What kind of sport is parachuting? You hang a big parachute behind you and connect the speedboat with ropes, so that when the speedboat drives forward, people can be carried by the agitated wind and rise into the air. middle.

When the speedboat goes fast, people hang high; when the speedboat goes slow, people can go so low that they touch the sea with jio—

Ning Yi has never played it before, and finds it very interesting!

Of course, such an exciting activity should be experienced by my husband, after all, with Mr. Gu's own expensive body, he must not be able to fly in the sky!

Ning Yi: With a wife like me, just spoil her husband to heaven (the dog's head holds a rose)

Gu Cheng in the sky: "..."

How to put it, that is, the wind is quite strong.

There is also some sense of weightlessness among the ups and downs.

Looking down, he could see Ning Yi's slender calves and white feet under her flamboyant floral skirt, and he could imagine that she must have been swaying happily just now.

This is indeed a very interesting thing for Ning Yi, but she shares it for Gu Cheng to experience.

It does seem to be a special kind of love... right?

Young Master Gu was in the sky, lost in some kind of thinking.

Ning Yi looked at her husband hanging over there from a distance and seemed not very happy, and asked him: "What's wrong, husband? You are not afraid of heights, are you? Don't worry, the life jacket you put on the baby is fine!"

Gu Cheng has calmed down: "That's not true."

Ning Yi thinks so too, your business emperor has no weaknesses or weaknesses.

"Then do you like the way baby expresses love!"

Gu Cheng was silent for a few seconds, and finally said: "Yes."

Ning Yi said affectionately: "That's good, I will share half of my happiness with you in the future, husband."

Gu Cheng: ...it doesn't seem like a very good thing.

But Gu Cheng listened to her cheerful voice in the wind, and was silent for a moment, finally decided to accept his comforting logic.

special love.


So he also stretched out his hand and felt the wind blowing on his face, "Thank you baby."

Standing behind "Eldest Young Master Gu", Zongzhu Zhou said to "Eldest Young Master Gu" in a low voice: "Young Master, if you are interested, I will contact you for a speedboat, and you can fly with your wife."

"Huh?" Ning Yi turned around.

Seeing Zhou Zongzhu's considerate expression of "I think you can sleep together and fly together", Ning Yi waved his hands: "It's okay, he... I have already experienced it!"

Mr. Zhou: "?"

Does Young Master Gu mean that if she played it, it means that I have played it?

No wonder the young master said "Seeing her is like seeing me" back then!

Gu Dashao loves her so much that he regards his wife as another self!

-what! This is love! TvT

Shuangfei has not been realized, but Shuangsu is stable!

After today's work was all over, and the yacht was fun, Gu Cheng took Ning Yi to eat and drink, and returned to the hotel.

Mr. Zhou finally checked that the layout of the hotel room was in order, and then slowly retreated with a smile on his face, hiding his achievements and fame.

The sound insulation of the hotel is very good, and he and the bodyguards are waiting outside.

The young and his wife can enjoy the two-person world!

Entering the room, Gu Cheng loosely unbuttoned his shirt. Just as he was about to get something to drink, he saw the bathroom that was completely transparent on all sides.

Young Master Gu: "..."

Young Master Gu unbuttoned two more pieces of his shirt.

Ning Yi was completely innocent, looking at the sea in the setting sun happily in front of the big French window.

A golden wave.

She also held a bottle of wine in her hand.

When she came here, Gu Cheng didn't let her take it with her, so she passed by the commercial street here, and went to buy her a bottle.

It is a tea wine with local characteristics. The strong liquor has the fragrance of tea leaves and sweet aftertaste, and the alcohol content is not low. Ning Yi had a drink to enjoy herself. With her drinking capacity, as long as she didn't switch back and forth suddenly several times like last time, she would not faint.

"Husband," Ning Yi turned to look for Gu Cheng, "Do you want to drink?"

Just as Gu Cheng came out of the bathroom, he looked at the wine in her hand and said very restrainedly: "No."


So as not to be out of control.

Ning Yi: Hmm. He is afraid of delaying work, I understand!

Then I will show off myself, haha.

