Ning Yi wanted to laugh at the fact that the club where Gu Cheng went on a business trip turned out to be a health club.

Don't other bosses spend a lot of money outside!

Why is Gu Cheng still drinking tea outside! Tea everywhere!

So healthy, so green!

Gu Cheng expressionless: "Do you like it?"

Ning Yi: "Hey hey, it's okay."

Anyway, let her enjoy it~

The eight elder sisters, some hold shoulders, some massage backs, and some give pedicures, and they will give you a full hour and a half to invigorate blood circulation and unblock tendons.

The whole person is a capital of cool!

And according to Ning Yi's observation, Gu Cheng's exchange authority should still be lower than hers at present, otherwise he must have exchanged back just now.

That's great! very safe!

In the future, it will be better than whoever strikes first!

Ning Yi: "Husband, I love you so much. Waiting for you to come home, okay?"

Gu Cheng: "Hehe."

When Gu Cheng walked out of the massage room, Mr. Zhou quickly stepped forward, "Master, is it okay?"

Gu Dashao has never had this kind of foot therapy and back massage service outside, because there is a professional team at home to formulate various plans for him to maintain his health.

Gu Cheng gave a cold snort, thought about Ning Yi's reaction just now, and said blankly, "Ning Yi should like it."

Zongzhu Zhou: Huh?

So you have reached the point where you always think of your wife in everything! Young Master!

This is just three days apart!

He really, I cried to death—

I can go back soon, please bear with me, Young Master!

Because Ning Yi had a great massage the night before, even though it wasn't her own body, she was also greatly relaxed mentally.

So this night I slept comfortably on a 2.5-meter big bed alone.

The next day, it was only a matter of three poles, and then I saw the news sent by Wan Dui, which was directly a store address.

Time and place, simple and clear.

Ning Yi's activities in Gu's house are also very free, Song Lan very much encourages her to go out and play more.

"Yeah, it's easy to get tired of eating at home all the time. Xiaoyi goes out to change tastes with friends."

"Hey, good mom."

Song Lan and Mr. Gu don't usually surf the Internet very much, but they only found out later that their daughter-in-law's real identity is the founder of such a big platform! They were all shocked!

So I feel that Ning Yi is amazing. Apart from having a firm and good character, he is not proud or showing off! what a boy! They have not wavered about the olive branches offered by other giants. It is an extremely correct decision!

It will be Acheng's 29th birthday when he comes back from this business trip. Before that, he had been absent for three years. With Xiaoyi appearing again this year, the family must have a good time.

Now, the relationship between the two of them is getting better and better——

Song Lan remembered something, and as a mother, she asked a little embarrassedly: "Well, Xiaoyi, Ah Cheng's body has recovered now, you..."

Mr. Gu may also be impatient, but he is also embarrassed, so it is up to her to ask.

Ning Yi comprehended her mother-in-law's hesitation to speak, and understood that she was worried about some of Gu Cheng's functions.

After her personal inspection, it is very good!

"Don't worry!" Ning Yi patted her chest.

Song Lan immediately showed a gratified smile: "Okay, okay!"

The children live in harmony and have a harmonious relationship. What is there to be dissatisfied with as a mother!

"Go and meet your friends!"


Of course, Song Lan didn't know that this friend was someone that Gu Cheng never wanted Ning Yi to meet—

at this time.

Gu Dashao in H province.

Sitting in the middle of the meeting room, he had a stern face, and his aura was cold and serious, making the surrounding people afraid to breathe.

Mr. Gu glanced at his phone during the meeting, it was fine—

Someone still didn't make a video call for him.

On the fourth day of the business trip, he was sure that Ning Yi, a woman, did not remember this incident.

Young Master Gu put away his mobile phone and narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the big screen.

OK, then he will fight later.

He wanted to see what Ning Yi was up to every day.

I don't want to miss my husband.

At this time, Ning Yigang waved to Song Lan with a smile, jumped into the car and went to the restaurant.

