The next day, Zongzhu Zhou brought the driver to Yunding Water Park to pick them up.

It is said that husband and wife will have a different kind of excitement when they change to a new environment, but on the surface it seems that there is not much difference - Young Master Gu still has a cold aura, while his wife is still calm and energetic.

Mr. Zhou helped them open the car door, and wondered if it was because he didn't arrange a romantic atmosphere for Young Master Gu this time, unlike the couple's presidential suit on a business trip to S City last time—

Then he suddenly caught a glimpse of a faint tooth mark on the side of his wife's neck.

Assistant Zhou: "!"

See no evil, see no evil.

Mr. Zhou sat down in the passenger seat excitedly, thinking—

Young Master! As expected of you, young master!

Everything is going well, what do you compare with a real couple? !

The Giants Games is about to be held recently, according to the usual practice, Gu Dashao probably won't participate. Therefore, Mr. Zhou helped Mr. Gu to arrange his time very considerately. During the two days of the sports meeting, he would definitely be able to spare time to watch the games!

A professional general assistant must have the ability to predict that the boss will be jealous. After all, Young Master Gu didn't know the competition system of this year's sports meeting, but he did!

In fact, if Gu Dashao participates in the sports meeting, it will definitely become the biggest attraction of this year.

Because in the minds of Mr. Zhou, his assistants and bodyguards, Mr. Gu's athletic ability is actually quite exaggerated. This man is by no means only intellectual. He had fascinated many people when he was the equestrian champion. But not only that, Gu Dashao is very good at riding and shooting, and his long-distance running physical fitness is beyond the average person. It's just that now that Mr. Gu is in a wheelchair, his ability in this area is gradually overshadowed by his business talent and IQ.

—It also gave others an opportunity to take advantage of it!

Zongzhu Zhou sat in the front row, sighing deeply.

Fortunately, that wander doesn't seem to be very powerful, and the effect of my wife's participation in the competition with him may not be very good. After Mr. Gu's legs are healed, the wife will be able to compare the difference, right?

The drive back from Yunding will pass by the company first, so Gu Cheng will get off the car first, and then send Ning Yi back to the manor.

Ning Yi looked at the registration items for this sports meeting on her mobile phone, and was going to ask Team Wan before making a decision.

Flipping through the pages, remembering that the venue for this race was next to the Xijiao Racecourse, Ning Yi thought of the little red horse she and Gu Cheng rode before swapping bodies.

"Husband," Ning Yi poked him, "so why did you name that horse Xiaohong?"

It is obvious that he is a beautiful pony of white + black.

Gu Cheng raised his eyes and thought for a while, "It seems that when the horse first came, someone rode it and fell his face with blood."

Ning Yi: "?"

Then you took the blood on your face and named it, right?

Very good, very amoral, I like it.

"It's Wang Wu," Mr. Zhou said in a timely manner, and secretly hinted at Young Master Gu's athletic ability to his wife, "At that time Xiaohong was only able to ride by Young Master Gu, and Young Master Gu was very powerful."

Ning Yi clapped her hands very cooperatively: "Socks!"

Gu Cheng leaned on the back of the chair with a calm face, and the corner of his lips curled up: "Next time there is a new horse, I can take you there to name it."

After finishing speaking, Gu Cheng paused.

Young Master Gu suddenly realized that the time promised to Ning Yi was a bit too much.

We need to plan time to accompany her to watch yachts go out to sea, accompany her to make up time for her honeymoon, and now I have added an item to accompany her to watch horses.

And Ning Yi was already nodding her head with great interest: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Gu Cheng thought about it.

Forget it, let's plan.

He glanced down at her and asked, "What kind of name do you think of?"

Certainly not as hasty as he is.

Ning Yi: "Zhang Wei!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng closed his eyes indifferently.

For the final event of this sports meeting, Ning Yi decided to sign up for the three events of tacit understanding between men and women.