It is good to come out to play, toss in the sea during the day, and look at the scenery at night. Ning Yi sat by the window, feeling the faint aroma of tea and wine between her lips and teeth, watching the warm yellow sunset in the distance gradually fading away.

Night fell slowly, and the air became cooler.

Ning Yi put the wine bottle away, walked to the bathroom with her head held high—

There is a big jacuzzi in their suite, and a wooden tray is carefully placed beside it. There are glasses, combs and other supplies on it, as well as bath **** specially used for bubble baths.

Ning Yi casually threw two bath **** into the water, watching them bubbling and swirling in the water, and then turning into pink bubbles little by little, the process was quite healing!

The water vapor came up, and the glass on all sides was slightly fogged, but—

Still see very clearly!

So when Ning Yi lifted up her skirt as soon as she stretched out her hand, Gu Cheng almost couldn't hold the teacup in his hand.

"Ayi," Gu Cheng looked over the glass and landed on her fair body, "Did you not notice—"

"What?" Ning Yi turned around, and when she met Shang Gucheng's dark gaze through the foggy glass, she smiled wildly, "Husband, do you want to have **** too?"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and measured the bathtub with her eyes. In fact, it was about the same size as a small swimming pool, and it would be no problem to soak several people.

"I feel like—"

Before she could finish her sentence, a trace of air-conditioning entered the glass door.

Then close it again.

Gu Cheng walked in, and immediately occupied a part of the bathroom with a strong sense of presence. He was too tall, blocking part of the light above his head, and the shadow cast covered Ning Yi's fair shoulders. The muscles under the man's shirt were tight, slightly damp and heavy due to the moisture, revealing beautiful lines.

He lowered his eyes slightly, with a dangerous blue arc in his pupils, and said in a low voice, "Aren't you, you are too relieved of me."

In the past, when the legs were not in good shape, it was fine, but now you dare to be so straightforward?

If you don't mean to invite, at least... just be a little more reserved.

Although they have known each other's bodies very well since they exchanged bodies, he even helped Ning Yi take a bath.

But looking at it this way, it is still very impactful.

However, Young Master Gu himself didn't know that he was asking a person in the last days to have a sense of shame about the flesh.

Not to mention, this doomsday man drank a little wine just now.

More unrestrained! Ha ha!

Ning Yi cast a very magnanimous wink: "You and I, brothers, don't talk about those hypocrisy!"

Buddy, all buddies.

Gu Cheng: "..."

With a dangerous sense of oppression, he approached and lowered his head, "Who is your brother, huh?"

The breath brushed over the tip of Ning Yi's nose, a little warm.

Ning Yi blinked her eyes, remembering the bubble bath behind her: "Oh, don't make trouble, the water temperature is right now, if you don't soak it, it will be cold!"

So Ning Yi turned around and was about to step into the bathtub.

Gu Cheng's eyes flashed by, and he couldn't help but look up at the ceiling.

Then one hand unconsciously went to help her, lest she slip and fall carelessly.

Ning Yi supported Gu Cheng's steady and strong forearm, sat down in the fragrant and warm water, and blew bubbles happily. She has good hearing and can hear the sound of the waves outside the hotel window. The environment is very enjoyable.

And Gu Cheng lowered his eyes.

The water is pink. The foam is half covered. White as a piece of warm jade.

Ning Yi raised her eyes and asked sincerely, "Are you taking a bath? It's very comfortable."

She is so nice to her husband now! I think about him for all good things ^3^

The man who was invited one after another finally smiled.

The corners of his lips curled into a cool arc, then he half-kneeled down by the bathtub, his slender fingers touched the tip of her raised chin, and hooked lightly, "Don't you know what the invitation at this time means?" .”

Ning Yi said in the jade pot with a cold heart: "Ah, I have no other intentions!"

Looking at the purity in her eyes, Gu Cheng doubted his own personal charm for a few seconds.

Finally, I thought: Then I have something else to say.

His hand slid down from her chin and landed on the side of her neck, "What do you mean by that?"

Ning Yi: Huh?

Is this trying to pinch my aorta?

But it's not quite like that either.

Falling down between her collarbones, "So."

Ning Yi: Acupuncture? OnO

Further down, one point, two points.

His voice was not very stable, "—this is again, what do you mean?"

