Chapter 46: Are you satisfied with the service~

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Young Master Gu was in a good mood.

But the specific reasons are more intriguing.

After all, Gu Cheng seldom makes people notice his emotions, but just now the young master and his wife stayed alone in the office for a while.

Mr. Zhou lowered his head: I won't tell who is smoking.

Ning Yi blushed and her eyes fluttered.

I felt a sense of crisis in my heart!

Although kissing is also very good, but this is not the point! The point is that Gu Cheng can also be exchanged now, which is very dangerous!

Why does Ning Yi think it's dangerous, because she has always held the authority of exchange and has done a lot of immoral things!

Including but not limited to using his body to fill a cup, use his face to tweet, tweet, wink, use his body to carry dysmenorrhea, feed his stomach, etc...

Thinking about it this way, I can't even count them, it's really too much to write!

Ning Yi has a serious face: I hope my husband will lose all his memory!

Gu Cheng curled up his lips and led her out of the office. Ning Yi didn't follow her. Seeing her seriously thinking, he rubbed the top of her head, "—what are you thinking about?"

Ning Yi directly compared the attacking posture of Ultraman Tiga.

Gu Cheng: "?"

He took a step closer and heard Ning Yi whisper: "The defense power has been increased by 10%. Enemy, beware of the enemy."

Gu Cheng: "...?"

Very good, just finished kissing, brothers are gone.

turned into an enemy.

Gu Cheng stopped, pulled her over expressionlessly, and trapped her between his arms.

The assistant secretaries and bodyguards on the floor of the president's office disappeared quickly: "!"

Gu Cheng looked down at the person in his arms.

Usually seeing her alive and well is very tossing, but now trapped in his arms, she is actually just a little one.

Actually pretty good.

Gu Cheng looked down at Ning Yi's red lips that had been bitten too much, and thought about it for a while. A little taste of the marrow.

"Is it the enemy army?" Gu Cheng lowered his head and approached, his voice was very low, "Then how many more attacks will you have?"

Ning Yi raised her head and thought for a while, but the defense was still lifted.

"Forget it." Her eyes drifted.

I can't describe the feeling of kissing, anyway, I'm a little embarrassed.

Quite that.

Gu Cheng observed Ning Yi carefully, raised his brows, and realized that she must not feel completely indifferent to this piece of wood, and the corners of his lips curled up involuntarily.

"Ayi," Gu Cheng lowered his head and asked softly, "What did it feel like to kiss just now?"

Ning Yi couldn't run away for a while, so she recalled it.

First stick it, then gently pry it open, and then stick it deeper.

And kissing is not just the mouth sticking together, other parts of the body are also sticking together.

very slow. Very gradual.

Then something changes on both sides.

For example, Ning Yi's heart beat faster.

Another example-

Ning Yi arched him with her waist.

Gu Cheng: "..."

His lower body was a little further away from her.

Ning Yi chuckled: "It feels okay, how about you?"

For a moment, Gu Cheng couldn't tell if she was talking to him.

Still talking to her big positive.

Gu Cheng was silent for a few seconds, and finally had no choice but to say, "...Don't push your hips, you are a girl."

It seems that while developing feelings, we must also pay attention to cultivating Ning Yi's correct cognition.

There is a long way to go.

Ning Yi: "Oh."

Then why did yours rise up just now?


After financing, CMore has developed rapidly recently.

The user base is constantly expanding, and because Ning Yi has set up a serial number plate, users themselves can intuitively feel the online volume of the platform.

It's easier to develop a feeling of "everyone is playing this thing".

And the first group of rich bloggers who emerged on CM have been a little quiet recently.

The most obvious of these is, of course, the Goddess of Light who conferred the title of God in World War I.

Zhao Mochu didn't get candy recently, so she had to secretly collect the itinerary of Gu's Moning and Wanshiruyi, while actively looking for melons to eat.

By the way, I will complain to Ning Yi again: [Princess Ding is really quiet recently! 】

Has the Goddess of Light finally dimmed? Zhao Mochu still felt quite reluctant.

Some people are like this. When she appears and dances wildly, you find her annoying. Once she disappears, you will find that there is a huge joy in your life missing.

