"Mr. Gu! You don't have to say that about Yueyue, do you?"

Jiang Linyi came out from behind Ding Ziyue, his face already full of anger.

Yueyue is already like this, how could there be such a hard-hearted man as Gu Cheng! ?

Wouldn't he feel pity and pity for such a poor person? ?

Ding Ziyue immediately supported Jiang Linyi's arm: "It's okay, brother, don't do it for me..."

And Gu Cheng gave Jiang Linyi a condescending look, and said, "You are similar to her."

Jiang Linyi: "?"

The angry look on his face stagnated, and he suddenly felt humiliated.

Just about to open his mouth to fight back, he suddenly realized that if he denied it, wouldn't it mean that he disdains to be like Yueyue? Wouldn't that add another knife to her trauma?

So Jiang Linyi had no choice but to shut up and accept this stupid humiliation.

Both of them have a humiliated face.

Ning Yi closed her eyes in pain: It's not why you don't laugh!

This made her embarrassed to laugh, and she could only hold back the sad things in her life after thinking about them.

Finally, the flower protectors escorted Princess Ding Ding back.

Everyone agreed that they could do a lot of things to protect the princess, but they still don't want to make a fool of Young Master Gu. that man...

Ning Yi withdrew her gaze with a smile, then turned to ask Gu Cheng: "Husband, what did you just say?

Gu Cheng took a breath, lowered his eyes helplessly, "I'll tell you next time."

The broken sense of ritual needs to be recreated.

Seeing that this little fool didn't understand what he just said.

As expected, Ning Yi didn't hesitate: "Oh, fine."

Gu Cheng glanced at the hall of the party and asked, "Shall I accompany you?"

Just as Ning Yi was about to nod, she remembered that she was going to buy a gift, so she quickly said, "No, no, you can't read it."

It's better to keep a little surprise for birthday presents!

The corner of Gu Cheng's lips curled up, and he reservedly pretended not to care, then turned and left.

"I'll wait for you in the car."

Ding Ziyue's heart was on fire.

Why is Gu Dashao different from other men, obviously other men feel pity for her, but Gu Cheng says she is an idiot, she is so hurt!

And why did such a special Young Master Gu fall in love with Ning Yi? !

After the second half of the auction started, Ding Ziyue couldn't help staring at Ning Yi who had just returned to the venue.

why why!

Jiang Linyi noticed her gaze and asked carefully, "Yueyue, do you... remember anything?"

The main reason for her amnesia this time was the fact that 01's identity was revealed. Could it be that she remembered something while staring at Ning Yi?

"Ah? No," Ding Ziyue withdrew her gaze, "I just feel that seeing her makes my heart ache..."

Jiang Linyi hurriedly said: "Then don't look at it, Yueyue, look at this lot, do you like it?"

At this time, Ning Yi's eyes also brightened—

The cool baby she was waiting for, come on!

This is the birthday present she wants to buy for Gu Cheng! Hee hee hee!

At this time, Gu Dashao, who was waiting on the Maybach outside, was taking today's lot list from Mr. Zhou's assistant.

There will probably be a gift from Ning Yi here.

Young Master Gu looked around from top to bottom.

There are quite a lot of auction items, more than sixty pieces. But because these are all donated by caring artists and folk caring people, so the items inside are all-

Calligraphy and painting titled "Heaven rewards diligence".

Embroidery that shows the great mountains and rivers of the motherland.

Jucai town house cabbage golden cicada emerald ornaments.

…some type of.

Young Master Gu's expression fell into deep thought: who is she looking at.

And at this time. inside.

Ning Yi has excitedly clenched the number plate in her hand—

— Diamond and Gem Saddle! Is it cool enough?

She has already thought about it, and after buying it, she can wear it on "Run Fast" and "Stand Up"!

She was named a mother for life in one day, and the two ponies are still galloping naked, and now Gu Cheng's legs are healed, and she can ride a horse to hold a cup! This gift is simply the best summary of his year, full of good meaning.