After a few strokes.

"Okay, okay." Ning Yi blushed and said softly.


Ning Yi covered her heart and said, "I understand, but I don't fully understand."

Weird and a little bit of that.

Well, he's playing something very new—she'll have to study it!

Gu Cheng couldn't help laughing.

However, as soon as the corners of his lips curled up, he was suddenly transferred into Ning Yi's body.

Gu Cheng: "?"

The two looked at each other, and Ning Yi looked thoughtful.

Finally, he stretched out his hand and slapped himself twice.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi mainly wants to know what it feels like to touch someone.

Gu Cheng: But are you doing it right?

Ning Yi felt nothing. But when she moved, she felt something.

Ning Yi subconsciously wants to say hello to the one who has something, but Gu Cheng has already held her palm expressionlessly.

The two switched back again.

"Do you still want to continue?" Gu Cheng asked with a cold smile.

Ning Yi finally felt a little embarrassed.

She slid down into the water, showing only her head above the surface.

The pink water reflected the red face.

"Forget it, I want to take a bath," she said majesticly and in a low voice, "Anyone who prevents my king from enjoying the bubble bath will be killed without mercy!"

Gu Cheng couldn't help laughing.

"All right."

This idiot knows how to be shy.

It can be regarded as a great progress in emotional development.

In short.

Although the bathing process was a bit indescribable, the bath was still warm and warm.

Very comfortable! The massage function of the bathtub is also very powerful! The life of the rich is good!

In the end, Ning Yi was directly sleepy.

After the cleansing came out, Gu Cheng was wrapped up in the quilt in a daze, "Don't play, don't play, good night, Daji—"

Gu Cheng directly covered her mouth, and then turned off the light.

It was a good night's sleep.

—and tonight.

Only one person can't sleep!

Ding Ziyue dances wildly under the moonlight: Why, why!

She worked hard all day today, but she couldn't wait until 01! At night, she had no choice but to find a hotel in this coastal city, and according to the hacker's report, she was still not far from 01's location.

The boss is obviously not far from her, and he is obviously protecting her in secret, why doesn't he show up?

After Ding Ziyue thought about it, there was only one reason - 01 was probably too ugly to be seen by others, so she didn't dare to appear in front of her goddess, right?

She was sure that 01 must have different emotions towards her.

Because Ding Ziyue even took screenshots of every time 01 gave her a thumbs-up. Every time he came to see her, it was late at night, Netease cloud emo moment. And after Jiang Linyi and her grand official announcement at the birthday party, 01 didn't like it anymore.

What does this mean? Explaining that she had a boyfriend made him sad, so he had to keep a distance!

Not to mention this time, after Ding Ziyue came to this city, he also appeared around. Although she didn't show up, Ding Ziyue, as a person who is well versed in the development of emotional lines, knew that this must be a kind of low self-esteem and longing.

Ding Ziyue tossed and turned late at night, finally looked at the number of fans on her CMore homepage, calmed down—

When Young Master Gu returns to City A, he will sign a contract with CMore. When the founder 01 reappears, it will have nothing to do with her! She must make herself the light that encourages and guides 01 before he appears in public!

Ding Ziyue used all the brain cells in her body, and finally slowly revealed a smile that was inevitable—since he didn't come out, don't blame her for being aggressive. Even if it is to use some means of moral kidnapping, it is not impossible.

After all, she wants to seize this opportunity to let Young Master Gu and everyone see her commercial value!

So the next day.

Ding Ziyue's CM account posted a video—

She directly gave 01 to @出来, shouted positively, and took the initiative to tie her up!

In the video, Princess Ding leans against the sea and the sun, letting the sea breeze blow her hair, smiling very softly.

"Actually, I have always known that you are silently following me, because I am one of the earliest CMore bloggers who came to your platform when the platform was founded. When you have nothing, I believe you will be able to!..."

"I know, I have accompanied you all the way, and you have been silently paying attention to me, silently giving me praises, we are all growing together..."

This is Ding Ziyue's strategy - to force him!

Since he lacked the courage to meet the goddess, Ding Ziyue took the initiative to attack! At the same time, let 01 know that even if she has a boyfriend, she is still willing to encourage him, support him, and be his light! Ding Ziyue felt that she was simply too smart!