Because they are basically cooperative projects, after all, they are organized within the wealthy circle, and the focus is on showing love, eating melons and socializing, and only a small number of people really go to exercise.

There is a highgame obstacle course for men's singles, but because the difficulty factor is relatively high, for safety reasons, a lower difficulty version is prepared for women, so Ning Yi will not participate, it is definitely not because she is lazy^_^

The second day's events include kayaking, swimming, riding and archery, and some small games for couples. The rules are not like the nature of the competition. All kinds of rich and young masters can participate in the competition on the spot. It is relatively free and random.

Then in the evening, it was a large-scale social banquet of wealthy families.

The bonus this time was not high enough to make Ning Yi, a rich woman worth over 100 million yuan, fall in love, so Ning Yi decided to go play with Team Wan and then lie down.

"Do I need to practice with you then?"

On the phone, Wander asked leisurely.

Although he felt that there was nothing comparable to these people in this world.

Ning Yi: "No need! I believe in you, brother! It's easy to hang everyone!"

She has always been nice to speak.

Team Wan: "."

So Team Wan turned around and signed himself up for the men's individual event.

Then take it easy.

In order to crush Ning Yi hard in this event, Ding Ziyue not only pulled Jiang Linyi to practice with her, but also secretly stayed in Wander's live game room every day to see if he had any signs of exercise.

A fan also asked this question, Wander smiled casually, "There is nothing to practice."

Personal projects are as easy for him as chopping vegetables.

As for the two-person event... the cooperation between him and 01 has been rehearsed countless times in places where they don't know.

For a while, fans were frantically looking forward to it.

And Ding Ziyue laughed wildly at home—

Sure win! Sure win!

There is still "nothing to practice", where did the two of them get their confidence?

Could it be that playing end-time games gives them confidence~ ahahaha~

This time, many wealthy circles of the province participated in the provincial capital. Ding Ziyue must let everyone know that she is the most prominent one among the famous ladies, and the relationship between her and Jiang Linyi is the sweetest!

When the time comes, Ning Yi and Wander, being crushed by them, can only flirt with each other and support each other, embarrassing Young Master Gu, and destroying Young Master Gu's fondness for Ning Yi by the way.

In the final analysis, Ning Yi is so stupid that she agreed to participate in the sports meeting with Wan Ge after being so excited by her!

She is the smartest person in this world~

Ding Ziyue also specially prepared a one-man solo show for the opening show. She wants to dance amazingly and give Jiang Linyi enough face!

OMG, can't wait!

In a blink of an eye, under Ding Ziyue's powerful warm-up, the day of the sports meeting finally arrived!

"Husband, baby has a game today~"

Gu Cheng: "Come on."

She didn't roll around before going to bed last night, just to save her energy today, she looks quite serious?

The chef at home knew that she was going to participate in the sports meeting. Today's breakfast was full of nutrition and energy, Ning Yi ate until her cheeks bulged.

While drinking tea, Gu Cheng took the materials that Zongzhu Zhou handed over.

Turning down a page, it turned out to be a registration form for the wealthy sports competition.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Zongzhu Zhou: "Oh, young master, I misplaced it, I'm sorry I just-"

However, with Gu Cheng's reading speed and accuracy, he has quickly captured Ning Yi's name on this page—

[Three items of tacit understanding between men and women, Ning Yi, wander]

Gu Cheng's deep eyes fell on Ning Yi who was working hard to cook.

Mr. Zhou helped hide his achievements and fame and retired.

When Ning Yi was full and ready to go out, Gu Cheng's eyes were three points cold, three points forbearance and four points warning—

But Ning Yi didn't understand at all!

After all, my husband hasn't expressed any interest in the wealthy sports games these days! Ning Yi was also afraid that he would go and think that her leg was still sad!

So she pouted happily and waved her hands: "Goodbye, husband! Today my baby will definitely play well and fight for you~"

"..." Gu Cheng watched her jump out.

He will go over after discussing the business this morning.