And there are plenty of rows on the top, with sapphires, rubies and emeralds inlaid on it, which looks very expensive——

Ning Yi was afraid that someone would rob her, so she looked for similarly interested bidders in the arena with lightning eyes. This saddle is made of the best cowhide, and the cost itself is around 100,000 yuan. After inlaid with a bunch of gems, the starting price is 500,000 yuan.

Ning Yi's budget is one million, as long as she can get it within this range - she is even touched, I love Gu Cheng too much!

However, after the auctioneer finished introducing its jewels and performance, knocked the auction hammer, and indicated that the auction could begin—

The scene was as quiet as a chicken.

—Ah no, who rides a horse and wants such flamboyant accessories!

Online viewers who watched the live broadcast were also watching the fun:

【Hahaha, will anyone really buy this thing?】

[Will be beaten when riding a horse hahahahahaha]

Ning Yi:? ? ? hateful!

No one is robbing her, and she is actually a little bit annoyed!

Is this questioning her aesthetics!

Ning Yi held up the number plate expressionlessly.

"—No. 125, the asking price is 500,000 yuan!"

【Hahahaha Sister Ning】

[Laughing to death hahahahaha]

[Wait, did you forget that Young Master Gu is celebrating his birthday! 】

[So is this a gift for Young Master Gu? Help is sweet and funny hahaha, I really want to know how Young Master Gu will react after receiving it]

Ding Ziyue hasn't prepared a good rhythm for Jiang Linyi to spend money on this match, seeing that Ning Yi has something she likes, she immediately gets excited——

Princess Ding Ding showed an expression of "Wow! So beautiful! I really want to—" next to Jiang Linyi.

Jiang Linyi's expression was a little indescribable.

Could it be that after Yueyue lost her memory, her kind nature did not change, but her aesthetics seemed to become strange? Last time, what she wanted was a heart-shaped pink diamond. How did she change it to something like this now?

But Jiang Linyi vowed in his heart to give her everything she wanted, so he had to follow suit.

"—No. 143, 550,000!"

Ning Yi: "Huh?"

People are really strange, no one is happy to rob her, but someone is not happy to rob her!

It costs a lot!

[Fuck, this thing is still snatched? 】

[The **** between the guardian of the goddess of light and the boss 01! 】

Ning Yi continued to raise the placard.

She leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, no matter how she moved in her heart, she was calm on the surface.

This way, it is indeed the style of a big boss, and the comments are full of calls for my sister, I love you so much.

Ning Yi: There is still 400,000 left in the budget.

Outsmart if you exceed the budget^3^

Jiang Linyi really didn't want to shoot, but Ding Ziyue seemed to want it very much.

Ding Ziyue actually didn't want it either, this thing didn't fit her fantasy princess style at all, nor her current flimsy little white flower style, she just wanted to grab it from Ning Yi!

So Ding Ziyue bit the bullet and said: "My God, this saddle is so beautiful, I like it so much..."

Jiang Linyi had no choice but to be puzzled, while biting the bullet and holding up the sign.

Ding Ziyue glanced at Ning Yi triumphantly: Hmph, she has guardian knights to charge for her, so what's the use of Ning Yi being so powerful? Not to compete with his guardian knight!

In the end, the price of the saddle that no one grabbed was raised to 800,000, but tonight's charity gala is also for charity purposes, and vicious competition is not encouraged—especially one is the popular actor, and the other is the recently popular founder 01. Who is the organizer? I don't want to mess with it either!

They will definitely cooperate with CMore in the future!

So the auctioneer smiled and came out to smooth things over: "Our purpose is to help people in need, but it's not to blackmail all the guests~ So all the bidding guests can have a private chat and see who wants it more~"

Ning Yi nodded and looked at Ding Ziyue: "How about giving it to you?"

Ding Ziyue, who was hiding behind the guardian knight: "Huh?"

Ask her what she is doing, and she is not paying for it! Did Ning Yi do it on purpose? So scheming!

So Jiang Linyi also turned to look at Ding Ziyue: "Yueyue, do you really want this saddle?"