"I know you don't want to face the public, but I know that I am different from you. There must be a lot of things to talk between us, because we cherish each other, and our spirits can resonate!..."

Ding Ziyue is not afraid of exaggeration, because the Ding family has done so many marketing campaigns, and has already raised a regular navy for Princess Ding.

[Wow, Yueyue is such an excellent princess, she will be noticed by outstanding talents as expected]

[Oh my god, so there is such a relationship between Yueyue and the boss? 】

[Soon Gu will be leading the investment in CMore. The founder has never appeared. Yueyue also wants to give him the courage to help him face the public, right? So kind, love, love]

[Ah, big boss, come out soon, as a loyal CM user, I am also very curious about who the big boss is! 】

Ding Ziyue looked at the wind direction on the Internet, and her prediction was basically the same!

And when she did this, she was not afraid of Jiang Linyi's anger, because in the prediction in that dream, there were all kinds of excellent men who would fall in love with her, and then Jiang Linyi was very jealous of this!

Now that the infatuated male supporting role, Wander, was abducted by Ning Yi, then 01 might be an infatuated supporting male who replaced him!

The more Ding Ziyue thinks about it, the more likely it is. After all, no one knows better than her how much the world is facing her, and she is the center of the world!

Ding Ziyue's heart was surging, and she felt that her move was absolutely right.

In this way, no matter who 01 is in the end, as long as he is not a very unexpected invisible boss, then everyone will focus on the relationship between Ding Ziyue and 01, and her bond with CMore will also be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

She relaxed and checked the news happily.

——The daughter of the royal family in H province made a high-profile show of love for Young Master Gu? ! The day before yesterday, some onlookers saw Wang Qianjin communicating in front of Mr. Gu's Maybach!

As the leader of the Internet industry, the Wang family has shown a strong willingness to marry this time, and has even hinted that they can have in-depth mutual benefits with Koo Capital in the industry. Behind this is countless huge profits!

Ding Ziyue was sore for three seconds, and then burst out laughing—

Ning Yi probably died of panic, right? !

The daughters of the Internet industry are about to marry, which is exactly what the Koo Group needs now!

Wouldn't Ning Yi be kicked out soon? After all, how could she compare with others?

Could it be that she can also take out an Internet company? stop being funny!

Ding Ziyue cheered up and tried harder to contact 01—

In this round, she wants to laugh at Ning Yi's embarrassing ending!

Ah ha ha!

And Ning Yi lazily woke up after Meimei had a long sleep.

Only then did I see the overwhelming movement made by the heroine.

At this time, Gu Cheng had already gone out to work, and Ning Yi was the only one in the entire hotel suite.

She yawned and flipped through her phone.

Netizens are paying close attention to whether Princess Ding has found 01—

[Who is the founder 01? 】

[The princess said so, if 01 doesn't show up again, he won't be a man enough]

Ning Yi:?

I was never a man.

So Ning Yi hooked up the phone with peace of mind, and fell asleep again happily.

When Gu Cheng returned to the hotel, Ning Yi just woke up.

She sat up from the bed with her eyes closed and embraced the quilt, and opened her mouth like a beast: "Okay—hungry—"

Sometimes Gu Cheng also wonders whether it is really interesting to live a life of eating and sleeping like this.

He saw that Ning Yi really enjoyed it, as if he had eaten and slept a lot less in his life.

Ning Yi roared like a tiger: "Hungry, oh-oh-!"

"...brought you the fried clams over here."

Gu Cheng lifted the paper bag in his hand, and said helplessly, "After eating, pack it up and go eat."

Ning Yi immediately took it obediently: "Okay."

At noon, I blackmailed my husband for another big meal.

Thinking that Gu Cheng might not be so generous after taking out hundreds of millions of financing from her husband! So Ning Yi ate eight dishes—local cuisines, some of which were not available in City A, and Ning Yi was very satisfied.

Gu Cheng is used to this, anyway, as long as she can eat it.

After eating, Ning Yi rubbed his stomach and asked, "Are we going back?"

