The news that Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi were expelled from this base has leaked a little bit among the wealthy families.

Because the two of them originally signed up for the riding and archery competition in the afternoon, but they canceled it temporarily. However, Jiang Linyi's official management team did not explain this, as if it was affected by some mysterious force majeure.

The force majeure on this piece of's hard not to think of that man?

Jiang Linyi and Ding Ziyue were taken away from the base respectively. Song Yan and Wang Wu strictly followed Gu Cheng's order and sent them to the urban area.

After Jiang Linyi got out of the car, he broke free from their shackles with a sullen face, and took out his mobile phone to call the family.

He is not only the film king, he is also the young master of the Jiang family in the neighboring province.

How could he allow himself and his beloved woman to be wronged like this?

"Father, yes, I have trouble here."

When Father Jiang heard this, he immediately asked, "Who is it?!"

Jiang Linyi: "Gu Cheng."

Father Jiang fell silent when he heard this.

"Son, you are in City A now. Gucheng is a local snake—ah no, a local dragon! When you go back to our house, of course no one dares to treat you like this, but in Mr. Gu's territory, he just invited you away and that's enough. You're welcome…"

Jiang Linyi closed his eyes fiercely.

It's okay for him to suffer a little bit, but is Yue Yuebai going to be wronged?

——Then tonight, Yueyue must be the most watched princess tonight!

on the other side of the car.

Ding Ziyue endured the pangs in her heart, and took eighty selfies of her tearful and miserable appearance in the car.

Wang Wu: "...?"

This girl doesn't seem normal.

After Ding Ziyue refined the photos in the car, she sent them to her CM account:

[@宁子祥: Everyone, I’m fine, I’ll still show up with a smile at night~[Picture][Picture]]

Once it was issued, it immediately sparked countless speculations. And guess Ding Ziyue and Jiang Linyi have a rift in their relationship?

Jiang Linyi also saw Ding Ziyue's photo, feeling heartache standing in the wind.

As he is, no one has ever made his heart hurt...

He suddenly felt that he was really planted, planted on Ding Ziyue's body.

At this time, Jiang Linyi's agent's nanny car just caught up, and he was relieved to see that Jiang Linyi was fine.

The agent has never been optimistic about the matter between him and Ding Ziyue, but the artist insists on making official announcements and giving his girlfriend a sense of security, so their team can only cooperate. But today Ding Ziyue went directly to make a fuss in front of that Young Master Gu, it's really not advisable!

"Lin Yi, forget it this time, don't provoke Young Master Gu in the future!"

Jiang Linyi felt unwilling: "He is just... a dragon with a broken leg."

The agent quickly waved his hand to tell him not to speak.

Jiang Linyi thought for a few seconds, and finally said: "Appoint the best stylist for me, and the high-end evening dress delivered two days ago."

He looked at himself reflected in the car window.

In terms of appearance and temperament, he will never lose.

At the dance tonight, he wanted Yueyue to have the best male companion.

Be the envy of all girls.

For Gu Cheng, today is really a memorable day.

If he had known that killing these two idiots would have freed him from some kind of seal, he would have done it when Ding Ziyue said she was his light.

Gu Cheng still needs to observe this absurd rule further.


Gu Cheng glanced at Ning Yi, who was excitedly looking for the omnipotent Mr. Zhou to ask for the dinner menu.

He thought lightly: It's not too late now.

Gu Cheng leisurely changed his posture in the wheelchair.

Sitting in a wheelchair when your legs are weak, and sitting in a wheelchair when your legs are fine are completely different feelings.

Now Gu Cheng feels that it's okay to sit still.

When he stood up, he wanted to surprise Ning Yi.

So this scene can't be too ordinary.


Mr. Zhou who is next to him has been secretly observing Young Master Gu. Although the Young Master still had no expression on his face, Mr. Zhou could feel that Young Master Gu was in a very good mood today!

Is it because you won an interactive mini-game with your wife?

