Ning Yi encouraged her for a long time in the middle of the night, but she didn't stand up.

But the legs do have feeling and a little bit of strength.

It seems that it is basically following the progress of the plot to recover a little bit.

Ning Yi came out of the bathroom pushing a wheelchair—singing "Gu Yong Zhe" to her husband's legs in the middle of the night, don't be so moved! ^3^

Of course, her actual purpose is to secretly monitor the situation in Gucheng! After all, he has secretly switched bodies! Fortunately, after inspection, the crisis of trust between husband and wife has been temporarily alleviated.

The most recent episode of the original plot is that Ding Ziyue enjoyed all kinds of attention after the official announcement with Jiang Linyi, but at the same time worried that her life would be disturbed, so she returned to the wealthy circle and was with her sisters.

The wealthy sports meet is also an annual event for the rich ladies and sons of city A. Certainly not as simple as an ordinary sports meeting, and the game is bigger. There are not only various interesting activities, but also a bunch of cross-country projects, as well as outdoor multi-person collaborative training.

Jiang Linyi felt distressed that Ding Ziyue's life was disturbed by him, so he would definitely accompany her to participate in activities in their circle.

And in the original plot, there is no role of the original owner. At this time, the original owner had already been tortured by Gu Cheng because he had abused him crazily when he was in a vegetative state, and was about to be thrown into a mental hospital.

Ning Yi went back to bed, thinking that he must not abuse me now!

Gu Cheng closed his eyes and did not fall asleep.

He is also thinking about when the leg will fully recover, maybe it needs an opportunity.

I just don't know, in this world, what will become an opportunity?

Just as he was thinking, he put his hands on his neck.

Gu Cheng opened his eyes: "?"

Ning Yi: Didn't you sleep?

The hands were quietly withdrawn again.


Just give it a try.

In case Gu Cheng is really blackened by the plot in the later stage, how can she protect herself (Dark Shark) in a reasonable way!

Gu Cheng: "?"

The husband and wife were lying on the bed smoothly.

After a while, Ning Yi suddenly opened his eyes.

"Honey, you're awake, why don't you sign with me?"

"?" In the darkness, Gu Cheng's voice was very flat, "What code?"

Ning Yi: "Stand up, stand up, with the humblest dream! To the woo in the dark night—"

Gu Cheng covered her mouth with his hand: "Good night."

Ning Yi: "Oh."

In the second half of the night, there was no more tossing.

Waking up the next day, Ning Yi felt that after Gu Cheng woke up, she also yawned.

Gu Cheng turned around and glanced at her, "Are you going to get up?"

Usually Ning Yi wakes up much later than him, and can continue to lie down during the day.

Ning Yi rubbed her eyes and said in bewilderment, "I have to go to the imperial conquest, my company is waiting for me..."

Gu Cheng made her laugh.

He gave her a gentle nod between her eyebrows, and Ning Yi's willpower to get up early was defeated by him, and she fell backward into the soft blanket.

"You don't have to wake up early."

Otherwise, is she sent to the company to make her work hard? of course not.

That logistics company operates its own system, and it doesn't matter whether the boss goes or not.

Otherwise, why did he choose this one as a gift for her? Ah.

Ning Yi looked at Gu Cheng sleepily, feeling that at this moment he was more or less masculine.

"Honey, you are so handsome, so handsome that I can hardly open my eyes..."

"Oh my god, how can you be so handsome, I am so happy to see you when I open my eyes!..."

Gu Cheng paused slightly with his tie-on hand, and then smiled lightly.

"Black suits me."

Gu Cheng picked up a watch from the cloakroom, and while elegantly buckling it on his wrist, with a perfect profile, he asked Ning Yi indifferently: "Do you need to change the color of the tie?"

Ning Yi: "zzZZZ"

Gu Cheng: "..."

never mind.

So that day, Ning Yi got enough sleep before getting up.

It’s a wonderful world to eat, drink, lie down and make a lot of money—

She walked out of the room in a happy mood, and met the servant of the other building in the corridor, but the servant immediately blushed and lowered her head.

Ning Yi: What's wrong with OvO?

They not only blushed, but also gathered together to cover their mouths and whisper together.

However, Ning Yi's hearing ability is too good, so she can hear it.

"My wife was so enthusiastic last night!"

"I heard my wife kept asking me if I'm happy!"