After Gu Cheng's work is done, they can leave for City A today. After all, they have to prepare to sign a contract with CMore when they go back. This round of financing has joined several venture capital companies, and there are still many processes to go.

"Yeah." Gu Cheng glanced at her, "Didn't play enough?"

As soon as Ning Yi heard him say the word "play", somehow she remembered how the two of them played by the bathtub last night.

For such a shameless person, she blushed for some reason.

Ning Yi: "Of course not, let's go, gohome."

Great yacht, see you next time!

Gu Cheng looked at her, as if he didn't believe it.

So Ning Yi said affectionately, "—Aren't you leaving? Jack!"

Gu Cheng turned around expressionlessly.

Go now, rose.

After Ding Ziyue posted the video and added marketing to guide public opinion, her popularity on the Internet has become bigger and bigger, and her popularity has also been greatly improved!

Hacker: [latest address]

Hacker: [01 has left City X]

Ding Ziyue smiled, just in time, she also wanted to go back to City A - she also wanted to witness Ning Yi being swept out of Gu's house with her own eyes! ~

The plane takes off and lands in City A.

It wasn't until Ning Yi got off the plane that he remembered to watch Ding Ziyue's video.

After clicking in and looking at it for a few seconds, I backed out with a tingling scalp.

Ding Ziyue's tone is very similar to the three sad BGM bone conduction earphone recordings for Gu Cheng when she was going to be the light of Gu Dashao.

Ning Yi did not expect that Princess Ding would follow her on this business trip, let alone that Ding Ziyue would be **** with her. Because this plot is not in the original book—after all, there is no CMore platform in the original book, and this time Ning Yi should have been tortured and thrown into a mental hospital long ago.

It can only be said that as expected of the heroine, her imagination is really amazing!

Ning Yi nodded and put the phone back in her pocket.

Then shrank his neck.

Hiss—City A is indeed much colder than the seaside!

A bony hand reached out and tightened her loose scarf, and said in a cold voice, "I want you to not dress properly."

Before Ning Yi could speak, the bodyguards in front suddenly touched the earphones and said something, and then surrounded Gu Cheng and Ning Yi in martial law.

Mr. Zhou got the news, came over and said in a low voice, "Master, there are some reporters outside, and there are quite a lot of people."

Gu Cheng's expression was light: "Yes."

Ning Yi thought to herself: Oh. They forced the king of the king, what kind of celebrity treatment is this? Is there someone to pick up the plane when it lands?

She didn't know that she didn't take many photos with Gu Cheng during the business trip this time—

Fans found that although Gu Dashao took Sister Ning on a business trip this time, although it didn't take too much time, he left a lot of sugar!

Some people watched the "world-famous painting" of the two of them, standing on the deck of the yacht like the hero and heroine of the Titanic. Some people watched Sister Ning playing with a parachute super handsomely, while Gu Dashao was watching lovingly from below, and even waved her hand.

【So sweet woo woo woo】

[It seems to experience the feeling of a rich man falling in love! 】

[emm, but none of you pay attention to the movements of the giants? The daughter of the Wang family from other provinces is very aggressive]

—And this is also the main reason why the reporters came to the airport to pick up and interview this time!

They were moved upon hearing the news, because the last time Gu Dashao was directly at the dance party, the king returned. The news of this rise was directly transmitted to the Internet through the CM live broadcast platform, and the reporters couldn't get the first-hand news!

But seeing that the Gu family is about to lead the investment in the CMore platform, go to the Internet, and seek a new closed business loop - and the Wang family from H province who is appearing at this time will undoubtedly be able to join forces with Gu Cheng, the business emperor!

On the other hand, Mr. Gu's current wife, Ning Yi, has an ordinary resume and a normal family background. From a worldly point of view, it can be said that she is completely uncompetitive—then if Mr. Gu has any possibility of marriage change, this is the heavy news that the reporters are looking forward to!

There was also a more advanced entertainment reporter at the scene, and they simply held up their mobile phones to pick up Gu Dashao and Ning Yi live.

Netizens are now waiting for 01 to show up, and at the same time touch them to eat melons.

Soon, Young Master Gu and Ning Yi appeared in the airport hall.