——Going to the chafing dish! Great!

When Ning Yi arrived at the store, Team Wan was already sitting there, holding an iPad to choose the pot.

It's late autumn now, and he's still wearing only a black hoodie. The black hair is loose, and there is an unchanging diamond stud earring. It's nice to sit there.

"Coming?" Wander looked up.

Ning Yi went over and sat down naturally, "What do you want to eat?"

"you decide."

The two of them are too familiar with each other, and they have eaten countless meals together in the past, and the atmosphere is very relaxed.

Neither of them are picky eaters, nor are they afraid of spicy food. Finally, they chose four pot bottoms and put together a four-square grid.

Then he clicked a bunch of orders on the ipad.

The waiter politely reminded: "Hello, the portions in our restaurant are not bad, you two may not be able to eat like this..."

Wander was very calm: "It's okay."

— Revenge eating, you don’t understand.

Ning Yi was also very calm: "Yeah."

— just do it.

When the dishes were served, Ning Yi was already enjoying themselves while they almost didn't set them open!

Recalling the last time she had hot pot with Team Wan, it was after killing zombies, she found two bags of instant noodles from an abandoned supermarket, and cooked a messy hot pot with those ingredients, but it was already a rare full meal in the last days .

It's still a good life now! The people are running towards a well-off life!

"By the way, brother," Ning Yi asked while fishing for beef, "Why did you remember to invite me to dinner?"

Wander was also fishing for meat, and there was a hot pot of white air between them. His voice came from him faintly: "Because I often think about the past recently, I will think of you."

Ning Yi then raised his eyes while stuffing the meat into his mouth, and looked at him carefully: "Yes, I think your dark circles are heavy, captain."

"?" Wander put down his chopsticks, turned on the front of the phone and looked, "Really."

But the dark circles under the eyes should be due to staying up late playing games, right?

Ning Yi complimented very sensiblely: "But he's still very handsome!"

Wander put down the phone with satisfaction, it still has to be you.

Ning Yi calmed down the person who was hosting the meal, and then continued to show off.

She thought, this hot pot is delicious and spicy enough, next time she can bring her other stomach together^-^

Just as Ning Yi was thinking, the phone screen lit up.

is a video call.

Young Master Gu, who was on a business trip at this time, finally finished the meeting, held the phone and pondered deeply for a moment, then according to the height of the phone, adjusted an angle enough to show his dominant jaw angle, and made a video call.

"Huh?" Ning Yi picked up the phone.

Wander glanced this way too, then snorted.

It's quite tight, a certain young master.

Ning Yi accepted it frankly, with a happy smile of "Look, I'm cooking" on his face: "Crooked? Husband!"

Gu Cheng looked over with a precise angle and very reserved, and finally saw Ning Yi's vivid face.

Then Gu Dashao discovered that video calls really didn't work well.

The screen is too small.

You still have to meet someone.

Gu Cheng asked lightly: "What are you doing?"

Ning Yi showed him a piece of brown sugar glutinous rice cake: "I'm eating, my husband, have you eaten yet?"

Just as Gu Cheng was about to speak, he suddenly caught someone else's voice passing by her side.

Gu Cheng: "Who are you eating with?"

"Huh?" Ning Yi turned the screen carelessly, revealing Wan Dui opposite him who was buried in his meal, "You know him!"

As a result, the phone lens was all covered in white mist, and it was impossible to see clearly, only that it was a man.

"?" Gu Cheng directly changed his body.

Then sat there, meeting Wander's eyes.

Gu Cheng was expressionless.

Very good, Ning Yi.

Give me eight big sisters, and then have dinner with a man, right?

However, Ning Yi over there suddenly became anxious: "Honey, what are you doing!"

Gu Cheng: "What am I doing?"

Not long after he sat down here, Ning Yi hastily changed back—fortunately, her authority is higher!

The unhappiness in Gu Cheng's heart grew stronger, his eyes darkened: "Why, can't wait for a minute?"