"Young Master Gu has no voice, it must be..."

Ning Yi: O-O and so on.

It's not what you think!

She just massaged her husband chastely!

However, Biedong began to spread rumors that Young Master Gu and his wife were like glue.

Gu Cheng should have felt this atmosphere when he left in the morning, right? Thinking that Young Master Gu should be more speechless than her, Ning Yi's mind immediately regained his balance!

Just act like it never happened! Ning Yi left Biedong as if nothing had happened.

It's okay, she's not ashamed!


Ning Yi had lunch at home before going to the company.

Sitting in the car, Ning Yi thought that he was also a boss now, should he use Gu Cheng's body to pretend to be aggressive?

She turned on the front of the phone and felt it, and saw that her face didn't look like the king of the king.

So she opened the webpage and searched for "the aura of the domineering president king".

Click on the first three items—

"I can't save her, I want all of you to be buried with me!"

"If she runs away, I want all of you to be buried with her!"

"If she sheds a single tear, I want all of you to be buried with her!"

Ning Yi: "?"

Twenty minutes later.

Ning Yi got out of the car with an approachable smile.

It's okay to be buried with her, but she should be a good boss! When you want to pretend to be aggressive, just use your husband’s body to pretend to be aggressive, so it’s decided ^3^

Mr. Gu, who was having a meeting in the group building not far away, had an itchy nose.

And who cursed him.

After Ning Yi got off the car, the general manager came to greet her. Ning Yi didn't disturb anyone, so she quietly looked around.

After all, she is not like a certain business emperor, who is always lined up, surrounded by four assistants and a dozen bodyguards.

In fact, she doesn't feel like she is the boss, after all, there is a platform behind her that is more profitable and bigger, and she has never seen her put on airs.

The main operation of the logistics company is to look at the daily counting and checking of goods, the warehousing, delivery, and quality inspection of goods. After the warehouse checks, it is connected to the finance department. The whole system is a complete system.

Indeed, as Gu Cheng said, it is the same whether the company has a boss or not, and it is operating in an orderly manner according to the existing system.

The overall operation is still reasonable, but the efficiency of digitalization and informatization is not high.

In the eyes of a top architect like her, the room for upgrades is very, very high.

Ning Yi walked around looking around like an old man with her hands behind her back, and then she had a score in her heart.

In the end, I leaned against the door of a large office without making a sound, and watched the employees inside enter the item data of the goods one by one into the computer.

Ning Yi looked at it for a while, and asked, "Aren't you tired from typing this way?"

The employee turned his head and suddenly saw a big beautiful woman appearing, and he was shocked.

Only then did they realize that this was their new boss, and also the wife of the big boss.

Thinking that Ning Yi is the woman who Mrs. Gu would pick up from get off work in person, the employees subconsciously showed a flattering smile—the boss lady is always a character who must be on good terms with each other!

Ning Yi waved his hand.

Neither domineering air nor domineering posture seem to be suitable for her, so just do it together and it's over.

Buddy, all buddies.

Ning Yi raised his palms upwards: "Come on, get up and down, I'll come."

The employees got up tremblingly, thinking that it was like this in novels and TV dramas—the lady boss is beautiful, but in reality she is just a vase, but the new official takes office three times, and likes to dictate the work of the people under him the most.

This one won't be...

While the employees were complaining, they saw Ning Yi's slender, white fingers flying quickly over the keyboard, and quickly completed a simple input program—what efficiency is purely manual mechanical input? There is still an error rate of at least 5%, which is too far behind. Ning Yi is like a digital robot. Originally, he wanted to create a larger system program, but suddenly realized that he had just arrived, and if he made too much noise, he might really lead to a certain king, so he stopped.

The whole process was also very fast. Her hand speed and brain speed were astonishing. After everything was dealt with, Ning Yi clapped her hands and stood up, turning around to take a look.

All the employees looked at her in shock: "0 mouth 0"


Fuck, their boss lady is not a vase at all!

Ning Yi waved her hands in an approachable manner, "Everyone, continue working."

All employees: "OK!"

Mr. Ning finished his tour of his small company, and felt that he was indeed not as good as the overlord.

There is always a bit of charm missing, what is it?

When going downstairs, Ning Yi took a look at her beautiful face in the mirror in the elevator, and thought: Maybe a wheelchair is missing!