Zongzhu Zhou opened the car door with a smile, full of pride in his mobility schedule.

He knows it!

All things are going well, the party will not be arrogant for too long!


In the midst of all the attention of the entire wealthy circle, this year's wealthy sports meeting has begun.

The sports meeting is very grand. It will be held in the western suburbs of city A. It will last for two days.

A few rich and wealthy young masters from neighboring provinces have landed in City A with shiny and luxurious outfits within a few days, and headed straight to the western suburbs.

The land used for this competition, this land was assigned to Mr. Gu, and together with the racecourse, it became the outdoor project base. There are not only the track and field, but also the audience seats around, and the river for water sports, all of which are of professional standards.

Just applying for the land to hold the sports meeting allowed Gu Cheng to earn another fortune.

Your business emperor is always making money√

And now the sports meeting scene is completely a social vanity fair for the upper class. Although these people came to participate in the sports meeting, they were all head-to-toe brand-name luxury goods, and they were very trendy and exquisite. They were either famous ladies or rich and young, and everyone gathered together skillfully to chat about their own industries.

In contrast, Ning Yi who walked into the arena with his hands behind his back looked very simple.

She scanned the scene to see if Zhao Mochu or Song Qingmei were there, and many strange eyes had already cast on her.

"That's Ning Yi?"

"It's just that the birthday present is so outrageous..."

"Eldest Young Master Gu's wife? She's pretty... Hey, will Young Master Gu come?"

These people came from other provinces and might not be familiar with City A, but none of them knew the name of Gu Cheng, and one of the purposes of many people even coming was to meet Gu Cheng.

At this time, Ding Ziyue had already socialized in the arena for a whole circle. Her makeup was exquisite, and she was wearing a pure and playful pleated skirt, like a vibrant social butterfly.

The moment she saw Ning Yi, the butterfly flew over gracefully, "Ah~ sister, why did you come here by yourself?"

Ning Yi: "Yeah."

Ding Ziyue pulled Ning Yi to introduce her to the wealthy friends from other provinces she just met: "Everyone, let's get acquainted. This is my sister Ning Yi. You must be wondering why we have different surnames, but we are sisters? Actually. It's because my sister grew up in the countryside..."

Ding Ziyue used the method of asking and answering herself, and spared no effort to show everyone the difference between Ning Yi and her in life experience.

And if it wasn't for the foreshadowing that Ning Yi appeared on the Internet every time before that, those wealthy people would probably think that this is a bumpkin who was taken back to the wealthy family but didn't belong to their circle at all.


Who the **** hasn't seen the yacht house and company Mr. Gu gave her?

It's just that people in their circle celebrate their birthdays, and they just collect some luxury bags and clothes like this Princess Ding. So it was better for Ning Yi to be a daughter, but she was not, but she got Gu Cheng's preference—

— more sour, okay?

Ding Ziyue finished laying the groundwork by herself, and then suddenly remembered something, and asked with a smile intentionally or unintentionally: "Ah, by the way, sister, where is your partner~"

Jiang Linyi pushed the announcement to accompany her to participate in the sports meeting, and Ding Ziyue also won **** this point.

She is so pampered~

Ning Yi looked around the field, just in time, a man wearing a black mask came in lazily. Wander is also very prominent on the field, and his temperament is completely different from other well-dressed young men and young ladies.

He probably didn't sleep too much, his black hair was loose and unreasonable, his eyes were half-closed, and his steps were sloppy.

Ning Yi: Very good, it really looks like you came here to chop melons and vegetables with ease.

Ding Ziyue: Very good, steady! —

At first glance, Wander stays up late to play games, and has no time to exercise every day, and almost all e-sports players are like this! How can this kind of person compare with Jiang Linyi?

Jiang Linyi doesn't even need a substitute to hang on to Wia when filming! Arm strength is considered good among ordinary men! That's why when the princess hugs her, it makes people feel so safe, blushing and heartbeating!

