

As for Ning Yi, she never received the blessing from her biological parents at all. Because Ning's father and Ning's mother probably knew that they cared too little for her, they simply sent a message to Gu Cheng directly, even wishing Ning Yi a happy birthday and asking if Gu Cheng is interested in seeing their Ning family's company recently.

The marriage of the two families was completely lucky for the Ning family, but it could not prevent the decline of the Ning family at all.

Ning Yi has no feelings for the Ning family, and it's over, but she has nothing to do with her.

What if Ning's father and Ning's mother can't eat at that time?

Anyway, she can eat ^3^

Young Master Gu, who received the ridiculous text message of blessing, casually tossed aside the message sent by Ning's father and Ning's mother.

At this time, he was wearing a black suit, and even sitting in a wheelchair did not diminish his icy aura.

But Wei Wei was in a daze for a moment.

Thinking about it this way, Ning Yi never seemed to mention her parents and family.

Where is she from?

She never mentioned her past, she is a person who lives completely in the present and looks to the future.

Gu Cheng looked at the city outside the floor-to-ceiling windows—

There are really many things worth exploring about Ning Yi.

Still, the past really doesn't matter, at least—not as much as what's to come.

After looking at the city for a while, Young Master Gu silently turned to the boss of the ocean shipping company in his mobile phone.

Let's buy a yacht first.

Wait until the day's work is basically over.

Gu Cheng sat in the huge president's office, listening to the final report of the chief assistant.

"On the project in the western suburbs, Gu Zhisong and Ding Yusen cooperated, and wanted to lower your investment ratio by 1%..."

The man raised his eyebrows lightly, the oppressive feeling on his body was like the low-pressure clouds in the sky.

"It's interesting."

Gu Zhisong stopped for a while after betting on stones, and of course the power behind him couldn't let it go.

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a moment, and gave Zongzhu Zhou some instructions.

The chief assistant's expression turned cold, and he lowered his head: "Yes!"

Gu Cheng tapped on the table playfully. It seems that "Old Bitter Gourd" is going to generate income for Ning Yi again recently.

Take it as his birthday present to Ning Yi.

At the end of today's work, Mr. Gu quickly read all the materials of this project, signed all the contracts that should be signed, and then called Mr. Zhou who was about to quit.

"Young master, what else can I order?"

Gu Cheng pondered for two seconds, and asked: "Subsidiaries of the group, what are the subsidiaries that have been operating well recently?"

Zongzhu Zhou didn't keep up with this thinking for a while: "Huh?"

The small companies below are basically managed by the offshoots of the Gu family, and they take care of everything every day. Generally, as long as the losses are not serious, they are not too good at taking care of these things.

Well, finding a well-run subsidiary isn't about—

Gu Cheng was expressionless.

"Go and organize the materials and send them to me."

The other birthday presents Ning Yi wanted were easy to deal with.

If she wants a company, it has to be one that doesn't require any effort, just sit there.

Otherwise, she would definitely be dissatisfied again.


Gu Cheng squeezed the center of his brows, then opened his eyes, and found that Mr. Zhou was still standing there, with an expression on his face that was too much to die for.

Gu Cheng: "? There is something else."

Zongzhu Zhou waved his hands movedly: "It's okay, young master! I'm fine!"

He and she are the real good luck in everything!

Gu's Moning is the worst!

In the blink of an eye, it was the night before Ning Yi and Ding Ziyue's birthdays.

Ding Ziyue's grand birthday party has been warmed up on major platforms, especially CMore, and has been promoted and marketed for several days.

This time, not only the film king will appear, but there may also be Ning Yi, Wander and others who are concerned by netizens. It is worthy of being the princess's face, it is simply too enviable!

【Ahhh, I squatted down】

[It is said that there is a live broadcast! Jiang Linyi must spoil Ding Ziyue to death! 】

[I just want to come over and have a look at Sister Ning woo woo woo (humble) No matter if it's Gu Mo Ning or everything is fine, I'm fine, give the child some candy! 】


Ning Yi is also looking forward to the eight-tier cake! I feel like I dream of sweet and fluffy cakes when I sleep tonight.

There is also a gift for my husband tomorrow~

Ah, birthday is really nice, and Ning Yi is looking forward to it too~

Before going to bed.

The other building was still very sensible and quiet, and the pointer on the wall moved towards 12 o'clock.

Ning Yi lay on the head of the bed, looking at Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng also looked down at her: "What are you doing?"

Ning Yi lay on her stomach and moved her head forward.

(crawls darkly)

Gu Cheng couldn't help laughing, pretending not to understand, "What are you doing?"

Ning Yi continued to crawl forward, and finally put her head directly on his chest, "Husband."

Feeling the heavy pressure on her chest, Gu Cheng finally glanced at the wall clock on the wall, and said helplessly, "It's still two minutes away."

Ning Yi: "Yeah."

Blessings are not important, gifts are more important!

Ning Yi pressed directly on his chest for two minutes, making Gu Cheng deeply feel her heavy birthday wish.

When the pointer passed 12, Gu Cheng reached out and touched her head.

"Happy birthday, Ayi."

"Thank you husband! You are the first person in this world to wish me a happy birthday! A greeting and a blessing are the deep love between us! Make my heart warm!"

Gu Cheng raised his brows lightly, "Then, Ah Yi is satisfied?"

Ning Yi was expressionless for a moment.

Do you see that I look satisfied, big cut!

