The fireworks in the sky of City A became a trending search.

Because of the location and words, it was obvious that Gu Dashao gave it to his wife at home, so it became a topic that netizens talked about for a while.

[In this round, after all, Gu Mo Ning defeated Wan Shiruyi! 】

[Not necessarily! We don’t know about other gifts, big or small, but sister Ning obviously likes Brother Wan’s jade ornament】

[The Wanshiruyi party is still resisting! 】

Everyone was very curious about what Gu Dashao gave Ning Yi, after all, there were all the ostentatious fireworks, and the rest must be very impressive!

When wander was broadcast at night, there were many good things and viewers came to ask:

【Brother Wan, do you have any thoughts】

【What do you think you have a chance of winning】

Wander gave a "tsk", "you all have time to relax."

01's husband... looks like he has no human emotions.

Unlike the gift he gave, it was filled with unique memories of him and 01, all of which were emotions.

And Ding Ziyue counted her piles of gifts at home, and thought easily: Although the fireworks were quite shocking when they first came out, but~ I guess they are just fireworks~

After all, if Ning Yi received other valuable items, wouldn't she come out and show them off? The last time she got the rough emerald stone, she grinned behind her ears! It can be seen that she is also a layman!

Moreover, Ning Yi didn't download and register a CMore account after several times of her recommendation, presumably there is nothing to show off to others, and she is even more afraid of appearing bleak in comparison with her~

Ding Ziyue swiped her phone, and the marketing at home has been put down—Jiang Linyi and Ding Ziyue's official announcement has successfully caused a sensation all over the country!


After all, in the entertainment industry, it's so much fun, it's really rare for someone like the actor who has the courage to announce his real girlfriend when his career is on the rise. For a while, Ding Ziyue not only became the envy of netizens, but also looked up to by many people in the circle. I don't know what she did to make Jiang Linyi so determined?

Ding Ziyue just smiled at this—it can’t be helped, that’s how lucky she is~~

Ding Ziyue made a list of her gifts.

[@宁子祥: I got a lot of love this year~ Being loved makes people cute, thank you for my him, and you~[Picture]]

[diamond crown,

Master handmade eight-layer cake,

H's rare leather bag,

C’s high-end autumn outfit,…]

Netizens saw that there were all kinds of luxury goods, and there was a long list.

[Fuck, is this the princess' birthday? These gifts add up to a million, right? Make a voice of poverty and ignorance]

[More than that, it costs several million, the diamond crown that Jiang Linyi gave is worth three million]

[Who doesn't want to be Ding Ziyue? 】

[Is there a girl who is more favored than her in this world? 】

Ding Ziyue looked at these comments and was so happy that she danced in the princess room.

Ning Yi hasn't shown up yet, right? Will you cry when you look at her trending searches and gift list?

Ah~! Her favored life!

Ding Ziyue felt refreshed, and Jiang Linyi sent a WeChat message, as calm and gentle as ever.

[Yueyue, we are on the hot search, but you don't have to be afraid]

【I will take care of everything, go to bed early, good night】

Ding Ziyue also replied good night innocently and ignorantly, but her uneasiness about the relationship between the two of them resurfaced. Now she has finally fulfilled her wish to let netizens across the country know Jiang Linyi's importance and love for her, but the love between them still needs some catalysts, so that the following plot can unfold smoothly!

Jiang Linyi has to share hardships with her, experience gains and losses, and then cherish and care for her forever!

And at all the key points of the plot, Gu Dashao is a vital existence.

But the biggest problem now is that Gu Dashao has not been blackened.

His blackness is not enough!

Such a scheming person as Ning Yi must have beautified herself in front of Young Master Gu, so that Young Master Gu not only forgot the fact that she abused him, but also gave her such small favors as setting off fireworks!

So, how can we speed up Young Master Gu's blackening? …

There is no relationship between him and Ning Yi, unlike her and brother Lin Yi, so it is actually easy to break through.

When Ding Ziyue thought about it, the Buddha would forgive her.

There seems to be hope for something to develop in the next giant sports meeting~

Ding Ziyue was thinking about it, and suddenly found that her group news broke again.

Ding Ziyue smiled, did people in the wealthy circle see the trending searches?