Unless it is a monster with super physical strength, the male players present cannot be better than brother Lin Yi~

Ding Ziyue left a statement full of superiority in Ning Yi's ear.

"Ning Yi, I only blame you for not being smart enough, but now you have nowhere to go!"

Ning Yi: "Huh?"

Ding Ziyue: "Look forward to the taste of failure that I will bring to you~ together with your partner~"

Ning Yi touched her chin.

Ah really?

The basic participants have all arrived, and the giants sports meeting has officially started.

Such a big event, of course, has a joint live broadcast. Because the event is very popular on the Internet, besides CMore, there are other platforms that also want to join the live broadcast. However, CMore's daily activity data, live broadcast platform fluency, etc. have been tested several times, and the target group is more suitable, so this time it is still live broadcast on CMore.

As soon as the platform window opened, a large number of netizens rushed in.

【Jiang Linyi Jiang Linyi Jiang Linyi Jiang Linyi】

【Come and watch the beautiful love between Jiang Linyi and Ding Ziyue~】

[Come here for Sister Ning! 】

[Everything is going well! The party is ready! 】

[Gu's Mo Ning party is not to be outdone! 】

In anticipation, the sports meeting began!

First, the sponsor gave a welcome speech, representatives from other provinces gave speeches, and then the cheerleaders rushed to perform the opening performance.

They are very youthful, pulling up the online and offline atmosphere.

After the cheerleaders dispersed, Princess Ding jumped out from behind the crowd with a perfect smile.

—Finally arrived at my home field!

Jiang Linyi's eyes, Ning Yi's eyes, all the wealthy families in City A and other provinces are all looking at me!

Everyone's eyes are my stimulant!

So Ding Ziyue performed a wonderful opening dance, which designed a lot of interaction with the audience, taking care of both inside and outside the camera, such as witty wink and spaced refills, all at her fingertips.

Ning Yi, Zhao Mochu, and Song Qingmei sat under the stage, watching politely.

Zhao Mochu said: "Is this because I ate ten girl groups and boy groups?"

Ning Yi: "Hahahaha." It can only be said that she is worthy of being the heroine.

Ding Ziyue's dance performance has a total of several themes: I am the most beautiful! I am the city flower of city A! In addition to my beauty, I also have an actor who you all envy who dotes on me, loves me and praises me to heaven!

At the end of the dance, Jiang Linyi took the lead in applauding, with undisguised pampering in his eyes.

[Although this dance is emmm, but the actor is really spoiled, woo woo]

【He looked at her with light in his eyes! 】

【So my cp will do the same? Will it?】

[Ah, the camera caught Sister Ning! 】

【So beautiful】

After Ding Ziyue danced, she sat next to Jiang Linyi in front of everyone's eyes.

She was so happy in her head - this is the face she gave Jiang Linyi!

She is the beauty in everyone's eyes, but she will only throw herself into Jiang Linyi's side - which man can bear this?

However, as soon as Ding Ziyue sat down, Jiang Linyi stood up: "Yueyue, then I'll prepare for the men's individual event first."

He saw that Brother Wan was up, and he heard that he was Ning Yi's partner today.

Ding Ziyue: "Huh? Oh, good."

She wanted to show her affection again.

But Ding Ziyue became excited again when she thought that her man was about to kill the audience in seconds~

Jiang Linyi was wearing very refreshing sportswear at this time, showing his forearms, and he seemed to be the type who kept exercising regularly.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the fans online were shouting that Jiang Linyi was crazy. And there are still a lot of fans around the sports field. Although they can't enter the field, they also gave enthusiastic feedback.

"Ahh, Jiang Lin Yichong!"

"My brother is so handsome woo woo woo"

The first event is the highgame men's single obstacle race. Because this event is very large and only one person can participate at the same time, the timed qualifying system is adopted. If you fall on the mat, you will fail. Therefore, it will be time-consuming to finish all the competitions, and the players will go directly to the start.