Ning Yi: "That's right, my husband! The duck intestines I just ate will get old in a minute!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Thinking that she might really be just for food, Gu Cheng's mood improved a little.

But only a little.

Waiting for him to go back.

After Ning Yi came back, she hurriedly fished out the duck intestines, took out a whole bowl, made sesame oil and original soup, added green onion and coriander, and turned it into a bowl of quacky duck intestine noodles—happy!

Ning Yi lowered her head and began to chatter, but Wander on the opposite side looked at her silently.

The breath of the person in front of him changed obviously in a few seconds, very quickly, but the front and back were really separated.

Wander frowned slightly: "Are you..."

It was a bit weird before. But after all, they have been comrades-in-arms for many years, and Team Wan never doubted his comrades-in-arms.

Ning Yi nodded while talking: "Well, captain, there is actually something I haven't told you."

Wander couldn't help but put down his chopsticks, "Say it."

Ning Yi raised her hand, half covered her face, and said bloodthirstyly, "Actually, I have a dual personality."

Wander: "?"

Ning Yi's posture remained unchanged.

Wander: "Do you want to eat hairy belly?"

Ning Yi withdrew her hand: "Eat."

Anyway, the matter of exchanging bodies is too unimaginable, and it is often unstable, and recently it has become more and more unstable. Except for her and Gu Cheng, it is best not to tell anyone else.

After all, it’s no good to say it, just treat it as a little **** between you and your husband^3^

In the end, the meal of the two doomsday people was like eight people.

Ning Yi supported her belly, watching Wan Dui kindly get up to pay the bill.

When she came back, there was a small can of drink on the table in front of her.

Yakult. Grape smell.

"How's your sleep quality recently?" Wander asked suddenly.

In fact, this is what he really wants to ask today.

But Ning Yi thought it was because he knew that she had very good hearing, so she had been greatly affected by the noise, so she said, "It's pretty good, I've been sleeping like a normal person recently."

And - Gu Cheng sleeps like a dead man, very quiet. She is very satisfied.

Wander lowered his eyes: "Uh-"

It seems that she hasn't dreamed yet, which is fine.

Ning Yi put Yakult in his pocket, and then entered the final part of the hot pot: eating watermelon.

It's pretty sweet.

The evaluation of this hot pot restaurant has gone up a little bit.

"But—" Wan Dui smiled lightly, his eyes fell on Ning Yi, "You'd better not get emotional."

If you don't have feelings, you won't be sad.

He couldn't bear to be 01 sad.

So it's best to cut off the possibility.

Ning Yi held the watermelon and gnawed it like a hamster, her cheeks bulging: "Huh?"

How did it involve feelings?

Seeing her cute, Wander couldn't help laughing, but his eyes were serious: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, baby."

People like them are not suitable for talking about feelings.

After all, I don't know when the problem of survival will come back to the top of my head.

When this meal is over, "Everything is Ruyi" has become the number one hot topic on CM.

— "01wander's intimate dinner with friends in private"

Some other customers of the hot pot restaurant recognized the two of them, took two pictures, and they became popular after they were posted.

After all, Ms. 01 is now in full swing, both a big boss and a big traffic player.

Zhao Mochu immediately discovered: [Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, I'm not at the first scene? ! 】

[All things are going well with the party! 】

[Everything is going well! Never BE! I knew this was far from over! 】

Millions of fans of 01 also came here after hearing the news.

【Ahhh, I saw Sister Ning again! 】

[Sister Ning's private server without makeup is so beautiful too, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..

Netizens shed tears licking the screen.

[By the way, family members, there is a charity party tonight, and the melon owner said that sister Ning will go! It is said that he is going to buy a gift for someone]

【Ah ah ah ah ah blind bet is for the young and old! Look at Baidu Encyclopedia, the birthday of the youngest is coming soon! 】

【Ahhh, isn't it that Gu Moning's candy is coming soon! 】

[So where is Young Master Gu! 】

[I don't believe that Young Master Gu is not jealous after seeing this photo! ? 】

【That's the man who once wanted everyone to be buried with him! (roar)】

Gu Cheng watched it expressionlessly, and closed it expressionlessly.