Ha ha ^_^

There are never too many bamboo shoots to win your husband.

She flipped through her phone, guessing that Mr. Gu Daba is still in a meeting.

So Ning Yi scrolled down to her own chat group, [A large group of handsome men at the beginning of Yuanshi] was @她.

On their birthday, they gathered in the group to give Ning Yi red envelopes. A group of social fear programmers were too embarrassed to meet the goddess, and then Ning Yi cheerfully sent several big red envelopes. Later, they also saw Ning Yi's gift list on the Internet, and Zhao Weining took the lead in crying—

[Sister, you already have another company! 】

【Will you not want us QAQ】

【Wooooow, the orangutan weeps.jpg】

Ning Yi said gently like a scumbag: [No, no, this is home]


【Excited! 】

Zhao Weining asked again: [Sister, are you coming to our house to play? My brother said that I met you at dinner that day]

After he came back, he supervised him to play games well—who are he comparing with! hateful!

Ning Yi thought for a while: [I ask Gu Cheng]

The programmers in the group were silently shown their faces.


But when they thought about Young Master Gu's terrifying gift list, they suddenly felt that the big brother and sister were worth it!

Ning Yi sent a message to Gu Cheng: [Husband]

The other side didn't return.

Ning Yi: [Old Man]

Gu Cheng: [? 】

Can this title be changed at will?

Everyone in the conference room watched Young Master Gu pick up the phone, and subconsciously kept silent for a while, thinking that there was some important business information that needed to be followed up in time.

Gu Cheng unlocked the phone and spent two seconds reading Ning Yi's message:

【Husband, Zhao Weining called me to play at Zhao's house~】

【Are you going? 】

Gu Cheng was discussing projects worth billions of dollars at the meeting, so he had no time to go to Zhao's house to play.

【Not going. 】

He replied the message simply and simply, then locked the phone and put it aside.

Handling private messages during working hours was not his work norm.

The executives on the stage saw Young Master Gu's eyes return to the screen, and immediately picked up what he had just said and continued.

But within two seconds, Young Master Gu picked up his phone again and quickly replied.

[Tell Wang Wu to follow you. Don't play too late. 】

Ning Yi: [OK]

Gu Cheng then locked the phone.

...Wait until he gets off work to catch people.

The Zhao family is on the other side of the city, living with the rich families of the Ding family.

When Ning Yi got out of the car, she saw many familiar faces in the wealthy circle of city A, such as Ding Ziyue's best friend Wen Xiaoman and so on.

All of them were wearing sports equipment, and they were going to exercise in the gymnasium in the villa area.

Seeing Ning Yi, they subconsciously wanted to smile away with disdain, but the dead gift list in their minds suddenly began to attack them.

What the **** did Ning Yi do!

Why on earth could Ning Yi let Young Master Gu treat her like this?

But they stared through without seeing why.

But fortunately, Ning Yi has an innate weakness in this wealthy sports meeting~

Because men and women are required to fight together, the ladies and daughters of the wealthy circle all find their husbands, boyfriends, or the young masters of the same wealthy circle.

And Ning Yi's husband, it is impossible to accompany her to participate in activities~

So even if Young Master Gu spent so much money on her, so what? If they want to fully recover as the emperor they admired most in their hearts back then, they must stand up. But Young Master Gu has been awake for so long, isn't he still in a wheelchair?

Relying on this, the group of them found a delicate balance in their hearts.

After all - if Gu Dashao's legs recover, he is still so handsome and so sexy, so rich and so domineering, they will really be sour to the point of being corroded!

Wen Xiaoman looked at Ning Yi: "I heard from Yueyue that you want to find your e-sports player friend to accompany you to participate?"

Although that wanderer is indeed quite handsome, but after all, he is not from the circle of wealthy families, and his identity is quite different~

"?" Ning Yi said in her heart that I haven't told Wan Ge yet.

Did Ding Ziyue spread the word quickly?

——Of course Ding Ziyue is coming soon, she is afraid that her big plan will fail this time, so she has already spread the word that Ning Yi is going to ask Wan Ge to participate in the sports meeting this time.

Since Wan Ge can't be her infatuated male partner, then he can become her **** to promote the plot!

Ding Ziyue felt that not only did she have the most favored life, but she also had the smartest brain in the world because she could predict the future.

