Chapter 44: Fuck the whole network! !

Heavy, big, new, news!

After Ning Yi casually finished this important self-introduction, the people present counted one by one, and they all exploded!

— Wife is too awesome! ? Silently doing big things?

Because it was too shocking, everyone didn't feel any real feeling for a while.

However, soon another assistant remembered that his wife had helped them deal with computer problems when he first came to the company, and the difficult problems for them were easily solved by his wife—it turned out that there were already clues!

Then... does Young Master Gu know?

Gu Cheng also just found out.

— It's not that I haven't guessed about this aspect, but Gu Cheng has asked someone to investigate Ning Yi's life experience, biography, bank card details, etc. in detail.

Even she herself was by his side almost every day, lying down, eating, eating, lying down, and she couldn't see that she could support such a huge Internet platform so calmly and easily.

His Ah Yi is really.


The inexplicable pride in Gu Cheng's heart has just emerged, but his rational brain is running at high speed at the same time—

Young Master Gu quickly went back to the conversation when he met her friend in Ning Yi's body on the plane one day.

— "It's me, 01."

- "Where's your husband?"

So what he shouted at the time was, 01.

It's just that he read it quickly, while Gu Cheng was more concerned about the second half of the sentence.


Wander already knew.

And he doesn't know.

The pride that had just risen in Gu Cheng's heart suddenly sank, and the unhappiness in his heart began to permeate everywhere, and his whole body exuded a low-pressure gloom.

Ning Yi: "0v0"

She quietly shrank away from Gu Cheng.

Oh, you know, he will be angry!

After all, no one in this whole world would dare to lie to the emperor!

Ning Yi sighed in her heart, it seems that the small abacus of asking for another 100 million will not work! It would be nice to keep the 500 million!

Gu Cheng's eyes were cloudy, and he was crazily calculating in his mind when she and wander knew each other.

At this time, Zongzhu Zhou and other members of the Gu family also regained their sanity from the shock and dizziness.

Zhou Zongzhu was a little worried to meet the founder when signing the contract. Unexpectedly, people are right in front of you!

I thought it was a business emperor x cute salted fish, but I didn't expect it to be a strong alliance!

I found something new!

Mr. Zhou was overjoyed and wanted to run around to tell the truth, but when he turned his head to see Young Master Gu's expression, his strong professionalism made him calm down instantly, and he lowered his head silently and reservedly.

—Why is Young Master Gu unhappy?

Gu Cheng looked down at Ning Yi, his expression was not happy at all.

The atmosphere in the entire president's office has calmed down.

Ning Yi thought: I will never lie to my husband again!

The believer girl is willing to use not to lie to her husband in exchange for getting rich in this life! (pious)

"...So," Gu Cheng's thoughts turned for a few times, then gently pinched Ning Yi's ear, and asked in a dangerous tone, "Did you and your friend meet when you were learning code?"

Ning Yi suddenly thought: No way. The believer has to lie again.

After all, she can't tell Gu Cheng that they met in the last days, and then they transmigrated into your brainless pet culture world together!

Haha, that was so humorous.

My husband won't understand!

So Ning Yi checked her fingers: "Forget it... right!"

"Is it?"

This ambiguous answer made the smile on Gu Cheng's lips even colder.

He looked at Ning Yi so coldly.

Mr. Zhou helped to figure out the holy will, and felt that Young Master Gu was upset at this time, but it was not the kind of unhappiness that could not be resolved.

Solution The answer just needs some coaxing from the wife.

It is not convenient to watch.

So Assistant Zhou took his assistants and secretaries out in a well-trained manner.

It was only after they went out that they hung their breath that they relaxed.

"God, I still feel dreamy..."

"I really never expected..."

"My wife is the founder 01, so the daughter of Mrs. Wang is incomparable."

Mr. Zhou, as the top assistant of the President's Office, presided over the overall situation very reservedly at this time: "But we must keep this matter a secret, and it is up to Young Master Gu and his wife to decide when to announce it to the public."



President Zhou thought: Young Master Gu loved his wife so much when he didn't know the value of his wife.

It shows that his love is not mixed with any interests at all!