Frankly speaking, he still has a good impression of Ms. Ning Yi, and Ning Yi cannot be blamed for Yueyue's shock, and she is such an outstanding person. He had a feud with Young Master Gu, and this feud would not pass on Young Master Gu's wife.

If possible, he didn't want to compete with Ning Yi.

Ding Ziyue:? ? You are targeting me!

Ding Ziyue originally just wanted to trick Ning Yi, but she was framed suddenly! It is neither advancing nor retreating now!

Ning Yi had a kind face, and thought of a private solution: "If you don't want it, just give it to me—I can add color to your serial number plate."

Anyway, the next round of software upgrades will launch this function quack.

As soon as these words came out, the audience who watched the fun online immediately:

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want it too! 】

[Even with an ordinary serial number like mine, I still want to have a special license plate]

Ding Ziyue also had a meal - oh my god! No one else, she likes this special feeling the most! This is more important than a jeweled saddle!

But she suddenly remembered that she still lost her memory, so she looked at Jiang Linyi inexplicably: "Lin, brother Lin Yi, what is the serial number plate?"

Jiang Linyi looked at her tenderly, and explained, "It's the registration order of your account, and everyone has a brand like this."

Now there are even celebrities on the CMore platform, and even he has an ordinary silver serial number plate.

Ning Yi: "I can make you different."

— Jinguang No. 886!

Anyway, custom colors will be launched in the future, and members of the platform can enjoy more services, including the skin of the serial number plate. If you can save hundreds of thousands by catching Princess Tintin in this way, then it's a solid profit, haha.

Princess Ding was really moved, she twitched for a long time, and finally said with the beauty of an adult: "Then, let this lady..."

In the end, Ning Yimeimei won the jeweled saddle within the budget.


And Jiang Linyi looked at Ding Ziyue's expression, suddenly thoughtful.

When the auction was over, he supported Ding Ziyue, who was weak and Fufeng, and asked softly, "Yueyue, do you remember something?"

The innocent smile on Ding Ziyue's face froze, did brother Lin Yi suspect her?

Jiang Linyi is proficient in acting, so he is also very good at observing other people's expressions - he obviously felt that Ding Ziyue was touched by some distraction.

After thinking about it, Jiang Linyi finally thought of a possibility.

"Yueyue, do you want that saddle because..."

Ding Ziyue looked at him nervously.

"Is it because you remembered the day we first met—at the racecourse in the western suburbs, you were wearing equestrian clothes that day, and I accidentally bumped into you. At that time, you didn't even know who I was." Jiang Linyi said with a gentle expression, "I know, You must have remembered something, right…"

Ding Ziyue breathed a sigh of relief, but now is not the time for her to recover her memory! She hasn't had enough of the bonus of amnesia!

"I don't know, Brother Lin Yi," Ding Ziyue hugged her head, "My head hurts so much..."

"Okay, okay, then don't think about it, Yueyue."

He will always be by her side.

But Ning Yi's hand was fast, and Ding Ziyue didn't wait long before her serial number plate was reset.

Ding Ziyue excitedly downloaded and installed it again, and then opened her homepage.

—Brilliant and glittering [Number 886].

And the onlookers also came over—

【Come for sightseeing】

[Sightseeing group +1]

[Laughing to death, really watching "light"]

【Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha】

Ding Ziyue: "?"

Her head is really hurting now.

She can't see the light now!

After Ning Yi's small handwriting, netizens are more interested in the color of the serial number plate that Ning Yi said! They are looking forward to the next software update to customize their own serial number plates.

[So now there are only two serial number plates in the entire CMore that are of other colors? 】

[Hey, but I saw someone say that I got a black one the other day! The serial number is awesome]

【black? ? ? who is it! ? 】

[This function is not yet online, it must be an insider who can choose black! ? 】

Ning Yi: Hehe.

Ms. 01 left the venue with the jade fluttering moth and the diamond-encrusted saddle obtained at the auction, and jumped into the Maybach that her husband had been waiting for.

