This sudden sentence swept the field like a storm.

【He really! I cry to death! 】

【Mom is so spoiled ahhhhhhhh】

[Once a man like Young Master Gu falls in love with someone, it will be a devastating love! 】

And those wealthy circles in other provinces have never seen this battle.

"Fuck, so it's true love?"

"No wonder the birthday present is so cruel..."

"Damn it, I'm really sore ah ah ah ah ah ah ah that's Young Master Gu!"

The two people standing in the field preparing for the game were silent.

Gu Cheng: Forget it. got used to.

Team Wan: Damn it. As for?

Ning Yi looked at all the spectators and contestants present with either dull eyes or excited expressions. She didn't know why, but she was a little dark.

——Sure enough, in the world of brainless petting, everyone likes this kind of stuff!

Among them, the one who eats this domineering and protective style the most is of course the heroine Ding Ziyue herself!

At this moment, Ding Ziyue looked unbelievable and so sour that she was about to die on the spot.

How could this be? !

Ning Yi can actually make a man like Gu Dashao say such domineering words that make people's hearts flutter!

Ding Ziyue's whole world view was shocked! No one in this world should be loved more than her, this is the law of the world!

How could this be, is her dream wrong? !

Ning Yi: You are right!

It's just that I'm the one who's talking! a ha ha ha-

Ning Yi called Gu Cheng affectionately in his mind: "How about husband, I have strengthened your kingly temperament! Am I awesome!"

Gu Cheng closed his eyes: "...great."

Where did she learn this.

Ning Yi: "Oh, I'm also afraid that you will fall, it will hurt."

The random exchange mechanism is very wicked, she can't use her mind to exchange back, the only way for them is to use the method of threatening each other's body.

But in public, she can't be too active!

—Ah no, remove the "bar".

Ning Yi gave up after a few tries, but she was always in a very good mood, so she turned around and started to watch the fun: "Then husband, you have to compete hard, baby wants to be the first!"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless: "Yes."

She took the first two games so seriously, of course he wouldn't ruin her results.

And there is no lagging behind in Gu Cheng's life.

Ning Yi tweeted and threatened him: "If you accidentally let the baby fall, I might say something more painful!"

Gu Cheng: "...Oh."

You were buried with me, can you be more exaggerated?

Ning Yi: Yes^3^

—Your person is mine, your heart is mine! You are all mine!

—I forbid you to look at other people! You are not allowed to touch others! You can only have me in your eyes!

She didn't say these quotes from the overlord ^3^

The whole scene was digesting Gu Dashao's wrath of the king just now. Here, Gu Cheng and Ning Yi had a few words in their heads, and Wander next to him just recovered from the overlord's line.

He glanced at 01, and asked hesitantly, "Your husband, do you have such love?"

That man obviously looks asexual, and he has a disease in his lower body—can you really love if you have a disease in your lower body? Wan Ge questioned the straight man.

Gu Cheng raised his eyelids indifferently:? Who are you questioning.

One second he still felt that Ning Yi's lines showed that he was not in a good state of mind, and the next second Gu Cheng said arrogantly: "Of course."

Wander: "...Okay."

Oh shit. It's quite sour.

But he still felt that Ning Yi would not like anyone.

He knows 01 too well—let's say smart, it's definitely top smart, and she can complete such complicated codes and levels quickly and precisely.

It's true that she has a high EQ. As long as she wants to, she can make anyone happy.

But there is no such thing as love in her brain, even if she speaks dirty words, the string in her head is straight.

Wander crossed his arms and thought for a while, then Mr. Gu should suffer.

Row. Good. He is not sour.


At this time, the organizer's voice tremblingly came out from the loudspeaker——

"Then, then our competition preparations have begun! Please, all contestants, please pay attention to safety!"

Because the phrase "Master Gu" required everyone to be buried with him, the organizers were so scared that they spoke cautiously.

"Our friendship comes first, competition comes second!"


After all, Gu Cheng put his shoulders on Wander's shoulders with a cold face.

It's better to play by yourself than by Ning Yi, that is - the height difference felt in Ning Yi's body makes him feel subtly uncomfortable.

Obviously he is two centimeters taller than this person.

Waiting for him to stand up. Ah.

But after the whistle was blown, both of them had the same serious expressions—

Ning Yi wants to be number one, which is the common pursuit of both of them.