This is true love!

The huge office fell silent.

Ning Yi said sincerely: "My husband, although we have an additional identity, the relationship between us will not change, will it?"

Should you vote for 500 million or will you vote?^3^

Of course, the same is true for Gu Cheng - Ning Yi's identity has changed, but she is still the same person.

no difference.

But Gu Cheng's heart is cold, but the relationship between Ning Yi and her friend is more stable.

Ning Yi observed the words and expressions, and knew that the deceived emperor was still angry.

Gotta coax.

So Ning Yi moved Gu Cheng's computer to his lap, and started typing codes.

It stands to reason that Gu Cheng's computer contains a large amount of classified information and various commercial confidential information, which cannot be used by others casually.

Not to mention, now there is an additional layer of cooperation between them. Ning Yi is the object of his investment, and he should keep it safe.

But Gu Cheng was sitting next to her, with his arms spread out, and his forearm resting on the sofa behind her, without stopping.

He just watched Ning Yi's thin white fingers fluttering, with a serious expression on his side face that he had never seen before.

Gu Cheng watched quietly for a while.

The gloom in my heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

Then Ning Yi finished typing too, and shyly showed him the screen.

Gu Cheng: "Huh?"

Ning Yi: "Click on it. Husband."

Gu Cheng took a look, this is his personal homepage on the official website of their Gu Group. He clicked casually, and then "Boom—"

The heavenly girl scattered flowers like flowers, and a lot of hearts were blown away.

A model 01 popped out in the middle.

—"Honey, I love you, chirp, chirp, chirp."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Very **** coaxing.

But blame him for having such a good memory, he instantly remembered that his computer had blown up a bunch of other things a long time ago.

Gu Cheng smiled coldly, "This time, I won't have papa."

Ning Yi: "OvO?"

She picked up the immoral things she had done in her memory.

Because there are many, so I recalled it for a while, and then remembered that she seemed to have written some dirty codes in his computer because her husband was a big pick.

Ning Yi: Hey ^3^

She was still leaning in Gu Cheng's arms, so she conveniently put her head on his chest, and the kitten rubbed against him.

"Hey hey hey. Husband."

Gu Cheng's dark resentment was easily wiped away by her.

Just as Gu Cheng raised his hand to touch her head, he suddenly introspected and felt that it was too easy.

As soon as he put his hand back, Ning Yi grabbed his hand.

Jiu Jiu Jiu kissed the back of his hand.

Gu Cheng: "!"

Ning Yi raised her head, chirping and chirping and said: "How about my husband, is my hand kiss okay, do you feel my sincerity?"

All the princes and princesses on TV do this! To their old emperor father.

Gu Cheng lowered his eyes to look at her for a while, and finally smiled.

Then he squeezed her wrist and lifted it up, and kissed the back of her hand lightly.

Ning Yi was a little embarrassed by his light kiss.

But she was obviously not embarrassed when she kissed herself.

Ning Yi said shyly, "Hey husband, you are quite polite." It was so courteous.

Gu Cheng was in a good mood, pinching her wrist to play, and asked leisurely: "Is it fun to be a platform?"

Although Ning Yi did all of this in places he didn't know about, after all, CMore is now a huge mainstream platform, and it takes a lot of effort to do all of these structures.

Ning Yi knew that he was no longer angry, so she rushed over to hang him by the neck, and said delicately, "It's fun, husband!"

Of course, there is hard work involved in building a platform, but it is still very fulfilling to be perfectly nested and functioning in this world.

Ning Yi said enthusiastically, "I'll make it for you in the future!"

"..." Gu Cheng lowered his eyes and squinted, "Don't talk nonsense about your lines."

This is the office.

...the office is not out of the question.

Gu Cheng closed his eyes and pinched his eyebrows.

What was he thinking about.

Ning Yi didn't know what he was thinking, but anyway, if she coaxed him well, she would keep her hundreds of millions!

Ning Yi hugged him and shook him, took advantage of the victory to chase after him, and encouraged him fiercely: "Then let's get another 100 million! Husband!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

After being arched by her for a long time, Gu Cheng finally pinched the back of her neck and lifted her up.