So Ding Ziyue has been working crazily for the past few days, in order to crush Ning Yi fiercely in the sports meeting, so that Ning Yi and Wander can be the control group for herself and brother Lin Yi!

Ding Ziyue updated her beautiful daily life on her CM account:

[You must maintain a healthy body~ in order to be worthy of the love of him and his family~[Picture][Picture]]

Fans in the comments are also boasting.

[Self-disciplined and gentle, she deserves to be the woman Jiang Linyi fell in love with! 】

【Ah, so I heard that wealthy circles in several provinces are going to jointly hold a sports meeting. I'm so looking forward to it! 】

A smug smile appeared on the corner of Ding Ziyue's lips, and then he raised the barbell with a grunt.

— In order to defeat Ning Yi in the sports meeting, it is worth going through some hardships!

Over there, Ning Yi waved goodbye to the arrogant Wen Xiaoman and the others, thinking that this is the end of the conversation, so let's invite.

She sent a message to Team Wan:【1】

On the other side is a second answer: [in]

Ning Yi is happy, she really lives online.

However, this will be the broadcast time of Wander, and all viewers saw that he suddenly received a message, and then immediately went back to the past. Although he was wearing a black mask, sporadic smiles flashed in his eyes.

Ning Yi: [Will you come to that wealthy sports meeting]

Wan Ge: [You invited me? 】

Ning Yi: [Mmmm. 】

Wander laughed twice. Even if you have a conscience.

Small 01.

Wan Ge: 【1111】

Ning Yi: 【1】

The communication between the two of them is also very fast, and they can get to each other directly.

The same is true in combat. Don't think that 01 is engaged in technology and communication, but if he can survive the end of the world, he cannot be a weak chicken with physical fitness.

It's just that now she prefers to lie flat. If she really wants to move, she is still the person in the world who can work with him tacitly.

Wander locked the phone, and was obviously in a good mood when he played the game again.

The fans in the live broadcast room were all asking, many people were cueing Sister Ning.

Qander: "Huh? I'm not smiling."

"It's just that I can move around after a while, and I'm a little happy."

Wander touched his silver earrings, and the smile on the lower lip of the black mask showed a hint of wildness after survival in the doomsday.

It just so happened that it was time for him to move his muscles.

When Ning Yi finally arrived at Zhao's house, Zhao Weining had been waiting with staring eyes.

In order to welcome 01, the third young master made a special request and invited an outside chef to cook at home. Tonight's dinner is much more grand than usual.

This made Ning Yi very happy! Very satisfied!

His programmer brothers heard that 01 really went to his house for dinner, and they were all very envious.

Zhao Weiying was also there at night. After all, there were people coming as guests, and the adults had to be present out of courtesy. He also asked why Gu Cheng didn't come, but considering how busy Young Master Gu is, it's really impossible to have dinner with his wife all the time.

The remaining Zhao Weining and Zhao Mochu are very familiar with Ning Yi, so the atmosphere at the table is very good.

Wherever Ning Yi eats, he doesn't look outside and doesn't make a fuss. After cutting a piece of black pepper Australian beef ribs, he comes back with a smile. It's really delicious!

Seeing that Ning Yi has such a good appetite, Zhao Weiying glanced at Zhao Mochu, who was also eating well, and finally fell on Zhao Weining, who was poking back and forth at the meat in the bowl and refused to eat—

"Eat more!" Zhao Weiying scolded him seriously, "Look at him."

Zhao Weining: How can QAQ be compared!

After dinner, Ning Yi originally said that he would play games with Zhao Weining.

As a result, Zhao Weiying, who had already gone to work in the study, quietly popped out again, with a paternal smile on his face: "Do you two want to compete? I will be the referee."

Ning Yi: "?"

Zhao Weining: "??"

He wanted to tell his face that he was sick! But he dare not!

Zhao Weiying has been overwhelmed by Gu Dashao all the year round, and it's nothing more than being compared to the past in terms of masculinity. The children in the family can't be worse than Gu Dashao.

"Forget it bro!"

"It's okay, I'm not busy with work."

In the end, Zhao Weiying was held down hard by his younger brother, while Ning Yi was dragged away by Zhao Mochu who was covering his face.

"Don't pay attention to him, their middle-aged men always have inexplicable obsessions."

Ning Yi thought for a while, it seemed to outsiders that Gu Cheng and Zhao Weiying belonged to the same generation, so could Gu Cheng also be considered a middle-aged man?