In the first few steps, wander was a little confused, as if the degree of tacit matching was a little bit lower? But soon, "Ning Yi"'s excellent athletic ability was manifested. Within seven or eight meters, Ning Yi quickly adjusted to the same pace as Wander according to the difference in leg length and stride frequency. In an instant, the speed increased. Get up!

"Ah, sister Ning is so handsome!"

"Rush, rush!"

Seeing that everything was going well, Ning Yi immediately lay flat! Watching the game happily on the rostrum—

My brother dei, and my husband, partner to take first place for me?

It is also a rare scene!

The viewers who are addicted to life and death have now entered the cheerful mode—

Because "Ning Yi" and Wander are shoulder to shoulder, there is no ambiguous atmosphere, like two straight men - just want to win the championship quickly and accurately!

【Ahhh, actually, I want to say that Sister Ning is really good at sense of proportion! Although everyone likes to drink, Sister Ning and Young Master Gu are husband and wife after all, so even if Sister Ning has a good relationship with Brother Wan, she still has a proper sense of distance! 】

【Yes Yes! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu whouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 】

[Wan Ge said: After all, I don’t want to be buried with him]

【Hahahahaha what a **** joke】

[Today is really a new Shura field, I love it so much hahaha]

The other contestants who participated in the two-legged three-legged competition were also working hard. Ding Ziyue tried her best to pick up her glass heart that had been shattered by Gu Dashao's tyrant's pampering, and interacted sweetly with Jiang Linyi arm in arm and around her waist!

However, not too many viewers have paid attention to their side—

Because most of the audience finally said:

- Gu's Mo Ning and Wan Shi Ru Yi are the best! All good!

- It doesn't matter which one, Sister Ning can choose herself!

The tacit understanding between men and women came to an end, and Ning Yi and Wander's partner won all three rounds. They deservedly won the first place in the group and won the championship!

Ning Yi: Good! applaud!

And Ding Ziyue hated it so much that she was almost in a daze.

She and Jiang Linyi are the second place. Originally, it doesn't matter if they take the second place. Anyone can take the first place, but why is it Ning Yi! She socialized everywhere before the game, letting everyone know that Ning Yi is her sister from the countryside, but now she is crushed on the other side! What would those wealthy circles in other provinces think of her?

And the most important thing is that after three competitions, both she and Jiang Linyi have shown signs of fatigue! She still has to touch up her makeup!

However, Wander and "Ning Yi" still looked calm and calm, and Wander was fine-why is Ning Yi's physical strength so good? !


Ning Yi also noticed that Gu Cheng and Wan Ge sprinted quite fast just now, but he didn't blush or pant at all, and his breathing was very steady. It seemed that this amount of exercise was nothing to him at all.

Standing next to "Gu Cheng", Zongzhu Zhou was afraid that they would feel down because their legs were not good enough to play, so he said very considerately: "Master, your wife is doing really well! But if It's you playing with your wife, and with your physical fitness, you must be able to perform even better!"

Ning Yi nodded: "It's possible."

After all, Gu Cheng has no weaknesses in the book!

Even activeness is the biggest in the book, and strong athletic ability is nothing!

After the game is over, there will be an award-winning session.

The organizer also arranged a very prestigious trophy, and invited the three groups of partners who won the third place of Guan Ya to come to the stage to receive the award.

Ning Yi was still a little regretful at first, but suddenly there was a flash in front of her eyes, and the person changed back in the next second?

— Wow, ending random at the time of claiming the prize!

This exchange is quite sensible!

So Ning Yi jumped up and down with a smile, and stood on the podium with Wander.

It's an amazing feeling!

Think about it, they have actually made countless meritorious deeds in the last days, saving themselves and others, but who will give them trophies at that time.

So now being able to share a moment of glory with Team Wan, Ning Yi thinks it is also a memory of their past when they fought side by side?

"Thank you Captain!" Ning Yi laughed, pointing to the past as well as the present.

"It's not hard." Wander glanced at the reappearing smile on her face, and smiled too.

The two clashed fists.

Standing on the stage, Ning Yi let out a "wow" when receiving the trophy from the presenter, and her smile became more real! As expected of a game in the wealthy circle, the champion's trophy has diamonds on it, blingbling!

And Ding Ziyue stood beside them with her arm around Jiang Linyi with a smirk on her face.

—The runner-up's platform is a bit shorter than the champion's!

She will always remember this shame!

But Ning Yi didn't look around at all.