He also secretly stuffed things into the trunk to prevent Gu Cheng from seeing them.

Gu Cheng pretended not to know.

The corners of the mouth are actually warped.

Heh—to make him happy.

But he is very happy now.

Ning Yi jumped into the car happily: "Go home, my husband—"

Armed with a jeweled saddle and a homemade black number plate, the gift is all set.

Congratulations to your business emperor's 29th birthday!

After returning from this business trip, Gu Cheng will not leave City A for the time being.

Mainly, he realized that it would be better to take Ning Yi with him on his next business trip.

If you go abroad, ten days and a half months.

That's terrible.

Two days later, it was Gu Cheng's birthday.

Many business partners have already sent valuable gifts, which are piled up in the Gu family manor. All kinds of invitations were delivered to Zongzhu Zhou, asking if Young Master Gu could honor him and so on.

Other than that, the Gu Family Manor didn't seem to have changed much in the past two days. It was the same as Ning Yi's birthday last time. It was only in the evening that the family had a big meal and rained gifts—oh, and there was also a firework.

Ning Yi is quite looking forward to tomorrow, and can have birthday dinner and cake again, quack quack.

She and Song Lan chose the cake together. Although it was not as wasteful as an eight-tiered cake, she also found a very good pastry chef and ordered a very cool shape. The most important thing is - the interior is what Ning Yi likes very much !

It's a great birthday, Ning Yi has been looking forward to it since the day before.

At night, Ning Yi lay down early to play with her mobile phone.

Since she put her name on her real name, her private messages in the background are full all year round. Click to see her passionate confession, very serious user feedback, and hot netizens asking questions online. Since Young Master Gu The lower body has recovered. Do they have big do special do?

Ning Yi:? This netizen, we all use the real-name system to access the Internet now!

Ning Yi raised her eyes from the phone screen and looked at Gu Cheng.

Gu Cheng had just finished taking a shower, and was reading documents and financial reports in his room as usual. His black hair was half-dried, hanging over his eyebrows, and the home clothes on his body were very thin, loosely covering his body, and the lines from the back of his shoulders to his forearms were strong and beautiful.

Ning Yi thought to herself: This is not good!

After thinking about it, she rolled three times on the bed, and her thoughts went to tomorrow's cake.

It's still important to eat cake, hehehe.

When she rolled to the fifth lap, she was held down.

Gu Cheng didn't know when he put down the financial report, took off his glasses, and went to bed.

"Why, 2.5 meters is not enough for you to toss?"

Ning Yi moved her **** to make room for him, "Don't say that."

Gu Cheng: "..."

Gu Dashao, who is about to celebrate her birthday, doesn't have any good treatment from her.

Gu Dashao lay down on the position of the person with a blank face.

Then turn on the phone.

Ning Yi was quite surprised: such a young man's behavior of swiping his phone before going to bed, would actually appear on Gu Cheng! Is it because you will be 29 years old tomorrow, so you have to grab the tail of the young people quickly?

Gu Cheng ignored her surprised eyes and opened the CMore account.

His watchlist is very simple, only one person.

@Ning Yi.

But at the same time, Gu Cheng will check the dynamics of 01's good friends.

For example, the person who ate hot pot with Ning Yi while he was away on a business trip.

Wander's social account is not updated frequently, and recently he only posted photos of his body.

[Captain @Wander: Just in case. [picture]】

in case? What's the meaning.

In the photo, the man is wearing a black vest and taking a selfie with his mobile phone with his back to the mirror. It can be seen that the lines of the back muscles are clearly defined, and it does look like it has been exercised all year round.

Why does an e-sports player need to exercise all the year round?

Gu Cheng squinted at the weight of his bench press and sneered.

—That's all.

Gu Dashao condescended to open a comment section. He certainly disdained to comment on it, but he hoped other people of insight could point it out.

Comment area:

【in case! Just in case what Wan Yi meant! Ahhh it's time! 】

[Suddenly there is sugar! ! All things are going well, party, wake me up! 】

Gu Cheng: "?"