Ning Yi: [Indeed]

But Ding Ziyue is the heroine of the whole book, and all the plots revolve around her, and the love story between her and Jiang Linyi will spread to the world later, even if it is temporarily frustrated now, it is impossible to stay quiet forever.

Quiet is temporary, drama is eternal. Ning Yi has already seen it through.

Zhao Mochu: [Goddess of Light has been in business for so long and only has more than one million fans, but now you are heading straight to five million, so envious]

Zhao Mochu: [Hurry up and interact with me! Grain is produced every day~ winking eyes.jpg]

Ning Yi didn't care much about these things. She felt that more than half of her fans came to see her golden cards.

When receiving Zhao Mochu's attention reminder, Ning Yi casually clicked back to fo.

Then the first update on her homepage popped up.

—"In front of her...he loves so blatantly and domineeringly! He loves so carefully and hides in the dark! One is the rare business emperor in the world. The other is the king of special forces who is like the **** of war in the last days."

— "What kind of context will the story of the three people develop? Please pay attention to the jasmine flavor..."

Ning Yi: "?"

Ning Yi canceled it again.

at this time.

Ding family.

In the past few days, the Ding family has almost died of distress.

Ding Ziyue was bored in her room every day, crying on the pillow! When did the little princess they hold dear in their palms suffer such a big grievance?

"Yueyue, don't cry, it's nothing..."

However, after living like a cloud for a few days with tears every day.

The Ding family was surprised to find—

"Yueyue! What's wrong with you Yueyue!"

"Yueyue, don't scare us—"

Jiang Linyi visited Ding's house, and after seeing Ding Ziyue's situation, he walked out of her room with a heavy expression.

Since the incident of 01, he has been very embarrassed these days. Fortunately, his new movie has been nominated, and things at work can ease his embarrassment. When Jiang Linyi was about to come to care about Ding Ziyue, he discovered that something had happened to Ding Ziyue.

Now, they couldn't blame Ding Ziyue anymore.

After all, she was also kept in the dark about 01. She didn't know about it, but now she has to be ridiculed by the whole network, which even caused mental problems!

Jiang Linyi: "I should have paid a more formal visit, but this time it's really... Yueyue's situation is sudden."

Ding Yusen: "No, Mr. Jiang. You have taken good care of Yueyue."

Ding Yusen has been pushing the Ding Group hard recently, because Gu Dashao didn't give them too many opportunities.

Gu Zhisong kept saying that he had a hole card next to Gu Cheng, but when the card was uncovered, it turned out that Young Master Gu's wife is the founder 01 who has been very popular recently and Yueyue has been looking for!

Ding Yusen was shocked, and even felt a certain sense of fear. This is... imperial luck... even that man's wife is so powerful. Gucheng is like a giant in the mall, just sitting there is daunting.

And right now, not only is her career hindered, but now the little princess of the Ding family has a health problem...

"The doctor said that this should be a stress reaction after being attacked by the whole network. In fact, there is nothing wrong with her body. It is mainly psychological. As long as we give her more care and companionship, she should be able to recover slowly. ..."

Jiang Linyi closed his eyes in pain, "I will."

This is what he promised.

"There will be a charity gala in a few days. At that time, some donation activities can be carried out. I will take Yueyue there."

After making mistakes in words and deeds, doing charity to restore their image is also a common method used by celebrities.

Let's see if this can change Yueyue's image and help her get better as soon as possible...

the next day.

Ning Yi is going to inspect her small company.

She and Gu Cheng and his wife both have their own affairs to do, and it is certainly impossible to fit together in the public eye every day.

For Ning Yi, raising 500 million yuan is a big deal, but for Gu Cheng, more big projects must be promoted at the same time.

Your business emperor is still busy.

And since her identity card was revealed, Ning Yi didn't have to pretend anymore.

While handling the work of CMore, she made drastic improvements and upgrades to the system of her small company.

In a few days, the efficiency of warehousing and logistics has been increased several times by increasing the coverage of informatization and digitization.

The employees were on the verge of tears.

Who doesn't know Ning Yi's real identity in the whole network now? !