He knew that this sports meeting would definitely enhance the relationship between the young master and his wife, and he perfectly figured out what was in the mind of young master Gu again.

In the future, he will definitely make more flexible arrangements, eh!

Ning Yi got the menu of the dinner party and carefully admired it.

In order to entertain rich and wealthy young masters from various provinces, the banquet tonight has a bit of an official nature. After all, it is a friendship between the provinces. The venue is chosen in the city theater, and the specifications of the banquet meals are quite high.

There are a lot of very high-end high-end seafood dishes, and Ning Yi has already started to look forward to them just looking at the pictures!

As for the other activities at the banquet, she didn't particularly care about them, after all, they belonged to the hero and heroine whose relationship lines are getting more and more exciting!

Oh, it seems that there is going to be some kind of masquerade party, where all the male and female partners wear masks and invite each other to dance together - but these have nothing to do with Ning Yi!

After all, my husband can't dance, so if she finds another partner, he won't be so jealous, will he dance?

Ning Yi shook her head dotingly.

She has already figured it out, when the time comes, eat seafood while watching the sadomasochism of the male and female lead—wonderful!

Ning Yi patted his stomach, and returned the menu to Mr. Zhou with a look of anticipation.

Gu Cheng looked at her playfully, and asked, "Is there anything else you want to play?"

Ning Yi shook her head, "It's nothing, my husband."

My mind is on the seafood at night!

"Well," Gu Cheng nodded, "Then let's go to the racecourse."

Ning Yi: "Huh?"

"Didn't I ask you to name the horse? It happened to be close." Gu Cheng took her wrist, "A few new horses have arrived at the racecourse."

Ning Yi gave a "wow" and said, "Okay!"

It's been a long time since I saw Xiaohong!

The riding and archery competition in the afternoon of the Giants Games was also held at the racecourse in Gucheng, but they only applied for a small professional equestrian field.

The remaining territory belonging to Gucheng is still vast.

When Ning Yi's car entered the racecourse, it passed the area of ​​the riding and shooting competition.

Everyone saw this car at once, and suddenly showed longing eyes——

"Is that Young Master Gu's car?"

"Look at the license plate, it should be."

"I envy that who..."

"Ah, I wonder if there is still a chance to talk to Young Master Gu tonight?"

The limited edition Maybach has gone away from everyone's eyes.

Song Yan stayed in the western suburbs for the past few years when he was bedridden in Gucheng, and took good care of the racecourse. No one has ever entered Young Master Gu's private meadow.

The car stopped, and when Gu Cheng got out of the car, he subconsciously wanted to move his legs.

But after thinking about it, forget it.

— This matter should be let Ning Yi know more ceremonially.

So in the end Young Master Gu sat in a wheelchair.

As soon as he entered the private meadow, the black-and-white horse had already been led by someone from a distance.

"Hello Xiaohong—"

Ning Yi waved at it happily, this was the first horse she had ever ridden.

The last time she rode a horse, Gu Cheng helped her switch with one button, omitting the process of horse training, and she learned quickly.

Seeing them, Xiao Hong excitedly ground her horse's hooves, snorted a few times, and trotted to the front of Gu Cheng and Ning Yi.

Song Yan originally thought that this horse should be a stranger after seeing Gu Dashao for many years, and he needs to get to know him again.

But I didn't expect that Xiao Hong came to Gu Cheng, shook her head, and knelt down again!

Song Yan: "!"

As expected of the young master!

— No matter how many years pass, this imperial aura will still be remembered!

Ning Yi: "Haha."

That, after all, Gu Cheng trained it in her body last time, so it should be very familiar^_^

The newly arrived horses are of pure bloodlines and top-notch appearance. They are all grown-up horses, younger and more rebellious than Xiaohongneng. There are tall horses that are as black as the night, and there are beautiful horses that are all white.

These two horses can be named by Ning Yi~ From now on, they will live in the racecourse under Ning Yi's name.

Ning Yi's eyes lit up: "Then I have to think about it!"