Her life of being loved like this will not only make ordinary people sour to death, but even rich young masters like them will be envious of them~

Open the message to see:

[Fuck, is that on Ning Yi's gift list real? 】

【really? ? 】

【…I should have just gone off the **** line just now】

Ding Ziyue: What?

Ning Yi's gift list was rather circuitous.

As soon as she put away her presents that night, the first melon owner of CMore had already smelled it.

On this birthday, Zhao Mochu gave gifts to both Ding Ziyue and Ning Yi, and also participated in Princess Ding's birthday party, eating a lot of candy on the spot.

After reading Ding Ziyue's list at night, she directly asked Ning Yi secretly.

She couldn't believe that Young Master Gu didn't move - after all, "Gu's Moning" was too real!

As long as Brother Wan showed up with a gift, Gu Dashao, who was busy with every day, appeared in person, who can say that this is not jealous? who can?

Ning Yi: [Oh, it’s really nothing]

Ning Yi: [Some small gifts! 】

—The first rule of survival in the last days: Don't expose your wealth!

Making a fortune in silence is the best thing!

It’s just that in the last days, making a fortune is picking up a box of unopened biscuits, but now making a fortune is really making a fortune^3^

Zhao Mochu: [Really! I do not believe! 】

Ning Yi didn't say anything, and she couldn't ask Mr. Gu himself, but—is it difficult to get Zhao Mochu, the number one melon owner in the whole network?

She believes that there will be many talented people among this vast CP fans!

——The "capable man" Zongzhu Zhou has long reservedly sorted out the birthday present for his wife from the Gu family. After all, this is also his accusation.

Then she reservedly asked Young Master Gu, and after not being reprimanded by Young Master Gu, she interpreted it as encouragement and support with great flexibility, so she showed the gift list to the blogger.

Zhao Mochu took a deep breath after watching it.

I'll wipe it, young master Gu, don't be too exaggerated!

Thinking of Ding Ziyuexiu's jewelry, bags, and clothes—

So what is Ding Ziyue showing off? ? ah? ? ?

Her eagerness to compare was filled in an instant!

So among the comments on the Internet, "I envy Ding Ziyue", "Let me live Ding Ziyue's life in the next life", "Ding Ziyue is the happiest little princess in the world", the biggest "Gucheng x Ning Yi x Wan Ge" CP fan blogger shallowly posted the list of gifts Ning Yi received—

Netizens excitedly opened it, thinking what a good thing this is—

[Ruby necklace,

A set of houses in the school district of **** District, City A,

Peach Blossom Hetian Jade Agate Jade Ornament,

A set of Ps5 game consoles,


So far, it has not yet reached the point where it makes people feel awkward.

When Ding Ziyue saw this, her expression was still tense.

Although a little sour, but her diamond crown is more brilliant! Her eight-layer cake has even more sides!

As a result, look down-

[Three-deck luxury yacht Nord,

A 400m2 flat villa in Yunding Water Garden, City A,

The **** logistics company under the Koo Group...]

Ding Ziyue was dumbfounded.

Giving away a yacht is already very exaggerated, but even giving it to a **** company? ! ? !

As soon as this post came out, there was no need for marketing, and it immediately rushed to the trending searches.

[Fuck, he is indeed that man! ! 】

【It has to be a man like Young Master Gu ahhhhhhhhhhhh】

[Everything is going well, BE hard! All things are going well, a crushing defeat! But who knew that Young Master Gu would use such an ability, Brother Wan, you won't lose! 】

Wander saw that his comment section was blown up before the broadcast.

He opened the phone and glanced at it, then closed it expressionlessly.

...that man, top cancer, right?

The wealthy circle in city A was also blown up.

【I do not believe…】

【It's just a dream, good night】

[I'm stupid, I can't sleep, I'm going to die of acid! Did Ning Yi play a trick on Young Master Gu? 】

Ding Ziyue couldn't believe it.

Acting? She doesn't believe it!

She never believed that there would be no one in this world who was more favored and had a better life than her!

What method did Ning Yi use? !

Ding Ziyue's mentality almost collapsed! Now comparing the two sides, it turned out that she lost badly? !

Her number of comments and likes, which were still skyrocketing just now, suddenly went cold, like some kind of mockery.

An hour ago, she was so happy that she was dancing in the room, and now she was collapsing and going crazy in the room.