"Ms. 01, you can go to dinner now."

"Yeah, eat a billion points."


However, after Ning Yi's identity was exposed on a small scale within the Gu family, it did not spread.

Because all the people present at that time were Gu Cheng's confidantes, seeing Young Master Gu's expression, they couldn't figure out the holy will, so they all tightened the zipper on their mouths.

Therefore, Princess Ding is still flattered now.

Because after this incident has been fermented, regardless of whether 01 appears or not, Ding Ziyue's goal has actually been achieved.

Because no response = no deny = default.

01 didn't show up for a long time, and basically acquiesced to Ding Ziyue's words. He secretly paid attention to Ding Ziyue and admired her, and they cherished each other. Ding Ziyue gave him encouragement and courage.

Under such circumstances, even if 01 doesn't come to see Ding Ziyue, it doesn't matter~

As long as there are no other hot spots when his identity is revealed, then Ding Ziyue's **** has been successful! Her name will follow CMore together, soar to the top~

So - Ding Ziyue knows it herself. Didn't 01 follow other bloggers? There are many bloggers who entered CMore at the same time as her. Maybe 01 also followed other people, but only Ding Ziyue! Grab this opportunity!

Now, the number of Ding Ziyue's fans is skyrocketing every day. With the continuous development of CM, even her value is also rising.

So Ding Ziyue had more leisure time to watch Ning Yi's jokes.

This time, the daughter of the Wang family from other provinces is bound to win! After CMore raises funds, the Gu family will become more and more important in the Internet industry. The marriage between the Wang family and the Gu family is simply something that everyone in the industry and wealthy circles is optimistic about!

[Hahaha, Ning Yi's good days are finally coming to an end by relying on Ning Yi to pick up the missing list and get on Young Master Gu's list]

[Ah really? Then I have a chance besides the Wang family, right?]

[The main thing is to see how it compares with the Wang family. Do you think Ning Yi can have any commercial value? So it's a safe bet. Compared with the Wang family, the Wen family's chances of winning are even smaller]

[So, Yueyue is still amazing~ Even the founder of CM can have such a deep connection with you! 】

Ding Ziyue watched everyone's discussion happily.

Then he swung left and right, secretly poking fun at Ning Yi, and by the way, he didn't forget to step on her old opponent Wen Zhili.

While texting Ning Yi: [Oh sister, don't be sad, even if you are kicked out and have no place to live, my door will always be open for you]

While sending a message to Wen Zhili: [Oh, Zhili, I think the Wang family has been gaining momentum recently. Although their family's property is more suitable for Gu Dashao than yours, I actually think you should not give up, after all, you are a childhood sweetheart~]

Play left and right, don't make Ding Ziyue so happy!

Wen Zhili: ...This Bailian!

Ding Ziyue yells at the founder on the Internet every day, thinking that no one else can understand her. Is this intentional binding? ! To put it bluntly, isn't it just playing tricks on the boss!

Wen Zhili gritted his teeth with hatred, and prayed to the sky that he could see Ding Ziyue being slapped in the face.

Even if Ning Yi stood up and slapped her in the face!

The world has been suffering for a long time!

In the anticipation of the whole network, the signing day finally arrived.

Everyone is very concerned about Princess Todin's promotion, because it is rumored on the Internet that the founder 01 will appear in the Koo Group today!

Ning Yi and Gu Cheng are both dressed formally today.

It was also arranged by Zhou Zongzhu - on such an important day, maybe the whole network will know the true identity of his wife and experience their beautiful love, so it is necessary to wear a couple's style to show off the audience.

Young Master Gu was wearing a dark black tailored suit with an amber brooch pinned to his chest. And Ning Yi was wearing a long black one-piece dress with a narrow waistline, and exquisite amber and platinum buttons on the neckline, echoing it in a low-key manner.

Zongzhu Zhou: Snacking hard and secretly.

Signing a contract today is actually going through the process, stipulating the content of the agreement and the terms of the agreement between the two parties. Generally speaking, in the agreement signed by investors and start-up companies, there will be strict restrictions.