People are at the airport and arrive at night.

Zongzhu Zhou was on the side and accidentally caught a glimpse.

It turns out that Young Master Gu has already started using CM software! But none of them knew what Gu Dashao's private account was called, nor did they know how many digits his serial number plate was?

I don't know if a man like Gu Dashao who has the luck of an emperor will randomly get a special number? !

Gu Cheng really wanted to get special numbers randomly.

But he glanced at his registered account:

—[No. 88888888]

——Your business emperor really has extraordinary luck, this wealth fortune blessed by the world is extraordinary!

Gu Cheng: "..."

So Gu Cheng decided to snap up a serial number plate he wanted.

Because the serial number plate of the CMore account is given directly according to the algorithm, there is no way to pre-register after it has been registered. If you want that brand, you can only buy it.

This is not difficult, because as soon as the serial number plate is issued, an industrial chain is automatically generated. There are quite a few people on the Internet asking to buy 888-related number plates, such as Gucheng, who even 8, has been sold for 100,000 yuan!

Gu Cheng did not have a fake assistant in this matter, but directly contacted the person who sold the special number plate to find the serial number he wanted.

Gu Dashao sat firmly at the negotiating table all year round, and it was very easy to negotiate this small deal.

But when the payment was about to be made, something suddenly happened, and another person wanted to buy an account with this serial number.

Gu Cheng was puzzled.

Does anyone else need this moral besides him?

They have nothing to do with 01.

Gu Cheng did not rule out that the other party had deliberately increased the price, but he insisted on buying it, and no one could compete with him.

A certain 01 who was snapped up by him on the opposite side: "...Damn it!"

There is actually someone else who wants this string of disgusting numbers? And this person is quite persistent?

What's so great about this!

Because the serial number plates are all automatically hung up, and the registration volume on their platform has already exceeded 100 million, and some special serial number plates have been registered by real names. It is unfair to operate in a black box, so they can only trade with the owner of the number.

And this is one of Ning Yi's birthday presents for Gu Cheng! After all, CMore is the crystallization of the intersection of her and Gu Cheng's careers, such a good meaning, how suitable to give it on a birthday!

So Ning Yi planned to buy him a passion number and give it to him, so that he could feel the continuous improvement of this platform! However, I didn't expect that someone still wanted to buy it, and the buyer on the opposite side wanted the serial number plate more than she did? ?

—That’s just a string of numbers!

Ning Yi really hates people who are richer than herself!

After the number changed hands, she wanted to see who was robbing her!

But there is no way - the love for your husband is unlimited, but the budget for your husband's birthday gift is limited!

Over budget = forget it.

Hey, let's give my husband a special number plate in secret.

It's free, and I can let my husband choose the color^3^

The owner of the account over there finally breathed a sigh of relief, and turned around and sold it to the buyer on the opposite side who looked like a big guy.

【Sir, this number is available for you. 】

Gu Cheng sneered: Heh.

Make money and get the number.

Who can rob him, dreaming.

In the evening, Ning Yi was going to attend the charity party held in City A.

Zhao Mochu asked in advance: [Is it true that Gu Mo Ning is going to score points tonight! Please don't let me miss it! Don't make me get on my knees and beg you! 】

Ning Yi: [OvO]

It seems that Gu Cheng can only finish his business trip tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and he won't be back today!

So it just so happened that the reason why she came to participate tonight was because there was something she wanted to photograph and give to Gu Cheng as a birthday present.

Since it doesn't cost money for a good name, it's better to spend some money on the auction, and by the way, it can also be used for public welfare, which is very good.

Tonight's charity gala, many celebrities and traffic stars participated. Because public welfare has always been one of the important means for celebrities to gain favor.