Do not! This is not possible!

Ding Ziyue's brain began to run crazily, trying to find a way to reverse this situation as soon as possible!

Is there any way, is there any way to drag Ning Yi into the water?

—The next big game?

In the dream, this was originally a plot prepared for her and Jiang Linyi, because there are many double sports in the sports meeting, and partners need to work together to show the tacit understanding and intimacy between them!

And if Ning Yi participates, Gu Dashao's legs are not good, who will she choose as a partner? One name comes to mind - Wander.

After several trivia, although he didn't want to admit it, it seemed that Brother Wan was more interested in Ning Yi than in Ding Ziyue himself! And they seem to have known each other for a long time.

If they can be brought together and the relationship becomes unclear, how can Young Master Gu still favor Ning Yi?

The more Ding Ziyue thought about it, the more feasible it became!

Because e-sports players like this have always lacked exercise, and their physical fitness is not good at all! And although Ning Yi was very bold in the previous activities, it has nothing to do with athletic ability - as long as she finds a way to let the two of them form a team to participate, when the time comes, the men and women will support each other and hook up. Can you bear it with less face? !

Gu Dashao's legs are not good, so this is a dead end!

The joy in Ding Ziyue's heart finally suppressed the sourness, and she couldn't help calling Ning Yi's phone.

Ning Yi: "Hello?"

Ding Ziyue cut to the chase: "Will you come to participate in the next week's sports meeting for the giants?"

Ning Yi: "Huh?"

Ding Ziyue? Where did she come from?

Ding Ziyue: "I officially challenge you! If you need a partner, you can go to Brother Wan. Brother Lin Yi and I will compete with you. Do you dare to accept it? Ning Yi!"

Ning Yi:?

It's already inhumane to compare with her, you still want her to be Captain Rawan? ?

There must be a limit to death!

Ning Yi kindly said, "Uh, that..."

Ding Ziyue shouted hysterically: "Do you dare! I'll ask you if you dare!"

"...That's fine too."

Ding Ziyue hung up the phone with a "snap".

Ning Yi, just wait!

I will definitely break the relationship between you and Young Master Gu!

Ning Yi: OvO?

It seems that you are the most interesting little thing.

Ning Yi fell asleep soundly.

New year! New good life!

—Look at the company!

They won't live in the school district house given by Mr. Gu, mainly because it will appreciate in value. The house that Gu Cheng sent was in the suburbs, and the yacht was by the sea. Only that small company is not far from the Koo Group, so you can see it today.

So Ning Yi happily prepared to get in the car to have a look.

"Honey, are you going?"

After a night, Gu Cheng's surface didn't seem to have changed at all, he was still very indifferent and aloof.

Hearing the words, he just said lightly: "No."

However, he sent a few assistants and bodyguards to accompany Ning Yi, and there was also a professional team to help with the transfer of the company.

Gu Cheng glanced at the back of Ning Yi bouncing out to get into the car, and tapped lightly on his knee with his fingertips.

Now that Ning Yi has become a little more important, it becomes even more necessary to understand her thoroughly and completely.

Young Master Gu likes the feeling that everything is under control.

Therefore, sending to the company - not only fulfills Ning Yi's casual wish, but also hides a bit of temptation.

Now Koo's investment in CMore has basically been confirmed. During the negotiation process, the mysterious founder has been in a state of stealth and does not participate in the commercial part.

However, after several large-scale live broadcasts with high popularity, and the server has maintained super high stability and smooth user experience, CMore has become a trend among young people. At present, the registered users are close to 100 million, and the business prospect is very good. it is good.

The core structure of all this is tied to a person who is unwilling to show up, which increases the risk factor for Gu Cheng.

He is a person who has always had high requirements for security.

So he had to meet the founder before actually allocating money to invest in them.

And Gu Cheng always has a top-notch outstanding businessman and the keenest intuition.

For example, people like Ning Yi and Zhao Weining know each other, for example, Ning Yi's operations when playing games...

However, he will not make judgments without evidence.

Just, probing.

Gu Dashao leaned back on the chair inscrutablely, his gaze was far away.

First pick her up for dinner after get off work in the evening-start to explore.

Ning Yi happily drove to her small company.

The company that Gu Cheng sent her to is in logistics, and its basic business is in the city of A. The dishes are not very big, but the operation is in good condition.