Originally, Koo's requirements for the core technology were somewhat strict. After all, the founder's structure supports the entire CMore platform, and her technical patents and so on need to be strictly restricted.

But since Young Master Gu knew who 01 was, the restrictions on 01 in the terms of their agreement were relaxed.

—Love and trust, Gu Dashao has never given to others!

Zongzhu Zhou ate the big candy that the Gu family could only know inside alone, and shed tears, thinking that this might be his reward for the sweet love between Gu Dashao and his wife.

Ahhh T-T—

There are a large number of reporters squatting at the gate of the Koo Group today!

Because all the reporters felt that there must be a big breaking news today—!

No matter what the hot spot is, if you squat down, you will make money!

And CMore simply launched a live broadcast, Zhao Weining and the others thought very openly, the popularity of their own home was not for nothing. Netizens have also cultivated a degree of dependence on CM's live broadcast. At this time, when they saw the official live broadcast, they clicked in.

【Ah, ah, looking forward to the founder】

[I'm coming, I'm coming! 】

First, representatives of various venture capital companies came to the Koo Group one after another.

Soon, Princess Ding arrived in person.

She specially made a full set of makeup today, dressed up like a dreamy goddess of light, her whole body is shining—trying to fit the image that she is the light of 01.

And beside her, Jiang Linyi also made a grand appearance, asking Ding Ziyue to hold his arm, jealous but forbearingly accompanying Ding Ziyue.

Many reporters came directly to interview: "Excuse me, actor, do you mind the bond between Ms. Ding and Big Brother 01?"

Jiang Linyi, as a doting hero, would of course be jealous because of these things.

But he smiled gracefully in front of the camera, "No, excellent people are attracted to each other, I believe Yueyue just admires the founder."

Ding Ziyue covered her mouth and smiled, "Brother Lin Yi came with me to prove it. We all just want to meet 01, because I want him to get better and better."

[Hey, so the boss really hasn't appeared until now]

Netizens have speculated that this person may be a technology boss imported from abroad, who is reluctant to show his true colors because he has been a hacker. There are also people who speculate like Ding Ziyue that although the boss is skilled, he is ugly, so he is embarrassed to show it to the public.

There are various theories.

Ding Ziyue said to the camera with a kind and considerate voice: "Actually, I think it doesn't matter what 01 looks like or who 01 is, because what I appreciate is..."

Before the words were finished, the limited-edition Maybach stopped at the gate of the group.

Gu Cheng and Ning Yi got out of the car.

Because it was Gu Cheng who got off first, he stopped and straightened his cuffs, then turned around and handed Ning Yi his hand with a calm face.

Ning Yi supported him and got out of the car calmly. The two stood together, and they were eye-catching pairs again.

All confidantes and insiders know that this is actually Gu Dashao hinting at everyone.

— This, his wife, is the protagonist of today.

Immediately, no one paid any attention to what Ding Ziyue said.

[Ah, have you seen the big sugar crit at the start! Young Master Gu also brought Sister Ning with him on this occasion! 】

【Who else can say this is not love】

[Marriage change is impossible! 】

【However, although…】

[I feel like Ning Yi is also in a hurry, or else she would just follow along in this situation? Somewhat inappropriate...]

[+1, Yueyue knows the general idea]

The online audience can say anything.

And the reporters who had surrounded Jiang Linyi and Ding Ziyue at the scene now all went to surround Gu Cheng and Ning Yi.

The bodyguards sealed off the reporter tightly, not even touching the clothes of Mr. Gu and his wife.

Gu Cheng led Ning Yi through the crowd with an indifferent face, directly ignoring Jiang Linyi and Ding Ziyue who had complicated eyes, and walked towards the company's gate.

Ding Ziyue looked at Ning Yi's peace of mind being held by Young Master Gu with red eyes, feeling reconciled in her heart, and chased after her.

-"younger sister!"

The Goddess of Light's voice finally attracted the attention of the surroundings.

Ning Yi also paused, turned around and saw Ding Ziyue approaching with a smile on her face, holding her other hand.

"No matter what happens, my sister is always there! Do you know?"

This sentence directly hints at what might happen to Ning Yi, just like the marriage change that netizens wait and see and speculate.