But he's only 30 next month—ah no, 29!

She was finally pulled to Zhao Mochu's room.

Her room is very big, and the wall is covered with posters of her previous career since adolescence like a girl from an ordinary family. At first glance, she looks like an old world of chasing stars and surfing the Internet.

As soon as Ning Yi walked to her computer, she saw the photos of her x Gucheng and her team x Wan posted on the top of the computer.

Ning Yi: "?"

Zhao Mochu grinned—the CP fan danced in front of the right lord, it really belonged to me!

Ning Yi: "That's all for you with Gu Cheng, can you get up with Brother Wan too?"

Zhao Mochu: "Yes, yes."

And this time in the wealthy sports meeting, "everything is going well" is definitely going to be a big hit, hahaha. Ding Ziyue has already warmed up in the circle, and Zhao Mochu has a tenth-level warning.

When the time comes, Wanshiruyi's sugar and Gu's Moning vinegar will be served together, so don't expect too much, okay?

Ning Yi scratched her head, and was dragged by Zhao Mochu to talk about the content of this event.

"You don't know, this time the rich family sports meeting is a big gathering of several provincial rich families. You see, Jiang Linyi and the other rich families will also come here, so Ding Ziyue is looking for a place, because besides Jiang Linyi's childhood sweetheart The Song family also has quite a few of his friends, so Princess Ding must amaze everyone."

"But speaking of it—they chose the western suburbs as their venue this time, it seems that the racecourse is all owned by Young Master Gu, hahaha, so you are the real invisible young lady!"

Ning Yi thought to herself, no wonder.

Why is Gu Cheng the king who is beaten and crushed throughout the book? There are really foreshadowing everywhere.

He is so rich! I love it so much!

"According to international practice, there will be performances at the opening of the sports meeting of wealthy families. I bet that Princess Ding will definitely start the show with a shock. And as far as I know, there are quite a lot of lamps in the wealthy families in neighboring provinces," Zhao Mochu rubbed his hands all over his face. Excited, "Ahahaha, I like watching this kind of scene the most, haha!"

Ning Yi looked at Zhao Mochu's gradually ferocious expression, and found it a bit interesting to be led.

Watching other people fight, yes. Ning Yi stroked her chin.

"But it's impossible for you to just watch from the sidelines," Zhao Mochu told her in time, "one is because you are beautiful, sister, it is hard for others not to pay attention to you. The other is because you are too popular now, and your young master Gu The move is really shocking, and people from other provinces will definitely look for this Ning Yi first when they come over."

Ning Yi: "..."

All right.

"But you really want to participate with Brother Wan, right?" Zhao Mochu asked excitedly, "Will Young Master Gu stop it?"

Ning Yi didn't understand, so: "Why did he stop, he doesn't care about me."

What a good husband with more money and less trouble!

Now even the comparison has been corrected, my God, Gu Cheng is really a good person when he thinks about it this way!

Zhao Mochu looked like you were **** kidding me.

Young Master Gu doesn't care about Ning Yi? What a joke.

She bet that Young Master Gu would personally come to Zhao's house to pick someone up at fifty cents later.

"Anyway, I'm really looking forward to this sports meeting. No matter how you two perform, I'm sure netizens will love it~"

"All right, all right."

I hope that Brother Wan, who is fighting in the last days, will not show the netizens to death.

According to the practice of the end of the world, she can even lie down where the captain is.

After a while, Zhao Weining came over to call Ning Yi.

After all, 01's vest was to be guarded by them, seeing that there was no one else around, Zhao Weining dared to discuss their platform with Ning Yi in a low voice.

The recent operation and maintenance has been very stable. Although Ning Yi seems to be lying down, in fact, all the details are followed up and solved in real time. It's just that she solves it too fast, so she spends a long time lying down.

"If Gu's Capital really allocates funds to invest in us, it still insists on seeing you."

Ning Yi touched her chin.

The person who slept next to the pillow insisted on seeing me.

Also, quite exciting.

Zhao Weining was worried and analyzed very well for her: "Sister, why don't you confess to Young Master Gu? Young Master Gu will definitely be very shocked and surprised, and then treat you better!"

Ning Yi thought to herself, Gu Dashao has kept secrets from her even if she has the authority to exchange—you don't understand things between husband and wife, buddy!