Sending a company to her sounds very cool, but in fact the procedure is a bit troublesome. It is necessary to apply for company transfer at the tax authority of the place where the business license is registered. Fortunately, there are many people who specialize in handling these procedures in Koo.

A law firm team will do notarization to clean up the company's assets, creditor's rights and debts, and give the most accurate asset evaluation, management structure, employee situation, etc.

All of these were handled by very professional people from the Gu team, fearing that Ning Yi would not understand, he specially sent Mr. Zhou, the highest in both business and business, to translate for Ning Yi one by one.

"Madam, is that understandable?"


Ning Yi thinks it is quite clear, and it can be seen that the company is operating very well! There is also a professional cfo in management! Basically, when it is in her hands, just lie down and collect the money, hehe.

The only point is that their online IoT system is a little behind.

Ning Yi thought about it, and when she was able to lie still, she could start to upgrade the system for them.

The current efficiency can be increased by at least three times.

But it's best to wait until Gu Cheng doesn't pay much attention to her small company.


After sitting for a whole day, Ning Yi's stomach started to get hungry very punctually when it was meal time.

And Gu Cheng finished the meeting in the group and came to the subsidiary to pick him up.

The people in this small company haven't seen Young Master Gu in person for eight hundred years. Hearing that Young Master Gu's car is coming, they can't wait to greet them all at the door.


"Welcome Young Master Gu to visit us!"

Seeing this posture, Ning Yi almost couldn't help bowing along with her.

But Gu Cheng didn't get out of the car, he just lowered the car window, nodded to the employees outside, "It's hard work."

Everyone was suddenly excited: "No hard work!"

The proprietress has come to their company. Although it may be a vase, it also shows that Young Master Gu has seen their company!

Flying to the top, just around the corner!

Gu Cheng looked over the crowd, landed on Ning Yi, and hooked his hands.

"Went to eat."

As soon as Ning Yi heard that she was eating, she immediately rushed over like swallows throwing themselves into the forest—

"Here comes my husband!"

The employees of the small company behind were all shocked.

Rumor has it that Young Master Gu has been unfeminine and unkind for many years. He is an iceberg that will not be melted. Now... is this here to pick up his wife for dinner after get off work? ?

Damn, they are so sweet? !

And Mr. Zhou helped his cousin with a look of "you don't understand", and bowed to open the car door for Young Master Gu and Ning Yi.

—You know nothing of the favors of tyrants!

After getting into the car, Ning Yi rubbed her hands excitedly, blinked her eyes and asked, "Honey, you didn't come here to pick up the baby for dinner, did you! You love me so much, I'll cry, woo!"

Gu Cheng said indifferently: "No."

Ning Yi also knows that there must be no, but she has become a habit of selling at least one sword every day when she sees Gu Cheng, "I don't listen, I don't listen, you just love me, and my baby loves you too! I love you so much." How deep it is, I will eat as much as I want later! How about it, husband!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Then two stomachs will be crushed to death, right?

Gu Cheng poker-facedly found a reason for his behavior of coming to pick her up for dinner after get off work: "You eat well, watch the meal."

Ning Yi: "?"

It turned out to be very reasonable.

Ning Yi finally calmed down for a while.

Assistant Zhou reported the situation of the small logistics company to Mr. Gu without any hesitation.

Gu Cheng nodded lightly, "Yes."

Seeing Ning Yi's expression from the corner of his eye, he knew that she should be quite satisfied.

It's really not difficult to make a woman happy. Ah.

"Then husband—when are we going to see my big yacht~"

She is also looking forward to this gift!

When looking at a yacht, you must not only look at it, but also sit and go out to sea, so that you can truly experience the pleasure of owning it!

But how could Gu Cheng have the time?

The young master was expressionless and frowned.

Women, what a hassle.

... Wait until tomorrow to let the assistant take a look and arrange the time.

Today's dinner is at a high-end club.

After being led into the innermost box by the waiter, he pushed open the wooden door, and there was already a person sitting inside.

Ning Yi obediently followed Gu Cheng for half a step, and she didn't show any surprise when she saw a guest, quietly pushing her husband's wheelchair.

When the man saw Gu Cheng coming, he got up and greeted him and Ning Yi.