【Ah, Princess Yueyue is really gentle】

[No wonder he was favored by the boss of 01 and became his light...]

Ning Yi: "?"

She was directly pulled away by the expressionless Gu Cheng.

After entering the building's elevator, Ning Yi glanced at the backstage without a word.

Ding Ziyue to Ning Yi: I knew you would be kicked out by the Gu family!

Ding Ziyue to 01: [Don't be afraid, the light will always shine on you...]

Ning Yi: The old man on the subway looks at his phone.jpg

A group of people entered the conference room.

Zhao Weining, the representative of the company behind CMore, Zhao Weiying who came to help him take care of the business, and other investors who will participate in the financing this time have sat down neatly around the back table.

Everyone is in suits and leather shoes, with famous tags in front of them. The atmosphere has the solemnity of a big scene.

Seeing Gu Cheng leading people in, they got up one after another.

"Master Gu, long time no see! You haven't changed from a few years ago..."

"Mr. Gu, you are going to lead us to glory this time, and let us also be lucky!"

As they spoke, they looked behind Gu Cheng.

Everyone is very curious about who the founder 01 who has never shown up is.

However, when they took a look, they only saw Young Master Gu's beautiful wife.

Um? Where is the founder?

They thought it was Young Master Gu who doted on his wife so much that they would bring her here even on such an occasion. Although they felt a little bit critical, because it was Gu Cheng, none of them dared to say anything.

When Young Master Gu took Ning Yi and sat down next to him, everyone was even more shocked.

Pet, pet to this extent?

This is not a tyrant, this must be a fool—

Gu Cheng crossed his arms and said lightly: "Let's start."

The assistants have been well-trained to turn on the big screen and distribute contract materials in an orderly manner.

But the venture capitalists couldn’t sit still—no, there’s still someone who didn’t come! The technical core they value most, that—

And Gu Cheng, who was sitting in the center of the table, looked at the crowd with a hook on his lips.

"Introduce, this is my wife."

"Sign the contract with her today."

Everyone's expressions were shocked with disbelief, wondering if even a man like Young Master Gu would be in love with his head? !

— "She is 01."

The man's faint voice sounded.

Everyone's expressions gradually turned dull.

On-site insider Zhao Weining: Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo finally! The outside world will finally know!

Zongzhu Zhou, the insider at the scene: So you are very proud, young master! Nibbling to death!

And Ning Yi in the center of the storm smiled leisurely.

She turned the pen in the book, then lazily stood up.

"Then let me tell you about a few programs that can be launched next."

"I will, talk about it so that everyone understands."

Everyone looked at the girl standing in front of the big screen in a calm manner, and suddenly felt a feeling for some reason.

Fuck —

She seems to be a real boss!

Wait for this refined and hard-core technical explanation to end.

All the venture capitalists who followed Gu's lead investment were a little dazed and awesome.

But **** it— Young Master Gu leads the investment and financing, and Mrs. Ning is the founder herself.

They won't be played by Young Master Gu, right?

But everyone is already here, and the closed-loop ecological business prospect planned by CMore is really good, and the skills and abilities shown by Ning Yi just now are also eye-catching.

Finally, everyone completed the signing of the agreement in a trance.

In a trance, I was still a little supportive.

It feels like being force-fed a mouthful of dog food.

Ning Yi read the contract a little slower, after all, it was the first time he signed it.

Gu Cheng was sitting next to her, with his fingers resting on the back of her chair, without urging her.

It just so happened that Ning Yi's cell phone was frantically receiving news, and the old bitter gourd was already in a hurry—in the past few days, he frequently teased Ning Yi, sending messages frantically every day, asking her to steal business secrets.

Gu Zhisong never thought that Ning Yi could sit on the table, or even sit next to Gu Cheng. He thought that a stupid woman like Ning Yi would just stand in the corner serving tea when she went in.

Ning Yi didn't bother to reply to him, after all, there were too many people who sent her crazy messages every day, how could she see it!