"Let's talk about the money first, and I can give them a little sincerity." Ning Yi can make a more detailed structure for the CM industry ecology of Gu's layout, "If you really meet, you can go to the place where we signed the contract." one day."

Anyway, because of her family status, she can't have any influence on the money^3^

Zhao Weining nodded: "Okay! And the one we made this time..."

The two of them stood under the corridor outside Zhao's villa, the lights were dim.

When Gu Cheng was led by the housekeeper of the Zhao family, he saw the two men whispering with their heads down, not knowing what they were talking about.

The old butler suddenly felt that the temperature around him became colder.

Gu Cheng's face was indifferent, but his tone was cold.

"What are you talking about? So happy."

When Ning Yi turned her head, her golden husband came.

Zhao Weining suddenly felt a cold murderous aura.

But Ning Yi didn't feel anything, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about something important."

Gu Cheng raised his brows lightly, and there was no warmth in his eyes: "A big deal?"

Ning Yi: "Yeah."

Zhao Weining gradually flinched under Gu Cheng's pitch-dark gaze—Young Master Gu, are you jealous? ? ?

But both of them are really working, QAQ!

"If there is any important matter, Mr. Zhao San can come to the group and talk to me in person." Gu Cheng took Ning Yi's wrist, "You don't have to bother my wife."

Ning Yi glanced at him and thought: Damn it, it's right!

This coercive aura that despises everything and crushes everyone to the point of trembling!

Sure enough, she is almost a wheelchair ^3^

After Gu Cheng greeted Zhao Weiying, he took his child away.

And Zhao Weining was stared at by Zhao Weiying with hatred, making him even more sad!

He did nothing wrong! Why are you doing this to him QAQ!

And Zhao Mochu watched Young Master Gu take him away with a deadly smile on his face.

— This sports meeting, Mr. Gu, don't be jealous of yourself!

Ah ha ha ha ha.

Gu Cheng got into the car with Ning Yi indifferently.

Mr. Zhou in the front row asked with a smile, "Master, are you going back to the manor?"

Gu Cheng said lightly: "Yes."

But as soon as the car left the villa area, Song Lan called.

"Oh, don't come back!"

"This time for Xiaoyi's birthday, didn't Ah Cheng give away a set of Yunding Water Garden? Xiaoyi hasn't seen it yet, and Mom has already got it cleaned up!"

Song Lan had already heard about it from the gossip of the servants! Now the relationship between their husband and wife is too strong!

Always living in the manor at home, does it affect the children's performance?

"Occasionally you change places to live! It just so happens that Ah Cheng doesn't have time for a honeymoon after waking up, right? You can just stay there for a few nights!"

Gu Cheng turned his head to look at Ning Yi, and Ning Yi could hear the volume clearly.

Her eyes are bright: "Okay, okay, okay."

My big house! I'm coming!

Gu Cheng then returned to Song Lan: "...All right."

Yunding Water Garden is also the main residence of high-end villas, with a very large area and very transparent. Gu Cheng showed her the photo on her birthday, and Ning Yi already thought it was great!

When she really arrived in her big house, Ning Yi was filled with joy from the moment she entered the door.

The houses in Yunding are a little newer than those in Bishui Yunshu, and because Bishui is a large villa, while Yunding is a flat floor, the decoration here is relatively younger, with a lot of technological and simple design, Ning Yi is simply I like it so much!

Excitedly wandered around, and finally found that this flat also has a small gym.

Just in time to exercise for the sports meeting.

After Gu Cheng brought the man over, he went directly to the study. Young Master Gu never had the concept of leisure in his life.

Let alone a honeymoon?


By the time Young Master Gu finished handling the work, the assistants had already left, and the big house became quiet.

Gu Cheng came out to look for Ning Yi, and saw her in the gym.

are exercising.

Do exercise.

The thin arms hold the iron.

Then on the table next to it—there are iced Fat House Happy Water, her favorite pickle-flavored potato chips, very high-calorie caramel popcorn, and a stack of handmade perfect.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Do you have such fitness?

Ning Yi was so happy, so happy, she practiced while eating.

Seeing Gu Cheng appearing, she waved her hand, "Husband, do you want to play?"

Gu Cheng: "No."

His body management has a dedicated team to operate, and he also has a fixed time for strength training every day, which is not a joke like Ning Yi.