She happily held the trophy with Wander—the trophy was so beautiful, the sun gave it a more shining gold rim. They smiled at the camera.

[click! Beautiful picture! Congratulations on everything going well! 】

[Congratulations to the tyrant Gu Dashao hahahahaha]

[Thank you three for the happiness you gave me, please continue to practice Modo Modo in the Shura Field (Star Eyes)

Wander thought—a bit sour though.

But anyway, as long as 01 is happy.

It is not easy for them to live a good life, and the most important thing is to live well.

Anyway, they are still in the same world.

Just be happy.

On the rostrum, Gu Dashao, who had returned to his body, had returned to his aloof appearance, and applauded Ning Yi and Wander with a reserved expression.

As if the tyrant who asked everyone to be buried with him just now was not himself!

There are quite a few wealthy circles in other provinces who actually want to come over to get acquainted with Gu Dashao and see if there is any chance of cooperation in the future to be taken to Ascend, but now they are also hesitant and timid to come forward.

Gu Cheng continued to be cold: "..."

Ning Yi has already bouncing back with the trophy in hand.

—Today is really a fulfilling day!

Not only had fun with the captain, but also won the first place!

Her happiness is so simple, and she will be even happier if she has another delicious meal at this time!

Ning Yi's eyes fell on the wronged husband.

Gu Cheng expressionless: "Happy?"

Ning Yi: "Hey hey old man~~ Gong~~"

Gu Cheng looked down at his watch, Ning Yi had no other sports today. He can take her to have a meal, and then go back to the company to continue working.

Young Master Gu turned the wheelchair, and just as he moved, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Something is wrong with the body.

To be precise, his legs.

The sense of strength coming together is clearer than before.

But what just happened to cause this change? All his actions just now were carried out in Ning Yi's body, but what did Ning Yi do to his body? ...Is it just saying a line that makes it difficult to repeat?

Objectively, what impact did it cause? Or rather, who is affected by...

Ning Yi blinked, seeing that Gu Cheng suddenly fell into deep thought.

Should I say it or not, the aura and face of their family are really good at fighting.

"Husband, you are so handsome, you see you have shocked them all~"

Today can be regarded as an objective promotion of the plot - Gu Cheng's "tyrant's favor" hit the heroine, and the hero did not get the trophy and give the honor to the beloved woman as smoothly as in the original plot, so it created twists and turns in the emotional line ! And Gu Cheng's existence in this book is a tool to promote the plot and obstruct the emotional line. The more this role is played, the more conducive to his recovery-of course, this is also Ning Yi's guess.

And Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

I don't know whether Ning Yi's words were intentional or unintentional, but he saw a faint line coming out.

Gu Cheng suddenly had a premonition.

He might actually be able to stand up this time... soon.

In the end, Young Master Gu took Ning Yi away.

When they left the rostrum, all the wealthy people in city A and other provinces were all paying attention to the two of them.

There was a bit of reverence, a bit of fear, a bit of envy in everyone's eyes. If I, Cao Gucheng, really stood up, it would be really amazing.

Gu Cheng looked calmly at everyone.

And Ning Yi obviously won't be affected either.

The two of them left everyone's sight just like that, leaving only a legend behind.

Ning Yi raped her husband beautifully, and went back to the city to eat a big meal to replenish the energy she had consumed today.

Gu Cheng leaned against the window on the top floor to watch the night, thinking about something while drinking water.

Ning Yi put all her heart into the roasted leg of lamb worth 1988. It was roasted until it was golden brown and fragrant.

"The roast leg of lamb is delicious, my husband can add another one for me, please," Ning Yi said confidently, "Baby used two legs for running today, so I have to eat two legs of lamb!"

Gu Cheng looked away helplessly.

It's not that there is no reason not to give her food.

First Young Master Gu signaled Mr. Zhou to add more food, and said flatly, "Then what about me."

He also helped Ning Yi escape.

Ning Yi suddenly realized: "That's right, I also used my husband's legs!"

The corner of Gu Cheng's lips curled into an arrogant and cold smile, "So you should repay—"

At this time, Mr. Zhou came over with the menu, and just heard Ning Yi say enthusiastically: "Then add three more leg of lamb!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: "^3^"

Zongzhu Zhou: I seem to understand something that I should not understand? !

Zongzhu Zhou retreated in shock and calmly.

So his ability to figure out the two holy wills has become stronger and stronger, so why give him a salary increase?