If he can get rid of Ding Ziyue first, Ning Yi will return to him^-^

[Gu Cheng's contract today, you find a chance to take a picture]

[I will give you two million after the matter is completed, so that you can leave decently before Wang Qianjin enters Gu's house]

[Do you know what are the key points in the contract? 】

Gu Zhisong told Ning Yi several important points in the contract, and Ning Yi glanced at it: "?"

So she finally opened Gu Zhisong's dialogue box, and after reading them one by one, Ning Yi said: Thank you!

You are such a good person, you gave money and science popularization at the same time.

Then upgrade your title from Old Bitter Gourd to Old Bitter Bitter! ^_^

After carefully reading the contract, she somehow felt that it was not as strict as she had imagined. Then I randomly took a picture of a page of insignificant content and sent it to the old wretch.

Gu Zhisong over there finally waited for his chess piece to play a role, he was ecstatic, but after opening it and taking a look, he found something was wrong.


Wait, why is she still holding a pen? !

And Ning Yi held the pen and signed his name in a fluttering manner.

All agreements have come into effect, and CMore's current round of financing will finally be officially launched.

A wider world and a larger team are just ahead.

Ning Yi's palm was pinched.

Gu Cheng looked at the scene in the entire meeting room, and the overall situation was settled.

He asked her lightly, "How does it feel?"

Ning Yi took a deep breath: "I want to tell Jiang Dong's elders that the child's future is—"

Before he finished speaking, he squeezed the palm of his hand harder.

A voice that dropped a few degrees came from beside my ear, "Where is your Jiangdong?"

Is it the place with Wander?

Ning Yi: "?"

Why do you pay attention to something weird!

Mr. Zhou has been observing the current trends on the Internet in real time, and came over in a timely manner: "Young Master Gu, the netizens are calling for the appearance of founder 01, and Ms. Ding has released some...uh...remarks on his wife."

Before knowing the identity of his wife, this Miss Ding's behavior was not so ridiculous. Now, it's just...

Ning Yi really didn't pay attention to Ding Ziyue.

Should I say it or not, Princess Ding is really the core and source of power in this brainless pet culture world!

One person carried the drama of the whole world!

After hearing this, Gu Cheng casually played with Ning Yi's fingers, and asked with no expression on his face, "Do you need to hold a press conference for A Yi so that your Jiangdong elders, relatives and friends can all see it?"

He deliberately emphasized the words "friends and relatives", his voice was indifferent, and he pulled her into his arms when he spoke.

Ning Yi: What a weird husband!


"No need."

It's just an explanation to the public, where it starts from, it will come out from there.

Her career started with a string of codes.

Then there is no need to change to another battlefield, this is where she stands.

So Ning Yi changed two words in her backstage.

There is also an update she prepared, which will be launched on time today.

Gu Cheng looked down at her, but nothing had changed.

And even if everyone knows, she is not only Ning Yi, but also 01.

This person is also his.

No one wants to covet.

【Ahhh so the founder is here? 】

【Yueyue has been waiting here for a long time】

[I looked at all the people who came by the door just now, but I didn't see 01]

And Ding Ziyue finally smiled and shook her head.

The Goddess of Light faced the camera, showing an expression of three parts disappointed, three parts considerate and four parts I understand.

"It's okay, maybe you still don't want us to know who you are."

But Ding Ziyue has achieved her goal~

"I will always silently support you and encourage you!" - It seems that this **** will not be untied, and her value will also rise with CMore!

"I hope that the CMore platform I love, which is your hard work, will get better and better."—Then Gu Dashao, who invested in CM, married Wang, and the worthless Ning Yi was finished hahaha!

Of course, no audience could hear Ding Ziyue's voice. They just thought that Yueyue was so gentle, how could the boss be so cowardly? !

[01 Boss, are you still a man! 】

【Don't you want to see the light that has been shining on you! 】

"Everyone don't need to be angry," Ding Ziyue took out her mobile phone to the camera, and said as gently as her life, "Now, let me @ him one last time."

Ding Ziyue pulled out her recent contacts from @, chose 01, and sent the last post.

Then, close your eyes and feel the comfort.

This time, she won so beautifully and thoroughly~~

When Ding Ziyue opened her eyes again, she wanted to see her soaring likes and comments, but suddenly realized something was wrong.