Ding Ziyue was swaying and put her hands on her lips pitifully: "Brother Lin Yi, come on! You are the best~"

Wander was also about to enter the arena. Jiang Linyi met him in the auditorium and smiled generously: "Brother Wan, I am doing it for my girlfriend. We won't talk about friendship later."

Wander hooked his lips and smiled: "That's good."

He didn't go in directly, but went around to Ning Yi's side.

Wander shook his neck, flashed silver diamond earrings, and asked Ning Yi with a smile, "Which number do you want?"

Ning Yi collapsed on the seat happily, "You can figure it out!"

Doomsday practice.

If there is something to do, the captain will go first.

Wander smiled: "Okay."

Then get a champion for her to play with.

[Why do you feel that Wan Ge's aura has suddenly changed?]

【Won't you have to explode just to perform in front of Sister Ning?】

[And his eyes are inexplicably doting, ah, am I wrong! 】

——The men's single obstacle race has begun!

Ding Ziyue came over and sat next to Ning Yi: "Oh my sister, are you very nervous now?"

She has exquisite makeup, and with the posture that I am a city flower in A city, she vows to compare Ning Yi with one fell swoop.

Ning Yi returned to her after two seconds, "Ah, what are you talking about?"

Just now, Gu Cheng called her in his head and asked her if she was on the stage, Ning Yi replied, "It's started", and then he disappeared again.

Ding Ziyue saw it as expected, Ning Yi was so nervous that her reaction slowed down! Immediately suppressed happiness to comfort her: "Oh, don't be too nervous, e-sports players like Wan Ge generally perform normally, don't hold your expectations too high and just—"

The man in the black mask took off the hoodie he was wearing outside.

Inside is a black sleeveless.

It reveals a not so visible, but very, special, vigorous, arm line.

Ding Ziyue: "?"

She suddenly had an ominous premonition.

And Ding Ziyue even heard the small screams of many girls on the field - "Are you so handsome?" "Ah, what's his name?"

Ding Ziyue felt even worse—this, is this the muscle that a dead house that lacks exercise all year round should have? !

There are a total of ten levels in the men's single obstacle course, including water crawling, obstacle avoidance, pull-ups, rope climbing, etc. It seems quite difficult.

The young masters from wealthy families in city A and other provinces looked handsome, but their arms were limp after going up, and they fell down after three passes.

When Jiang Linyi played, their best result was to finish all the levels in 6 minutes.

Jiang Linyi looked at Ding Ziyue, and the two of them stared affectionately for a few seconds. Jiang Linyi mouthed "Wait for me", and Ding Ziyue immediately held his heart and showed a full gaze.

【Ah so sweet】

[This is the love of gods! 】

Jiang Linyi is leaving! After all, he has been playing with Wia all year round, his arm strength is really good, and his speed is obviously faster than those greasy-haired and powder-faced young men in front of him!

Ding Ziyue kept giving reactions throughout the whole process.

"Ah! Be careful, brother!"

"My brother is amazing, why is he so handsome!"

"Wow, I really fell for it."

Ning Yi and the others next to him: vomited.

In the end, Jiang Linyi directly ranked first with a time of 4 minutes and 13 seconds.

Ding Ziyue and the online and offline movie king fans were all crazy with complacency.

"Oh my sister, I didn't expect Brother Lin Yi to be so powerful? Don't be pressured~ Our sisterhood is the first, and the competition is the second, right?"

Ning Yi smiled and said, "Let's be the first in the competition."

Ding Ziyue: "Hehe!"

Then you will cry later! Anyway, you will definitely be trampled under my feet—

Then, wander came on stage.

He still didn't wake up, and he didn't look at his partner before the referee blew his whistle.

The corner of Ding Ziyue's mouth curled into a smug smile.

But the moment the whistle sounded, the man's arm muscles tensed suddenly, like a cheetah trying to survive in the wilderness.

Then he rushed out—

In just ten seconds, the crawling and obstacle avoidance are, over? !

And everyone hasn't even recovered yet.