Gu Cheng couldn't hold back a smile flashing across his eyes, and deliberately said lightly: "It's good that Ah Yi is satisfied."

Ning Yi smirked and said, "Husband, courtesy is more important than friendship. I hope that my dear husband is the one who is the most important."

Otherwise, I'm afraid that I will change into your body and do some impolite things!

Gu Cheng understood the naked threat with flames in her shiny eyes, and closed her eyes with a smile.


"Good night, Ayi."

Ning Yi gritted her teeth against his face for a long time.

He wouldn't really just send her a blessing, would he? ah?

Her big yacht! Big house! Big companies too!

Even without these things, my husband would still have to treat her to a big meal!

Ning Yi stared at him for a long time, but her dead husband stood still like a bastard.

In the end Ning Yi could only lie down sadly: "Good night! Husband!"

Let's see how he does tomorrow.

Gu Cheng raised the corners of his lips silently in the darkness.

Early the next morning.

Both Song Lan and Mr. Gu came to have breakfast on a rare occasion, because they knew that there must be Ning Yi on the table, and her three meals a day could not be shaken.

Seeing Ning Yi approaching, Song Lan immediately smiled and said, "Xiao Yi, happy birthday!"

Mr. Gu also said cheerfully: "Happy birthday, son! Be happy this year!"

Both of them prepared birthday presents for Ning Yi, and when Ah Cheng finished his work in the evening, that boy Gu Le would come back, and the family could celebrate Ning Yi's birthday together.

The manor hasn't been this lively for a long time.

Ning Yi smiled obediently: "Thank you grandpa, thank you mom!"

After speaking, he glanced at Gu Cheng meaningfully.

Look at the family! Are you ashamed!


Gu Cheng was calm and relaxed.

Ning Yi's schedule today is also very simple, first go to Ding Ziyue's house to attend a banquet (mainly taste the cake), and then come back at night to blackmail her husband and have dinner with her family.

While eating breakfast, Ning Yi recalled the scene of Ding Ziyue's birthday party.

If I remember correctly, Gu Dashao has an important part in the scene.

This paragraph is very in line with the characteristics of a brainless pet article - at the extremely grand birthday party, in order to let Ding Ziyue see his sincerity, Jiang Linyi not only prepared luxurious cakes and gifts for her, but also broadcast live, in front of everyone in the country , officially confessed to Ding Ziyue, and let everyone know that Ding Ziyue is the princess he guarded all his life.

Popular actor! Career upswing! Official announcement of his girlfriend!

The author must understand Ding Ziyue's psychology very well - this must not make netizens envious! Let the other famous ladies and daughters be sour!

Ding Ziyue would indeed be moved to shed tears of happiness on the scene, gain enough sense of security and no longer mind Jiang Linyi's green plum, and then cry and throw herself into Jiang Linyi's arms, saying that no matter what wind and rain we experience in the future, I want us to be together!

And how can a brainless pet article be so simple, it is impossible without any twists and turns. And Young Master Gu, the biggest "twist-making machine" in this book, will make his grand debut at such a moment!

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he was full of coercion, contemptuous of everyone, and then waved his hand—

He wants to buy the Ding Group!

Ning Yi recalled the plot to this point, and she was almost laughing out loud—is it really cool?

However, this kind of twists and turns is indeed only the only king in this book, the strongest king, Young Master Gu, can do it.

Then Ding Ziyue went to Gucheng to protect the Ding family. In the process, Jiang Linyi continued to grow stronger, and the box office of the new movie was a hit. With his own strength, he helped the Ding family close the financial loophole.

The two have gone through wind and rain, and their relationship has gained a new witness! Jiang Linyi and the Ding family love Ding Ziyue even more, they want to spoil her to heaven! Later, to meet the turning point, Ding Ziyue lost her memory or something.

Laughing to death, it's all a joke.

She loves to watch.

Ning Yi asked Gu Cheng enthusiastically: "Honey, are you going to Ding Ziyue's birthday party?"

Gu Cheng: "I won't go."

Why did he attend Ding's birthday party? Is he free?

Ning Yi: Hey!

If you don't come to follow the plot, how can your legs be unsealed! Is it up to me, Sakura Kinomoto, to order you to lift the seal?

Ning Yi whispered in her heart to force Lai Lai.

Gu Cheng glanced at Ning Yi and said, "Come back early."

Today she is the main character.

But Ning Yi had already flown away.

After Young Master Gu finished his morning meeting at the company.

Zongzhu Zhou opened the door of the conference room for Gu Cheng, and gave a hint to him:

"Young master, your noon itinerary is vacant, and you can make private arrangements."

Gu Cheng tapped his fingers on his knees, "Then add a meeting and let me know."

Mr. Zhou gave a pause with a smile, and then reminded: "Young Master, don't you need to accompany your wife to the birthday party of Ding's daughter?"

It's just getting started!

Gu Cheng glanced at him.

Why on earth is he going?

Anyway, I celebrated Ning Yi's birthday at home.

Attend with her? His precious time doesn't allow it.

"No." Gu Cheng said coldly.

Mr. Zhou took out a tablet and watched the live broadcast of Ding Ziyue's birthday party.

"Now that the guests are entering the venue, the netizens are all admiring the beauty of his wife. By the way, Mr. Wander brought a big box. I wonder which lady is it for today's birthday?"—"

The voice just fell.

Young Master Gu has raised his face expressionlessly.