At this time, the netizens had discovered it faster than her—

Wait, why Ding Zi? ahref="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection"class="__cf_email__"data-cfemail="8de5cd">[email protected] became Ning Yi? ? ?

Didn't she want @01?

Click into the account of this @, and the homepage has no content, just a blank avatar - 01 boss changed his name? Or is @wrong? But hasn't Sister Ning never opened a CM account? ?

Netizens are at a loss.

And Ding Ziyue paused with a smile.

Draw a bug?

This can make Ning Yi catch up, is she lucky? !

Ding Ziyue calmly smiled at the live broadcast camera, "Haha, there may be a problem with the system, it's a coincidence, it seems that the 01 boss needs more maintenance on the system~"

"Sister, too, why did you register an account and not interact with me?"

Come to think of it, Ning Yi must also want to know what kind of platform CMore is, after all Mr. Gu has already invested, and she Ding Ziyue has also proved her commercial value to everyone. And Ning Yi doesn't pay attention to herself, it must be because she has too many fans, so she feels inferior, right?

However, netizens are not as confident as her, and they quickly found more clues—

[But this is the account of 01, I see that the number of fans and registration time have not changed]

[? ? ? ? 】

[? ? ? ? ? ? 】

[Wait a minute, why do I smell big news...]

[So, the boss 01 never showed up, but changed his name to Ning Yi? 】

[My mind is a little messed up later, let me sort it out]

[Where did the number 01 go? It's gone? ? 】

Ning Yi was sitting in Gu Cheng's CEO's office, smiling and waving her index finger kindly.


Who said 01 is gone?


Every CM user popped up an update prompt.

This is the code she wrote before. After the update, an exclusive serial number plate appeared next to the names of all CMore users.

This means that you are the first one to register.

Netizens then checked their own exclusive cards in a daze.

[My name is 188888! The chosen one! 】

[Why is there nothing special about my serial number?]

Ding Ziyue didn't know why, but she turned on her phone and looked at herself—


Ding Ziyue: "..." Why did I suddenly feel unlucky.

[Woooooooooooooo envious of the special number! 】

【Mu Mou】

[Wait, what the hell, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

[Go and see Sister Ning's homepage! Hurry up, ah, ah—]

The serial number plates of all users are silver.

There is only one person's sign, which is golden.

She changed her name to her real name and replaced her code name with a gold medal.

—Her name, Ning Yi.

—Her serial number, No. 01.

Refers to the first person to register on this platform.

That is... the founder.

【Wait ah ah ah】

[Is that what I thought it meant? I'm shaking as I type! ? 】

【So, sister Ning is 01! ! 】

Ding Ziyue: "?"

What? What the **** are you talking about?

Ding Ziyue clicked into Ning Yi's homepage, and the moment she saw the certified Ning Yi and her golden serial number 01, the smile on her face suddenly and slowly cracked.

So—whose light is she being? !

In an instant, Ding Ziyue immediately turned off the phone and wanted 886 to escape from all this, but the voices from the reporters at the scene directly reached Ding Ziyue's ears.

"Damn it, there's news from the Gu family!"

"It was Gu Cheng's wife who signed the contract with them just now!"

"Ning Yi, is the founder!"

The audience was in an uproar.

In the unclosed CMore live broadcast room, the whole network could hear clearly.

And Ding Ziyue finally broke down: Can't wait for me to leave before shouting? !

It's fake, it's all staged!

She really broke the defense this time! How could she be Ning Yi's light? !

Ding Ziyue finally covered her face and ran away crying.

Jiang Linyi chased after him: "Yueyue—!"

But no one cared about them.

At this time, the whole screen is full of [Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck]

In the midst of a roaring tsunami—

[Wait, wait, I'm the only one who wants to know Young Master Gu's reaction! 】

【Ah ah ah me too】

【How does it feel to have a wife who is an invisible boss】

at this time.

Young Master Gu's feelings.

He put his hands in front of his face, thinking deeply in front of the computer.

How to pre-register No. 52000000 overnight.

Wait online. urgent.