There was an accompanying team of more than ten people, and the two people were surrounded in the middle. It was impossible to admit their mistakes, and the reporters immediately rushed forward.

Both personalities are outstanding.

The tall man was indifferent and stern, with the dignified aura of a superior in every gesture. The woman next to her was slender and beautiful, but she wasn't weak. She had a calm and casual demeanor. Even in the face of crowds of people, she was not surprised at all, as if she was used to countless big scenes.

...a good match.

This word automatically pops up in everyone's mind.

Then the reporter who rushed to the front asked the question "The daughter of the Wang family in H province made a high-profile show of love, Mr. Gu, do you plan to divorce, and whether there is a possibility of marriage change", but for some reason, I couldn't ask.

But he didn't ask, someone still asked for him.

As soon as this problem came up, many Gu Moning fans on the Internet quit directly.

【What's up? ? ? 】

[How could Gu's Mo Ning be so sweet? ! 】

【Ah, but objectively speaking, Ning is really not worthy of Gu...】

The comments were divided into many wind directions, and they quarreled directly.

[Why do so many people say that Sister Ning is not good enough for Gu Dashao after seeing Gu Dashao's legs recover? Sister Ning is obviously great too! 】

【Yes! And am I the only one who thinks that Sister Ning has an inexplicable aura of a big boss? 】

[Yan Gou only looks at his face and speaks straight]

[From an objective point of view, Sister Ning is indeed beautiful, but her family background and career are really not worthy, right? 】

[The Wang family is obviously more commercially valuable, and how can there be love or not love in a wealthy family? Seeing CP fans like this kind of life and death, I am really afraid that you will be slapped in the face in the future, which makes people feel distressed]

The comments were swiping quickly, and only then did Gu Cheng glance at the camera indifferently.

"who said it?"

Under this distance, despite being separated by the bodyguard team's human wall, the reporters at the front still felt the unstoppable cold pressure of the emperor, and the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

There was a bit of contempt in that condescending look, which directly overwhelmed everyone present and couldn't ask any more questions.

Gu Cheng didn't bother wasting time at all, and left the airport with Ning Yi and the team.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! As expected of that man! 】

【So handsome ah ah ah】

When Gu Cheng came back from a business trip, he brought Ning Yi back to the company directly.

In the president's office.

The secretaries have a backlog of a large number of working documents that need to be reviewed by Gu Dashao.

Gu Cheng took Ning Yi to play on the leather sofa in the office, and stuffed her with a bottle of mung bean paste from the incubator.

...This kind of thing would never appear in Gu Cheng's office before.

Now. Don't mention it.

Seeing Ning Yi sitting there drinking mung bean paste and playing with his mobile phone while bowing his head, looking very good, Gu Cheng then took the file and began to process it.

Let's find out about CMore first.

"Young master, the public opinion on CMore on the Internet is mainly divided into several directions. Among them, Ding Ziyue, daughter of the Ding family, called out the founder 01 to attract the most attention..." Mr. Zhou has quickly sorted out the public opinion on the Internet and reported it to the Gu Cheng, "However, 01 has already agreed to show up on the day of signing the contract, so these ups and downs on the Internet are not important..."

In comparison, Mr. Zhou is more worried about the daughter of the Wang family!

Now that Koo Capital is standing on the Internet, leading the investment in CMore is the most important signal. The Wang family valued this point, and the confidence of the daughter of the Wang family to express their love in a high-profile way was that their family offered generous terms to the Gu family!

As long as they marry, the two giants in the two provinces can benefit from each other, which is really a huge benefit.

Even the Gu family couldn't sit still, Gu Zhisong took advantage of Gu Cheng's business trip for the past two days, and made frequent proposals at the group meeting, just because he was afraid that if the marriage really happened, Gu Cheng would be unstoppable.

Although Mr. Zhou believed in the relationship between Gu Dashao and his wife, he was also afraid of those behemoths in the business war.

In terms of commercial value, the wife is indeed dangerous.

— Ning Yi also felt it.

She is really dangerous!

Because Ding Ziyue seemed to be crazy, she almost pulled the whole network to find 01 together.

In fact, it has come to this point, and Ning Yi's little vest is about to take off, but she wants to take it off with a sense of ceremony!