They are a small company, how can they be TAT! What a bargain!

Ning Yi waved her hand kindly: "Come on."

After all, she is not the domineering king of 188, but a beautiful boss!

After finishing the work, Ning Yi checked the time and wandered out to have lunch.

It turned out to be a coincidence, Zhao Mochu was still missing Ding Ziyue with her yesterday, and she met her in the shopping mall next to the company.

The Goddess of Light was visibly haggard.

When they met face to face, Ning Yi hesitated for a moment—it was the first time he had met the heroine face to face since his identity was made public. He thought of the encouraging, gentle and passionate private messages that Ding Ziyue sent her backstage.

It's still a bit embarrassing for others.

Ning Yi originally thought that the other party didn't say hello, so she didn't see it either.

Unexpectedly, Ding Ziyue saw her, paused for a while, and then said a very shocking line.

"You are…?"

Ning Yi: "?"

The two looked at each other for three seconds.

Ning Yi suddenly burst out laughing in her heart: Hahahahahaha.

Oh my god, Ding Ziyue has lost her memory!

As expected of Mary Su Wen, a brainless dog blood!

Ning Yi quickly recalled that there was indeed such a plot in the original plot!

Although I don't know if the current Ding Ziyue really has amnesia, but in the original plot, it was because Gu Cheng crushed and beat the hero indiscriminately, causing the relationship between the hero and the heroine to go through twists and turns, and then Ding Ziyue wanted to run away. The Lord refused, so she ran away from him and couldn't fly—the two had a car accident, and the heroine lost her memory.

The elements are complete√

Ning Yi stared at Ding Ziyue for a while, and she could see a little calmness in her eyes.

Then she laughed even more: Hahahaha she didn't lose her memory, she just pretended.

Because when someone else's light overturned car was ridiculed by the whole network, the heroine took advantage of the situation and took up the plot directly, standing in the position of Xiaobaihua in the miserable wind and rain. It is conceivable that Jiang Linyi will definitely feel sorry for her and hold the heroine even more in his palm.

What a great cleverness!

Ning Yi turned around and wanted to share this fun with Gu Cheng.

It's a pity that he is busy now, let's talk about it in bed—

Ding Ziyue looked at Ning Yi, and a perfect mental victory method was already running in her heart - I lost my memory, I don't remember what I did! What is your light? Absolutely not! Whoever mentions this matter again has no morals!

— If the Internet abuses me again, I can still be depressed! In short, I should be the one who is protected and loved!

So Ding Ziyue showed a gentle smile on her face: "Miss, do we know each other? It's so strange, I seem to be somewhat familiar with you..."

Ning Yi: "Hahahaha, we know each other."

"Miss! You can't run around now!" At this moment, the Ding family's servant ran out and supported Ding Ziyue, "The doctor said you haven't recovered yet!"

Ding Ziyue took advantage of the situation and helped her forehead, it seemed that she had really lost her memory, her expression was very dazed and dizzy, and she was very alienated from the world.

She smiled at Ning Yi apologetically, "Then, see you again."

It is indeed easy for people to forgive her behavior with this weak willow and support the wind, and then she was kidnapped by Princess Ding morally.

Ning Yi: But I am wicked.

"It's okay!" Ning Yi smiled and waved her hands behind her, "Just remember that we have the same dream."

— "Like sunshine! Piercing the night! Dawn quietly! Passing by—"

"???" Ding Ziyue helped the servant away in an instant.

What light?

Light what?

The world has run out of light!

Ning Yi is having fun here.

And Gu Cheng went to see the land in the east of the city and the surrounding conditions.

The business plan has already passed the Gu family's shareholders' meeting. In fact, after Gu Cheng's complete rise, his imperial luck has become unstoppable, and no one doubts it. Especially now, the disclosure of Mrs. Ning's identity, to a certain extent, confirms the correctness of Gu Cheng leading the Gu family to seize the Internet outlet.

According to his plan, the east of the city will promote the construction of an Internet industrial park, which will surely become the new center in the east of City A in the future.

A group of people accompanied First Young Master Gu to look at the land, then looked at Young Master Gu's watch, and got into the car.