When he came back to his senses, Wander had already rushed to the fifth level!

[Fuck, Brother Wan, did you **** use to be a special soldier! ? 】

【Fuck ah ah ah ah ah ah】

He broke through the level like chopping vegetables all the way, and even before the rope climbed the last level, he still had the heart to stop the momentum and look towards the audience.

Even though it was far away, his eyes were precisely locked on Ning Yi's body, then he raised his hand in front of his eyes, and then tapped on his forehead.

It was a signal that only Ning Yi understood.

This scene was recorded in high-definition by the camera!

【Ahhhhhhhhhh this time it's Brother Wan who came to score! 】

[The last time Sister Ning's birthday, everything goes well, the place where she ruthlessly BE's is back.]

[Ah, young master Gu, where are you! If you don't come again, you will be in danger! I'm looking forward to the Shura field! 】

-at this time. Young Master Gu.

Looking at the computer screen with a gloomy face, the air in the galloping Maybach carriage was silent.

Mr. Zhou also quietly watched the live broadcast on his mobile phone. What happened to this e-sports player? !

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the camera just happened to cut to Ning Yi's face skillfully, and she smiled happily.

Ning Yi received the signal, which was a communication gesture between them in the last days.

So Ning Yi also compared to the past, and lightly tapped his finger on the forehead.

Beautiful and sassy.

The tacit understanding at that moment is hard to describe in any kind of emotion, like brothers and like comrades-in-arms, even watching the live broadcast, you can hear fans and audience screaming at the scene, and the comments on the online platform directly exploded——

[Everything is going well! Good luck! 】

[I'm addicted to it! All things go well, get big points ah ah ah]

[I'm so innocent that I can't stand climbing the wall! 】

Gu Cheng who is about to arrive: "..."

He leaned back in the chair uncomfortably and closed the computer.

There was a hot feeling in the heart, as if it was burned by something.

Amidst the burning sensation, Gu Cheng was still thinking rationally as much as possible. The abilities shown by this man are not what men in ordinary society can possess, but his resume is also very simple, and he has no experience of joining the army or special forces. Record.

So, who is he?

Why does he have a tacit understanding with Ning Yi that others don't know about?

Gu Cheng thought for a moment calmly, raised his eyes and asked, "Have you arrived yet?"

The tone was strong, but there was still a bit of impatience for leaking.

Mr. Zhou's assistant shuddered, and immediately said, "There are still 14 minutes."

Gu Cheng: "Yes."

Zongzhu Zhou: He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry! Young Master Gu is in a hurry to chase his wife!

If it doesn't come any longer, all of Gu's Mo Ning party will be in a hurry!

On the sports field, Ding Ziyue's whole body was torn apart.

Damn, how did this happen? !

Why does Ning Yi have such a strong partner! ?

She looked at it in a daze for a while, and Wander had already broken the game record at an inhuman speed, only taking one-third of Jiang Linyi's time.

After Jiang Linyi was shocked, it was okay, because if he lost by ten or twenty seconds, he would not be reconciled, but in the face of such a species-like crush, he could only willingly admit defeat.

"Yueyue, why is your face so ugly?"

"I, I didn't, Brother Lin Yi, we will definitely get good grades in the fun triathlon!"

Ding Ziyue forced herself to calm down—Wander is so strong, doesn't it make Ning Yi more like a dish!

He is so inhuman, how could anyone be able to keep up with him? Then Ning Yi will definitely be sprayed to death!

That's right!

The staff in the arena have already started shouting through the loudspeakers the contestants participating in the men's and women's fun triathlon.

Ding Ziyue held Jiang Linyi's arm and smiled again. She and Jiang Linyi were full of love for each other and practiced several times. They will definitely be the sweetest and outstanding couple on the scene!

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd.

"Fuck, is that Gu Cheng..."

"Gu Cheng is here!"

Zhao Mochu closed her eyes happily: "I know him!"