"Young Master Gu, Mrs. Ning."

"Mr. Zhao." Gu Cheng nodded slightly.

The person who came was the eldest brother of the Zhao family, Zhao Weiying, the eldest brother of Zhao Mochu and Zhao Weining.

Zhao Weiying is in her early thirties this year, and she is also young and promising, with a tough-guy handsome appearance. Before Gu Cheng took charge of the Gu family and swept the business world, Zhao Weiying was also listed as the top ones that the daughters of rich and famous ladies in city A wanted to marry all the year round.

Ning Yi thought for a while, and understood why he was here.

The Zhao family gave Zhao Weining's small Internet company the bottom line. Recently, the CMore platform received investment intentions from Gu's Capital, and professional people were in charge of the business. Zhao Weiying, the eldest brother, directly helped his younger brother.

The composition of the Zhao family is very peculiar, the eldest brother Zhao Weiying is the hope of supporting the whole family, the second young lady Zhao Mochu is an Internet addicted girl who only loves surfing the Internet, eating melons and candy, and the third young master Zhao Weining is addicted to playing games and typing codes since childhood. juvenile.

Zhao Weiying's last hope for the two of them is to abide by the law and be a good person. It is not impossible to rely on him for the rest of his life.

But I don't know why, these two people have made some achievements in their own fields recently?

Zhao Mochu didn't know who she was, and became an internet celebrity with millions of fans in one fell swoop.

Zhao Weining met some noble people, and the joint creation of the CMore platform has been very popular recently.

Zhao Weiying felt that smoke might be rising from the ancestral grave of their old Zhao family.

Ning Yi sucked and drank the smoking black chicken soup.

Both of their bosses don't like to eat very much, so Gu Cheng directly gave Ning Yi the menu and asked her to order whatever she wanted.

Ning Yi didn't hesitate at all, so she just ordered a table, and she wouldn't waste it anyway.

In a private restaurant, the food is served very quickly.

Zhao Weiying and Gu Cheng were chatting about their recent business cooperation at the dinner table, and Ning Yi was there

"The founder of CM, his technology is really strong. Even in the company, it is no longer considered a technology investment, and it is basically their spiritual pillar. Because he built the platform structure, he has enough confidence not to show up. It still plays an important role.”

While drinking tea, Gu Cheng turned the plate that Ning Yi had held three times in front of her, raised his eyelids and asked lightly, "Did Mr. Zhao Er meet that one?"

Ning Yi raised her head and smiled sweetly at her husband, then continued to cook.

Zhao Weiying said, "This kid also kept it a secret from me. He is really promising. I only know that he is also in City A, but the computer technology on the other side crushes us, and the IP is hard to track."

Gu Cheng pondered for a moment, "Yes."

The value of this meal is still very high, Mr. Zhao finally negotiated another business with Gu Dashao. It is of great significance to the Zhao family to be able to cooperate with the Koo Group, which is now a rising dragon.

Mr. Zhao called the waiter and took his bill.

After paying the bill, Zhao Weiying crossed the round table and glanced at Mrs. Ning who was concentrating on eating.

"Madam, do you want to visit Zhao's house next time?" Zhao Weiying smiled a little on his tough face, "I think Wei Ning knows Mrs. Ning, and he likes you."

Gu Cheng's eyes followed immediately, and a blue arc flashed in the deep darkness.

Ning Yi said with a smile: "Ah—indeed, because he plays the game so badly, please be strong to me."

Zhao Weiying froze for a moment.

The corner of Gu Cheng's lips curled up, and he didn't ask for anything in front of outsiders. He took Ning Yi's wrist, and said to Zhao Weiying calmly, "It seems that our Ayi's skills are better."

Zhao Weiying: No, why are you still on top?

This scene suddenly felt like the adults of the two families were comparing their children.

Moreover, Zhao Weiying still lost?

"Haha, come and play at home when you have time."

that day.

After Zhao Weiying returned home, for the first time, there was a conflict of urging Zhao Weining, a young Internet addict, to practice the game well.

Zhao Weiying said seriously: "If you want to fight, just fight like that!"

Zhao Weining: QAQ? are you crazy?

Anyway, Ning Yi was still very full from this meal.

As the saying goes, full of warm thinking——

Ah no, Bao Nuansi when will her husband's legs get better.