Ning Yi invited him: "Then next week, will you come to the sports meeting? There will be a baby's heroic appearance!"

Gu Cheng: "Not interested."

He had to find time for the honeymoon. Not to mention such exaggerated and meaningless activities.

Ning Yi: "Good."

Husband really doesn't care who she attends with! really not bad.

She had just exercised, and her face was flushed, and her skin was slightly moisturised, making her look even paler.

Gu Cheng looked at it twice, and then said: "Go to sleep."

Ning Yi smiled charmingly: "Honey, are you inviting me?"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless, turned around and left.

Go take a shower and cool off.

Lying on the new big bed at night, I felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Gu Cheng was leaning on the bedside to read the financial report, while Ning Yi was lying and rolling beside him.

This bed is about 0.1 meters narrower than the one at home, which is actually not much narrower, but Ning Yi finds it inconvenient to roll around.

The last kick on Gu Cheng's thigh made him feel comfortable.

Gu Cheng: "..."

Ning Yi stepped on his leg, showing a posture of kayaking on the bed - it is said that there will be kayaking events in this sports meeting.

Ning Yi raised her head shyly and asked, "Why is my husband still working? Are you not tired? Are you physically strong?"

Gu Chenggao sneered, "Of course."

his physical strength. Ha ha.

Afraid to frighten her.

Seeing him like this, Ning Yi's heart would rush to him every day.

"Husband, the financial report looks good, but I do!" Ning Yi paddled his legs like oars, "Why don't you look at others! Hmm, eh?"

Gu Cheng held her calf: "Don't make trouble."

Do you want to row to the sky?

Ning Yi stepped on his legs and lifted her head up, pouting her lips in response to him: "What's the matter, what's the matter, do you not cherish it when you get it, does it mean that you have other little pigs outside, so you don't love me?" gone?"

Gu Cheng finally put the financial report aside, took off his eyes, and looked down at her.

"It's noisy, right?" Gu Cheng said.

She has been really proud of being favored recently.

No matter what, I will ride on him.

Gu Cheng lowered his eyelashes and fell on her pouty lips.

"Husband, why are you so fierce, I just—"

Gu Cheng lowered his head and approached suddenly.

It seems to be kissing.

When he was only one centimeter away from her, Ning Yi suddenly pressed his chest.

The cold breath from Gu Cheng's thin lips passed her nose very close.

Ning Yi leaned back and said wittily, "Haha, you think I don't know?"

Gu Cheng's voice was very low, and her fingertips landed on the inside of her thin and soft wrist.

Ning Yi pointed to his hand and said, "Handshakes can be interchanged, but wristshakes can't, right!"

So kissing must also be a mechanism! Ning Yi already had guesses last night!

Gu Cheng:? Who told you this.

Ning Yi's eyes were bright and shining, and her beautiful red lips were chattering nonsense: "Do you think I can't figure it out? Your exchange mechanism, huh? Last time it was a handshake exchange, and the palms of the palms are close, so it is It was caused by physical contact, and this physical contact is definitely not something that can be changed by just posting it anywhere, otherwise I treat you so □□ every day—ah no, I love you so much, we would have changed it in pieces long ago!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

You are smart.

Ning Yi is still nagging: "So this exchange must be a specific sticker, like the palms facing each other, it is the same part of the two of us, so! There is only one truth! If you kiss me, you must be able to exchange bodies ,right!-"

Gu Cheng couldn't bear it.

Who wants to kiss her.

When he lowered his head, the thin lips were only a centimeter away from her, but they fell down to her fair neck.

Simply took a bite.

good smell.


Gu Cheng's mood inexplicably improved again.

And Ning Yi clutched his neck, disbelief gradually appeared on his pink face: "?!"

Gu Cheng's brows and eyes were loose, and he leaned back leisurely, staring at her.

And Ning Yi's eyes gradually climbed up an expression of grievance, shame and indignation.

— he bit me!

— Zombies have never bit me!

Ning Yi: "Woo hoo."

Gu Cheng looked at her for a while, then bowed his head in surrender, and showed her the side of his neck, "I'll bite you back, okay."

Ning Yi roared like a tiger: "I'm not a zombie!"

Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows: "Then you say I am?"

Ning Yi smiled darkly: "Zombies are not the only ones who can bite people."


Call him a dog, right?

Gu Cheng remained expressionless and held her back.

"Then do it again."