"Where's your wife?" Gu Cheng asked casually.

Zhou Zongzhu in the front row replied: "My wife is in that logistics company now."

"En." Gu Cheng said lightly, without saying anything.

And Zongzhu Zhou already understood by heart that this meant going over to pick up his wife for dinner.


Sitting in the back of the car, Gu Cheng watched the scenery fly by outside the window, and suddenly remembered that the logistics company was also one of the birthday presents for Ning Yi.

What about his birthday present...

When the car arrived at the gate of the logistics company, Ning Yi had already received the news in advance, and jumped out.

"Old~gong~~" Ning Yi got into the car with a smile on her face, "Would you like to take the baby to eat something delicious!"

Gu Cheng has long been used to her being more enthusiastic about eating than him, so he protected her when she got into the car with an indifferent expression.

"What's the rush?"

Handy, almost bumped his head.

I'm taking her to a new Sichuan restaurant tonight.

Mr. Zhou in the front row has kindly adjusted the driving navigation to the location of the restaurant, and the car drove out steadily.

Ning Yi: "Hee hee, Jiu Mi."

Gu Cheng pinched her slender wrist and asked, "How is the company?"

Ning Yi: "Very good! Recently, my efficiency has improved a lot, baby, don't worry about handling things^3^"

Gu Cheng squinted at her, and reminded vaguely, "What's the day?"

Ning Yi: "What date?"

The chief assistant in the front row has already said caringly: "It will be Young Master Gu's birthday in a few days, madam."

Ning Yi: "Oh—I remember!"

"Really?" Gu Cheng looked at her expression and asked coolly, "What's the date?"

Ning Yi raised her hand: "November 1!"

Gu Cheng: "Oh."

Anyway, I remember the day. Love for him increased by 1%.

Ning Yi not only remembers, but she can also rush to answer: "Husband, I will keep all the information about you in my heart! Your name, Gu Cheng, gender male, age 29, height 1.88 meters, size... umm!"

Her mouth was covered by the expressionless Gu Cheng.

The driver in the front row & Zongzhu Zhou: "!"

— Can this be said!

"...Okay." Gu Cheng was silent, "Stop talking."

Her mouth, still left to eat—

and kiss it.

Ning Yi: "^3^"

In the private room for dinner tonight, there are partners again.

This happened from time to time in the past, no matter who Ning Yi dined with, it didn't affect her enjoyment of the food anyway.

But the former partners didn't pay too much attention to Mrs. Gu's side, but now they have to pay attention!

This is also a boss! And technology is always hard power!

Ning Yi was pulled in for a few pleasantries, which affected her eating speed.

Gu Cheng looked at her, and then brought the topic to him without any trace, letting her concentrate on eating without talking.

Ning Yi: Hehe. Spicy beef bone marrow, quack fragrance.

"I think it will be Young Master Gu's birthday soon..."

Every year on Gu Cheng's birthday, many business partners, competitors, and people in the wealthy circle will send gifts! It can almost be regarded as a major festival—the birthday of a commercial emperor represents a lot of commercial value!

"Thinking that Young Master Gu is not yet 30 years old this year, it really makes us ashamed..."

"Young Master Gu's birthday is this year, do you have any plans?"

Gu Cheng drank his tea indifferently, and glanced at Ning Yi, "Fortunately, nothing special."

Those who can sit at this table are old fritters from shopping malls, a person who is smart and understands what's going on.

"Young Master Gu and his wife have such a good relationship!"

"Haha, I'm envious!"

Ning Yi stuffed two scallion fried shrimp **** in her mouth. Although she couldn't talk to other businessmen on the table, she could talk to Gu Cheng in her heart.

She made a straight ball: "Honey, what do you want for your birthday present?"

Ning Yi has no double standards! After all, when she celebrates her birthday, she directly asks her husband if you want to give the baby a big yacht, a big house, and a big company—and her birthday wishes come true!

So now that Gu Cheng’s birthday is approaching, she also asked the same question—whether it will be realized or not ^3^

Gu Cheng didn't want to appear to value the gift too much, so his voice was indifferent: "Look at it, it doesn't need to be expensive..."