Beware of her husband being angry that she lied to him, and then several hundred million Feifei.

While Mr. Zhou was reporting, he secretly saw Ning Yi's slightly frowned brows, and felt his heart lift up - madam, do you still love the eldest and youngest? The wife doesn't want to be separated from the young master either!

Zongzhu Zhou: It’s so abusive, I’m addicted to it T-T

Ning Yi flipped through her phone: I'm bored!

After Ding Ziyue posted the video @她, all netizens forwarded and commented will @ again, her backstage is crowded!

Originally, the purpose of keeping the private message is to read user feedback, but now it’s all—

[Boss, is Ding Ziyue really your goddess? 】

【Big Brother, Big Brother, hurry up and respond to your light】

【Boss! Your light is waiting for you! 】

Driven by the momentum created by Princess Ding, the whole network is now waiting for 01!

Ning Yi: Is this the reward for laughing at Gu Cheng back then?

Ning Yi closed her eyes in pain.

At this time, Ding Ziyue on the other end of the phone knew that it was time to mature—

She was holding the phone, ready to give 01 the final blow!

Ning Yi was melancholy with her eyes closed, when the sofa beside her suddenly sank, and then a hand was stretched out from the side, around the back of her neck, and gently pinched her left earlobe, "Unhappy?"

Ning Yi sighed, who the **** could be happy.

Gu Cheng looked down at her drooping eyebrows, and said meaningfully: "I didn't expect you to be great."

Marriage is not the only way to expand business, but he is a business emperor with unlimited possibilities.

So if Ning Yi thinks, just stay by his side all the time and be happy.

Ning Yi sighed again: But I'm too good! husband!

What can I do! It's hard for me too! (heart-piercing)

Gu Cheng didn't know why, but there was a bit of inexplicable joy in his heart. Putting her hands on her neck, she leaned softly in his arms, lowered her eyes, and then—accidentally saw Ning Yi's phone desktop.

Ning Yi had originally closed the CMore software, but at this moment, a message just popped up.

It was Ding Ziyue's last blow to die.

—[Ding Ziyue: I can still be your light. 】

Gu Cheng: "?"

The lines were so familiar that Gu Dashao felt physically sick for a second.

But this is Ning Yi's mobile phone, not sent to Gu Cheng.

In an instant, Gu Cheng realized something was wrong.

And Ning Yi knew immediately that she was going to suffer, so she stuck to his arms and lay down quietly with her pointed ears.

Ah that, she wanted to tell him more ritually!


Zongzhu Zhou was worried, and he was still trying to give their wives points: "Young master, although the Wang family is in the Internet industry, the follow-up competitiveness of several of their Internet products is not promising. Although Wang Qianjin is a computer major, the competitiveness is not good." It must be..."

"Now that CMore has successfully raised funds immediately, we can develop independently in the Internet industry in the future. As long as the founder 01 can become our helper, Koo Capital will have core technical support..."

Mr. Zhou worked hard for a long time, but found that Mr. Gu didn't listen at all.

Gu Cheng looked down at Ning Yi, slowly raised his hand, and slowly opened Ning Yi's phone screen.

Then click on the private message.

Jump backstage.


A simple white profile picture.

— Nickname: 01.

Gu Cheng's pupils suddenly shrank.

Ning Yi: "."

She simply spread out and lay flat.

With Gu Cheng's intelligence, he can guess it without opening the homepage.

Anyway - financing is already a done deal! It's useless to be angry now!

The president's office was silent.

After a long time, Gu Cheng's low voice with a little inexplicable meaning sounded.


"You are...Founder 01?"

0, 1, ... Ning, Yi.

Something slowly melted away in Gu Cheng's eyes.

Zongzhu Zhou: Huh?

What does Gu Dashao mean? How did you get involved with 01?

At this time, all the assistants, secretaries, and Gu's internal personnel in the president's office looked over suspiciously—

But they knew that Young Master Gu never said useless things, did he?

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ning Yi smiled shyly and beautifully.

"Well, let me formally introduce myself."

"I am 01, and we will have a happy cooperation in the future."

Everyone: "?!"

What do you mean by wait? ! ? !

Wife is a boss 01—? !