And tonight, as usual, the live broadcast is open to netizens.

Today, the platform construction of CMore, which has entered the first round of financing, is becoming more and more systematic. Basically, all important evening parties, if there is a need for promotion and publicity, will set up a live broadcast on CMore.

And this is also an important part of embarking on the closed loop of e-commerce—after all, in the Internet age, traffic is king. Whoever can hold higher daily traffic will be able to create more profits.

[Ah, ah, here I come! Wait for Sister Ning]


[Will Young Master Gu come? 】

[I don't think so, it is said that Young Master Gu is not in City A now]

【Hey wait, I saw Jiang Linyi】

[What about the goddess of light—? 】

Sure enough, Ding Ziyue also appeared beside Jiang Linyi.

After the big incident of 01 identity disclosure, Ding Ziyue, the goddess of light, disappeared from the Internet for a few days, and even her previously frequently updated account did not update.

Netizens are indeed bamboo shoots, and have arranged a lot of jokes and emoticons for Ding Ziyue.

I am your light.jpg

Let me shine on you.jpg

It's all over the internet! To be honest, Ding Ziyue's traffic is much higher now than before!

So as soon as Ding Ziyue appeared, the comments immediately surged, and everyone was having fun.

【Ha ha ha my goddess is here】

[BGM sounds—]

But the strange thing is that after Ding Ziyue appeared, she didn't seem to be close or even familiar with Jiang Linyi beside her.

Her expression was a little ignorant and timid, as if she wasn't used to everything under the flashing light, and she looked completely different from her overconfident look before!

Jiang Linyi saw it and felt his heart was broken.

Yueyue, the proud little princess, has become like this!

He took Ding Ziyue's hand and faced the camera of the live broadcast, "Hi everyone, this is my girlfriend Ding Ziyue. Taking this opportunity today, I want to tell you that she has recently...became mentally troubled by a blow." , has lost the memory of the past, even...even I don’t remember.”

Ding Ziyue showed a naive and ignorant expression on her face, as if she didn't understand what Jiang Linyi was talking about.

After Jiang Linyi said this, his heart was already full of pain.

He lost Ding Ziyue's love.

Netizens were also shocked.

"I implore everyone, stop being unconscious snowflakes!" Jiang Linyi, as a film king with many fans and sunspots, happened to be in a very sufficient position to say this, and he solemnly said to the camera: "Every word of your hurt, there is Could break a man's spirit!"

【Ah...oh my god, I didn't expect that】

[In fact, Princess Ding is indeed not guilty of death, but she hugged her thigh wrongly, and then she is a bit exaggerated]

[Solemn apology to Princess Ding, I admit that I laughed too loudly two days ago]

【Sorry Ding Ziyue】

And Ding Ziyue laughed wildly in her heart: ahahahahaha——

It's connected, isn't the plot in the dream just connected? !

In the foreshadowing of that dream, she lost her memory after the car accident, and Jiang Linyi cared for her more and paid more attention to her in order to call back her love. Ding Ziyue took it by force.

Ding Ziyue was simply ecstatic - now she has saved herself from the danger of a car accident! It became the object of everyone's careful care again!

— Who else in this world can be smarter than her! ?

Jiang Linyi will not refuse anything she wants tonight! She, Ding Ziyue, is still the most favored person in the world—

After Jiang Linyi finished speaking, he led Ding Ziyue into the party hall, and said softly as he walked: "Yueyue, if you have something you like, just tell me, you know."

Ding Ziyue suppressed the happiness in her heart, and said awkwardly and uncertainly: "Brother Lin, Lin Yi? Although you said you are my boyfriend, I shouldn't spend your money like this..."

Jiang Linyi felt soft in his heart, "It's okay, this is what I should do for you."

Ding Ziyue laughed wildly again.

Who in this world can't spoil her? ! nobody!

Entering the venue and meeting Ning Yi head-on, Ding Ziyue was elated.