You definitely can't call him such an uncreative name as Xiaobai and Xiaohei!

After the new horses arrive, they will be trained by the coaches first. People who know horses can tell whether a horse is suitable for training or racing by listening to the sound. Therefore, after the new horse is delivered, it is usually necessary to try it out - but Ning Yi is not a veteran, so she must not dare to let her come.

While explaining to them, Song Yan sighed inwardly—it would be great if Young Master Gu could ride.

What are those wealthy sons outside who participated in the riding and archery competition? Young Master Gu can ride through a bull's-eye that is 100 meters away!

Back then, the brothers were deeply impressed by his ability.

And Gu Cheng sat in a wheelchair inscrutablely.

He glanced at Ning Yi.

Ning Yi was stretching out his hands to carefully touch some of the newly arrived strong horses. These horses were very proud and he didn't want to be touched. Ning Yi was almost bitten, but he obediently took his hands back. Seeing Song Yan and the others take these horses away for a test ride, they still looked envious.

Gu Cheng: Heh.

If she wants to see it, he can't get up and ride now.

After all... Ning Yi will be the first person to know that his leg has healed.

"Ayi," Gu Cheng smiled coldly, "Do you want to see—"

However, Ning Yi suddenly shouted: "Wow man, there are still baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa in your racecourse!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

On a meadow, a little white sheep appeared out of nowhere, stood a few meters away, and looked at them with a cute face. Its coat is fluffy and clean, and it looks well groomed.

Song Yan hurriedly explained: "Master, this is a sheep sent by a livestock farm in another province. Because the meadow here grows well and the place is large, a small batch of sheep was sent to raise here."

Gu Cheng didn't care about these things, and said, "Yes."

Ning Yi has already gone over to touch the lamb with great interest. The fierce horse won't be touched, but the lamb is very good—she has never seen such a clean little animal in the last days, and even if she saw it, it would be food!

Gu Cheng gave a cold snort.

What's so nice about a sheep?

Can look better than him riding a horse.

The lamb was very lively, seeing that Ning Yi was harmless, he even jumped up and down to play with her.

Ning Yi happily played for a while, turned around and saw Gu Cheng sitting in a wheelchair, she seemed not in a good mood, so she whispered to Baa-baa: "Go play with your father—"

After finishing speaking, the voice was lowered: "He can only play with small animals as tall as you now."

Gu Cheng:? I can hear you.

The man sat in a wheelchair and sneered: Who are you looking down on.

Seeing that the little white sheep was really coming towards him, Gu Cheng rebelliously rubbed the tip of his nose against Gu Cheng's leg.

Ning Yi: "Ahahaha look, husband! It also wants to make your legs better!"

Hungry Gucheng was almost knee-jerk reacted by it.

Almost kicked out.

He raised his head and saw Ning Yi's gloating face, so he squeezed the lamb's head twice with his hands, and said darkly, "Go and ask your mother, what's your name."

The little white sheep seemed to really understand people's words, so he let out a "咩~~~", and ran back to Ning Yi's side.

Ning Yi had a loving face: "Alright, alright, let me think about it."

Not far away, Zongzhu Zhou and Song Yan watched quietly.

Song Yan turned her head and saw Mr. Zhou with a kind smile on his face.

Song Yan: "? What's wrong with you."

Zongzhu Zhou: "Didn't you hear that?"

Song Yan didn't understand, so: "What did you hear?"

Zongzhu Zhou smiled: "They call themselves father and mother!"


— Don't kill him!

There are two newly arrived ponies, and now a lamb is added. Ning Yi has to name three at once, and the task is arduous.

She decided to go out for a ride first to find inspiration.

Now Xiaohong is no stranger to Gu Cheng and Ning Yi's aura. Ning Yi stroked its head and recommunicated with it for a while, feeling that she was in a stable state, so she planned to get on the horse.

Gu Cheng's figure moved, but he still waved his hand and called Song Yan: "Hold on."

"Yes, young master."

Ning Yi's body was very flexible, and he quickly got on the horse.