Brother Wan has become like this, so it's no wonder that Young Master Gu didn't come!

At this time, on the online platform, Gu's Moning party, who was suppressed and beaten, rose up in an instant—

[Ah, ah, that man! 】

【He's coming, he's coming! He came with a vinegar jar! 】

[Gu's Mo Ning swallowed his anger until now, woo woo woo, I know that real couples are always the most embarrassing! 】

[Be careful that young master Gu won't let you go on with a word, hahaha]

When Gu Cheng arrived at the scene, all the projects that were going to be carried out at the scene were suspended for a while.

In fact, without pausing, everyone is watching him.

Even among the wealthy circles in other provinces, there is no one who has not heard of Gu Cheng, the ruler of the Gu family.

After all, Gu Cheng's life of less than 30 years can already be summed up in legends - from becoming famous as a teenager, to expanding wildly, with unstoppable imperial fortune, leading the commercial territory of the Gu Group to continue to grow. Later, there was an accident, and he became a vegetative and bedridden for three years. When everyone thought he had fallen, he awakened again and the king returned. Not only did Koo’s share price skyrocket, but he also decisively led the group towards a newer Internet direction—

The industry commented that he is the only business emperor, which is really not too much.

However, rumors are just rumors, and only when seeing Gu Cheng in person can one truly feel the coercion and courage on him.

The appearance of an emperor is well-deserved.

Even sitting in a wheelchair, when the indifferent gaze swept over, everyone would still hold their breath unconsciously.

"Fortunately! Fortunately..." someone whispered.

Fortunately, such a person is not perfect! His leg disease is still not good!

Otherwise, in case there is a day when Gu Cheng stands up and fully recovers—

Isn't all the giants in the country crazy?

At that time, the little Ning family is also worthy of marrying Gu Cheng?

Ning Yi was still applauding Wan Dui, who was still in the limelight, but when he turned around, he saw their King of Kings appear.

Looking at the reactions of the people around me again, I thought that the emperor buff in Gucheng is useful to the whole world, not just limited to the wealthy family in city A where the protagonist is!

My husband is still pretending to be aggressive!

Ning Yi beckoned to her husband happily, and sent him a message across the air in her heart: "Bobo!"


Gu Cheng's heart was still sour, and while staring at her, he was invited by the organizer to the rostrum with the best view of the game.

The organizer also placed a microphone in front of him, "Young Master, do you have anything to say?"

Gu Cheng's face was expressionless: If you want to say it, don't compare it.

This land is mine.

However, Young Master Gu used 100% of his self-cultivation, and nodded slightly: "It's okay, continue."

Organizer: "Alright!"

——"The contestants of the triathlon of tacit understanding between men and women are ready to enter!"

But when Ding Ziyue saw that Gu Cheng was coming, her mentality immediately stabilized a lot—

Everything is going according to her plan!

Wander is so strong, so he can only take Ning Yi with him, and the two of them hook up later, won't Young Master Gu get bored? In this way, Gu Dashao will be blackened even more!

That's right, the world still favors her!

She is the only spoiled life!

"Honey, you're here to watch the baby match!"

Ning Yi went to the venue to look for Brother Wan, while talking to her husband in her head.

Gu Cheng stared at her and said indifferently, "I'll come to see my land."

Ning Yi quacked happily.

Fill a cup with me, so see you!

Wander glanced at Gu Cheng on the rostrum, then looked at Ning Yi who came to compete with him, and laughed: "How about it, is he handsome or not."

Ning Yi said with great face: "It's so handsome! It's simply shocking—"

A man's cold voice came from the rostrum: "Not yet?"

As soon as the organizer heard that Young Master Gu had spoken, he quickly organized everyone to prepare for the three events in groups in an orderly manner.

The first of the three tacit understanding between men and women is to push a huge inflatable half-filled toy pencil together. It is about the height of two people and heavy. It needs to go around 400 meters from the starting point to the finish line. The first person wins .

Gu Cheng's expression was unpredictable.