Although already very high—

The first day of the Giants Games held in City A was unprecedentedly hot, exceeding the organizer's expectations!

And this should also be the largest live broadcast event on CM before Koo Capital invested in the CMore platform—

After returning home, the No. 1 melon owner of CM sorted out the candies captured in the camera today, and uploaded them to his account, and directly sent a wave of updates to Brother Gu Ning Yiwan, who was already on the headlines. Large Flow.

#Gu's Touch Ning Everything Is Like Yi#

#Strongly request special forces to recruit Wan Ge#

#真气兴的朋友先生How fragrant is the literature of Ba Zong#

#宁姐的快乐 I also want to understand#

In the evening, Zhao Mochu passionately sent Ning Yi a message:

[Sister, my sister, you and Young Master Gu will come again tomorrow, right? 】

[Tomorrow there will be a lot of small games for couples and a high-end dinner seafood buffet! 】

[Kiss here is recommended to participate! 】

Ning Yi: Huh? Ziliu.

She lay on the bed, turned her head and asked Gu Cheng: "Honey, will you accompany me to participate in tomorrow's sports meeting~"

The second day's activities are mainly kayaking, swimming, riding and shooting, and the rest are some small games that can be freely participated in. Gu Cheng has asked Mr. Zhou to show him the detailed timetable.

Horseback riding and shooting are all left over from Gu Cheng's playing.

Minigames are of course boring too.

But after the dinner on the second day, Ning Yi definitely wanted to eat. However, the dinner is actually a social nature, and there is a dance party, and those who are attached will go with their boyfriends or husbands.

Gu Cheng looked indifferent, so why would he let Ning Yi go alone? She really went to eat, but no one else knew.


Gu Cheng felt the recovery of his legs.

The feeling of that slow awakening is clear, and tomorrow is an even better opportunity to experiment.

Although it was very absurd, in fact, the three years he was trapped was already absurd enough. And since it was some kind of power that sealed his body, it shouldn't be too far to find that kind of power to push him to break free from the seal completely.

So Gu Cheng raised his hand and tapped Ning Yi's forehead, "I'll accompany you."

And... about his legs, you can also tell Ning Yi. After all, his wife was so concerned about his recovery that she not only gave him a massage, but also sang to his legs in the middle of the night.

Gu Cheng smiled lightly.

Ning Yi was ordered to tilt her head back slightly, and when her head came back, her face was full of shyness and affection: "Honey, are you so inseparable from me?"

Gu Cheng:?

Ning Yi stared at him affectionately: "You are still so jealous during the day, don't you already love me to death?"

Gu Cheng: "Not yet—"

"Hubby, I understand your love, and I will cherish it with my life." Ning Yi seized the opportunity to randomly strengthen the curse she had promised: "Hubby, tell me loudly, all the money you earn in the future will be spent on my baby, and I will spend all the money you earn in the future." All the delicious food in the world will be eaten by the baby, in the future not only big yachts, big houses, big companies, but also this country, you will have to fight for the baby, right?"

"Come on, don't hold yourself back! Have to love to say it out loud!"

Gu Cheng looked at her: "..."

Then he swallowed the recovery of his legs back into his stomach.

Leave a surprise for her when you're done.

Ha ha.

On the second day, the sports meeting was still a grand event!

Even because the heat was too high on the first day, the number of spectators who came to watch outside the iron fence increased several layers on the second day.

Ding Ziyue suffered from insomnia for a long time last night. After thinking about the plot repeatedly, she figured it out—

Although she lost to Ning Yi, judging from the prophecy in the dream, the direction is actually correct!

In the dream, Young Master Gu acted as a deterrent by himself, but now he brought Ning Yi together, and by pampering Ning Yi, the most beautiful love between her and Jiang Linyi was impacted— Young Master Gu just changed the way to impact them The way of love line!

Although it is cheaper for Ning Yi, but there are ups and downs and wind and rain, the love between her and Jiang Linyi can inspire a stronger taste!

No problem, hold on tight, there's no way she can lose her favor in life!

When Ning Yi and Gu Cheng arrived, the kayak competition was about to start.

The two sides of the competition are the representative team of city A and the representative teams of other provinces. It seems that there is still a sense of collective honor and desire for victory between the wealthy circle and the wealthy circle.