Soon he stabilized his figure, and began to circle around the pasture in a "da da da" manner.

A good horse really has a soul, and it will match Ning Yi's strength and ups and downs.

Ning Yi happily rode Xiaohong around, feeling the same wind-breaking joy as last time—and then felt, cool, but a bit cold.

After all, it's been a few months since the last time I came here, and it's almost November—thinking about it, Gu Cheng's birthday is coming soon?

Ning Yi didn't ride too far, and came back with a "da da da". Seeing the afterglow of the setting sun, Gu Cheng sat leisurely in the wheelchair, watching her ride back calmly, not knowing what he was thinking.

But this picture is a bit pleasing to the eye.

As expected of the faces of the top 100 **** men in the world.

Ning Yi imagined for a while, if the "walking hormone" could ride and shoot on a horse, it would indeed be—very bewitching!

So Ning Yi pinched the horse's belly, tightened the reins and stopped, and asked, "Honey, do you want to ride~"

Gu Cheng raised his face slightly.

At this time, the setting sun was shining behind her, and the smile on Ning Yi's face seemed to be able to render the color of the entire meadow. She was still sitting on the horseback, her hair was fluttering in the air, and her slender figure was leaning against the warm and vast sky.

Gu Cheng looked at it silently, thinking it was like a painting.


Ning Yi: "Hey, but I won't exchange for you!"

Because you have to wait for you to ride by yourself!

So - your legs get better soon, man!

Ning Yi: "Slightly slightly!"

Gu Cheng looked at her bright and lively face, and after a while, he snorted and leaned back on the wheelchair calmly.

little fool.

just wait.

Finally, Ning Yi had enough fun, and came back stepping on the afterglow to name the three little animals.

Gu Cheng sat on the side leisurely, waiting to hear her masterpiece.

Can it be more profound than Xiaohong?

"First of all," Ning Yi patted the little white sheep's head and said confidently, "It's called baabaapupumanbaichaohaorua."

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi looked at Gu Cheng: "What's wrong, husband, aren't you cute?"

Gu Cheng: "...cute."

Ning Yi: "Then repeat it!"

"..." Gu Cheng was silent for a few seconds before he said helplessly: "Baa baa puff full white super good rua."

With his memory, it is no problem to write down every word clearly.

But each of these characters is a Chinese character, and it is very strange to say it from Young Master Gu's mouth after combination.

Zongzhu Zhou: Chong, I understand, your uncle Chong.

Gu Cheng looked down at Ning Yi: "Where are the two horses? Also called this style?"

"No, no!" Ning Yi waved her hands seriously.

Then she stood up and pointed to the white one: "Stand up."

Pointing to the black one: "Run fast."

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: "How about my husband, how about my naming skills?"

Gu Cheng remained expressionless: She really deserves to be my wife.

Ning Yi was so moved by herself!

It's so touching to name it without forgetting to bless your husband! How could there be such a caring and good wife like her.

However, Gu Cheng looked at her for a while, but smiled coldly, with a little playfulness in his black eyes: "Ayi, who does your name allude to?"

Ning Yi: "Honey, I'm definitely not alluding to you!"

Because the male and female protagonists have reached the stage of crazy literature, she is not just watching the show for nothing, and by the way, she also reviewed the current progress of the plot-in the original book, after Gu Cheng woke up, there was indeed a period of sitting in a wheelchair, so it was even more difficult. Cloudy and cloudy, moody! The crushing of a group of male protagonists and supporting actors is even more arbitrary!

But now, in fact, it should be the time for President Gu to stand up and beat everyone up? Why haven't you got up yet?

So Ning Yi is pushing him and stimulating him! Help your husband with the last step! The Return of the King!

There was a smile on Gu Cheng's lips: "Really? Aren't you implying me, hoping that I can stand up and run fast?"

"No husband," Ning Yi pouted, and said affectionately, "Actually, I'm cpuing you!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Mr. Zhou used to surf the Internet a lot, and politely explained from the side: "Madam are you talking about PUA?"