OK, no physical contact for this project.

Ning Yi patted their big pencils, and it happened that Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi were in a group with them.

Ding Ziyue's heart was beating wildly, and later on Ning Yi would definitely look like a badass in contrast to Wander, that was the moment when she acted crazily!

The referee's whistle, blown—

Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi immediately began to push the big pencil, "Come on! Brother Lin Yi! We can do it!"

Most of the partners chose to push and walk, but it turned out that the friction of this material was very high, so some people chose to flip the big pencil to move forward.

And Wander pushed twice, and then glanced at Ning Yi.

Wan Ge: "Let's go 11."

Ning Yi followed her train of thought: "Let's go."

Then the two of them, one in front of the other, picked up the big pencil in an instant, and then sprinted like two special forces! No stress!

[Ahhhhhhhh! 】

【Sister Ning is so awesome! I love it ah ah]

Gu Cheng took a deep breath and changed his sitting position.

Although I guessed that they would perform well, I was still very upset when I saw it.

【So I'm the only one analyzing Young Master Gu's expression? 】

【And me ah ah】

[This kind of coldness carries an uncomfortable but unexplainable feeling, **** it, I’m really addicted to it—]

When Ding Ziyue groaned and cooperated with Jiang Linyi to flip the big pencil out fifty meters, she wanted to raise her head and smile sweetly—then she saw Ning Yi galloping away!


Damn why!

In the end, when Ning Yi and the others crossed the finish line, even half of the other groups hadn't arrived yet!

Ning Yi triumphantly winked at the rostrum.

The second tacit competition is passing the ball behind the back!

The male and female partners need to clamp a ball behind their backs without any other physical contact, and then pass quickly. The fastest round trip wins.

At the second level, there is also a test of physical strength. Ding Ziyue was exhausted, Jiang Linyi ran men's singles and this again, and his face was not very good. The other players were also panting.

But Ning Yi was as light as a swallow, and Wander's expression was as usual.

Ning Yi: "Come?"

Wan Ge: "Come."

Gu Cheng looked at them coldly, no one around him dared to talk to him.

Although there is a ball blocking two people in this level, what if the ball drops.

Gu Cheng crossed his arms and changed his posture again.

The corners of the eyes and brows were cold.

[Young Master Gu can't sit still, who knows? Who knows? 】

【Already drunk to the point of speechlessness】

【Woooooooo this is better than Ming Tang, help me】

There was no doubt about the second level. The two of them ran to the opposite finish line without even touching their elbows.

It is still the best!

No one knows why Ning Yi and Wander have a tacit understanding as if they have been tempered for thousands of years. Only Ding Ziyue is bitter in his heart and mouth: so when he said on the broadcast that he didn't need to practice, he was lying, right? How can you be such a thug!

When Ning Yi turned back, she met Ding Ziyue's face, whose eyes were in a trance and collapsing, maintaining a controlled expression.

Ding Ziyue comforted herself: It's okay, she can still win with sugar!

The speed can't be compared, rely on sweetness!

The last competition of tacit understanding is the traditional event of two people and three legs! Pure interactive games can be said to be a must-have item for men and women to match sports!

Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi looked at each other sweetly, and then held each other's arms, just tying the rope and just going back and forth, it's a sweet one.

And Wander stood next to Ning Yi, holding their rope in his hand.

The two of them need to tie their legs together, and then, either link their arms, or—in a more intimate position.

Wander squatted down first, and tied their calves loosely.

"You hold me up?"

"It will be all right."

The two of them made gestures, trying to find a better way to hold each other up—because although the tacit understanding and physical fitness are sufficient, there is a difference in height after all, and Brother Wan is 186.

The two of them just held each other's arms a few times, and the cold light in Gu Cheng's eyes already seemed to have substance.

【Ah, ah, don't kill me】

【It's really delicious to see a man of Young Master Gu's level jealous...】

Just when Ning Yi thought about hugging her waist, it would more offset the two