Ding Ziyue, the flower of City A, regained her spirits, and encouraged them with the voice of Zhiling's sister on the shore:

"Come on, everyone~"

"You are all the best~"

When the whistle blew, everyone started to "hey", and everyone on the shore cheered.

In fact, some people have long wanted to invite Ning Yi to participate in today's sports events. After all, as a female player, Ning Yi showed too much physical fitness and flexibility yesterday when she partnered with Wander.

But when she thought of Gu Dashao behind her.

…never mind. I don't want to be buried with you.

"If Young Master Gu's legs are good, do you think I still have hope?"

"Let's talk about it first."

"Hey, I still remember that I saw him when Young Master Gu had an accident, really, it's like walking hormones..."

"I remember that too! She's really tall, handsome and **** like a male model..."

Ning Yi's ears are so good, so she can hear these whispers clearly.

Then suddenly realized—

Hey, they have all seen Gu Cheng standing, but she has never seen it!

Ning Yi looked at his legs with hatred.

Gu Cheng: "?"

what to do.

Ning Yi: A very equal hatred.

The kayakers paddled far away, and those who stayed at the scene came to participate in the free and relaxing interactive games.

Ding Ziyue has regained her faith. Today's games for couples are very suitable for sprinkling sugar, and Jiang Linyi is also very cooperative with her.

Sweet and abusive, that's her keynote today!

She glanced at Ning Yi and Young Master Gu from the corner of her eye, then took Jiang Linyi's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother Lin Yi, let's go play that billiards~"

It is said to be billiards, but in fact it is not playing billiards at all, but blowing ping pong **** on the billiard table to see which side goes first.

Jiang Linyi, as the movie star, still has very strict image management. He didn't want to play this kind of game at first. But looking at Ding Ziyue's innocent and ignorant eyes, he smiled dotingly: "I listen to you, Yueyue."

Amidst the booing, the two walked to the table to play with another couple.

The ping pong ball is very light, and the two teams chased each other lying on the table with their heads together.

While bragging, Ding Ziyue accidentally kissed Jiang Linyi.

"Oh oh oh-"

"Aww, it's so sweet—"

Ding Ziyue blushed immediately, covered her mouth, her eyes were full of panic and shyness.

Jiang Linyi felt his heart melt.

And Ning Yi just happened to push Gu Cheng by.

Seeing the booing from the people around, Ning Yi touched her chin and asked, "My husband, should I do the same?"

Gu Cheng: "So what."

Blushing and shy?

Ning Yi would only follow him and ask if he was happy.

Gu Cheng glanced at Ning Yi's ruddy lips.

This woman probably wouldn't be honest when kissing her.

The figures of the two of them stayed in this game area for a while, and they were shouted passionately.

"Wow, isn't this Young Master Gu and Sister Ning? You are also here to participate in the interactive game?"

"This game here is very interesting. The two groups compete with each other, and those who win will get medals~"

Ning Yi silently stared at the staff member for three seconds.

The staff blinked enthusiastically.

Ning Yi: "Mochu, your wig is about to fall off."

There is also her mobile phone next to her, on it is the live broadcast room of @jasmine flavor, I thought she couldn't see it!

Zhao Mochu quickly pressed the men's wig on his head: "It's not important!"

Sugar is the most important thing!

"How about it, come here? This game is to test the tacit understanding of your husband and wife!"

Gu Cheng recalled the tacit understanding between Ning Yi and Wander yesterday, and suddenly sneered, "Yes."

Zhao Mochu: Ahhh, I've eaten this candy! Catch it hard!

Ning Yi then spoiled her face: "Husband wants to play, so let's join."

Zhao Mochu: Ahhh insulin! insulin!

A voice came in: "Oh, sister and Young Master Gu want to play this game? Brother Lin Yi and I also have time~"

Ding Ziyue came gracefully with Jiang Linyi on her arm.

Jiang Linyi's kiss just now has rushed to the hot search and everyone is crying sweetly—this makes Ding Shihua Princess Ziyue's lost confidence yesterday fly back to her delicate body!

This kind of interactive mini-game doesn't require physical fitness, it's better than sugar, she and brother Lin Yi won't lose!

Zhao Mochu looked at Gu Dashao and Ning Yi, but they didn't respond: "Ah, that's fine."

This game is a two-group competition. The men and women in each group write five sentences of each other's catchphrases, or what they often say to each other. Men and women write in turn, and one point is added for each overlap, and the comparison is the understanding of each other in daily relationship.