"No," Ning Yi said, "I'm at KFC."

Gu Cheng: "?"

Young Master Gu pushed the wheelchair and left.

It is difficult to understand the spiritual world of my wife.

I am afraid that one day he will understand.

The riding and shooting competition at the sports meeting also ended soon, and this year's sports meeting of the giants has basically come to an end.

For most people in the wealthy circle, the sports meeting is just for fun. In fact, tonight's networking dinner and dance are the most valuable!

Being able to communicate with wealthy families in various provinces, exchange information, and possibly even promote marriages to obtain higher benefits, these are the principles taught from childhood to adulthood by wealthy families.

So there are many people secretly wanting to take this opportunity to get to know Gu Cheng—that's the luck of a business emperor, which wealthy family doesn't want to rub it?

At the closing ceremony of the sports meeting, the organizer originally wanted to invite Young Master Gu to give a speech, but when they heard that Young Master Gu was with his wife at the racecourse, they immediately turned back.

— No one wants to be buried with him! Safety first, safety first.

Seeing that the time was about the same, Gu Cheng looked down at his watch and asked Ning Yi, "Are you hungry?"

Ning Yi was moved for a while, now that Gu Cheng can take the initiative to take care of her belly, her husband is going further and further on the road of twenty-four filial piety, is it still far from the effect of her curse!

"Yeah," although not hungry, but, "a little bit."

Gu Cheng glanced into the distance, and said lightly, "Today I can make you a roasted whole lamb."


Ning Yi looked down at the jubilant "baa baa puff full white super good rua" at her feet.

Although she is used to the lack of supplies and everything can be food, and she doesn't have any extra sympathy, but—Gu Cheng, you are worthy of being an indifferent person, you!

Ning Yi thought for a while, then shook her head and refused, "no."

Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smile in his eyes: "Reluctance? You would refuse food."

Ning Yi hummed and chirped.

Seeing her insistence on refusing, Gu Cheng also bewitched: "Altai scorpion sheep, slaughtered and cooked now, is better than the leg of lamb you ate yesterday."

Ning Yi still said: "No!"

Gu Cheng couldn't help laughing.

Then Ning Yi touched her head shyly, and said the real reason: "Because I have to eat a lot of seafood at night."

Gu Cheng: "Huh?"

Ning Yi: "There is only one gout meal a day!"

Cooking people, cooking soul, be a healthy cooking person!

Gu Cheng: "..."

Pretty cute.

On the way back to the urban area, Zhou Zongzhu reported to him one by one the backlog of work that Young Master Gu had accumulated while playing with his wife in the morning.

"Tonight's banquet will also be broadcast live on the CMore platform,

"For the ecological model we proposed, the full industrial layout of the online mall, the founder has already completed the structure. The senior programmers in our software development department have seen it, and the evaluation is very high..."

Ning Yi: Hehe.

Don't ask, if you ask, I also worked hard when my husband was working outside.

This is her sincere olive branch offered to Koo Capital by hiding behind the platform.

After hearing this, Gu Cheng didn't react too much, he just said, "Let's prepare the contract."

Ning Yi: Husband's huge investment is coming to me!

Gu Cheng: "—Let the founder sign it himself."

Zongzhu Zhou: "Yes!"

Ning Yi pouted and gave a light "boo".

The abacus in my heart was crackling.

Mr. Zhou finished his report, and asked at the end as usual: "For tonight's banquet, do you need to prepare couple dresses of the same color for the wife and the eldest son?"

Gu Cheng turned his head and glanced at Ning Yi.

He used to be in a wheelchair, but he didn't think it mattered what he wore.

But now, it's not the same.

As the height changes, her perspective and the picture she sees will be different.

Ning Yi said enthusiastically, "Okay! My husband and I wear couples' styles!"

Gu Cheng felt a slight joy in his heart, he picked up her wrist and put it in his palm to play.

Ning Yi: "Then it's pink!"