That's it for Spiritual Victory! As long as I lose my memory, I will pretend that none of those things happened!

You mention it because you are immoral, you hold on to it, and you **** me online!

Ning Yi: Laugh to death.

The center of the universe, the joy of the world, applause to Princess Ding.

Ding Ziyue was carefully supported by Jiang Linyi and sat in the front row.

And Ning Yi was waiting in the back row, waiting for the gift she was going to take tonight.

[I saw Sister Ning! Very good, keep this seat for me! 】

[Sister Ning came here by herself today, what exactly are you going to shoot? 】

[Do you want to buy a birthday present for Gu Dashao? I'm so looking forward to it! 】

[Suddenly remembered the three birthday presents Mr. Gu gave Sister Ning, ah! Is this the two-way mutual favor?]

Young Master Gu was not there, and Gu's Mo Ning party had already begun to lick hard.

The charity gala has already begun.

The opening show was performed by some star singers. Ning Yi watched it and felt that it was not as good as Princess Ding's previous opening dance.

Obviously, Ding Ziyue herself felt the same way.

Since her "amnesia", the whole person's condition has improved, and she directly saved herself from the embarrassment of social death. I have to say that she is really talented!

After the performance of the gala, the organizer explained the direction of this charitable donation, some for school fees and meals for children in mountainous areas, some for women’s health in impoverished areas, and some treatment fees for disabled children... Some were given on the big screen photo.

Ding Ziyue burst into tears: "God, they are so pitiful..."

Jiang Linyi held her hand tightly, thinking: Sure enough, although Yueyue's memory is gone, the kindness in her bones is still there.

Tonight, he wants to give her everything better.

Ning Yi took a look and thought she could buy more.

After all, she is now worth more than 100 million yuan. She just watched the private auction after the jewelry conference last time. Looking at these lots now, I feel a little ready to move.

After waiting for a while, the card was raised twice, which is an understatement.

[Ahh, sister, my only sister! Hello A]

[Seeing Sister Ning now is completely different from before, it's easy to raise the price with a sign, is this the aura of 01! 】

Ning Yi finally took a photo of a crystal clear big moth jade ornament, which is similar to the jade smiting flies that Wan Ge took back then.


[Everything is going well! Spiritual victory! 】

[Gu's touching! Where are you! 】

Ning Yi took a look, and found that she still had to go through a lot of auctions before she could get the cool baby she wanted, probably in the second half of the party.

She was about to grab some dinner for the party when Gu Cheng's voice suddenly came from her ear.

"Where are you."

Young Master Gu has landed.

And actually already knew where Ning Yi was.

Mr. Zhou has thoughtfully set the navigation position to the location of the charity party.

Came back in a hurry just to see you—

Never mind! Whoever smokes will die.

Hearing his question, Ning Yi thought that she was here to buy a gift for Gu Cheng, so Mimi wanted to surprise him: "I'm here...I'm in your heart! Haha!"

Gu Cheng was silent.

Then he leaned on the back seat of the car and smiled helplessly.

She does know.

The charity gala soon came to an intermission, and Ning Yi planned to wait until the second half took a picture of the gift before leaving.

Staying in the arena, Princess Ding would definitely come over and make gestures, so Ning Yi walked out—

Then, he saw a familiar tall figure head on.

The hem of the coat was turned up slightly when he came.

Ning Yi's eyes widened in shock: "Oh husband, why are you back?!"

Gu Cheng's eyes fell on Ning Yi, and he walked straight towards her. He was still carrying the frosty coldness of late autumn, walked over tall and tall, and lowered his head slightly in front of her.

"Why, I can't come back?"

His eyes fell on Ning Yi's face, and he looked at it carefully.

Well, she has a ruddy complexion and a good spirit.

It looked like he didn't miss a meal.

But Gu Cheng suddenly felt settled down.

Just stand in front of her.