Zhao Mochu: "If you participate, you can't communicate with each other, just write on the spot, all audience friends are supervisors~"

Ding Ziyue nodded confidently: "No problem~"

And Ning Yi and her husband looked at each other.

Can't communicate, but they can communicate in their brains (poke hands and look at the sky)

Ning Yi said shyly, "Honey, can we cheat like this?"

Gu Cheng said lightly: "What's wrong."

Businessmen always maximize their profits.

Games start.

The online audience is watching enthusiastically, thanking the frontline CP fans.

At the beginning, Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi faced back to back, writing Jiang Linyi's spoken words. Ding Ziyue's face was pure and ignorant, and she blushed more and more as she wrote. When the two of them showed the answering board, Ding Ziyue was already shy and hid behind the board.

The first three spoken words written by Ding Ziyue:

【Yue Yue. I am here. Don't be afraid. 】

Turning a page, the last two are: [I love you. Little fool. 】

The people who eat melons online are all "wow-".

【Ah, ah, are you so petted?】

[How much the film emperor loves in private! ? 】

And Jiang Linyi smiled dotingly, and also showed his answer board.

【Yue Yue. Miss you very much. I am here. Little fool. come on. 】


"It's pretty much the same!"

"Wait, but what does it mean to be the last cheer hahahaha—"

Zhao Mochu took a look at it, thinking that Princess Ding and Jiang Yingdi are really good, but they got four right? In this case, her CP must hit all in order to win.

Zhao Mochu was a little uncertain.

The sense of superiority in Ding Ziyue's eyes can hardly cover up her shyness!

It was Ning Yi's turn to write Gu Cheng's spoken words.

[Ahhh, it's obviously a small game, so I'm a little nervous? 】

[My damned desire to win, Gu Moning must be the worst! 】

And Ning Yi was communicating with Gu Cheng in his heart.

"How about husband, hehe and shut up should be counted as your spoken language, right? There are two of them."

Gu Cheng: "..."

It was impossible to refute for a while.

Ning Yi scrambled to write, then thought hard for a while, and complained in her heart: "You don't even speak much, husband, how can there be any colloquial words?"

Gu Cheng glanced at the answer board full of affection on the opposite side, and said nonchalantly, "You can write a wife—"

"Write about a woman! Damn it! Bury her with you!" Ning Yi said, "How about it! You can make up five of them! You write the same as me, and everyone will think that we two have a good understanding! Loving couple!"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless: "They all think we are sick."

Ning Yi said aggrievedly, "Then there is nothing else."

Besides Ba Zong's quotations, what else is there!

Gu Cheng endured and endured, and finally sighed: "Is there nothing normal in your quotations?"

Ning Yi thought for a while: "There are softer ones too!"

— "Are the answers for those two ready~~~"

Zhao Mochu rubbed her hands excitedly and nervously.

What would Young Master Gu say to Sister Ning in private? Can they guess each other?

Ning Yi and Gu Cheng looked at each other, Gu Cheng had a look of letting her go, so Ning Yi smiled and showed the answering board—

【Ha ha. 】

【To shut up. 】

Here are the first two.

The last three:

[Don't look at him. 】

[You are not allowed to look at others. 】

【Look at me. 】

Zhao Mochu: "!!"

Ding Ziyue almost couldn't sit still: Just pretend, you Ning Yi!

Young Master Gu can say such a thing with that face... It's **** crazy, isn't it? !

Zhao Mochu held his last breath, cue Young Master Gu also showed his answer board.

Five words, one dime.

It's all right!

Zhao Mochu was so out of breath: I'm so stupid!

Isn't this love? ! This is the love of a tyrant!

[Dead in battle (silent shouting) (creeping) (running wildly)]

【Drunk to unconsciousness】

[Who will pinch Renzhong for me? ah? 】

Thousands of words can be combined into one sentence—【Young Master Gu, don't love me too much! 】


Ding Ziyue lost again.

She lost her love to Ning Yi and Gu Cheng again!

Well, since you want to abuse, let's do it more violently!

Ding Ziyue walked in the bitter wind and rain, and couldn't help but burst into the lounge prepared by the organizer for Gu Cheng with tears in her eyes.

— "Master Gu, did I do something to make you unhappy? Why did you just, and why did you target me and brother Lin Yi again and again?!"

Ning Yi took half a step back, mad literature started? This is the plot behind the heroine OvO

However, Gu Cheng squinted his eyes and felt it.