Gu Cheng put her wrist back again.

"I wear black." Gu Cheng said.

Zongzhu Zhou held back a smile: "Okay, Young Master."

Ning Yi grumbled aggrievedly, "Okay, then I'll wear black too."

Gu Cheng squinted at her, and asked casually, "Is that friend of yours here?"

Ning Yi: "Team Wan—brother?"

Gu Cheng narrowed his eyes: "Yes."

Ning Yi took out her phone: "Let me ask you a question."

Why are you two running out of love after three legs?

Gu Cheng: Hehe.

He better come.

Witness it, 186 cannot beat 188.


Outside the auditorium.

Because this is a semi-official party, the scene is very formal, and a red carpet is laid on the high steps outside the lobby.

The rich and wealthy young masters from various provinces changed their equipment for participating in the sports meeting and put on suits and evening gowns, and immediately felt like they usually feel in Vanity Fair.

The audience who have been watching the sports meeting for the past two days naturally did not miss the last provincial capital—

[Wow wow wow, thanks CM! Let me get to know you again]

[Shout out for me, Sister Ning! Young Master Gu! What about Wan Ge! 】

[Ah, the last time I saw Sister Ning's costume was at the jewelry conference, I was looking forward to it all]

And the first to appear from the camera is Ding Ziyue holding Jiang Linyi's arm.

The haggardness on her face has been swept away, and her face is radiant! because-

[Fuck, actor, this is the outfit to receive the award! ? 】

[Jiang Linyi's makeup today looks like the handiwork of a powerful teacher. The clothes he wears are from the H family's super season high-end clothes. Usually, artists only wear them so grandly during important events...Jiang Linyi really supports Ding Ziyue]

【Ah ah ah ah ah admiration】

[Who doesn't envy Ding Ziyue's life? 】

The pride in Ding Ziyue's eyes could hardly be suppressed!

She knew it - only twists and turns and wind and rain would make Jiang Linyi love her more and cherish her more!

It had to be Young Master Gu, who pushed the plot forward as soon as he made a move!

—Tonight, who would not envy her? !

— With a male companion like Jiang Linyi by her side, who can beat her! ?

Ding Ziyue was so happy that she wanted to dance!

Jiang Linyi held Ding Ziyue's hand tightly, and said softly, "I will always be like this, standing by your side, and making you the most dazzling one."

Ding Ziyue blushed, "Brother Lin Yi, I believe in you."

Then as soon as the two of them reached the door, they were stopped and separated again.

Jiang Linyi was ptsd about the separation, and just about to frown, he heard the organizer explain:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, Miss Ding, because today's dinner is of a social nature, and there will be a special masquerade ball in the evening, so we set special rules for the guests when entering the venue—"

"The male partner and the female partner have to enter separately, on both sides of the banquet hall~ When the lights go down, it is the signal to start the dance—everyone has to find their beloved other half~"

Jiang Linyi smiled, "No problem, of course I can recognize Yueyue."

Ding Ziyue: "Brother Lin Yi, I will too!"

[Wow, this rule is quite interesting! 】

[Only I want to know, is this fair to Mr. Gu hahahaha]

[The only wheelchair in the audience, Sister Ning can recognize it at a glance]

[Hahaha Gu's Mo Ning party is waiting for this chewing gum tonight! 】

When Ning Yi arrived, the audience watching the live broadcast had to wait for a long time.

As soon as she came, the comments immediately surged!

[Ahhh, sister Ning is wearing C's haute couture! The light V pearl black dress is so beautiful to me]

[Sister Ning, Sister Ning, Sister Ning]

[Wait, where is Young Master Gu? ? 】

Before Gu Chenglin went out, he was stopped by a tens of billions of orders, and he should be on his way now.

Ning Yi had seen the timing of the meal a long time ago, and if he waited a second longer, he might miss a crab leg, so he came here first ^3^

Anyway, Ning Yi didn't come to dance, who was she dancing with?

Seafood feast here I come!

Ning Yi happily entered the banquet hall on the side of the female guests.