Ning Yi: "Okay!"

I can rest assured that.

Gu Cheng: "?"

Is it a little too fast to promise.

Ning Yi passionately raps: "I don't necessarily need sugar and roses, I just want to cuddle with you when I'm tired—"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng stuffed another shrimp ball into her mouth.

After this meal was over, Young Master Gu's new business trip was also scheduled.

He is going to province H to inspect the business.

"I'll be back before my birthday."

This time, it's not a tourist city like City S, nor a seaside city like City X, and the field trip isn't much fun, so I won't take Ning Yi with me.

"But I have no business cooperation with the Wang family, you can rest assured." Gu Cheng explained.

Ning Yi: "Huh? Oh."

Do not worry! She is very relieved!

Gu Cheng: Heh.

Since he opened his eyes, the two of them have never been separated, even if it is out of habit, they will definitely not get used to it.

Ning Yi's starry eyes and mouth are very sweet: "Honey, I will definitely miss you, do you miss me?"

Gu Cheng's thin lips parted slightly: "I—"

"What, you miss me so much?" Ning Yi whispered, "Then I'll make a video call for you, my husband~"

Gu Cheng thought to himself: Video call?

He's only done video conferencing, never typed anything like this.

That's what young couples do.

The people around Gu Dashao were extremely efficient in handling affairs. They processed all the materials and documents the next day, boarded the plane and left City A.

From take-off to landing, Ning Yi sent Gu Cheng an emoji package of "吃嘿咖嘿".

Gu Cheng saw it for the first time, and then put away his phone.

When he got into the car sent to pick him up, Young Master Gu turned on his phone with a blank expression.

—Why haven't you called yet?

Zongzhu Zhou thought to himself in the front row: young master, you and your wife have only been separated for a few hours!

Really don't love too much! TvT—

But Ning Yi is a person who has a great desire to share.

She didn't know why, but when she saw something, she turned her head and wanted to tell Gu Cheng.

Obviously Gu Cheng is not a very positive person!

Maybe it's because...they have been communicating in their heads all the time, so Ning Yi is used to being bullied by him?

And the two of them have been together since Gu Cheng opened his eyes, this is the first time they have been separated for more than 24 hours.


Ning Yi showed off eight plates of crabs by himself, and sent Gu Cheng a photo of the messy cups and plates.

【Baby is not fierce or not big】


【I said this crab is not big】

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Cheng: [big]


Lying alone on a 2.5-meter-high bed, Ning Yi can roll around for three and a half weeks at a stretch.

Then she took a picture of Gu Cheng's pillow being accidentally kicked to the ground by her, and sent it over.


【Hey, accidentally】

【Poke fingers and pout.jpg】

When the phone screen turned on, Gu Cheng was still talking with someone.

He didn't stop talking, but immediately took the phone from his hand.

After reading it, I was a little speechless and a little funny.

Might still miss it a bit.

Obviously just separated for a day.

The partner on the opposite side asked carefully: "Mr. Gu, do you have any important information..."

Gu Cheng put away his phone, nodded, "Yeah."

very important.

After the conversation was over, Young Master Gu took out his cell phone again.

After looking at it repeatedly, his face was cold and serious.

Why isn't she making videos?

They all lied to him, right?

Gu Cheng inspected outside for three days.

Ning Yi thought about the birthday gift for a while, and she got a little clue.

Zhao Mochu said that City A is going to hold a charity party soon, which can be donated or auctioned. Ning Yi has his eyes on one of the things and can take a photo (within the budget) and give it to Gu Cheng.

In addition, she is going to get a special gift, very special. whee.

Ning Yi: Hey, I'm too kind to my husband!

He must be moved to death when he comes back!

Then with a wave of your hand, give her a few hundred million ^3^

Hey, hey, hey.

But should I say it or not, no one has eaten with Ning Yi these few days, so I feel a little lonely.

Ning Yi pulled out the keyboard, and was about to make a few small programs to play, when a 1 popped up on the phone.


This is news from their Wan team.