"Oh, that's not what it means—" Ning Yi didn't know how to explain it. After all, it seemed that it was the first time she seriously prepared a birthday present for someone.

Gu Cheng didn't force her to ask. He stood in front of her and watched for a while, then raised his hand to straighten her messy collar.

"When will you finish going home?" Gu Cheng asked.

Ning Yi nodded quickly, "Yeah, right away, I'll leave after shopping."

Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows, "Don't you need me to buy it for you?"

Ning Yi's heart beat shamefully for a second.

Yes, her mobile unlimited wallet is back.

It's a pity that she bought a gift for the wallet herself this time, so she could only say no with tears.

Ning Yi's heart ached.

Gu Cheng probably guessed something, and was in a vaguely happy mood, so he was going to go back to the car and wait for her to go home together.

However, he wanted to leave at first, but when he saw the eyebrows and eyes that he hadn't seen for many days, his steps stopped again.

This is the unoccupied verandah of the banquet hall.

The hustle and bustle of the room was some distance away from them.

Gu Cheng thought for a while, and then asked her, "Did you miss me? Ayi."

Ning Yi looked up at him.

The light from the overhead of the veranda shone down, the man's figure was backlit, and a tall shadow shrouded him. But the cold and oppressive aura on his body softened a little, and his voice was also low.

Ning Yi thought about what it means to think.

Wan Ge said that she had better not have feelings.

In fact, she doesn't know what kind of relationship is.

After all, no one asked her to have this thing in the past few years. They even threw away their sense of morality and shame. How could they have the time to understand any feelings?

So Ning Yi is not quite sure what kind of thoughts Gu Cheng asked, but—when Gu Cheng was by his side, every meal was answered, and every sentence was answered.

So—it's better to have him by my side.

Ning Yi nodded honestly: "Yeah."

A smile flashed across Gu Cheng's eyes.

Ning Yi's mouth can't turn, let alone his body.

She frankly admitted that she missed Gu Cheng a little bit, so she just stuck to him and hugged him, "Hee hee. Stick it."

Gu Cheng let her head rub against her chest, and suddenly felt the wind and cold all over her body melt away.

Gu Cheng lowered his eyes, looking at the head resting on his chest, with light in his eyes.

I wanted to say something more solemnly on my birthday, but this moment seems to be the right time—

He came back from other provinces, and she happened to miss him a little bit.

"Ayi, I—"

Before the words were finished, a figure suddenly stumbled out.

"W-Where is this, it's strange, my head hurts..."

"Why, why can't I remember anything?"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi raised her eyes from his shoulders and looked at the people who came by.

The recent experience made Ding Ziyue look thinner and her expression panicked. No one would feel sorry for her—she has been verified!

Jiang Linyi, netizens, and the people I met today... Everyone is reflecting on whether they have done too much, and they all start to feel sorry for Ding Ziyue!

Ding Ziyue quickly took the posture she should have - weak, pitiful, melancholy, and broken.

After all, who can blame a woman who made a small mistake but was violently tortured by the Internet and lost her memory?

This trick works for all men!

And among these men, the most important one is of course—

Ding Ziyue looked timidly at Gu Cheng in front of her, as if she met him by chance, and was touched by him to her most vulnerable state.

"Sir, have we met somewhere?"

"But, but I can't remember... I don't even, I don't remember who I am..."

Ding Ziyue raised her face pitifully.

"Yue Yue!"

"Yueyue, don't run around"

Ding Ziyue's flower protectors ran over, fearing that the princess who was more fragile after amnesia would be tortured again.

Ning Yi immediately forgot what Gu Cheng said just now, and read it with relish.

"You don't remember who you are?" Gu Cheng said expressionlessly.

Ding Ziyue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated slightly!

Young Master Gu actually responded to her? This is the first time, and sure enough, her weakness arouses pity...

Gu Cheng: "You're an idiot, remember?"

There was silence all around.

Ning Yi: Hahahahaha I'm sorry—