At this time, the wealthy circles in other provinces have already started socializing from all angles.

"The elder Gu's son in city A is over there, the one in blue."

"Mr. Zhao San has recently become a potential stock, do you know that, because the CMore platform was co-founded by their company and people, I want to talk about it later."

"Hey, you all have CM accounts? Then let's close each other~"

"Okay, okay."

Ning Yi floated past lightly.

Her platform has already been perfectly integrated into this world of wealthy pets.

As expected of her~

And all the famous ladies and daughters will talk about the same topic in the end—

"So when will Young Master Gu come?"

"It's been two days since the sports meeting, and I haven't found a chance to talk."

"What's the matter if you're married? I've checked the Ning family, and it's long gone—and that Miss Ning Yi is not actually a wealthy daughter. She was just taken over this year, so she won't be of any help to Young Master Gu. "

"But our family is in the Internet industry, and the future layout of Gu Dashao is consistent. I believe he will be interested in me."

"To put it bluntly, how can there be love in a rich family?"

"If Young Master Gu recovers completely now, do you know how many people can't help but want to marry Mrs. Gu?"

"In the face of interests, do you think Young Master Gu will choose Ning Yi?"

The banquet area for male guests on the other side.

"Are you all waiting to talk to Young Master Gu?"

"That's fine, then it's not too much for me to talk to his wife, hahaha."

Not only this young master, but also many other people are actually deeply impressed by Ning Yi.

Not only is it beautiful, but also has an inexplicable temperament, which seems to be calm and sassy polished in some other environment. It's impressive just by looking at it.

"Anyway, I'll be wearing a mask later, you should identify her clothes in advance, and go there later—"

Ning Yi listened to all kinds of messy whispers, and looked at the black head, and couldn't help sighing——

There are so many wealthy people in this world?

But she doesn't care about these, because the dishes are already served^_^

In the waiting halls on both sides, there are also two long dining tables, neatly placed with silver buffet stoves, above which is a feast of seafood brought in by air—

Delicious Boston lobster, snow crab legs in sauce, king crab legs, fresh lime green mussels, oysters in sauce, snails, and a variety of shellfish, which smell so fresh.

The ladies and daughters present were all in a lack of interest, and only took a glass of champagne to drink there.

Ning Yi: Start √

She directly showed off the oysters, which are so direct and dazzling, and then knocked on the crab legs, while calling Gu Cheng in her heart: "Husband, where have you been?"

A man's voice with a slight smile came from over there: "Miss me? Immediately."

"Hey husband," Ning Yi said, "Come here directly^3^"

In the next second, Gu Cheng was replaced by her, facing a whole plate of hard crab legs.

"Baby wants to eat meat, my husband will peel it for others!"

Gu Cheng: "..."

He picked up the pliers resignedly.

Now his body is sitting on the car, but I don't know if Ning Yi will notice the change in his legs after changing it.

Gu Cheng is not keen on these foods, but he is very good at them, and quickly peeled a whole plate of crab legs for Ning Yi.

"All right."

Ning Yi changed over happily, crying with happiness.

Gu Cheng asked: " don't think there is anything special?"

"What's so special?" Ning Yi ate a big mouthful of tender crab meat peeled off by her husband, "It's delicious?"

Gu Cheng: ...All right.

Just thinking about eating, I'm afraid he didn't move when he was in his body just now.

Let alone feel his legs.

Ning Yi ate a bunch of meat and went in. Her heart and stomach were very satisfied, but she felt a little tangled.

It's time to eat. She wants to eat healthy. But only want to eat meat.

How to do?

- "Husband, come here!"

Gu Cheng who was replaced: "? What's wrong with you."

Ning Yi said: "Help the baby eat some vegetables and balance the nutrition."

Gu Cheng: "...?"

If you agree to be a healthy cook, let him co-author the health part, right?

Gu Cheng helped her eat a plate of kale lettuce salad with a blank face.

Then Ning Yi switched back, completely satisfied.