Ning Yi: [1111]

Team Wan: [Eat? brother please]

The last time Team Wan invited him to dinner was a bag of rare instant noodles he got in the last days.

It's really different and exciting!

Now this has to severely blackmail their captain.

Ning Yi: 【1111111】

Wander on the opposite side laughed.

With the arrangement for tomorrow's meal, Ning Yi is in a happy mood.

Can't help but want to sell a sword.


She called Gu Cheng in her mind.

Gu Cheng was sitting in the clubhouse at this time, just finished chatting with him about business, and asked someone to change a pot of tea.

Hearing the sound, he paused and said lightly, "What's wrong."

Ning Yi asked sweetly, "What are you doing?"

Gu Cheng said nonchalantly, "I'm not busy now."

Ning Yi: "Oh~"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Why don't you make a video.

He said he was not busy anymore.

Does this woman want him or not?

Gu Cheng turned on the phone expressionlessly, he thought about it anyway.

Before she had time to click on WeChat, she heard her sneaky voice in her head.

"Honey, you're not busy, are you entertaining?" Ning Yi asked hesitantly.

Gu Cheng:? What is he entertaining.

Ning Yi: "Did you have more than a dozen beauties drinking with you outside?"

Gu Cheng: "?"

"Or are you in a casino? Sexy croupiers deal cards online and hot beauties accompany you to gamble!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: It's always written like this in novels! This is how the domineering president plays outside!

Ziliu, so exciting, I really want to feel it!


Gu Cheng spoke again, his voice already sullen, "Wife, do I want you to see it?"

Prove to Ning Yi how clean he is when he is on a business trip.

…just in time to make video calls naturally.

Doesn't this woman know that they haven't seen each other for three days?

Ning Yi's eyes lit up: "Let me see? Okay!"

Gu Cheng was about to put up the screen of his mobile phone when he was suddenly replaced and lying on the bed at home.

And his pillow was still on the floor.

Gu Cheng: "..."

Over there, Ning Yi has excitedly stood up in Gu Cheng's body—

High-end clubs, nightclubs, big casinos, let me see where is my husband?

Ning Yi walked out of Gucheng's private room in a majestic manner, hooked his fingers, and Mr. Zhou came over in time, "Young master."

Ning Yi was trying to force the king: "Bring me the roster."

Zongzhu Zhou: "Yeah?"

The roster here?

Is it what he thinks it is?

Gu Cheng tried it.

After Ning Yi's swap, he couldn't switch bodies.

So now Ning Yi's exchange authority is still higher than his.

Gu Cheng had no choice but to warn, "Ayi, don't mess around."

Ning Yi: "Hey hey."

"..." Gu Cheng stood up, and saw Ning Yi's face in the mirror.

Can't help sighing, forget it, let's just treat it as the video.

However, half an hour later, Ning Yi did not respond.

An hour passed, but there was still no response from Ning Yi.

After waiting for an hour and a half, Ning Yi finally sighed: "It's so cool!"

What a cool day for a man!

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng asked ominously, "What did you do?"

After Ning Yi had a good time, she changed her body back.

As soon as Gu Cheng went back, he heard a woman's voice in his ear—

"Boss! Are you satisfied with our service?~"

Gu Cheng woke up instantly: "?!"

Gu Dashao kept his body clean for nearly 30 years and never had any cross-border behavior. Did Ning Yi really use his body to do something that shouldn't be done?

Countless thoughts flashed through Gu Cheng's mind the second he opened his eyes—

If he really did something, how could he get closer to Ning Yi? This kind of thing is very dirty for Gu Cheng, who is highly obsessed with cleanliness. If it is true... then out of consideration for Ning Yi, he has to keep a physical distance from her...

Thousands of thoughts flashed by quickly.

After opening his eyes, Gu Cheng was surrounded by eight women.


Gu Cheng's expression suddenly calmed down.

"It's so comfortable, hubby," Ning Yi said in a turbulent voice, "You pressed it for an hour and a half! Special praise to technicians 08 and 10, they have great hands."

Gu Cheng looked at the eight older sisters with red faces, professional smiles, and an average age of 40 to 50 years old.

Gu Cheng: "?"

This will give you a blast, right?