After all, today's company is very satisfied, and tonight's meal is also very satisfied. Yesterday Ning Yi was still secretly determined to give him a massage with the effect of 398 yuan!

Well, let's learn about it!

After Gu Cheng came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Ning Yi gently invited him: "Husband~ sit up by yourself~"

"..." Gu Cheng was silent for two seconds, "Your lines should be normal."

But Gu Cheng did sit down.

He looked at her calmly.

Ning Yi gently stretched out her two paws and started a whole set of massage.

She is still studying hard! After all, acupuncture points are not common knowledge that can be used.

Ning Yi's massage starts with the acupuncture points on the top of the head, then the shoulder joints, upper arms, and forearms, focusing on his Laogong, Taichong, and Yongquan points. The whole has a very healthy and traditional flavor.

Gu Cheng endured it for a while, then couldn't hold back and opened his eyes, "What kind of massage technique did you learn?"

The young master looked somewhat suspicious.

Ning Yi: "Ah, that's right, a massage full of love!"

Gu Cheng expressionless: "Let me see."

Ning Yi tried to cover it, but he accidentally saw the phone screen.

—[A 4-year-old girl in a certain place massages her vegetative mother for 20 minutes every day! 】

She learned how to massage vegetative people.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: "O.O"

After a while, Gu Cheng smiled coolly.

Afterwards, the man's tall, powerful body slowly enveloped him. His body wasn't even as pale as when he was lying down, and his emperor-like body had almost recovered.

"Ayi, do you think," Gu Cheng's voice blew past her ears with air, "I'm still a vegetable."

His legs are actually tactile now.

All three legs.

Ning Yi: "Oh yes."

Then change it! It's okay, I'm a fast learner!

Gu Cheng put away the pressure on his body, leaned back coldly, and looked at Ning Yi from top to bottom.

A little fool.

Ning Yi tapped the phone a few more times, learned quickly, then pushed her husband back to the bed, and said enthusiastically, "Come on!"

Gu Cheng subconsciously supported her waist, "You..."

Don't be so direct.

Ning Yi directly grabbed his two arms, and pressed her knees on his waist—Thai-style loose bone massage!

Gu Cheng: "?"

In just a few seconds, Young Master Gu was almost folded like a quilt by her.

"How is it, are you happy?"

"It is said on the Internet that this posture is very cool!"

"Husband, call out if you feel comfortable!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

The servants and bodyguards in the whole villa wanted to retreat eight hundred miles.

"... Forget it, wife," Gu Cheng stopped her silently, "Forget it."

This is not a massage, this is a life-saving.

However, Ning Yi has already taken the lead, and wants to play with him.

"Honey, watch me knead! Dial! Big! Legs! Front! Muscle—"

Gu Cheng couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his hand to grab her palm.

The bodies were switched, and Ning Yi was in his body. After being honest for a second, he finally realized something was wrong.

Ning Yi: "!"

She tried her permission again, but fortunately, she was able to switch back normally.

Now Ning Yi didn't even care that she was held in Gu Cheng's arms, and raised her head slowly: "Can you swap!?"

Gu Cheng: "."

He reached out and brushed her messy hair behind her ears, revealing her shocked face.

Ning Yi: You old bastard! You are very scheming!

Ning Yi crawled darkly in his arms: "Honey! You didn't even tell me—"

Gu Cheng hugged her waist tightly: "Don't rub around."

Ning Yi suddenly turned over, stretched out her hand and patted a little positive big positive, "You don't have a place to talk!"

Gu Cheng was snapped a bit: "? You—"

Ning Yi didn't expect Gu Cheng to secretly do a lot of tricks, maybe this old Yinbi's legs are already healed, but he sneaked around and didn't tell her! ?

There is a crisis of trust between husband and wife.

Gu Cheng hugged her and lay down, covered her with a quilt, "Go to sleep."

Stop fussing.

Ning Yi: "Oh."


Gu Cheng woke up, but found himself in Ning Yi's body.

But Ning Yi was not by her side.

Gu Cheng squinted his eyes and sat up, when he suddenly heard movement in the bathroom.

— "Stand! Stand!"

Ning Yi passionately sang to encourage Gu Cheng's two legs.

Stop pretending and stand up!

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng lay back down again.

Good night.