Gu Cheng quit his homepage.

At this time, Ning Yi, who was behind him, rolled over, put one leg on his abdomen, and took a look at his head, and was even more surprised——

"Oh my **** husband, you play CM too! You look like a young man!"

Gu Cheng: "?" Isn't he.

Ning Yi excitedly asked: "What number did you register?"

Gu Cheng: "."

He is using the special number he traded now, and he doesn't want to show it to Ning Yi.

Gu Cheng actually has two accounts, not to mention the one he registered, but the serial number plate he bought is a bit... nasty, Gu Cheng plans to tell her when the time is right, and the timing is not close yet.

But Ning Yi insisted on watching, and rolled her face on his chest relentlessly. So Gu Cheng had no choice but to hold up his mobile phone and switch the number to the one he registered, and gave it to her.

Ning Yi poked her head over and took a look:

—[No. 88888888]

Ning Yi: "??!"

Fuck? ? ? ?

Is this **** imperial luck! It is indeed the king of business in the whole book who is absolutely correct, never fails to invest, and is always young and always profitable——Koo Dacheng!

Gu Cheng: "."

Ning Yi suddenly felt that the pretty number she carefully prepared was not pretty enough!


"But when I wanted to buy that gift, someone would **** it from me!" Ning Yi scolded.

"Who is so hateful." Gu Cheng reassured.

Ning Yi doesn't know who is stealing her number, but she will know after the person's real name is verified!

But what she is more worried about now is that Gu Cheng already has such an account, does she still need her account? Q3Q

Ning Yi reached out and grabbed Gu Cheng's arm: "Will you like my gift, husband?"

Gu Cheng: "I will." He will do it without pinching him.

Ning Yi: "You swear! No matter what I give you, you will like it!"

"I swear."

Even presents, take this person with you.

"Hey." Ning Yi rolled back to her side contentedly.

After a few minutes, he rolled back with a smile on his face.

Hugged Gu Cheng's leg.

Gu Cheng looked down and saw the smiling face on her upturned head.

"It's zero o'clock."

"Happy birthday husband!"

Gu Cheng couldn't help laughing: "Thank you wife."

During the day, Gu Cheng is busy with work as usual, and there are also some entertainments between business partners.

Gu Cheng's birthday is a commercial provincial capital, and many people can negotiate business with Gu Cheng in the name of giving gifts.

Netizens also wanted to watch, but they couldn't.

I was worrying about having nowhere to eat sugar, and suddenly someone posted——

[Fuck, did any of you see the opening of CMore today? ! 】

【what? What? I'll log out and reopen it]

After a while.

Many netizens have seen——

Today's opening screen is to wish Young Master Gu a happy birthday!

Not really a picture, but a crown was placed—

Whose inspiration is self-evident.

【It was Sister Ning who did it——】

[Gu's Mo Ning's big sugar directly opens the screen and hits it, it's so sweet]

[Do you remember! On Sister Ning's birthday last time, Young Master Gu set off fireworks all over the sky! This time for Young Master Gu's birthday, Sister Ning made a screen for him! 】

[Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sweet! 】

Company meeting room.

Zongzhu Zhou rarely brushes the software between meetings.

open, close. open, close.

In the end, he finally made up his mind to be discovered by Gu Cheng, he raised his eyes and looked over—

Zongzhu Zhou lived up to everyone's expectations and showed Mr. Gu the opening of CMore today.

Gu Cheng paused slightly, then the corners of his lips curled up slowly.

For the next whole day, those who came to the group to discuss business with Gu Cheng found that Mr. Gu's aura was particularly unobtrusive today, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Zongzhu Zhou: Oh my God T-T, the wife made a screen display, and the young and old are so happy!

After receiving the gift, you can't be too happy!

When Gu Cheng returned home in the evening, the Gu family members had already arrived.

Gu Le leaned over hehehe: "Brother, happy birthday, you are almost thirty!"