From the end of the game just now, the recovery of his legs has increased by about 10%.

So—when he affected some people, especially—Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi, two psychopaths, his legs recovered more clearly?

So what's so special about these two psychos?

What power do they represent?

Gu Cheng moved his legs silently.

Ding Ziyue held her heart in tears, "Master, if I've done something wrong to you, you can repay it with whatever you want... But please don't hurt Brother Lin Yi..."

Gu Cheng:?

At this time, Jiang Linyi suddenly rushed in: "Yueyue, I don't need you to protect me! You should be the princess in my palm!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: Hahahaha, after the female lead went crazy, the male lead also went crazy.

Gu Cheng: Very good.

Just by creating difficulties for these two idiots, will his legs be healed?

Gu Cheng supported his temple with one hand, tapped lightly on his knee with the other hand, and then said indifferently: "Song Yan, Wang Wu."


"Young master."

Gu Cheng said, "Let them get out of my territory, and they are not allowed to step in again."


"Yes, young master!"

Although I don't know why, but the words of the elder and younger are orders, and they absolutely obey!

Ding Ziyue looked terrified but her eyes were full of excitement—

He, he is finally coming!

He finally made a direct move to hinder the beautiful love between her and Jiang Linyi!

Then their love will be more tenacious through the wind and rain! Be what everyone sings about! Then Jiang Linyi's wealthy family will also accept her, thinking that she is the most suitable daughter-in-law!

"Brother Lin Yi, no, I don't want to be separated from you—"

"Yueyue!—Young Master Gu, why are you doing this—"

Gu Cheng closed his eyes.

If possible, he would also like to close his ears.

Behind him, a pair of hands covered her intimately.

Gu Cheng paused slightly, knowing it was Ning Yi.

In front of this absurd farce, she stood behind him, which made Gu Cheng feel an inexplicable feeling in his heart. He was looking for light from the darkness, but it was the first time someone covered his ears so that he wouldn't listen.

It was a protective gesture.

Feeling the softness and delicateness of her palm, Gu Cheng raised his face slightly with some emotion surging.

Then I saw Ning Yi's excited "hehehe" expression.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: Hey, don't listen. It's okay, I love to watch.

In the original plot, Gu Cheng just waved my territory with a big hand and I made the decision, directly making it impossible for the wealthy sports meeting to continue! But now if you hit you, you don't need to pick a day, just let them get out of his dynamic zone!

The relationship between the hero and heroine is impacted, but the more frustrated and courageous they become, the more cruel and sweeter they are - hoarse and heartbroken!

So silly, I love watching it!

"..." Gu Cheng silently changed his posture.

I moved my legs.

Then moved slightly again.

Gu Cheng's lowered eyes moved slightly.

A faint smile slowly spread on his thin lips.

It turns's that simple.

At this time, the sadomasochistic love drama between the male and female protagonists has come to an end.

Even if you are humiliated, unreasonable, and expelled from this land! But the evening dance will be held in the City Auditorium! Jiang Linyi still wants Ding Ziyue to be his princess!

"Yueyue, it's okay, I won't let you be without a male companion! I'll let you stand by my side at the ballroom party tonight!—"

Ding Ziyue cried in the wind for her sadomasochism: "I believe in you! Brother Lin Yi! I believe in you—"

Their voices became farther and farther away, Ning Yi could only scratch her head and stretch her neck out the window, watching with relish they were stuffed into two cars by Wang Wu and Song Yan, and then drove away on both sides up.

Hahahaha it's tough!

Ning Yi was so engrossed in watching that there seemed to be someone moving around in the room behind her, but she didn't pay attention.

After watching it for a long time, I finally turned around.

Gu Cheng sat lazily on the wheelchair, with a faint smile between his brows.

Ning Yi: "Yes, my husband, you think it's very interesting too!"

She rattled happily.

Gu Cheng raised the teacup in his hand, took a sip of tea, "Yes."

The man has high eyebrows, deep eye sockets, and the blue arcs between the dark pupils are like stars and the sea. He is full of dignity, and the black shirt is slightly taut on the vigorous male body, with a sense of power standing upright as if ready to go.

Every gesture is like a "walking hormone" as those people said.

Ning Yi looked at it for two seconds, then turned her head.

Then he turned back and scratched his head.

But shouldn't this teacup be on the shelf over there?

Did she remember wrongly?

And Gu Cheng looked leisurely.