Ning Yi said sincerely: "I love you so much, husband, I can help my baby with anything."

It’s so easy to use, I can’t live without it!

Gu Cheng: "Hehe."

He can only help her more in the future.

Don't she cry.

He tidied up his cuffs and asked lightly, "How much longer?"

Zongzhu Zhou suppressed his excitement: "Young Master, we are just ahead!"

During the whole dinner, only Ning Yi was eating seriously in the corner alone.

However, the audience watched her in the cracks.

[Wooooow Ning Bao is so cute]

[I am crazy about rice by myself, and I also know how to eat salad with meat and vegetables! 】

[I would like to open a separate window to watch Sister Ning's eating and broadcasting! 】

[Hey wait! Look, the light is dimmed! The dance is about to begin—]

The banquet hall fell into complete darkness for a few minutes, and when the lights were turned on again, the screen between the male and female companions had been removed—

Everyone wears a different mask.

Ning Yi touched her mask, very satisfied—

Because it is half! a ha ha ha!

There are quite a few people whose masks cover their entire faces, but Ning Yi doesn't delay eating at all!

The audience was all excited about this novel form, trying hard to recognize people in the dim and flickering dance hall lights—

[It's better to recognize Jiang Linyi! 】

[He directly found Ding Ziyue and made a firm choice, holding her hand, woo woo woo]

— "It seems that some of our male guests have found their beloved female companions as quickly as possible! Everyone applauds and congratulates~"

Jiang Linyi extended his hand affectionately and gentlemanly: "Yueyue, would you like to dance with me?"

Ding Ziyue held his hand shyly: "Of course, Brother Lin Yi!"

There was applause all around, Ding Ziyue was illuminated by the spotlight, with a smile on her face—

At this moment, she knew that she had won!

Does Ning Yi have a male companion? What can she compare with her!

【Ah, I saw Brother Wan! 】

[That lazy walk, and the silver earrings! It's Brother Wan at first glance! 】

In the crowd, all kinds of communication are being staged.

"Is Young Master Gu here?"

"I didn't see the wheelchair!"

"I won't come, I would have known that I would not come..."

Everyone was matching their dance partners, but Ding Ziyue accurately caught Ning Yi who was eating alone in the shadow of her fragrant clothes, and immediately walked over.

"Oh my sister, why don't you have a male companion? Then let me introduce you to one?" Ding Ziyue raised her arms in the field without waiting for her to answer—

"Everyone~ This is my sister Ning Yi, here she is~ She doesn't have a partner, it will be very pitiful when the dance starts~ Can you please take care of me~"

Immediately, three wealthy young masters came over.

"Miss Ning, I am the second son of the **** group,..."

【Ah, what are you doing, Ding Ziyue! 】

[Sister Ning belongs to Young Master Gu! Or Wan Ge's! 】

Ding Ziyue: I'm so considerate~ After all, even if Young Master Gu comes, he can't dance with Ning Yi, can he?

All the famous ladies are not interested in Ning Yi.

"Where is Young Master Gu—oh wait, who is that?"

"Holy shit, so handsome, so sexy..."

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast also noticed the man wearing a mask who had just entered the arena.

[Fuck who is this? 】

[This figure is shit, shit]

Ning Yi turned her back to the door and didn't notice this person.

At the same time, her ears were filled with all kinds of noises in the banquet hall, as well as the greasy voices of the three young men who were summoned by Ding Ziyue, which made her almost feel like she was in the tide of zombies in the last days.

It's noisy, it's noisy, it's noisy.

My head hurts from the noise.

The young masters in front of her are still pressing in front of her:

"Our family has businesses in catering and other fields. If Miss Ning needs it..."

The other daughters were all screaming softly.

No one can recognize who that man is—but he just strode his long legs slowly, from the cold white neck down to the broad shoulders and narrow waistline, this is a perfectly proportioned man The sculpture-like body walks slowly, with an aura that cannot be ignored, entering the banquet hall and passing through the crowd