Hehehe, three years of birthdays are missing in the middle, I am an old man inadvertently!

Gu Cheng looked at him indifferently: "Why, can't I beat you?"

Young Master Gu: "QvQ"

No such meaning!

"Acheng, happy birthday!"

"My grandpa and I are very happy to celebrate your birthday this year."

Song Lan and Mr. Gu were sitting happily. The birthday presents given by the family to Gu Cheng were plain and simple. After all, Gu Cheng was too rich to lack everything, so they gave imported health care medicines, office supplies...etc.

Ning Yi was eating tonight's birthday dinner. The grilled spring chicken with asparagus was delicious, and the smoked pork ribs were fragrant and boneless. While eating, she thought happily: Very good! Everyone is so simple!

Then tonight's exaggeration is up to me!

After she finished eating the chicken legs and ribs in her hands, the servants also brought her presents in—

Introducing the Jeweled Diamond Saddle!

Ning Yi's eyes were also shining brightly: "How is it!"

This saddle unexpectedly fits the aesthetics of Song Lan and Mr. Gu, and the two elders nodded repeatedly: "Elegant and practical, it's really good! Xiaoyi is really good at picking gifts!"

Young Master Gu next to him: "?"


Does anyone really ride a horse with this kind of saddle? Won't someone beat you up for showing off your wealth too hahahaha——

Ning Yi observed Gu Cheng's expression all the time, and immediately stared: "Honey, you don't like it!?"

This is the first time for her to seriously prepare a birthday present for someone! If the husband doesn't like it, he will be a dead husband tonight!

A smile flashed across Gu Cheng's eyes: "How could that be?"

He was just thinking, this saddle cost some money just by looking at it.

Ms. 01 was willing to spend money on him, Young Master Gu was flattered for a while.

Under Gu Cheng's gaze, Gu Le had no choice but to blew a rainbow fart on the saddle, which made Ning Yi feel good and appetite, and ate two extra cakes!

The chocolate Oreo is inside, covered with a heavy cheese bottom, and the cake is soft and delicate-the decoration on the top is not complicated, only a crown is made.

The shape is the same as Ning Yi's opening screen today - for the business emperor.

Gu Cheng's expression was relaxed, and there was always a smile in his eyes.

After dinner, Song Lan didn't let them stay any longer, and let them go back to the other building with a smile.

The young couple definitely have a lot to say.

Ning Yi nodded, she hasn't given another gift yet.

So Gu Cheng led him back.

Gu Cheng is in a good mood, which is visible to everyone.

Ning Yi felt that he should be quite satisfied with her shiny saddle, so she had a little more confidence in her next gift!

After returning to the room, she sat on the edge of the bed, her calf dangling, and said shyly, "Husband, log in to CMore with your email, fill in my birthday with the password, and look at your cards."

Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows slightly.

After boarding, I saw the serial number plate of this account—

[015201314], white characters on a black background, low-key and high-cold.

But the content is very sweet - this is Ms. 01's beautiful curse on him! Ah ha ha!

In fact, except for the first nine registered users, starting from the tenth place, there is no 0 in front. So Ning Yi operated in secret, and created this account for Gu Cheng.

Looking at the serial number plate, Gu Cheng froze slightly.

After a few seconds, I couldn't help laughing—does this count as a tacit understanding?

Ning Yi was still observing his expression, at this moment she put her hands on her hips, pointed at him and asked, "What are you laughing at, don't you like it?"

Gu Cheng took her finger and kissed her fingertips: "I like it."

really like it.

So Young Master Gu, with a smile on his lips, verified all three of his accounts with their real names.


[8888888] Certification: Gucheng

[52000001] Certification: Gucheng

[015201314] Certification: Gucheng

They are all Gucheng.

At this time, Zhao Mochu, the number one melon owner of CM, had been squatting on candy for a day, and he was the first to search decisively and found a surprise!

Then she took screenshots in her heart, "Fucking!", arranged them side by side, and posted them on her million-fan account.

Now the whole network: [Fuck! ! 】

[Ah ah ah ah my God! These three numbers are simply! 】

[So one was given by Sister Ning, and the other must have been found by Young Master Gu himself, right?]

【What kind of beautiful love is this?】

They watched Kaiping during the day and thought it was Sister Ning's love for Young Master Gu, but now they just think-

You really, don't love too much! Young Master Gu!

T mouth T don't kill them-! !

And Ning Yi looked at Gu Cheng's three accounts.



Ning Yi rebelled: "Damn it! So that dog who competed with me—no, that person is you!"

She said why she looks so rich and powerful!

And Gu Cheng's eyes and brows were full of joy.

He leaned over and kissed her on the lips, "No cursing."

Ning Yi blinked her eyes, and suddenly forgot the remaining curse words.

It felt so natural to him.

It was so natural that it seemed that there could be many more kisses.

After a few seconds, Ning Yi whispered, "Why didn't the bodies switch?"

Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "Is this the point?"

Not to be outdone, Ning Yi said, "Then what's your point?"

Gu Cheng had a meal.

After two seconds, the man looked down at her, his eyes gradually burning a little.

Dear focus. right.

He lowered his neck, and the cool breath of mint passed by.

And Ning Yi suddenly raised a finger to stop in front of his thin lips: "How about it, do you want to say: woman, you are playing with fire!"

Gu Cheng: "?"

Ning Yi: "I light the fire by myself and put it out by myself! No woman has ever let me do this! You are the only one—"

Gu Cheng has already sealed her mouth.

…although it does.

Gu Cheng's slender fingers rested on the back of her head, afraid that she would move around and hit the head of the bed.

Then the lips are pressed tightly, and when you probe in, the jaws are opened.

Gradually, she was also pressed into his arms.

Ning Yi gradually felt dizzy.

Gu Cheng held her arm harder and harder, and his skin was heating up.

While dizzy and heartbeating, a question from that hot netizen suddenly popped up in Ning Yi's head—

right? This is not right!

Man wants to fight!

But before she could fight anything, the positions of the two of them suddenly changed.

Randomly swapped out.

It's not new either - but this time it seems to be different.

Ning Yi held her head, why did she have a headache this time?

Gu Cheng took a breath and stopped. He reached out to hold her and rubbed her temple, "Does it hurt?"

Ning Yi: "It's okay."

Gu Cheng tried several times, but his body couldn't change. The same goes for Ning Yi.

The randomness of the swap is becoming more and more unstable. It seems that since Gu Cheng also obtained the authority, it seems that the mechanism of the swap itself has become uncontrollable.

This made Gu Cheng feel a little unspeakable worry.

This is due to the subconscious concerns of a person with high security requirements. If the body swap continues, it seems impossible to predict what will happen.

But Gu Cheng looked at Ning Yi - she could think about it and lay down.

Gu Cheng thought again, it seemed that everything started with the body swap.

From a certain day he heard the voice, and then, the three years of darkness will be cleared. So, what other light does he need—

Ning Yi suddenly smiled charmingly: "Hey."

Gu Cheng lowered his eyes: "Huh?"

In Gu Cheng's body, Ning Yi lay flat with big characters, showing the center of the body evilly.

Gu Cheng: "?"

"Are you shy, husband?" Ning Yi said affectionately and confidently, "It's okay, it's human nature to have desires for me."

Gu Cheng: "?"

Gu Cheng: "Stop reading some messy quotations."

Ning Yi said dotingly: "Then what do you want to say, husband."

Gu Cheng was silent for three seconds.

He took out a small box from his pocket. On his birthday, he also prepared a gift for Ning Yi.

He thought for a while, "You close your eyes."

It doesn't matter how the swap mechanism changes, it doesn't matter whose body they are in, where they are—as long as they close their eyes, they can hear each other's voice.

Ning Yi closed it obediently.

Then I heard Gu Cheng's voice in a low and gentle voice.

A little helpless, a little resigned to fate, a little doting.

"I want to say—"

"I like you very much, Ayi."